Both of them shot at the same time!

high speed.

The power is also absolutely powerful.

Rocky wanted to turn around and resist.

"Hey hey hey! Don't ignore the front just because of the back! Rocky boy!"

Brau, the guardian of the clear, suddenly raised his hand and punched Rocky.

Haru's yellow activating property's deadly flames exploded instantly.

The power of activation not only makes the body have a super recovery ability, but also speeds up the speed of Brau.

Such a close attack.

And hit the dead end of Rocky's defense.

Three attacks from different directions, all three are top guardians.

The guardian of the cloud, Visconti, and the guardian of the mist, Kroken, both stood silently in place.

They don't seem to be planning to take the opportunity.

On the other side, Keyodai was very anxious, "You...all stop..."


Three different voices sounded.

The long sword of the guardian of the rain, Shunity, slashed at Rocky's head, but it made a symphonic collision of gold and iron, and even spurted out sparks.

The other left hand blocked the attack of the guardian of thunder, Ganash, and the fist of the other right hand collided with the fist of the guardian of sunshine, Brau.

For a moment, Rocky blocked the three attacks at the same time.

The flames of death swept through Rocky's body quickly.

Almost at the same time, the flames of flaming dead air appeared in three places.

The three guardians of Pengelie's ninth generation attacked at the same time, but he was actually blocked by a fourteen-year-old boy.

This is really unexpected.

Rocky's clean movements and the willpower to execute decisively after making a judgment in an instant.

And the perfect control of the flames of death.

The three Rocky have a deviation in any link, and I am afraid this will not be the case now.

"Nice attack! Boy, I'm more and more interested in you now."

Visconti smiled, and the flame of the weapon in his hand burned even more intensely.

He stepped out abruptly and charged directly towards Rocky, who was at a stalemate with the strength of the three.

The speed is very fast, only one second felt that Visconti was moving, and the next second he was already less than ten meters away from him.

Rocky felt the pressure like never before.

The three teamed up to suppress him with flames.

Rocky's death flames resist all three at the same time.

It has already exploded in full force.

Don't underestimate the guardian of the nine generations!

Although they don't have box weapons, in terms of real combat effectiveness, they probably won't be the opponents of the ten generations of Pengele and others in the future chapter.

But in terms of the intensity of the flames, the 9th generation of Pengele was the one who completely exploded the 10th generation of Pengele.

There is no weapon with strong attack power, and it simply relies on flames to increase attack power. This is the source of the power of the guardians of this era.

At this moment, Rocky not only did not show a worried look, but smiled under the huge pressure.

'Do you want to use another power!'

The idea was wiped out by Rocky the moment it appeared.

Now is not the time.

It should be said that the six people in front of me have not really used the ultimate move, so I have used other abilities first!

But Visconti was getting closer and closer, and the wave of the flame of this guy's death energy even seemed to be stronger than the three who were attacking him.

The body is completely suppressed, unable to make any movement.

It was too late to blast away the three of them with a powerful flame of death.

Rocky's feet were already under the pressure of the three of them, and the ground slumped deeply.

In a flash of lightning, Visconti was already in front of Rocky.

"It seems that you can't deal with the fourth person's attack! Why do you still dare to challenge the six of us with mad words at this level!"

While speaking, Visconti's movements are not slow at all!

The cloud-shaped flames of death are extremely turbulent.

Like boiling water, it surged frantically on the dark baton.

Hit Rocky hard on the forehead.

this moment.

Rocky had a flash of light and thought of a trick.

He opened his mouth and took a sharp breath.

Seeing Rocky make this move, Visconti, who was attacking, was stunned for a moment: "What are you going to do! Are you going to blow me away?"

Visconti was thinking so.

A terrifying flame burst out of Rocky's mouth.

The flames of the sky combined with the ability to burn the fruit burst out!

"Dakong~hao fireball..."


The fireball that spread instantly hit Visconti's face almost instantly.

At this distance, he had no time to avoid the instantly expanding fireball.


The howling of flames knocked Visconti back instantly.

And Rocky's move made the three of them stunned for a while, and taking this opportunity, Rocky suddenly erupted with a stronger flame of death, shaking the three of them back at the same time.

Rocky, who got out, charged towards the rain guardian, Shunity.

The sky flame with the blending feature, and the flame flame with the disintegrating feature.

The fusion of the two instantly burst into an amazing momentum.

The surging airflow burst out!

Rocky raises his hand and punches!

In a flash of lightning, the attack is launched!

"fire punch......"

The surging flame rushed towards Xiuniti with an extremely terrifying aura of destruction.

Shuniti, who was blown away, raised her hand and tried to block it with her blade.

However, he suddenly found that, compared with the flame of death that Rocky cast, the flame burning on the blade in his hand was not enough to block Rocky at all.

Could it be that he was injured by a younger kid like this!

"Lan Impact~~~"


Another red light swept straight from the side, blocking Rocky's flames.

Although it was only blocked for a few seconds, it was enough time for Shuniti to stabilize her body and avoid subsequent attacks.

Rocky turned his head.

Gold left hand Koyodai!!!

The opponent's face was pale.

Whether it was Rocky or the other guardians, they all made Koyodai very dissatisfied.

They are all from Peng Lie, is this going to start a civil war!

However, he hadn't figured out how to persuade these people.

Rocky strikes again.

Attacking the Thunder Guardian, the Sun Guardian interrupts his attack while Visconti emerges from the flames.

Although there are some burn marks on the body, it is generally not on the hands.

As soon as Visconti appeared, he had a head-on collision with Rocky.

Rocky was forced back.

The Guardian of Rain charged up, and a sword slashed across the blind spot of Rocky's line of sight.

Fierce fighting broke out almost instantly!

Rocky faced the attack of four people at the same time, and he actually fought back and forth.

Although Rocky's posture when dodging was a little embarrassing, but being able to hold four people's attacks alone, Rocky's strength is really shocking.

And at this time, Coyodai actually joined.

Of course, he didn't intend to attack Rocky, but to stop everyone.


break out!!!!

Even Kroken, the guardian of the mist, joined the melee when he saw that the guardian of the sun was about to be hit by Rocky.

Seven people in a group.

Did not know!

At this time, outside the villa, the mafia who escaped were frantically contacting their families, and even the families behind the mafia who died in the manor.

After these people escaped, they didn't run away immediately. Instead, they watched the battle from a distance.


Rocky's arrogant scenes with one enemy and six were filmed and passed on to the hands of various mafia families!!!

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