Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 114: Psychological damage

"Shut up."

Gently uttering these two words, Chen Yang neither showed any threat on his face, nor mixed any anger in his tone. He just said these two words calmly, and Yu Qingqing immediately gave up all her screams. Swallowed it all.

People's eyes are the windows to the soul. In fact, eyes account for almost half of people's expressions.

There was once an experiment in which a person's eyes were covered, and then another person was asked to observe what kind of emotional state that person was in. The results of the experiment were beyond people's expectations, and the error rate was as high as 60%.

Without covering your eyes, the error rate is infinitely reduced to zero percent.

Chen Yang's training in virtual reality was by no means in vain. He had experienced life and death more than thirty times, and he deeply understood the role of human eyes.

In ancient times, humans obviously used their eyes to express threats and intimidation to repel animals that were dangerous to them.

Prey animals in nature will also use their eyes to express their intimidation in the process of learning to hunt...

Chen Yang learned this, so his pupils narrowed and he stared at Yu Qingqing's eyes, making eye contact with her.

Immediately, Yu Qingqing felt as if she had been struck by lightning, as if the Chen Yang in front of her was not a person, but a colorful venomous snake spitting out snake bites. The blood all over her body seemed to have stopped flowing and became extremely stiff.

If a colorful venomous snake wraps around one's leg, an ordinary person would definitely feel stagnant in breathing and would never dare to move his body to avoid being attacked by the venomous snake.

Obviously Chen Yang's eyes were calm and there was no threat, but Yu Qingqing was extremely frightened. A huge voice in her heart kept shouting at her to run quickly, but she couldn't even move a single step. The fingers are extremely difficult.

Pheromones, also called pheromones, are a way for chemical molecules to transmit messages.

Although Yu Qingqing intellectually did not feel that Chen Yang was a threat, her body instinct, the accessory olfactory bulb, immediately sensed the deepest threat after detecting the pheromones on Chen Yang, causing her emotional, psychological and even physiological mechanisms to All had a huge impact.

Emotions fluctuated, psychological fear arose, and the physiological mechanism was affected by psychological factors, causing Yu Qingqing to be unable to move her body.

And this... was just a calm look from Chen Yang.

"What are you doing here?"

Chen Yang finally spoke, his eyes always focused on Yu Qingqing's face, and he spoke in a slow tone.


Yu Qingqing had never thought that it was so difficult to speak, but she really felt it today. Every time she spoke a word, there was an irritating pain that caused her breathing to stop.

Then her face turned red.

The blood flow was accelerating, the heart was beating violently, and adrenaline was being secreted rapidly. Yu Qingqing felt extremely uncomfortable, and her head felt dizzy.

"What are you doing here?"

Chen Yang asked calmly again.


After struggling to utter a few words, Yu Qingqing could no longer hold on, and her body collapsed and she knelt on the ground.

"Your rent contract is about to expire this month..."

Chen Yang was condescending and stopped looking at Yu Qingqing.

"Do you get me?"

Yu Qingqing nodded desperately.

"That's good."

Chen Yang met Yu Qingqing several times and understood that she was a very narrow-minded person. If others did not give her face, she would find ways to retaliate.

Although this kind of woman has a good face, she doesn't know when she will sell her body for profit. Chen Yang is not a creature that can't move when he sees a beautiful woman. In order to avoid any disputes and troubles in the future, he is too lazy to talk to her. If she says any nonsense, just tell her to get out this month.

Pulling Yu Qingqing up with one hand, Chen Yang led her to the stairwell. After watching her move and hold on to the handrail before walking up, Chen Yang returned to the room on the first floor.

As soon as he returned to the room, his right hand transformed.

"Hey, I don't remember that I didn't teach you how to use pheromones to deceive and intimidate the enemy?"

"Ahem...self-study, self-study, I only know a little bit."

Chen Yang did a good job of showing modesty in front of his right hand.

"If you do this, it will cause the female human to have a disorder of consciousness."

"Disorder of consciousness? Well, is it a psychological effect?"

Chen Yang reacted and asked with interest: "How serious is it?"

"The consciousness disorder of intelligent creatures will destroy the individual's consciousness in severe cases, and it will also affect the physiological mechanism in mild cases."

"Given the degree of influence you had on that human being... whenever she thinks of you in the future, her blood flow will accelerate, causing harm to her body."

"so serious?"

Chen Yang found it very interesting. As a member of the intelligent race, human beings have always been committed to studying human psychology. The more in-depth research you do, you will find that psychology is not illusory and has no effect on the physical level.

In the human body, psychological factors are very important. Being too angry can stimulate the brain center, accelerate blood flow and cause cerebral hemorrhage. Panic can also induce angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. The huge impact of psychological emotions on the human body can be seen.

But this is fine, at least it is certain that Yu Qingqing has been severely psychologically damaged and will never dare to face Chen Yang again in the future. She will definitely stay as far away from Chen Yang as possible, which achieves Chen Yang's purpose.

Solve troubles quickly and effectively and avoid unnecessary complications!

Chen Yang has always believed in two sentences: when facing a powerful enemy, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years.

Facing the weak, a gentleman's revenge is too much for one night.

Although the metaphor may not be very appropriate, if there is trouble, it is best to solve it quickly after discovering it, so as not to waste Chen Yang's sleeping time.

A good dinner is always unforgettable. Chen Yang, whose cooking skills have further evolved, used knife skills that far surpassed those of a chef, and controlled the finesse far beyond that of a chef, and fried several extremely delicious braised beef.

The right hand's food intake has decreased a lot recently. It will eat an appetizer of ten pounds of raw beef before dinner, then drink a beer, and finally eat a plate of braised beef cooked by Chen Yang, before it is quite satisfied. The land went back to silence.

Chen Yang said that if you have money, you won’t be moved!

After eating and drinking and replenishing his body with nutrients, Chen Yang returned to the basement and sat on a chair, reading a book and taking notes.

Learning is by no means a simple matter, and perseverance is also extremely important.

After studying until twelve o'clock in the evening, Chen Yang tidied up, went back to the house and went to sleep, and woke up on time at six o'clock the next morning.

Chen Yang can enter deep sleep at any time. Six hours of sleep is enough to meet his daily needs. After getting up so early, he must first carry out daily prescribed training for his body to maintain peak physical condition.

Afterwards, breakfast was a mixture of protein powder and milk, plus apples, bananas and three large bowls of porridge.

After finishing all this, Chen Yang looked at the time and saw that it was already half past seven. He was not in a hurry to go to his uncle's house. Instead, he took a book and read it with gusto. It was not until half past eight that he went out and called a taxi. He ran towards his uncle Xia Zheng and his home.

When we arrived at Xia Zhenghe's house, the time was exactly nine o'clock.


As soon as the door opened, Xia Zhenghe welcomed Chen Yang in with a smile, "Hey, what are you buying when you come to uncle's house?"

Chen Yang smiled and handed over the fruit and mooncake gift boxes: "Uncle, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival."

"Haha, happy, happy."

Xia Zhenghe took the gift and said with a smile: "Your aunt has gone to a relative's house. We will go directly to Yunxia Hotel for dinner at noon."


Chen Yang walked into the living room and took a casual glance, but did not find Xia Yuerou: "Where is my cousin?"

"Your cousin is playing games in the house... This child plays games whenever he has time and doesn't know how to study hard."

When it comes to his children's studies, Xia Zhenghe sighs and sighs just like thousands of ordinary parents.

All Chen Yang had to do here was to keep smiling and not say a word or say anything.

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