Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 278 Escape (1)

The sky gradually became dark again, and the weak sunlight could not bring much warmth. After struggling for a few times, it still fell from the sky unwillingly, letting darkness surround the earth again.

In an abandoned car repair shop somewhere on the outskirts of Los Angeles, Bernie carefully looked around and made sure that no one was around, then he lifted the collar of his windbreaker with his hands, hiding his cheeks under the opening of the windbreaker, and quickly pulled it away Enter the workshop through the rusty iron door.


A woman's voice came from the workshop, and Britney walked out of the messy repair equipment wearing a blanket.

"I found something to eat."

Bernie turned on the light at the door of the workshop. Under the yellow light, he opened a black plastic bag and took out a mess of bread, milk and other food.

"How's it going outside?"

Britney wasn't concerned about the food, but about what was going on outside.

"It's very troublesome... Now we have to face more than just people from the Fross Consortium."

Bernie's eyes flashed with a haze. He still underestimated the power of the Frost Consortium. He actually used some unknown method to leverage the hidden power of the Los Angeles FBI branch, causing him to be charged with first-degree murder. Just get arrested. So when you enter the FBI interrogation room, sometimes what is the prisoner's confession and what is the truth. It really didn't matter, so Bernie ran away without hesitation.

As for what to do in the future? Where to escape? Bernie was also distraught and could only think dullly for a while.

In fact, it is very simple to escape. There are many desolate places in the United States. If you run to any mountain or Gobi, the FBI will not be able to find you. But as a social human being, we really end up in that kind of place. How to survive without society is also a big problem.

"How about we go to Mexico?"

Britney opened a piece of bread, took a bite, thought about it and made a suggestion.


That chaotic place for criminals. A wonderful place indeed.

Bernie was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "Mexico, that's fine, I'll send you there..." Britney frowned.


Bernie took out a cigarette and put it down after finding that there was no lighter. "We can't let this matter go. I have to find out what the Fross Consortium is planning."

"If you don't go, I won't go either."

Brittany shook her head. "I don't think I can live well in Mexico on my own."

"If you don't go, it will be very dangerous to be around me."

"At least I'm by your side. I can sleep peacefully at night."

Britney never agreed to Bernie's request, so Bernie could only sigh and give up his plan to persuade her.

"Well, I remembered, maybe there is someone who can help us."

Bernie said.


"Cass Bodie, a friend I met a long time ago. He lives in a town more than 150 kilometers away from Los Angeles. I think we can ask him to help us."

"Is that friend of yours reliable?" Britney hesitated.

"Sometimes you can't believe it. He's more reliable than a lot of bitches."

"Let's go, let's set off tonight. If it were tomorrow, our journey would not be as smooth as it is now."

The two quickly packed up the things on the table, got on a broken jeep outside the repair shop, drove the car onto the road next to it, and disappeared at the end of the road in a few clicks.

Two hours later, several black low-profile SUVs slowly drove over and stopped in the yard outside the abandoned repair shop.


The car door opened. Shen Lang, Wang Rui, Ryan, Black Putum, Shadow and many others got out of the car and looked at the abandoned workshop.

"According to the surveillance camera, they should be here, right?"

"Maybe he's gone." Shen Romanan said casually.

"No more?" Wang Ruike didn't believe it. With a wave of his hand, seven mercenaries behind him, wearing body armor, holding M4A1s, and wearing night vision goggles on their heads, came to the workshop door almost fully armed.


The chain on the workshop door was instantly cut by pliers, and the two mercenaries rushed in. Their companions behind provided tactical cover to ensure that support could be provided as soon as an accident occurred.


"Chichi... Supervisor, there's no one inside."

Wang Rui, who was promoted to deputy security director, suddenly looked bad. Shen Lang was right in his words again.

"How come there's no one?"

Wang Rui strode into the workshop angrily. The lights inside had been turned on, so he could take a clear look at it at first glance. Apart from the abandoned equipment, there was indeed no man or woman in the photo inside.

"After all, he is an excellent FBI agent..."

Shen Lang walked over slowly holding Bernie's photo information. He was not surprised by this situation. According to the information, this Bernie likes to offend his colleagues and bosses, but he is indeed a rare talent. He has practiced shooting many times. It has achieved first place in Zhongdu and has solved many terrorist attacks.

