Players are crazy about the Six Forms.

It's something to be expected.

When the players are spreading the news about the six-style crazy.

Rocky has come to the game location where the beasts gather.

The knock beast looks like a pangolin.

But because they live in mines.

So their forelimbs are extraordinarily powerful.

And because of years of digging holes in mines.

The forelimbs are gradually encased in minerals.

It has a shape similar to a sledgehammer, so it is called a beast.

The difficulty of getting started is not too high. Players only need to avoid being hit by the front, and take advantage of the speed to attack the vulnerable jaw of the beast, as long as the attack power reaches a certain level.

It can be carded.

Come to this mine.

Rocky slowly descended from the sky.

Looking at the mine halfway up the mountain.

Guys who wrestle with a bunch of beaters.

He doesn't seem to want to turn the beast into a card.

Instead, he chose to use his mind to resist the beast's attack.

Maintaining a strong form, facing the bombardment of the beast, as long as the energy reaches a certain intensity, it will not be injured.

After all, these game monsters are essentially just mind beasts.

Attack power is not strong.

This guy who maintains a strong form and resists the attack of the beast.

It seems to be using the power of the beast to temper its own strength.

Treating himself as an iron block, and letting the beast polish it makes his mind shape more and more perfect.

The night was getting stronger.

Rocky was a little surprised.

When the beast was originally designed, Shi Jin had a whim, and Rocky also said that it was impossible for anyone to enhance his mind in this way.

But in a blink of an eye, I didn't expect such a crazy person to appear.

The other party is practicing.

But he seems to have bodyguards around him!

Rocky's face returned to calm, "It seems that the princes have their own private soldiers."

Rocky smiled.




The beating sound from below kept ringing.

The sledgehammer that struck the beast slammed into this man, making a metal-like sound.

This means that the idea of ​​anti-play has been strengthened to a very good level.

Suddenly the pair stopped, called out the card book and took out a card.

It was the breath of the archangel, this guy used the healing card on himself without hesitation.

Then continue to practice.

Seeing such a scene, Rocky laughed, "It's pretty smart, and the real use of this card is so fast."

The archangel's breath appears to be primarily used to heal wounds.

But in fact, if you have wounds healed by the breath of the archangel, its power will dissipate your physical fatigue and restore your spiritual power to a certain extent.

It is the correct way to use it when it is used for practice.

Watched for dozens of minutes.

Rocky probably understands too.

The prince in front of him is a cultivator.

"Prince, are you working so hard?"

Rocky stood on the top of the mountain, and suddenly spoke to the bottom.

The prince who was cultivating suddenly stopped.

The beasts around him rushed up, and he raised his eyes and punched several times in an instant.

Before the gas explosion could sound, these beasts instantly transformed into cards.

The private soldiers guarding all around also jumped in front of the prince.

Look up towards the top of the mountain.

"When did it appear?"

"I didn't notice it at all^"

The private soldiers were very afraid of Rocky who appeared on the top of the mountain without knowing it.

And the prince slowly turned his head to look at Rocky.

The frowning face looked a little ugly.

"You are the great prince of the Cajun Empire, Benjamin?"

"Rocky, President Hunter, didn't expect us to meet so soon?"

When most people see Rocky, they either revere or fear him.

But Benjamin didn't appear in either of the two emotions, and he remained calm.

Although his face was calm, in fact his heart was also extremely shocked.

How could Rocky come to the door so quickly?

It never occurred to him that Rocky would find him so quickly.

How long has it been since Rocky found out that the bombing was his own?

"Looks like you're looking forward to meeting me?"

Rocky isn't sure it was Benjamin's bombing, because now an even stranger sense of crisis hangs over Rocky.

It seemed that he had a magical feeling that he couldn't tell whether the explosion was from Benjamin's hands, and he couldn't even feel whether the mission target was Benjamin.

Or maybe it's when a terrifying danger comes.

Small dangers are not enough to cause Rocky's induction.

In Rocky's view, it should be the latter case.

It seems that the magical sixth sense is not a panacea.

When faced with a more terrifying crisis, it seems that there will be no special induction for other things.

Benjamin is not the mastermind behind the bombing.

It's about whether he's Rocky's mission target.

Rocky watched Benjamin carefully.

Found out that this guy also had that weird feeling similar to Camilla's.

He also has two different ideas.

The same as Camilla, and the same as Luzluth.

'How come the princes of the Kajin Empire seem to have two different thoughts at the same time?

Even if Rocky didn't know about the so-called egg-in-a-pot ceremony, he immediately felt something was wrong.

One prince was like this, two were like that, and three were like that.

That's definitely not a coincidence.

There is still some unknown power in the Kajin Empire.

It was probably some strange force that gave the princes of the Kajin Empire an air that was not their own at the same time.

Possesses two atmospheres.

"The famous President Hunter, the strongest Nen in the world, it doesn't seem strange that I want to see you!"

Benjamin responded lightly to Rocky.

But his tone of voice changed.

Rocky felt like the guy was testing himself.

The attitude is not as strong as it was at the beginning.

Benjamin looked at Rocky, recalling the intelligence Pariston analyzed.

'As game makers, in theory, they should not be able to take action against players, so when facing them, you don't need to worry too much, as long as it's not in the game events they lead, even if you meet them, it should be safe. .'

Pariston's words came to Benjamin's mind.

Let Benjamin slowly regain some sense of security.

Rocky looked at Benjamin "You did that explosion!"

Since he felt unreliable, Rocky judged by himself that when a person is lying, there is a high probability of slight changes in facial expressions, eyes, and posture.

Even a change that is hard to see by ordinary people, in front of Rocky's perverted insight, there is absolutely nothing to hide.

Rocky stared hard at Benjamin to see if he would react like a liar._

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