Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1503: To be strictly investigated (6/10)

Feng Yu said a lot, some of which he thought of himself, and some of them were heard by others, even on the Internet.

These suggestions, Feng Yu believes that Xia will seriously consider, many things can not be done, but not done. And some things are done, the benefits are not limited to these.

For example, the national network of real estate information, not only can prevent those who live in real estate speculation, but also check how many houses are in the name of the official 猿 and their family members.

Many people are very clean in the local area, but there is a way to pay bribes from different places. You work in City A, I buy you a house in B City, or fall in the name of your wife and children.

For the first time, there will be a second, Nth, and then a little bit deterioration.

This kind of national networking model can be applied not only to real estate, but also in many aspects. For example, marriage registration, car purchase, personal information records and many other aspects.

Xia always frowned. "Feng, you said that this national network, the funds that need to be invested is not a small amount? This is not a manpower and material."

A lot of things can't be done as simple as on the surface. It's just a matter of information entry and collection, not to mention system networking.

And this system development, operation, maintenance also have to invest a lot of money? Where does the money come from?

"Summer, I didn't say it. This method can catch some corrupt officials who accept bribes from different places. Their fines and confiscations should not be a small amount. Moreover, this is itself a project to benefit the people. The country should invest. I don't have enough money, I can donate it."

In fact, Feng Yu still wants to say that it is not a good idea to punish those who have fangs, and what is the company that is speculating in the land. It must be a lot of money.

This really needs to be promoted quickly. It is said that this need to lay a lot of fiber optic cables and improve the speed of China's network, which will be liked by many people.

The advantage for Feng Yu is that the game will not be stuck anymore, nor will it encounter the teammates who often drop the line.

As for the other, there is no big impact on Feng Yu.

If the country is not sure that the industry will not be handed over to private business, Feng Yu wants to invest in it.

Because of the laying of fiber optic cable, the company’s facilities were overcapacity and had to make a false account. It was bankrupt after being blown out by Feng Yu.

However, Feng Yu does not need to worry about this at all. If he does not say the company, Feng Yu can personally get the money to invest. As for the return, if you really give this to him, Feng Yu is confident that Litong and Telecom will be squeezed!

But he can only think about it, the country will not give such an important information channel to individuals.

Xia always frowned: "What do you mean by investigating those corrupt officials who can punish billions of assets?"

Under his rule, corruption is so serious, his face is not good. What made him most unhappy was that this was actually more serious than he had imagined.

No country in the world can guarantee that it will always be incorruptible. Even the high-income developed countries in the world, and even the welfare treatments in the streets of Huaxia, can not completely eliminate this situation.

The greed of man cannot be completely stopped.

The biggest problem for Chinese officials, their actual income, has a huge gap with their disposable funds.

For example, Lao Zhang, his salary is not much, even the middle management of the subsidiary of Taihua Holdings is not as good. Of course, the other benefits are slightly better, but those treatments are not as good as those of private companies.

However, the old Zhang Erdong pen, the funds that can be mobilized, tens of billions, more than the private enterprise executives, the power is mostly.

Those private-sector executives have luxury cars, live in luxury homes, eat mountains and seas, and their children can go abroad to study and grow their knowledge, and even inherit their father's business.

But what about them? Lao Zhang’s son is still working in business.

That billions of funds have been handed over, how many of them can not be tempted? Even if they didn't think about it, but someone gave them a gift, can they live with it?

They hold back, their family members? Many of the leading family relationships, especially those with children, are not very good. When I used to be a leader, I never liked being refuted. It’s hard to get along with my adolescent children.

To be fair, they must have a generation gap. When children are neglected, there is a high probability that they will go wrong. Coupled with entering the society, being tempted by others, I may have given myself to the pit without knowing it.

Go out to play, some people treat, take you to eat, drink, and play, he thought it was a friend, but he did not know that he was coming to his father. There are too many family members who have been dragged down by sugar-coated shells. Then the family dragged the officials down again and eventually the whole family deteriorated.

"Summer, you may not like to listen to words, but I think that things may be more serious than you think. There is a saying below that the county magistrate is not as good as it is now, that is, the king is better than the little one." ”

“For example, the county has invested in various factors, but after the investor built the factory, it was found that the water was suddenly broken, because the water company was not managed. The water company has a suitable reason, the pipeline maintenance, this must be done. ”

"If you don't manage, then you should have two overhauls in three days, or even a major overhaul. You have managed to manage the water, and then the power is turned on for you. The reason is the same, the line is overhauled. And many electric utilities are If they are not under the jurisdiction of the county, what can they say in the county based on professional reasons?"

"How much do you think such a person can be greedy?" Feng Yu thought of the water brother in the news he saw in previous lives, and shocked everyone's eyes.

So a small and inconspicuous position can actually catch so much!

"What do you mean, the country should come to a very thorough investigation?" Xia is thinking about whether this matter should be mentioned.

"I don't know this. I definitely have a general consideration. But if you don't give those people some warnings, let them know that they will be caught, I am afraid that as our economy gets better and better, people who dare to reach out will become more and more many!"

"And it should be more than just restricting the exit of the official business. It should also limit the exit of its family. Didn't you find out that many people are now called naked officials?"

"As a public official in our country, why do you let your wife and children go abroad? They are leaving a path for themselves. Even if they have an accident, their families can have a good life. Whether their family members It’s a crime, but they enjoy the convenience brought by corrupt officials. That’s wrong!”

Xia always heard the word "naked official" and there was some vibration inside. It seems that it must be mentioned at the meeting!


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