Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 421: Leprechaun, you are great.

"Oh, my God!" When Ruo Ruoxi continued to read the rankings of other students, Shang Ya suddenly exclaimed. "It’s incredible. Please look at the big screen. When we sum up the scores, the rankings have changed. ""

The mirror gives a close-up to the big screen, and everyone's eyes are concentrated.

On the big screen, the total score behind Ning Xiaofei, who is still in the sixth place, has grown rapidly in the recent time, rising from the sixth place to the fifth place.

Especially worth mentioning is that at the moment, her votes are still growing rapidly.





Then, jump directly to 20,000 votes, and instantly squeeze the fourth player of the 19999 vote.

The number of votes has not stopped, and she is simply flying faster than other votes.

At the jury's table, the four tutors all smiled.

On the VIP table, Gu Yu is also slightly raised lips.

Sure enough, her eyes are not wrong, this Ning Xiaofei will soon become the company's cash cow, and ... Gu Yu side, looking at the younger brother Xicheng on the jury.

Say what "does not belong to him", but give so many points, give Ning Xiaofei such a high rating, after all, is it still not let go? !

"Sure enough, it should be the sentence. In the end, everything is possible! You and the audience on the field and off-court, please remember these 50 players now, remember their numbers, pick up yours. Mobile phone, vote for the players you support! The second half of the live host, start right away!"

The three men left the game and the part of the second half of the competition was officially kicked off.

At the end of the first half of the game, the results are counted out, naturally it is a few happy couples.

The excitement in front is excited, the depression in the back is lost, and the face in the middle is confused...

"Xiao Fei!"

When Ning Xiaofei returned to the background, Ye Qiao greeted her excitedly and hugged her shoulder.

"Little fairy, you are great!"

Ye Qiao's voice is full of excitement, and he can be in the top five in the first round, which is a good sign for both of them.

With so many days of hard work, I can finally see a glimmer of victory. I have always been a big fan of Ye Qiao.

Originally because Ning Xiaofei was somewhat backward, Ye Qiao still had some worries. Seeing her passing through the first four games, Ye Qiao was more happy than he was offended.

"You too!" Ning Xiaofei hugged her back. "The second half, come on!"

Straight up, Ye Qiao raised his hand and tapped her palm.

"We must go to the final together!"

Ning Xiaofei held her palm and nodded in color.


"Go, change clothes and make up!"

Two good friends hand in hand back to the lounge, changing clothes and preparing for the next second round.

After the first round of talent show, the second round of the host contest was on the stage, and every student tried their best to show themselves in order to win a higher number of votes in the second round.

On the big screen next to it, it is also the real-time display of all the votes of all the players.

As the number of votes changes, the rankings of the players are constantly changing.

After easily surpassing the fourth place, Ning Xiaofei’s vote growth did not stop. After a astounding peak period, her vote growth slowly declined.

Of course, it has not stopped, and it is still maintaining a steady growth trend.

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