Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 106 Learning


Three days later, in the early morning, after eating a delicious breakfast, Chen Yang went to the basement and started an experiment.

As before, Chen Yang's life was both peaceful and complicated, while studying from books and slowly conducting experiments.

It was calm because no one disturbed him, which was commendable.

To say that it is complicated means that there is indeed too much content that he needs to learn.

The right hand looks down on Chen Yang's knowledge and always belittles him as a fool. This has always been very unfair. Chen Yang's knowledge may not be said to be at the top level, but at least it is at the lower-middle level of the elite. If I had to say it, among a group of idiots on Earth, he is definitely not the stupidest one.

Well, on the right hand, there is almost no difference between being slightly stupid and being the stupidest.

Therefore, after Chen Yang received virtual reality fighting training, the most important knowledge "education" began.

What is the most important thing in the 21st century?

Many people would say it’s money.

But it’s actually knowledge!

With knowledge comes money. Money and knowledge have always been the embodiment of two sides.

From ancient times to the present, knowledge has been the key to developing productivity. Especially today in the 21st century, knowledge is even more important.

Therefore, Chen Yang readily accepted the knowledge re-education.


He felt a little regretful.

Knowledge is definitely important, the key lies in what you learn.

In the Cornerstone Core, the teaching materials that his right hand gave him were all very weird and unheard of.

If translated into Chinese, the following titles appear - "Philosophical Thinking Methods of Lower Creatures", "Teaching by Words and Deeds from Higher Creatures to Lower Creatures", "Low-Level Creatures Must Obey the Orders of Higher Creatures", "The Benefits of Lower Creatures Obeying Higher Creatures" , "Top 100 consequences of low-level creatures disobeying the orders of high-level creatures", "How the stupid brain structure of low-level creatures is formed", "Low-level creatures are born to be abused", "Top 10 training plans and measures for low-level creatures".

"Is this brainwashing?"

Chen Yang's calm expression could no longer bear it.

"No, this is the most important knowledge for survival in the universe. It is the best survival rule for low-level creatures like you. If you read and study these books carefully, you will be able to travel around the universe without fear."

Chen Yang finally realized with some despair that his right hand was sometimes very unreliable.

After spending more than two hundred hours reading these books in virtual reality, Chen Yang confirmed one thing with certainty.

That is...

These books had no effect on him at all.

Apart from realizing that the behavior of higher-level creatures towards lower-level creatures is indeed abominable, he did not learn any useful knowledge from it.

"How could it be useless!"

His right hand said disdainfully: "These books let you know how big the gap is between low-level creatures and high-level creatures. Maintaining respect for high-level creatures is the basic way to survive in the universe."

Chen Yang: "..."

Chen Yang tried to understand the pride of this advanced creature, but in the end he failed. He just vaguely felt that he was just like a pig who tried to fight for human rights and democracy, but was directly despised and ridiculed by humans.

In fact, it's no wonder. If there is not much distinction between fighting and controlling one's body, then the "common sense" understood by the right hand is a bit difficult for humans to achieve.

The right hand does not teach Chen Yang what it understands. Chen Yang is somewhat enlightened and prepared in his heart. This is easy to understand.

It's like a modern person traveling back in time to ancient times. If you explain to ancient people that the earth is round and that the earth has gravity, the ancient people will definitely be stunned and unable to understand.

Not to mention teaching knowledge such as advanced physics and advanced mathematics to ancient people. If it were really taught, modern people would have a headache and ancient people would go crazy.

Fortunately, in response to this situation, the right hand has reliably developed some... knowledge materials that are suitable for human beings to understand, to improve the quality of the boarding bodies, and strive to make the boarding bodies transform from stupid to stupider, and finally become orderly. Its satisfied lower biological collaborators.

However, even with this knowledge that humans can understand, it is not an easy task to learn. Chen Yang spent more than a hundred hours on it, and what he achieved was just the tip of the iceberg.

