Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 258 Observation and Experimentation

It was not difficult to come up with this result. It was like instinct. He could get unimaginable information just by standing there.

The second-gear overclocking and the third-gear overclocking can allow him to speed up his mental arithmetic ability and observation ability, but they will definitely not reach the current feeling of "knowing everything".

The world I saw before was just like that.

But the world I see now has a completely different freshness.

Chen Yang walked out of the villa and drove slowly outside. The cold wind kept blowing on his face through the open window, but it couldn't move him at all.

On the contrary, the incredibly sharp facial features were able to detect some information from the cold wind that humans could not detect, such as the distance of passing vehicles and changes in air flow, all of which naturally appeared in Chen Yang's mind.

The car quickly climbed onto the viaduct and drove into the city center. The scene of cars and cars passing by and a huge flow of people formed the entire prosperous big city. The various buildings and numerous billboards are the most natural scenery in the city. .

Chen Yang sat in the car and casually glanced around the street. An even greater amount of information kept gathering into his mind, and was processed in parallel. In a short period of time, many results and variables were obtained. For example, ordinary people may not be able to see anything about a woman walking by on the street. When Chen Yang glanced over, he only stayed on her body for less than 0.01 seconds, but he already discovered where she came from and what she was doing just now. , I don’t seem to be in a good mood. There must have been a dispute before.

It seems magical and mysterious, but the reason is actually very simple.

In just 0.01 seconds, her entire body fell into Chen Yang's eyes, including her clothes and bag. The shoes, the faint expression on the face, the look in the eyes, etc.

It takes less than an instant to arrive at such a conclusion. No, it should be the five hundred and sixty-seven people scanning the entire street, plus five pet dogs. All their information was collected to draw conclusions.

It's not tiring at all, it's like it's natural.

This is the result of high-speed processing by the perception center, logical thinking center and judgment center of Chen Yang's right brain, but this is only part of it.

The change in the entire brain pattern covers the entire range of the left and right brains. In addition to the expansion and enhancement of conceptual, analytical, and logical reasoning abilities, Chen Yang can also feel his own abilities in action, language, balance, spatial geometry, imagination, etc. . It has also been enhanced invariably. This enhancement is huge. But if it is just an enhancement of a single function, it is not terrible. What is terrible is that this enhancement is coordinated. All abilities are hundreds of times more powerful than before, but Chen Yang can still coordinate and process them in parallel.

The only drawback is probably that with this brain mode operating, he has lost all emotional responses.

Yes, Chen Yang knows what sweetness is. I also know what salty taste is, and I also know what pain is. However, he loses his emotional response to these stimuli.

Whether it is sweet, salty or bitter, apart from distinguishing the differences between these tastes, these tastes cannot bring any further emotional impact to him.

Humans like sweet taste. Dislike of bitter taste is innate, and it can also affect human emotions.

Some people will be ecstatic because they won the lottery.

Someone will be extremely depressed because they have lost their wallet.

Some people do it because of love. And feel happy.

Some people are complaining just because of a bad dinner.

That is to say, human emotional reactions are extremely complex and are easily affected by various external stimuli. No one’s consciousness is autonomous and will be affected by various aspects of society, resulting in various emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. Emotional response.

But maybe it was a mistake on his right hand, maybe his emotional reaction was contradictory to his complete wolf control. All in all, at this time, Chen Yang looked at the whole world from another perspective.

Perhaps, at this moment, Chen Yang's consciousness has truly achieved an unprecedented step for mankind - free consciousness.

No joy, no sadness, absolutely calm. He will neither be happy because of countless wealth, nor angry because of huge losses. Whether it is love or hate, in Chen Yang's eyes, it is just a kind of data information.

He just parked the car in a parking lot and walked slowly on the street.

The pace seems slow and even careless, but the distance between each step is more precise than the most accurate ruler, definitely not more, definitely not less.

Every minute, he can discover novelties that he has never discovered before, and every second, he can see different scenes from before.

He can understand everyone's general thoughts through everyone passing by him, what everyone said, everyone's behavior, and even through the subtle facial expressions and the speed of heartbeat and blood flow.

"Honey, isn't iPhone 6 on the market? Buy one for me, please."

A young woman was holding a man in his thirties, rubbing her proud breasts against him.

"Wait a minute... I heard that Apple's new mobile phone has many problems. How about we wait a few months before buying it." The man's eyes were full of doting affection.

