Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 920: Father vs Mother (4)

Ning Xiaofei was full of doubts, and quickly walked to the reception room to push the door open, and saw the elegant woman sitting on the sofa, could not help.

On the sofa in the lounge, Mu Mama Chu Xinning is holding a cup and drinking tea elegantly.

"You..." Ning Xiaofei came back and walked into the lounge. "Are you looking for me?"

Her attitude is not close, but there is no alienation from the past, just a polite manner.

"Well." Chu Xinning put down the tea in his hand and stood up from the sofa. "I want to talk to you alone."

The woman in front of me was not as aggressive as she used to be. The eyes that looked at her were obviously exhausted. Ning Xiaofei didn't know if it was her own illusion, as if there was a bit of pleading in the eyes that I saw.

If it was before, Ning Xiaofei might refuse to accept it coldly, but after these ups and downs, her mind has gradually matured, and the views on many things have been different.

The other person personally came to the door, still so polite to want to talk to her alone, there must be something important.

So, Ning Xiaofei politely invited, "You come to my office!"

Su Ying opened the door, Ning Xiaofei made a gesture of asking, brought Mu mother into her office, politely invited her to sit, and let Su Ying pour two cups of new tea.

Put down the teacup, Su Ying retired to the door and closed the office door.

Mu mother took the cup, rubbed it for a while, gently placed the cup on the table, then took the hand bag, took a rectangular envelope from the inside, gently placed it on the table and pushed it to Ning Xiaofei.

"I am here, I want you to do me a favor."

Ning Xiaofei coveted a look at the envelope pushed by the other side, and raised the eyebrows with doubt.

A few seconds to Chu Xinning's gaze, she stretched her fingers, pinched the envelope on the table, carefully opened it, and pulled out the contents.

A thin piece of rectangular paper, Ning Xiaofei recognized it as a check at a glance, noticed the number above, Ning Xiaofei only browed.

250 million yuan? !

"You... are you?"

"You can help me find a way, give him the money, but don't tell him that I gave it to him..." Chu Xinning licked his lips and took a deep breath. "If you know my money, he will definitely not use it." , so... you can say that you are trying to borrow... or for any other reason."

Ning Xiaofei slowly put the check back into the envelope and put it back on the table. "Since you know his temper, you know that I can't accept the money."

"You!" Chu Xinning stood up and frowned. "How do you feel as stubborn as him? Now, when are you, do you really have to bear to watch his career collapse?"

"Of course I don't want to." Ning Xiaofei picked up the envelope and handed it to her. "But I don't have this right, and I don't want to lie to him."

"You..." Chu Xinning took a deep breath and softened his tone. "You don't misunderstand, I don't mean anything, just want to help him. And the money, and Zhao...have nothing to do with Qin Zhaoyang. Every penny above is earned by myself and myself!"

It seems that she is afraid that she does not believe, she reached out and pulled out a document from the handbag. "If you don't believe it, I can look at my mortgage contract. This is the agreement I just signed with the bank."

Ning Xiaofei’s arm sinks, and a thin piece of paper between the fingers is instantly worth a thousand.



These days I was so busy that I realized that it was a new month. Thank you for your monthly ticket and various support, what? ~

good night.

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