If this Bernie didn't know how to behave and offended too many people, he would have been promoted to the middle and senior levels of the FBI long ago.

What's more, yesterday and the day before yesterday, the FBI and the Los Angeles police searched for Bernie many times to no avail, which proved how good Bernie was.

"Where did those two people go?"

Wang Rui was in a very unhappy mood. This place was located in the suburbs, and there were not as many surveillance systems as there were in China. Once the car drove onto the secondary highway, no one really knew where the two people would end up on the side road. Once the clue is lost here. I don’t know when and how long it will take to find someone again.

They found those two people, but Chen Yang personally gave the order, and Wang Rui never wanted to mess it up in his own hands.

Ryan gestured to Putum with his eyes. Putum nodded, chewed gum, walked to the yard and squatted down, carefully checking the tire tracks on the ground. After a while, he walked out of the yard, waited for a while and came back: "Captain, found it."

"Which way are you going?"

"The road to the southeast."

Ryan snapped his fingers. Naturally, someone went to find the map and put it on the table. Let everyone see it.

"The road to the southeast is Temecula." Shen Lang muttered.

"Maybe the destination is more than here."

Ryan crossed his hands and said, "Go southeast past San Diego, which is the border between the United States and Mexico. They probably want to leave the country."

"Out of the country? To Mexico?"

Shen Lang thought for a moment. Nodding: "It's very possible."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Wang Rui couldn't understand the complicated English dialogue and couldn't help but feel impatient.

"The target was probably heading toward the Mexican border."

Shen Lang explained clearly in one sentence in Chinese: "We need to split into two roads, go all the way to the Mexican border to wait and wait, and continue to pursue along the road."

"Mexico?" Wang Rui was depressed. After staying in the United States for a long time, he also knew that Mexico was a very chaotic country with rampant drug traffickers. If the target is allowed to escape into Mexico, then there is no chance of finding him in the future.

"Let me go."

Wang Rui only thought for a moment before making a request: "Give me a pair of people. Let's go there by helicopter."…

Thinking that the target may have been gone for several hours, the only way to catch up is to fly over by helicopter. Shen Lang did not object clearly and explained to Ryan and the others in English.

As mercenaries, they would not object to their employer's demands and quickly ordered them to be divided. Wang Rui, Ryan, and Putum took five people to the border city, while Shen Lang and Shadow led the remaining people. Just in case, continue searching along the road. Once the target's car is found, proceed immediately to the mission.

Without any further hesitation, Shen Lang and Shadow took the remaining mercenaries and got into two SUVs. They turned and rushed onto the highway, speeding forward.

The time is now pointing to 8:30 in the evening. The rural roads in the United States are completely dark, and the vehicles passing by are so few that the two SUVs can run hundreds of kilometers per hour without worrying about safety issues.

"By the way, what's your name?"

Shen Lang was sitting in the back row and suddenly turned his head and asked the blond woman behind him.

This blond woman has always been very taciturn. Like the shadow, she was one of the two people that Shen Lang paid great attention to before.

The woman's face is not very beautiful, and there is a scar under her cheek, which to a certain extent destroys her face as a woman. But this blond woman has no hint of inferiority from beginning to end. Instead, she has an outsider look in her eyes. An incomprehensible peace.

Hearing Shen Lang's question, the woman raised her head casually. Just when Shen Lang thought she was going to remain silent, she said in a hoarse voice: "Zenobia."

"Uh, Zenobia..."

Shen Lang smiled and said: "You are...American, right? I think you are different from others."

"It used to be..."

Zenobia's tone was extremely calm, almost devoid of any personal feelings.

As soon as these words came out, Shen Lang shut his mouth and did not ask any more questions. He could tell that there must be an unforgettable story in it, and such stories were often ones that the parties involved would never want to mention.

The car continued to drive forward, and soon the number of vehicles passing by around the road changed from a few occasionally to not a single car passing by after driving for a long time.

An hour later, Temecula appeared far ahead, but the target vehicle they wanted to track was not found.

"This is really troublesome. Do we really have to wait and see?"

Shen Lang also felt a little troubled.


The phone's ring tone suddenly rang. Shen Lang picked up the phone, which was receiving a video and information.

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