Why does Gangji keep the Penglae ​​ring at home?

Because that day.

After hearing that Rocky cared about what Daley did, Gangji was shocked, and at the same time was thinking about inheriting Peng Lie.

If you don't inherit Peng Lie, then the life of the current friends may disappear.

But Tsunayoshi himself doesn't want to inherit any Mafia family.

That night, Gangji looked at Peng Lie's ring and thought for a long time.

At night, when he went to bed, Gangji put the ring away.

Then, early the next morning, Tsunayoshi forgot about it.

And Li Baoen was busy choosing a guardian candidate for Gangji.

The Liu Dao Zong, who was caught in the Avengers Prison, still needs to be cleared.

At the same time Hibaraki Kyouya's problem needs to be dealt with.

Sasakawa Ryohei also needs to find a good tutor for him.

It is impossible for Ribone to be too busy to teach every guardian by himself.

So these things also made Ribone not think about the Vengali ring.

Think home light will be arranged.

And Sawada Iemitsu!

It also happened to think that Reborn would arrange it.


"Then Shidai, can you give us that ring?"

Prison Temple is eager to try using the ring to cast fire.

However, Gangji has not really thought about the matter of giving out the Vengali ring.

Once he really decides to issue the Peng Lie ring to his guardian.

Then it means that he really wants to inherit Peng Lie.

Although Tsunayoshi is already in special training now, but Tsunayoshi's heart has not completely made up his mind about this matter.

Li Baoen seemed to see the doubts in Gangji's heart.

"Do you still have a way out now! A Gang!"

This question left Gangji not knowing how to answer.


Is there any way out now?

Rocky has been expelled from Pengele, and he is the only heir.

If you don't inherit Peng Lie!

Maybe tonight he might just rest at home as usual!

This life is full of danger every day.

It's annoying, but it's the best thing about Tsunayoshi right now.

Would you like to lose it!

Li Baoen's words made Gangji completely open his heart, and the last trace of hesitation disappeared.

"I see, Ribone."

"Yeah!" It's the best thing that Gangji can understand.

It's much better to be able to make up your mind to do something than to hesitate for a while!

"If you really want to try it! I have a spare ring."

Saying that, Rocky threw a black skull ring to the prison temple.

"By the way! This ring itself is yours. I said that after completing the training for you, I will build your own weapon for you."

Rocky glanced at the ring in Prison Temple's hand. "This ring is part of the weapon I'm going to make for you."

"Really? My exclusive weapon???"

Rocky's words just made the prison temple go crazy.

"Try it on!" Yamamoto Takeshi smiled, although there was some envy in his eyes, but he was now relieved.

He also completed Rocky's practice, and he also learned the six styles that Rocky gave him.

Then, naturally, he also has his own exclusive weapon, Yamamoto Takeshi.

All four smiled.

As everyone knows, Rocky's rewards are only required by system tasks.

The system quest asked Rocky to build the Pengle Box, and Rocky just borrowed it to encourage these guys.

There are rewards for completing training, Rocky doesn't have that spare time, unless it's a system task.

The prison temple wearing the black ring looked at Rocky "What should I do?"

"In words that you can understand, it is to show your awareness and use your awareness to light the flame."


Leoping was stunned for a moment, who could understand such a casual explanation!

What ignites the flame with awareness?

Tsunayoshi on the side is also at a loss, Rocky's explanation is too deep!

Just a few words, how to learn to light the flame of the ring?



Blue flames burned from the ring on the prison temple's hand.

Prison Temple was stunned for a moment, "I succeeded?"

"Hmm!" Rocky nodded.

Others were also a little surprised, the prison temple actually succeeded?

What kind of joke can you learn with just one sentence?

"No, Rocky, didn't you say that the flame attribute of Prison Temple is Lan, should it be red?"

Takeshi Yamamoto said.

Others have also reacted suddenly, yes, why is the flame of the prison temple blue, isn't blue the flame of the rain attribute?

"That's right! It's true if it's blue."

Rocky smiled lightly.

Everyone looked puzzled, what is blue is right.

Rain attribute flames should not belong to the prison temple!

The prison temple didn't understand either, but he said somewhat uncertainly, "It doesn't matter! In short, I can ignite the flame of death."

"Prison Temple, this is a very important matter. The attribute of the flame determines whether you can become the guardian. If you are the flame of death with the rain attribute, then you cannot become the guardian of the rain of Peng Lie. ."

Ribone finished word by word.

The entire prison temple froze suddenly.

He can't become the guardian of the rain, his flame is of the rain attribute, so wouldn't he want to win the position of the guardian of the rain with the baseball bastard?

"Don't worry! His Death Qi flame is indeed Lan's attribute."

Rocky opened his mouth to explain.

"I used my power for this ring. Only when the flame is the holder of the Arashi attribute flame, can it be transformed into a blue flame when the flame of the ring is ignited."

"On the other hand, if it is someone with an unexpected Lan attribute, they will not be able to ignite the flame of the ring."

Rocky finished.

Everyone's eyes began to glow.

I didn't expect Rocky to be able to make such a weapon.

So wouldn't each of them be able to hold the seven flames?

Looking at Sasakawa, Heihe, Yamamoto Takeshi, and Tsunayoshi showed eager eyes.

"Don't think too much, only the prison temple has weapons that can ignite other attributes of flames."

As for why, Rocky didn't want to go any further.

The prison temple standing in front of Rocky heard that only one person can ignite the flames of other attributes.

The whole person is completely happy to explode.

Unique treatment, worthy of being an exclusive weapon.

Prison Temple can't wait to see his exclusive weapon immediately.

But he might have to wait a long time.

System quests allow Rocky to build a stronger Pengle Box.

So Rocky in order to increase the power of the original Peng Li box weapons.

Still trying to figure out a way.

At least it won't be possible until the ring fight is over.

At a time when everyone was extremely excited.

In the distance, Jingzi and the others suddenly heard screams!!!

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