Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 26 Cooperation (Part 1)

Chen Yang excitedly installed the game, and when he was about to click on it, his right hand suddenly spoke: "Hosting body, what wishes do you want to realize?"


Chen Yang didn't turn his head for a moment, and was extremely confused: "Sir Screw, what did you just say?"

"Let me ask you, what wish do you want to come true?"


Chen Yang was horrified. What did this extraterrestrial creature want to do by asking this question? Are you trying to destroy my wishes and dreams?

Chen Yang was trembling, barely maintaining a calm expression and said, "I, I don't have any wishes."

"You have no wish?"

The sharp teeth on his right hand seemed to flash, "It's impossible. As long as you are a human being, it is impossible not to have wishes."

"I really don't have any wishes."

Chen Yang forced a smile.

"Boarding body..."

Putting down the keyboard with his right hand, "Although I don't have the energy and energy to query your memory and thinking now, sensing your emotions is a very simple thing. When you said this, your heartbeat accelerated by 20% and your emotions changed. Very nervous, you are cheating on me..."

"No, I didn't... okay..."

Chen Yang, who still wanted to quibble, saw that the mouthpart on his right hand was getting bigger and bigger, and he was shocked and immediately admitted that he was lying.

"Actually, my wish is very simple."

Chen Yang was "shy" with a hint of embarrassment: "Open a company, earn endless money, marry a virtuous wife, and live a happy life."

"Is this your wish?"

"Yeah, I, I didn't lie this time."

Chen Yang was afraid that his right hand would punish him again.

"If this is your wish, then based on my personal evaluation of you, your chance of achieving this goal in your lifetime is less than 1.2%..."

When Chen Yang's right hand pointed out various shortcomings of Chen Yang, Chen Yang's face suddenly fell. You are a tough guy, you bastard!


The right hand changed the subject: "According to common sense, although the probability of your wish coming true is less than 1.2%, with my help, the probability of your wish coming true is absolutely 100%."

There is no such thing as a free lunch. Chen Yang somewhat understood what his right hand meant. "Sir, I understand. What do you mean, as long as I obey your orders, you can help me realize my wish?"

"More than just following my orders."

"You humans have a very deep understanding. Only by exerting your subjective initiative can you make better use of the laws. What I need is not your numb obedience, but your active cooperation with me. We now have a symbiotic relationship, and no one can live without it. Who, and it is foreseeable that this relationship will be difficult to change in the next ten years. So while I need your help, I will also give you a lot of benefits."

"Your wish is to realize inexhaustible money. First of all, from this goal, it does not conflict with my plan. On the contrary, if you want to realize my plan, then countless inexhaustible money is the first step. It must be realized. What is mine is yours. If I realize my plan, your wishes will also be realized at the same time, and it will even exceed your expectations!"

What the right hand said was reasonable and reasonable. Do I really want to doubt that these words were spoken by aliens?

But I have to say that Chen Yang was moved. Although everyone wanted to have endless money, almost everyone knew that such an idea was actually just a delusion, and the chance of absolute realization was pitifully low.

However, if this object is replaced by an extraterrestrial creature like his right hand, then Chen Yang believes without hesitation that the chance of achieving this goal is 100%!

Therefore, if he cooperates with his right hand, Chen Yang will not only have to count money until his hand cramps, but his eyes will hurt even when he looks at the balance numbers on his bank card.

However, there is a risk here!

The creature parasitic on his right hand is, after all, an alien creature. Are the words it says and the promises it makes really valid? Are you telling the truth? You're not cheating on him, are you?

Isn't it rare that the donkey is killed and the bird is hidden? Even fools know how to settle accounts after the fall.

Chen Yang felt that as a smart Earthling, he must hold on and not think on his heels! No matter how limited your IQ is, you know with your butt that you shouldn’t trust strangers’ words, not to mention that your right hand is still a strange alien.

The right hand seemed to feel Chen Yang's hesitation, and it added: "In addition, money is probably very important to you humans, but I think there is actually another thing that you humans must value more."

While Chen Yang was hesitating, he heard what his right hand said and asked curiously: "What is it?"


The tone of his right hand seemed to be mocking humans: "You human beings, to be honest, among the dozens of civilizations I have encountered, your level of intelligence is not at the bottom, but in terms of lifespan, you are definitely at the bottom. Even the second-to-last civilized race, their average lifespan calculated according to the human calendar is two hundred and fifty years. There is a huge difference from the average human lifespan of seventy years!"

"No matter how much you enjoy it, a human's life is only about a hundred years. After a hundred years, no matter how brilliant your human achievements are, they will just lie in the dirt and rot into ashes. What's the use of having more money then? "

The right hand's sarcastic meaning is extremely strong. Yes, for its long and even endless life, the lifespan of human beings is only a hibernation and nap during interstellar travel. It is really not worth mentioning. .

Chen Yang did not pay attention to the sarcasm of his right hand, but grasped the key point of what his right hand said: "You have said so much, do you mean that you have a way to extend my lifespan?"

There was a hint of excitement in his tone, Nima, what is this concept? If you let it out and say that I can extend people's lifespan, with a price tag of 100 million a year, I'm afraid a group of people will go crazy and throw money at you, and you have to accept it, otherwise others will fight you to death. .

This is the secret of immortality. No one can refuse to live for a few more years, except of course those who commit suicide.

"Hosting body, what do you think you are talking about? Your lifespan was originally only seventy years old. What I did for you a few days ago made it easy for you to live to be a hundred years old."

The right hand** said: "But this is only a hundred years old. The years have passed by in a hurry and are still not worth mentioning. As long as I gather huge resources, I can even extend your life for a thousand years!"

"A thousand years?"

Chen Yang was so frightened that his thighs trembled. He suddenly trembled and asked, "Sir, can I ask you? How many years have you lived?"


The right hand said calmly: "It has been 13,720 years since I was born."

Chen Yang was dumbfounded and wanted to scream, "Oh my god, come and see the living fossil. Yes, my right hand is a living fossil!"

"I'm different from you humans. My DNA has no telomere restrictions. Cells can divide and proliferate indefinitely. What's more, I..."

As if realizing something, his right hand said, "So you don't have to worry that what I told you is a lie. As a creature of a different level from you humans, I don't have to deceive you."

Chen Yang felt very heavy. If his alien friend sincerely wants to help him, then cooperating with it is nothing, right? Money is really just enough to be used casually when you earn it, but who would think too little about lifespan? Chen Yang must be willing to live for a thousand years, so he won't be too pretentious to despise living for too long and be lonely.

Disdain for people who live too long and become lonely is itself speculation, because no one can live that long. Secondly, people who are afraid of loneliness simply don’t know how to have fun. In a thousand years, Chen Yang has found many ways to have fun.

"Cooperate with me. First of all, I will help you obtain inexhaustible wealth. Secondly, I will extend your life. Finally, if you feel bored, after completing my plan, I can take you to travel to other galaxies and witness other planets." A civilized race..."

Throwing out a huge gun with his right hand, Chen Yang could not refuse such a gun for interstellar travel in the boundless universe.

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