"No, I want it now..."

Women are still acting coquettishly.

"You bitch, you still want to make money from me, don't treat me like a fool."

The last sentence was naturally not spoken by a man. It was just a combination of sentences analyzed by Chen Yang as he passed by these two people.

Maybe the man was not thinking about this specific sentence at the moment, but he didn't mean what he said, and he must be thinking roughly the same thing.

And this is just one piece of countless information data.

The power of the human brain is huge. Just a simple experiment on the right hand produced such a huge change. Unfortunately, ordinary people cannot enjoy this change, and it will only accelerate their death from hypoxia.

Ordinary people can't see it, but Chen Yang knows it himself. It takes him three minutes to take a simple breath while walking on the road. The calories consumed every half hour are the same as an ordinary person's 24 hours a day.

It seems like a lot, enough to consume 48 times the energy of an ordinary person!

Only second to the heat consumed by third-speed overclocking.

But in fact, it is much better than the third overclocking. Chen Yang's brain can only maintain the third overclocking for a few seconds. This is not because the energy consumed in these three seconds is unbearable, but because the energy consumed in these three seconds is unbearable. The oxygen he lost was something his body itself could not provide.

If he only consumes body heat, he can persist for an hour, or even several hours.

Don't forget, after Chen Yang's body was transformed by his right hand, the heat stored in it was dozens of times that of ordinary people.

However, under this new brain model structure, the oxygen consumption is greatly reduced, which is the same as the second-speed overclocking. It is not a problem for his body to persist for seven or eight hours.

Observing and experiencing this different world, he walked into the park in the middle of the lake and chose a bench to sit down.

Under today's weather, the number of citizens and tourists who came to take a walk in the lake center park was definitely not that large. The number of people was almost 50-60% less than usual.

On the calm lake, a few rowing boats floated by. The couple sitting on them didn't seem to be very interested. They rowed the boat feebly, with bored expressions on their faces.

Chen Yang was the only one on this wooden bench. He opened the can he bought and poured the black Coke into his mouth.

"Gulu gulu..."

Drinking water was not his purpose. He felt the cola bouncing on his tongue, dancing happily along his esophagus and into his stomach, and gently collided with his stomach, causing a subtle tremor.

People can't detect this kind of trembling, and they can't notice it at all. But at this moment, Chen Yang felt that the trembling in his stomach was so obvious, as if someone was shouting in his ear, no matter what The past cannot be ignored.

Chen Yang, who had gained full control over his body, immediately realized that with just a thought, he could stimulate the glossopharyngeal nerve and cooperate with the peristalsis of the visceral esophagus, making it impossible to spit out the coke that entered the stomach.

It may be a bit disgusting, but others will definitely not be able to distinguish the coke you spit out, and they may drink it with gusto.


At a distance of seventeen meters, Chen Yang didn't look at it. He picked up the can and flicked it. The can instantly flew seventeen meters away and fell accurately into the trash can.

"Ha ha……"

"Come after me, come after me, the one who can't catch me is a puppy."

Several children were playing and chasing each other, causing a burst of laughter.

Scenes like this are very common. Chen Yang exhaled and stared straight ahead, motionless as he watched several children chasing and beating him.

A magical scene appeared. The children who were chasing them suddenly accelerated. The distance that originally took a few seconds to cross suddenly stretched and approached, and disappeared at the end of the road in a moment.

Not only that, the boats rowing in the distance, the pace of people walking, and the movements of lips when speaking, all seemed to be sped up while watching a movie, incredibly fast.

The leaves falling from the trees were like pieces of iron falling to the ground. People who walked past Chen Yang seemed to shrink to an inch, and in an instant, they disappeared without a trace.

Various pictures kept flashing, moving faster than a revolving lantern. By the time Chen Yang blinked, closed and opened his eyes again, the sky was almost completely dark.

But in Chen Yang's time sense, all this only lasted for about ten seconds, but five or six hours had passed!

He remained silent without saying a word. Although it was his first experiment, the process and results did not exceed his expectations.

Slowly reaching out his hand, Chen Yang casually swiped to the left, and an even more incredible scene appeared. The originally dark sky and the people who were walking forward began to keep retreating.

The sky is getting brighter and brighter, and there are fewer and fewer leaves on the ground. Just for a few breaths, the laughter of the children running before appeared again.

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