Rocky's left hand was blazing with icy coldness, but his right hand was burning with raging flames.

The white cloak fluttered wildly.

Cold! Hot!

Two different feelings alternated.

The surrounding temperature is completely in two extreme states.

Rocky narrowed his eyes and smiled as he looked at the three generations of Zoldyck in front of him.

His fair face was flushed red and cold.

The power of frozen fruit is really good.

Even Rocky prefers frost to fire.

There is no difference between the two powers, they are both natural devil fruits, how much power they can exert depends entirely on how strong Rocky's thoughts are.

And after eating the frozen fruit.

Rocky found that the thought required for elementalization has also been cut in half.

In Rocky's current thinking.

The thought energy consumed by elementalization is no longer a concern.

in other words.

With the power of elementalization, Rocky is no longer in danger in this world.

Unless you happen to encounter a Nen with a rule-type ability.

For normal Nen attacks, Rocky can avoid dodging without dodging.

"Just use you to try out their new abilities."

Rocky smiled.

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly.

Accompanied by the sound of snapping fingers.

Two white chanting lights flew out of Rocky's body.

The three of them stared at the two groups of white reading lights for the first time.

"Do you read beasts?"

Of course, Silva and the others are very clear about the way the Nian Beast appears.

The former ghost! The latter ghost!


At the moment when they appeared, a strong tide of thoughts surged up.

Silva stared at the two mind beasts that suddenly appeared.

Feel the qi bursting out from the two mind beasts.

His eyes trembled slightly.

'It's just that Nian Beast actually has such a powerful wave of Nian Qi, how much Nian has been injected into the two Nian Beasts by Rocky and the little devil!'

Just when Silva was horrified.

Rocky laughed.

"Three on three, this is fair."

Hearing this, Zeno's face twitched slightly.


The numbers are indeed fair, but it's not actually Rocky's strength against three at the same time.

The two mind beasts were just condensed with Rocky's own energy.

Cultivating the ability of mind beasts requires a good choice.

Nen beasts can generally play an auxiliary role in combat and enhance the combat ability of the Nen.

But correspondingly, chanting beasts is like weakening the energy that a Nen can control.

Comparing the qi in a human body to what is contained in a wooden barrel.. then thinking of a beast is not just as simple as consuming qi.

It is equivalent to shrinking the barrel.

Rather than simply consuming the water in the barrel.

Therefore, how to choose between the pros and cons of developing mind beasts is something that those who cultivate such abilities need to pay attention to.

But that's just a trade-off for ordinary people.

Zeno watched Rocky's air linger around him, still strong enough to put a lot of pressure on him.

The appearance of Nian Beast doesn't seem to have much impact on Rocky.

Didn't distract Rocky much.

However, the fluctuations of the thoughts emitted by the beasts are quite strong.

'How is this going?'

Zeno has doubts in his heart, but he can't understand it, given his rich combat experience.

There will come a day when you can't even see through the abilities of a mind beast.

It's not that he's old, it's that Rocky is too evil and too perverted.

"Just use you to test the new ability of the beast."

Rocky grinned, "Be careful not to die too easily!"

The voice fell.

The figure of the former ghost suddenly appeared.

The movement of the mere beast actually dragged a long phantom behind him.

Silva's eyebrows twitched, "Is this a beast?

Although I doubt that this is a human with the appearance of a beast.

But Silva didn't have time to think about it.

The attack of the former ghost has come.

He needs to block the attack of the former ghost.

The thoughts gathered together, and a dazzling white light burst out in an instant.

Silva's hands suddenly bombarded the former ghost's body.


Suddenly, a golden iron symphony sounded.

The oscillating sound made Ilmi, who was closer to Silva, covered her ears.

The gust of wind blowing in his face made him a little unable to open his eyes.

Zeno on the side stood firmly on the spot.

He stared at the beast that could wrestle with Silva with wide eyes.

' Silva's power can't even knock out a thought beast.'

'how can that be?'

Though you can imagine that Rocky's nostalgia won't be easy.

But it definitely shouldn't be the case.

The long axe in the hands of the former ghost was blocked.

However, the former ghost suddenly opened his mouth.

Silva is wondering what the beast is doing? Biting himself?


A huge cannon barrel appeared in front of Silva.

Thick black smoke rose from Silva's chest.

"Head... turned into a weapon attack?"

Zeno froze for a moment, then frowned.

'Not very powerful! Just the power of a normal weapon.'

"Are you okay Silva!" Zeno asked.

Silva waved his hand to disperse the black smoke. "No problem, it's just a normal artillery shell attack, it's not powerful."

bang bang~~~ bang bang~~

The former ghost stood on the spot, and a series of vibrations suddenly sounded behind him.


A blue figure suddenly jumped out.

Everyone looked up at the figure that sprang from behind the ghost.

When he saw the appearance of the other party, he was stunned for a moment.

The rear ghost's arms turned into two huge hammers, slamming directly at Silva.

The speed is so fast that one can faintly hear the strong wind blowing on the sledgehammer.

Silva jumped away quickly.


Moments later, the ghost's attack fell, and the ground shook.

A thick cloud of dust rose up.

Ilmi opened his mouth slightly, and his calm face finally changed.

'What a powerful attack, such an attack seems to be more terrifying than my full attack!'

Look at the cracks on the ground.

Ilmi couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

'Is this really just a beast?'

'Why does even the beast have a special Nen?'

Watching the rear ghost's hands gradually change from the weapon form back to their original shape.

Not only Il fans were surprised, even Zeno and Silva had never seen Nen and such a strange Nen.

Rocky is very satisfied with the power shown by the front ghost and the back ghost.

The two Devil Fruits didn't seem to be wasted._

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