Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 234 Helicopter

For ordinary people, it will be very difficult to walk when covered with snow. However, for Chen Yang, this is not difficult.

With the strength of his legs, even if the tension and force of the snow are not as strong as those of the water, it is not difficult to run freely. As long as the blizzard stops and does not block his sight, he can find his way back.

It's just that although the snowstorm has stopped, the temperature does not necessarily rise in a short time. If he leaves, what will these five little girls do?

With a change of heart, Chen Yang looked back and saw the five little girls huddled together. Thanks to Chen Yang's compressed biscuits, their spirits were better than yesterday, but they absolutely couldn't let Chen Yang go. How long can you live under the circumstances?

The food they could survive on, such as wild vegetables, had long since disappeared under the sudden blizzard. With such cold weather, not to mention children, not even young adults could survive.

Take them back?

Hesitant in his heart, Chen Yang did not make up his mind.

They were from this world, but he was from another world. If he suddenly brought five little girls back, it would attract too much attention.

"Has the snowstorm stopped..."

His right hand always likes to make sudden noises to scare Chen Yang, but after using this trick too many times, Chen Yang has become accustomed to the elusiveness of his right hand.

"Well, we stopped not long ago."

"I just thought of a question."

"what is the problem?"

Chen Yang was stunned.

"Hosting body, have you ever thought about it, that our traveling through parallel universes will inevitably increase the total mass of this universe, and will have an incalculable impact on this world due to the butterfly effect."

"The Butterfly Effect?"

Chen Yang thought for a moment. That is to say, I understand the meaning of the right hand.

"You mean, even if we don't do anything, because it doesn't belong to the matter itself in this universe, as soon as it comes in, the particle activity at the microscopic level will produce the butterfly effect?"

"That's right. On the other hand, because we have brought back items from this world, it will obviously have a butterfly effect on our world..."

Chen Yang's face changed slightly, knowing the meaning.

The so-called butterfly effect is a chaotic phenomenon, which means that in a dynamic system, a small change can trigger a long-term and huge chain reaction of the entire dynamic system.

A vivid metaphor for the butterfly effect is the movement of Asian butterflies. A flapping of wings could lead to a storm in the Americas in a few months.

It is not difficult to understand that in the dynamic system of the earth, the movement of butterfly wings causes changes in the air system around it, causing air flow, and this weak air flow will cause corresponding changes in the surrounding air or other systems. It's like dominoes. A series of chain reactions occurred.

According to the right hand's understanding of the universe, everything in the universe is on the absolute time line. It is already doomed. The activities, changes and collisions of every particle have already determined the outcome in the future.

For example, in human observation, two photons collide at point b, producing a pair of electron pairs, and the positron flies to the left. Another electron flies to the right, and the positron flying to the left collides with a flying electron at point a, annihilating each other to create two photons, and then fly away in opposite directions.

This is clear on the observational timeline. Everyone can distinguish the sequence before and after.

But according to quantum field theory, there are actually no two photons here at all, there is only the activity of one particle from beginning to end!

This particle, the electron, moves forward in time and space. It first releases two photons at point a, changes its direction in time, and becomes a retreating positron. The positron absorbs two photons at point b. Change direction in time again and become electrons.

For example, why was a person killed? Because he killed someone else first.

But in fact, it was because he was killed that he killed others. The cause and effect relationship was directly reversed, and it was also destined on the timeline.

Although this kind of recognition is difficult, it is because carbon-based organisms are limited by their own senses and cannot see through the truth of time and space. It is like a long axis portrait showing the activities of people in the morning, middle and evening. Human beings can only go from left to right one by one. Look and think about it, but you cannot observe the picture as a whole.

If humans could observe this picture as a whole, they would be shocked to find that it is still morning, but the people in the picture have already decided what they will eat in the evening.

According to the understanding and theory of the universe by high-level civilizations, Chen Yang and his right hand's travel through parallel universes immediately broke their destined timeline, and 100% produced unpredictable timeline fluctuations and butterfly effects.

"It shouldn't be much trouble, right?"

Chen Yang pondered.

"I don't know... In short, this is a very dangerous thing. No one can predict what impact we will have on this universe... and our universe."

The idea of ​​traveling through parallel universes was so unbelievable that the right hand was so shocked that he did not immediately think of this possibility.

It's like when humans see the sun coming out from the west, the first words they say are definitely "Holy shit!" and they don't immediately think of the meaning it represents.

