Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1743: Herbal tea is on fire

The matter here has been fixed. Originally, Li Feng also wanted to invite Feng Yu to give those entrepreneurs a lesson, which was directly rejected by Feng Yu. The executives of the Taihua Holding Group want Feng Yu to be less willing to lecture, let alone these people.

When the evening came, Zong Qingxian came back from the field, Feng Yu sat with him and had a tea chat.

"Lao Zong, Le Haha's growth over the years is obvious to all. Even without the identity of the president of the Taihua Holding Group, you are also the number one food and beverage tycoon in the world."

“Beverages are OK, but when it comes to food, it’s a bit embarrassing. There are quite a few food factories in Hu Jian, and they are now very large.”

When Zong Qingxian first wanted to suppress Kang Shuaifu and the food giants of the same two islands, the result was that some domestic brands took the opportunity to expand.

For example, Hu Jian, the Daly Circle, created an egg yolk pie and said that it is also very good in potato chips and biscuits.

Moreover, this Daliyuan also acquired many small beverage factories that used to produce tea drinks and juice drinks. Although the profits and scale are far less than Lehaha and Jianbao, they actually surpassed Kang Shuaifu and the same.

There are several companies like Dali, and they are just the opposite of Le Haha.

Le Haha is making food from beverages, they are making drinks from food, and with the advantage of brand and channel, they have no less money.

"Ha ha ha, Lao Zong, money can not be earned, and people are mainly small food, drinks can only be regarded as sideline. We are mainly engaged in beverages, small food is a sideline."

“There is no single company that can squeeze all the relevant peers. Besides, there is competition to have the motivation, otherwise it will easily breed the pride of complacency in the enterprise.”

Zong Qingxian put down the teacup: "Pride? What can be proud? Our drink is selling well, but for so many years, the single product sales champion, or build treasure. The most depressing is that the second-selling beverage of the single product is also Not us, our best-selling green tea drink is only ranked third!"

Jianbao has not experienced the devastating decline of past lives. This world is still the most famous beverage brand in China. It sells much better than the past in the world.

However, Lehaha's green tea is also very popular. In the past, there were Kang Shuaifu and the same company competing. These worlds have all been defeated. How have they been squeezed to the third place?

"Is that big energy group?" Feng Yu thought, this seems to be very powerful, it is considered to be the top giant in the European beverage industry.

"No, it is a drink on the side of Nanyue, and it is also the camp of our beverage big league, called Wang Yuji. Their company's products are such a herbal tea."

Speaking of this, Zong Qingxian is very depressed. They have so many product types, but they can't sell this kind of herbal tea. He didn't drink it. The taste is not very good. How many people like it?

When Feng Yu said that the company had joined the big league of beverages, he also like many people, and felt that this company was not worthy. But now it seems that Feng always has a unique vision.

Wang Yuji?

Zong Qingxian did not say that Feng Yu almost didn't think about it. At this time, although Wang Yiji is selling well, he has not yet been a cow in his previous life. In the domestic market, the two music companies were suppressed, and Kang Shuaifu and the same one did not rise, but Wang Yiji still rose like the previous life, because the products have no competition.

"I didn't tell you at the beginning, if possible, would you like to buy this company? Lehaha and Jianbao have no shares?"

Feng Yu said to Zong Qingxian and Li Jingwei at that time, to buy this herbal tea. It seems that they didn't take it seriously at the beginning, and Feng Yu himself forgot.

Zong Qingxian shook his head. At the beginning of this taste of herbal tea, they tasted like medicine. At that time, only Nanyue and Hu Jianren could accept this taste. No one was drinking here in Hangzhou. The limitations of the products were very big. I know that I have sold them to the Northeast now!

"We have no shares in Le Haha and Jianbao, but Bingcheng Pharmaceutical Group has acquired Wang Yuji Pharmaceutical." Zong Qingxian looked at Feng Yu with amazement. "Is this not told you?"

"What do you say? Wang Yuji Pharmaceutical, including the trademark of Wang Yuji?" Feng Yu was overjoyed. There are so many things in the company, he remembers wherever he lives.

"Yes, that's it. At the beginning we wanted to invest in Wang Yiji Herbal Tea Company, and the other party's controlling party, Hongdao Group, was not willing."

"Li Jingwei is not thinking of another way, that is, to put the brand in his hands, and for a few years, the original brand lease expired, and it is ready to buy shares with brand + funds. But now the brand is in the hands of Bingcheng Pharmaceutical Group, I am coordinating this, I intend to let Bingcheng Pharmaceutical Group and establish Baobao shares."

This is a good way. The channels and brands are in the hands of the Taihua Holding Group, and the Hongdao Group has to succumb.

There are few types of treasure products to build, and Le Haha has to take care of too much. They have not conducted internal competition. Zong Qingxian gave Li Jingwei.

Now that Wang Xiaoji is selling well, the market has suddenly fired a second herbal tea brand this year, which is the harmony of the Dali Group.

The taste is sweeter than Wang Yuji, and the effect is similar. It is mainly bottled and separated from Wang Yuji's canned area.

And Dali is good at using celebrity endorsements, this time also invited the big star Chen Daoming, this year the advertising density is extremely large, the effect is very good.

However, Zong Qingxian also analyzed that according to this advertising density, plus endorsement fees and other costs, this harmony is definitely losing money.

To put it bluntly, this year's Dali round is to start the brand. After the dealers had a large amount of goods, they continued to make profits from the energy source. At that time, they did not need to advertise so crazy.

It was also this kind of enthusiasm that made Zong Qingxian better talk to the Hongdao Group. If you are not willing to let us buy shares, then we also operate Wang Jiji herbal tea.

And our sales channels, no longer share your products, whether domestic or overseas, you will be kicked out of the big league of beverages, and you will find ways to find new channels in the future.

The original Hongdao Group also said that their products are irreplaceable, and now they have a positive spirit, so that they also recognize the reality. Coca-Cola said that their products are authentic and the taste is irreplaceable, but there are hundreds of colas in the world except for anecdotes. No product is absolutely irreplaceable.

The Hongdao Group now says that the trademark Wang Yuji is worthless. It can raise the trademark rent to 10 million a year, or disagree with the establishment of Baohe Ice City Pharmaceutical Group.

The negotiations at this time are in a stalemate. However, Zong Qingxian was also an extremely strong person. He gave the last all night to the Hongdao Group.

If you agree, we can buy shares according to the normal market value, and even use the shares of Jianbao to replace them. Anyway, Bingcheng Pharmaceutical and Jianbao must master more than one-third of the shares of Wang Yuji Beverage Company. Road Group.

If Chen Hongdao does not agree, then don't blame us for turning around and buying shares and qi is competing with you. If you have the confidence to fight against our alliance, let's try. The trademark has expired, and we are self-employed by Wang Yuji.

The two sides benefited, and the points were victimized. The Hongdao Group is now hesitating.


Ps: During the Chinese New Year, there are generally two more, and maybe there are three more.

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