Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1730: Shale oil (subscription)

The international economic situation is deteriorating, and the financial market is greatly affected, but at this time, the price of precious metals such as energy futures and gold continues to rise.

The price of crude oil has risen to $95/barrel and is still rising today.

At this time, many people are starting to get nervous again. Because of the price of crude oil, it is about to touch the 100-yuan line. This is a line that many people think is impossible to break through.

How could crude oil break through the ultra-high price of one hundred dollars? Even if it is irrational speculation, those international financial speculators should also leave.

Once this line breaks through, how much loss will it be for many crude oil importing countries. Can those big countries watch the irrational rise in crude oil prices?

But they ignored it. At the end of the 1970s, crude oil also broke through the $100 line, and the inflation rate was much higher than the current price.

When the supply is less than demand, the price increase itself is normal. This year, the demand for crude oil in the world itself has risen. Some OPEC members have also reduced crude oil like Iran. Although the leader of Saudi Arabia has not announced it, it is indeed in short supply.

Do you want to say that China does not have an oil field? Yes, the reserves are not too bad.

But just as the resources of the island countries are not mined, many of China's resources are also limited to mining. Some resources, mainly relying on imports, and domestic resources, mainly increase production when the price of related resources is too high, and are used to stabilize domestic prices.

In the future, China's crude oil imports will rank first in the world, and the rice will be squeezed out because the demand is too large. At that time, what method did Huaxia take?

It is to establish a joint venture oilfield abroad, that is, if you have oil, we will use equipment to mine and then give you money, as in places like Africa.

At this time, the import volume of crude oil in the country is still the highest in the world. Because they have the largest number of cars and the most fuel-efficient cars, many families have several cars.

The demand for crude oil is still growing. Some oil-producing countries have started to cut production. With the increase of large funds such as Feng Yu, the price of crude oil has exceeded 100 US dollars. Feng Yu believes that there is more than 50%.

The reason why there is only 50% is that international speculators like the Rothschild family may not continue to speculate with Feng Yu.

There is also Soros over there, and at this time, crude oil is also being fried, but they have also planned to leave the market and then enter the gold market.

When there are always a lot of money to withdraw, the number of people who follow the trend is also less, and how is the price pushed up?

But this possibility is in the case of the OPEC organization announced that it will not reduce production. Once OPEC announces a reduction in crude oil production, the price of crude oil will inevitably be pushed up again, even if the participation of those who do not have Soros is the same. It is a huge force for international hot money retail investors.

And will OPEC announce the reduction of crude oil? Feng Yu's answer is, will definitely!

Because of what?

The OPEC organization here mainly mines oil, that is, the oil originally stored in the underground, and the drilling is extracted.

But at this time there is another way to get oil, that is, artificial oil.

The original man-made oil used coal extracts to synthesize oil, or it was an extract from bituminous oil sand to synthesize oil.

But now, the country is planning to launch a new type of technology on a large scale, and it is known as a mature technology that converts synthetic oil from extracts from oil shale.

This way, it has not been paid much attention by OPEC before, but when the oil company in the country announced that it has mastered this mature technology, OPEC has to pay attention to it.

Because the oil shale reserves in countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, China, Congo, and Brazil are relatively abundant, many countries such as Russia also have some reserves.

It can be found that the country's reserves around the country are very large. Once this technology is promoted, it will inevitably have a major impact on the original crude oil price.

Moreover, major oil importing countries such as Huaxia are also studying this technology, mainly the cooperation of some crude oil companies, and even the European Shell.

The OPEC organization had complained when these energy-consuming countries replaced natural gas with natural gas. However, the OPEC organization was also a major exporter of natural gas, so it did not take any radical measures.

There are still many countries that use coal and other energy minerals to replace energy and minerals such as crude oil, which will affect the interests of OPEC countries. And non-OPEC oil-producing countries, the same can not be underestimated, such as rice, China, Russia, etc., the oil production is also very large.

OPEC oil-producing countries have always wanted to consolidate and upgrade their status. At this time, the emergence of shale oil will seriously affect their status. How can they endure?

The crude oil imports of the country have always relied on Saudi Arabia. They are also worried that Saudi Arabia will use crude oil to influence their strategy. Therefore, they have long planned to negotiate with Saudi Arabia and sign some contracts that are more favorable to the country.

Saudi Arabia is definitely not doing it. We have nothing to do. You have no reason to attack me. Although your military strength is strong, Russia and China will never sit back and watch you bully. Therefore, Saudi Arabia refused the country without hesitation. Claim.

At this time, the shale oil technology of the country was announced, and Saudi Arabia went to talk to the country. Shale oil cannot be mined because it contains some harmful gases and is difficult to control.

However, it is difficult to control, it is not uncontrollable, and the exploitation of oil itself may have environmental pollution.

How can the country promise the Saudi condition? We have studied the technology successfully, and the cost of synthetic oil is not particularly high. Why not? If you don't do it, isn't the previous investment all lost?

The country does not agree, and China and other countries naturally ignore Saudi Arabia. If we don't produce this, you can, you can sell oil to us cheaply, and this Saudi Arabia can't promise.

Negotiations are still going on, and the attitude of the country is ambiguous, but Feng Yu is sure that the country will never give up shale oil, and in order to give a lesson to the country, Saudi Arabia will inevitably lead the OPEC oil-producing countries to announce a reduction in production. This has led to the fact that the amount of crude oil extracted has fallen sharply.

As a result, the price of crude oil will inevitably rise again. The financial speculators who got the news will never let go of this good opportunity.

At that time, the price of crude oil will exceed 100 dollars and it will be unstoppable!


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