Traveling through parallel universes is, to a certain extent, far more terrifying than the sun rising from the west.

"Things are already like this. I think it's impossible to return to the real world. Just pretend that these things don't exist, right?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice.

Although his words seemed a little helpless, there was really nothing he could do. It was like killing more than a dozen people. Is there still a way to turn back?

We can only go one black way to the end.

What's more, the butterfly effect is still too far away after all. Chen Yang admits that as a human being, he can't think that far away, and he doesn't have the interest to think about such far-off things.

The right hand was silent for a while, "You are right, we really have nothing to do. Now that things have happened, then according to you humans, it will be straight when you reach the bridge."

"Chief Screw, what should we do with those children?"


The right hand didn't care at all: "Whatever you do with it, I'm going to bed, you should pay more attention."

Appearing and disappearing mysteriously, the right hand has already understood the mystery of this.

"As I wish?"

The meaning in the right hand's words was as if he was just dealing with a few small ants, without even the slightest interest in attracting their attention.

"Well... we can't just leave these children here. I think we should take them back to the subway station."

After settling on this idea, Chen Yang's ears trembled and his body immediately moved away, hiding against the window wall.

In the distant sky, a black spot came from the horizon, slowly grew in size, and soon revealed its size. It turned out to be a Black Hawk helicopter.


Chen Yang frowned, and a helicopter appeared in the sky. This situation was completely beyond his expectation.

Obviously, within a week, he had not found any useful clues after several explorations. As a result, the appearance of a helicopter after the snowstorm today was more useful than any clues.

Because this means that abandoned cities do not mean the extinction of humankind. On the contrary, human beings can still maintain a certain amount of armed force. The deeper meaning of this is worthy of Chen Yang's careful consideration.

The Black Hawk helicopter flew across the sky without stopping, heading towards the Channel Bridge to the east, and turned into a black dot in the blink of an eye.

Without further ado, after finally seizing this opportunity, how could Chen Yang give up? He immediately returned to the fire in a few steps, grabbed the backpack and compound bow and arrow box on the ground, and ran downstairs.

His move was indeed a bit too big, and the five little girls woke up. They glanced at Chen Yang in fear, and found that he suddenly ran downstairs, his little head full of confusion and doubts.

Chen Yang was already going downstairs very quickly. He jumped up and jumped down more than a dozen stairs. Then he kicked one foot on the wall. Using his strength, he took off and jumped down another dozen stairs, which was almost less than three feet. In four seconds, he was outside the first floor.

Unfortunately, no matter how fast he was, he still lost some time. With all his eyesight, he could only find a small black dot in the distant horizon.

Without hesitation, the first overclocking gear was turned on at full power, and his feet were pressed down violently. Chen Yang, carrying heavy equipment, was like a sudden burst of rockets, rolling up a tornado that was rampant, and he was already on the snow in an instant. He rushed out more than twenty meters.

"Whirring whirring……"

After he passed by, the layers of snow immediately flew up under the force, leaving a swirling snow wind on Chen Yang's back body. After running forward for five or six minutes in one breath, Chen Yang's eyes lit up and he was far away. See the Verrazano Narrows Bridge in the distance.

"It didn't break?"

Although the entire bridge across the sea is completely white and covered with snow, it cannot conceal the desolation below.

The helicopter that Chen Yang was chasing was slowly landing in an open space and stopped at a height of five or six meters above the ground. Then the hatch opened and three people jumped out.

"Hey, that's..."

Chen Yang's expression changed, he suddenly stopped and hid in the corner.

The things that made him feel surprised were naturally unusual. In other words, although the three people looked roughly like humans, they were wearing something that Chen Yang was very familiar with - exoskeleton armor.

Yes, exoskeleton armor, with a steel appearance and a heavy body, what is it if it’s not exoskeleton armor...

Chen Yang trembled all over and shrank cautiously towards the corner. He was shocked, so shocked that his emotions fluctuated greatly.

"How can it be?"

"How can it be?"

"How can it be?"

After saying "How is it possible" three times in a row and mumbling to himself for a long time, Chen Yang finally spit out this "shock": "It's so ugly to be wearing such...shabby armor!" (To be continued...)

ps: Laoyu has been frustrated for a long time tonight. After reinstalling the system, he actually lost all the manuscripts he had written... I was frustrated for more than ten minutes and then started writing again... My heart was hurt by my own stupidity.

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