Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1775: Lobbying

"Saunders, you said that even Yinshan wants to launch the second-generation PC operating system. I also know that this is not a secret, but what does it have to do with our cooperation?" Dai’s ceo Dirk looks strangely. Saunders.

"Dirk, Microsoft's system has been optimizing the performance of Intel. Is this clear? If not, why is Intel's share higher than us?"

"No, how do I remember that Microsoft has also optimized the performance of your super-power, why the share of Intel is higher, naturally the other's products are better." Dirk retorted.

"No, no, Microsoft is the first to optimize the Intel, and then optimize our products, so that Intel and in the early stage, we have led us a lot."

"Dirk, you think about it, when it comes to performance, what are our products? When it comes to technology, we have developed a epoch-making product such as apu, dual-core technology has always been ahead of Intel, and in terms of low energy consumption, It is very good."

“Even if it is the price, since we built factories in China, India, Brazil, etc., our cost has dropped a lot, is the price cheaper?”

"If these things can't impress you, then I will tell you a secret. Even the system of Yinshan will fully optimize the performance of our superpower. As for the Intel side, as far as I know, I don’t even think about Yinshan completely!"

what? !

Dirk was shocked. How dare they do this? !

Although even the group wants to use the super-powered cpu now, but other brands are more used in the core and the core?

Even if you want Yinshan to optimize the performance of Chaowei, but ignore the British side, is this not forcing their manufacturers to make choices? And even if you want Yinshan over there, you are not afraid to lose the support of these PC manufacturers, so that the market share is defeated?

"Saunders, don't forget, Intel's relationship with Microsoft is very good. If they are united, are you sure you can take advantage of it?" Dirk reminded.

"They are all united, and they have always crowded out our superpower. Dirk, working with us, is in the best interests of your wear. It can reduce the cost of your products, so that it can lower the price and enhance competition. It is good for you to maintain the original price and increase the profit rate."

"I know, this way, it may make you stay away from Microsoft's camp, but you think about how much money Microsoft has made with you over the years? Do you guys pay more, but still earn the least profit? Are you selling a computer and the most profit you are willing to earn from Microsoft?"

Sanders’s words made Dirk’s heart linger. In fact, the most dissatisfied with Microsoft, not those software peers, they are these manufacturers.

With so hard work to sell a computer, the biggest profit is earned by Microsoft? Why can Microsoft still sell products with their channels?

At the beginning, the reason why these manufacturers supported the xos system of Yinshan was to support a system supplier that could check and balance Microsoft, thus pulling Microsoft down from the altar.

Now Microsoft is no longer a myth, but it is still the leader in the software industry. This time, it seems that Microsoft's status has to be challenged by even thinking about Yinshan.

Saunders said that what is good for Dai, Dirk can certainly see the benefits, but for the super-wei, the benefits of even wanting Yinshan are even greater.

It is not impossible to increase the product order of Chaowei. However, the current conditions are not enough. They need more benefits when they wear them.

Anyway, in the future, regardless of Chaowei and Intel, Microsoft will not give up their strong partner with the idea of ​​how to compete with Yinshan.

And even if Chaowei gives the conditions of re-offering, Dai can't immediately agree, they have to look at the attitudes of other manufacturers.

Although these vendors are competitive, in the face of these hardware vendors and software vendors, they will also choose to unite for the greatest benefit.

Dai and this year's days are not good, just acquired an important business, and at this time is also undergoing major layoffs. They also need to cut back on spending, buy cheaper hardware, and increase their product sales and profits.

Sanders also knew this, so he was the first to come and talk. If the world's second PC manufacturer agrees, then it will be easier to convince other vendors.

"Saunders, I still can't promise you. Although the test data you showed us looks perfect, but it has not been launched yet, and Microsoft's next-generation operating system will be launched next year. Who is better in performance, I I don't know now, we don't want to gamble all your hopes on you."

To put it bluntly, Dai still wants to wait for the price.

"Dirk, I don't even want to know how popular the xos system in Yinshan is. I don't think you need to pay more attention to it. Didn't you find that the smartphone that uses the system developed by Yinshan is already the market leader? ?"

"Many of the features of this phone are not compatible with Microsoft's system. That is, if you want to connect the smartphone with the hos system to your computer and use all the functions normally, then your computer is also a xos system. I am afraid you haven't noticed this yet?"

Dirk frowned, it was like a fruit company's product, only the system that uses their fruit can perform well, and connecting with other systems' computers will become very slow.

Unexpectedly, the hos system and the xos system still have this connection, but what about it? Now smart phones are not mainstream.

"Dirk, Feng said, the development of mobile phones in the future is the world of smart phones. Wind and rain mobile phones will gradually increase the research and development and promotion of smart phones, and the era of functional machines will pass."

"Feng? Which von?"

"Who can, Feng Yu, the richest man in the world. Haven't you heard a word, Feng Yu's prophecy has never been missed!"

Dirk looked at Sanders inexplicably. "So? We wear and don't make mobile phones. What does it matter to us? We will launch a computer equipped with a xos system, but we will not give up Microsoft's system. And Microsoft is also increasing the research and development of mobile phone systems?"

Saunders saw that Dirk had followed his thoughts and said with a smile: "If I say that the future hos system will become the absolute overlord of the smartphone market, do you believe it? And don't forget, the tablet is also used. Go to the hos system! How big is this market, are you very clear?"

"Hos will become the absolute overlord in the smartphone market? This is not necessarily the case? Now several smartphone control systems coexist, and also joined the fruit company's ios, although the share of hos is higher, but it seems that Microsoft's share is the biggest?"

Sanders stared at Dirk's eyes: "If those mobile phone manufacturers, will join the hos camp?"


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