This knowledge subverted Chen Yang's general understanding of the universe. He also knew how to deal with an unfamiliar civilization and how to modify the planet's atmospheric environment.

Knowledge is very advanced and unexpectedly powerful, but Chen Yang feels that the study of this knowledge does not happen overnight, and because it is too difficult to understand, it is not as effective as learning the knowledge possessed by human beings themselves.

A person who is ten years beyond human beings is a genius, and a person who is fifty years beyond human beings is a madman. Chen Yang understands this very well.

Therefore, Chen Yang simply made a study plan by himself. After ten o'clock in the evening, he set aside two hours to study the teaching materials listed on the right hand of the Cornerstone Core. During the day, he could make his own arrangements.

After absorbing the second component, the time when his right hand was silent became longer and longer. Generally, in 24 hours a day, the total time it takes to wake up is less than an hour. Compared with before, Chen Yang was completely different from before, and Chen Yang felt a lot more free because of this. .

"Well, it should be almost time."

Chen Yang put the books back on the bookshelf on the wall and began to pack up the experimental equipment.

Now the basement has undergone considerable changes. Not only has a bookshelf been built on the wall, but also two experimental benches have been assembled. An experimental table is filled with electron microscopes, centrifuges, ultra-clean benches, constant temperature incubators, sterilization pots and other experimental equipment, which are used for Chen Yang's biological learning practice.

The other experimental bench is filled with dynamic signal analyzers, power supplies, multimeters, spectrum analyzers, signal generators, mobile phone comprehensive testers, etc.

These are changes in the equipment. After Chen Yang's enthusiasm for learning increased, he became very interested in artificial intelligence. Under the guidance of his right hand, Chen Yang personally developed an intelligent core.

Although limited by Chen Yang's current technical level, the developed intelligent core module was called garbage by his right hand, but Chen Yang still felt very good.

After all, it’s something I made with my own hands, so it’s naturally different after I have feelings for it.

This intelligent core module is called xeon by Chen Yang. It is exactly the same as the developer of "Endless Stars" and represents Chen Yang's secret ambition.

Xeon now seems to be a bit unrealistic and can only do some simple tasks. For example, after connecting the refrigerator to the Internet, it monitors the temperature changes and food storage of the refrigerator 24 hours a day. If there is a lack of food, it will send a message to Chen Yang who is outside. A text message to remind you to buy food.

At the same time, the power application and the comprehensive operation of the equipment in the basement are controlled to keep everything in order, just like a loyal butler.

In fact, if you look closely, this intelligent core module may look like garbage to your right hand, but under the guidance of your right hand, its functions are already at the internationally advanced level.

If some international manufacturers obtain this smart module, the actual experience of smart home will definitely be improved to a higher level!

Chen Yang will never be satisfied with this. In his next plan, artificial intelligence should continue to be developed, with more comprehensive functions and improved intelligence.

He is also planning to try to develop a humanoid robot and then build intelligent modules on it, which may surprise people.

Assuming that someone outside knew Chen Yang's plan at this moment, he would definitely shake his head in disdain.

Artificial intelligence and robots have always been the world's top technologies, and they are also one of the headaches for all countries. With the wisdom of millions of people and trillions of funds, and more than ten years, no useful results have been produced. Chen Yang actually tried to develop artificial intelligence and robots by himself?

Arrogance cannot be used to describe such behavior.

But in Chen Yang's view, everything is possible.

Although the second-level overclocking cannot be maintained for a long time, the first-level overclocking can be maintained for several hours. When learning knowledge in this state, Chen Yang's progress rate in one day is equivalent to more than ten days for others. If he works hard, he can learn the amount of knowledge that ordinary people learn in a year in just one week. The speed is terrifying!

With super fast learning and progress, Chen Yang will only continue to grow, and coupled with the existence of his right hand...

Are millions of monkeys as useful as one Einstein?

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