Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 359: Exclusive possession

Bentley car did not hurry forward, and Ning Xiaofei held the palm of Mu Tianye nervously in the back seat. He seemed to have a full stomach and wanted to talk to him, but he did not know where to start.

For a long while, I still want to determine his condition.

"Your spine is really okay?"

Just as she saw it, Mu Tianye’s movements were not as natural as usual, but there was not much difference in getting on and off the car. There was no such thing as Mu’s so-called “wheelchair for the rest of his life”. Ning Xiaofei had already guessed that Mu mother deliberately tried to trick her away, but she was not sure if she was not sure.

The man shook his head and caught the expression of joy on her face. He backed her little palm in the palm of his hand.

"What did the woman say?"

Knowing that he pointed to Mu mother, Ning Xiaofei shook his head gently. "Don't say this, let's go back to the hospital first."

If he knew that Ms. Mu said at the time, she was afraid to be angry again. She didn't want him to drag the injured body to find Mu's mother to settle accounts. Now she only hopes that he will return to the hospital for recuperation.

Reading her careful thoughts, Mu Tianye did not ask again, just stretched her arms to hold her slightly pale face.

"In the future, don't worry what others say. As long as you don't say it from my mouth, as long as you don't see what I am doing... never believe it!"

Ning Xiaofei Zheng focused on the head, then he gently curled his lips.

"Nobody wants to drive me away from you!"

The man is satisfied with raising his lips, raising his hand to hold her small head and pressing it to his chest.

The buccal smear was rubbed slightly on the cheek, and the smell of the disinfectant was slightly pungent...

Men's temperature and heartbeat are still reassuring.

Lifting his little hand, Ning Xiaofei gently puts on his chest and enjoys hanging the eyelashes.

On the land, she only wants to take his arms to this place, exclusive possession.

The car slowly moved forward, and no one said anything more than a man or a woman, just quietly snuggling in one place.

In the front seat, the driver drove carefully.

In the passenger seat, Zhou Tao turned his head and turned the file.

Both men, unknowingly, calmed their breathing and lowered their sense of existence, fearing to disturb the two people in the back seat.

After the car rushed to the hospital, the medical staff who had already approached the notice immediately pushed the bed out. Mu Tianye also proudly frowned and insisted on walking. He was stunned by Ning Xiaofei, frowning and complaining. Two sentences, in the end, still lying on the bed and being pushed into the ward.

The next step is a variety of checks until the doctor says "all is okay", and a few people are considered to be a big stone.

When the nurse re-attached the needle for Mu Tianye, Liu Wei also rushed to the hospital.

In addition to serving breakfast for two people, Mu Tianye’s mobile phone was also sent.

Zhou Tao just helped him to turn on the phone, and a phone call came in. Mu Tianye gave Ning Xiaofei after listening to two sentences.

Ning Xiaofei took the receiver to the ear in confusion and immediately heard the sound of the ink on the other side.

"How come you didn't come to class today?"

"I'm sorry, season guide, I am in the hospital now, I forgot to take time off with you!"

Ji Mo’s tone immediately eagerly cuts out, “Is sick, not serious?”

"Don't worry, I just made a small accident. Can I take two days off?"

Mu Tianye was hurt like this, she naturally did not trust him alone.



good night

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