Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1487: Microsoft admits (subscription)

Microsoft wants to push the tab project again. Many people feel that it is somewhat inexplicable, but Feng Yu understands the real intention of Microsoft.

Tab is Microsoft's tablet, it can also be regarded as the prototype of the tablet, still using the xp system, a simple version of the xp system.

The Microsoft vista system, with tab configuration, does not move at all, so if Microsoft wants to continue to promote tabs, it must re-announce xp system update maintenance, and restart sales of xp system!

When Microsoft pushed the tab, it cost a lot of money, but the result was lost. This Microsoft believes that its advanced products, not many people like it, sales are much worse than Microsoft's expectations.

Later, Microsoft was no longer crazy, and did not continue to upgrade the product. After all, this product was itself boycotted by hardware manufacturers and PC manufacturers.

You Microsoft can't occupy the software market such as operating system, now come to grab our market?

The performance configuration of that tab is similar to the netbook at this time, perhaps a little worse on the cpu. The result price is similar to ibm's high-end business book. How many people can buy it?

Of course, this product is also a test of Microsoft. Exploring the attitudes of hardware vendors and PC vendors to see if they really will unite to boycott Microsoft.

The results are obvious. Microsoft's accessories are the most expensive. Although many of them are developed by themselves, the cost is high. After the profit, it is of course more expensive. There are not many people who buy it.

At that time, the technology of touch screen was still unsettled, and even the scratching problem of the screen has not been solved. The product design concept is very advanced, Feng Yu actually likes it, but limited to the technical and other reasons, the actual **** of the product is very good.

The original xp, in fact, is for this research and development, upgraded on win2000, otherwise win2000 has not been launched for a long time, how to launch the xp system?

Later, I found that xp is much better than win2000, and the user feedback is also very good. This will stop the sale of win2000 and push the xp system.

The xp system did not disappoint Microsoft. In a few years, it brought back several times of profits for Microsoft!

So Microsoft failed on the tab, but the whole project, because of the existence of the xp system, Microsoft actually earned, but the tab product failed.

Even so, Microsoft has to re-launch the tab project, and it has to be renewed, and many people are surprised, especially those PC manufacturers.

What is Microsoft doing? The competition with Yinshan is not over yet, and it is already at a disadvantage. Now it is coming to touch the bottom line of our PC manufacturers.

Do you really think that Microsoft, you are still the original Microsoft? Our pc manufacturers can no longer rely on you Microsoft, if you do not have a contract, you can even open your Microsoft directly!

Xos is now more popular on the market, oh, the vista you developed, and the bad reviews. How long has it been released, and even the compatibility of application software has not been solved.

Of course, there is another reason for them to support Microsoft. They are worried that even if they want to grow into another Microsoft, they will kill a wolf and train another wolf.

Therefore, the most in line with the interests of PC manufacturers, Microsoft and even want to Yinshan mutual restraint, they can even pull in the fruit company, to a three-nation war.

By the time the price of the software will definitely drop, then the price of the whole machine will drop, and their profits will exceed those of selling software!

Now Microsoft has to re-launch the tab project. Is this going to test their attitude, or is it going to tear the skin and start to eat into their market?

Where can Microsoft's confidence come to break their union? Unless Microsoft does not intend to sell tab tablets!

These pc manufacturers also understand what Microsoft is going to do.

Microsoft simply does not want to really sell PC products, and they grab the market, but Microsoft intends to find a reason to continue to update and sell xp system!

In this way, Microsoft has two systems to sell, and can also reduce the price of xp system, grab the market of xos.

Microsoft can't always say that because our vista is on the streets, xp will not stop updating, continue to sell?

Even if vista is on the streets, Microsoft will not stop selling, and will definitely continue to sell. That is, the two systems will be sold at the same time, and it is sure to develop a new seventh-generation Windows operating system to surpass xos and regain the market. Become the overlord of the operating system again!

To put it bluntly, this tab is a fig leaf that Microsoft is looking for!

I figured out these, those pc manufacturers no longer say anything, anyway, they do not think that this product can be successful. Touch-screen laptops, larger PC manufacturers have, Microsoft's creativity, is not new.

And Microsoft's tab price, certainly very poor, will not sell many units, and their market, does not have much impact.

Even they all think that Microsoft's new tab is probably worse than the previous one, because there is a netbook now, and the performance of the product of more than four hundred dollars is not much different from the performance of the tab two thousand dollars, but the price is worse. Several times, the consumer brain is going to buy your Microsoft tab?

Unless Microsoft can make innovations, and this innovation is not the kind of innovation that consumers feel is good, but consumers feel that they have no use, and they must be truly innovative.

Sure enough, three days later, Microsoft announced that due to the re-launch of the tab project, the xp system will be re-marketed, the price will be the price after the previous price cut, and promised to at least guarantee that it will continue to be updated for more than eight years.

At the same time, the vista system will also launch the enterprise version and the flagship version. The flagship version is a simplified version, the price is lower, the system takes up less space, and the hardware requirements for the pc are not so high.

Liu Chuanzhi called Feng Yu for the first time and asked Feng Yu about this matter.

Feng Yu asked, what do you think?

The target set at the beginning has already been overfulfilled. Originally, I thought that Yinshan wanted to occupy 20% of the market share in the new system sales.

As a result, the sales of xos are almost the same as those of vista, and they have achieved five or five.

Of course, at this time, more users choose the xp system, they have not replaced it, and now they do not need to be replaced. The market share of Microsoft systems is still far ahead.

Some users who originally planned to replace the xos system decided not to replace it at this time. Although xos is very similar to xp, and it is better to use it, but now xp can be used, no need to replace it. What do you spend on that money?

When to change a new computer, and then replace it with the system.

Liu Chuanzhi was very excited to tell Feng Yu, Microsoft admitted that it failed, and plans to develop the seventh generation system. Microsoft admits defeat, we defeated the powerful, incomparable Microsoft!


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