Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 284: Brewing (1)

On the other side of the world, at 19:38 in the evening, in a hospital in a county in Hubei Province, China.

Yuan Zhengming frowned and looked a little impatient. Ms. Ye opposite him kept stopping him from leaving unless he agreed to her request.

"Ms. Ye, I am the doctor, I know what to do."

Yuan Zhengming barely suppressed his impatience and explained to the woman.

"But, Doctor Yuan, my daughter can't survive without infusion. She has been taking this medicine for four or five days, but it has no effect at all."

Ms. Ye was worried, and her face was full of worry for her daughter.

"Infusion is not the key to solving the problem. You just have a little cold, so there is no need for infusion."

"But I used to get infusions when I went to other hospitals, and I got better quickly."

Ms. Ye was full of disbelief.

Yuan Zhengming knew that what Ms. Ye said was right. Maybe except for him, who is a conscientious person, most hospitals across the country are like this. Whenever a patient has a cold or fever, they give patients infusions. This is indeed in the economic interests of the hospital, but it is not good for the patients. Not a good thing anymore.

What’s even more frightening is that many patients have no medical knowledge at all. They just see that infusion of antibiotics is good and quick, so they think that infusion is a good thing. However, they don’t see the horror behind it, and they think that infusion is better quickly. It’s the doctor who has great medical skills.

The abuse of antibiotics is almost out of control across the country. Even though the government has successively introduced policies to promote the rational use of antibiotics, except for Some large hospitals are slightly restrained, while grassroots areas are basically ineffective.

Yuan Zhengming knew that on the one hand, the patients themselves lacked relevant knowledge, and on the other hand, it was also due to interests. Just like their small hospital in the county, the equipment could not keep up, so they had to use their brains in prescribing medicines. One infusion costs 40 to 50 yuan, five or six times costs at least 200 yuan, while injections and medicines cost much less.

The doctors naturally understand how to choose.

However, Yuan Zhengming's conscience has not yet been wiped out, and he understands that the misuse of antibiotics is definitely not a good thing for the individual patient or other people. It's a pity that this kind of well-intentioned approach is often done. However, it may not be understood by the patient, and it may even attract abuse.

This Ms. Ye can still beg nicely, which is already considered very good.

"Well, if you insist on this..."

Looking at Ms. Ye's pleading eyes, Yuan Zhengming felt soft, and then thought of something again, and said forcefully: "If you insist on doing this, you can transfer your daughter to another hospital."


Ignoring the stunned Ms. Ye, Yuan Zhengming walked towards the duty room.

"Doctor Yuan. Doctor Yuan..."

A gasping nurse hurried down the corridor.

"What's wrong?"

Yuan Zhengming didn't hurry. After the nurse took a breath, the little woman with a flushed face said: "Accident and Emergency Department, I want you to go there quickly."

"What happened?"

After hearing this, Yuan Zhengming stopped delaying and strode towards the elevator.

The young nurse followed Yuan Zhengming closely and said, "There is a patient who has just been sent here. He has been suffering from fever, nausea, headache, and vomiting..."

Get out of the elevator. Yuan Zhengming quickly put on his hand washing clothes and opened the door of the emergency room, and was suddenly surprised.

Emergency room. Several nurses stood aside at a loss. A man lying on the ground was vomiting brown bloody vomit on the ground. The smell was so unpleasant that it was almost unbearable.

"What are you still doing?"

Yuan Zhengming scolded, which startled several nurses. He hurriedly stepped forward and helped the man up.

Stepping forward and quickly checking the unconscious man, Yuan Zhengming's face changed slightly and asked the nurse to send the patient to the ICU for rehydration first. Do further inspection.

"Is it an intestinal infection?"

With a low voice, Yuan Zhengming turned to look at the waiting nurse, "Let me inform Liu Ye and the other nurses who just sent the people in to disinfect them after they come out."


After hearing the order, the little nurse hurried over.

A few hours later, Yuan Zhengming, who thought the test was for Escherichia coli poisoning, was shocked to learn that gentamicin did not work. The patient was still suffering from vomiting, fever, and blood in the stool, making the ICU smell bad.

"Have you used any other medicine?"

"No, chloramphenicol has no effect. As for other things, I don't dare to use them yet."

Liu Ye shook his head.

Indeed, if it is Escherichia coli poisoning, choosing inappropriate antibiotics may increase the chance of hemolytic uremic syndrome. Liu Ye cannot take this risk.

Yuan Zhengming knew that Liu Ye did not dare to take risks, so he immediately rejected his idea: "Try other antibiotics, and then prepare for inducing vomiting and gastric lavage..."


Liu Ye thought for a while, understood, nodded and left.

Sitting in the office, Yuan Zhengming held his chin and remained silent. Somehow, he always felt a little uneasy, but where did this uneasiness come from? He thought carefully and couldn't find the source.

"Oh, I seem to be too tired recently."

Rubbing his temples, Yuan Zhengming sighed, and suddenly thought of his son who was still in college, that brat. Although he was very unsatisfactory in the past, he is doing well now and has been admitted to a good university.

Bored, Yuan Zhengming turned on the TV in his office, which happened to be playing CCTV's evening news.

"...According to the reporter's understanding, the launch of this new antibiotic has been unanimously approved by the FDA expert committee, and the Andres Pharmaceutical production base will be put into production as soon as late January next year, allowing this new antibiotic to be marketed Come into our lives. This is CCTV, I am reporter Zhang Lei, reporting for you in Los Angeles."

"New antibiotic andexa?"

Yuan Zhengming's frown relaxed slightly, but he learned some good news.

The launch of new antibiotics is a good thing for people around the world. With the current severe situation, from 2011 to 2013, the FDA only approved 3 new antibiotics. What is even more frightening is that, since the late 1980s, Since then, no new major antibiotic class has been introduced.

Those pharmaceutical companies have put all their energy into higher-profit areas. And turning a blind eye to antibiotics that are less profitable and difficult to develop is by no means a good thing.

But a new type of antibiotic is unlikely to get news coverage, right?

Thinking of this, Yuan Zhengming turned on his computer and went online to search for information about this new antibiotic. Only then did I understand that it was the support of the Obama administration that made this new antibiotic gain some attention.

As for more detailed information about new antibiotics, there are not many reports. They must be further kept secret and are not yet accessible to the public.

After being bored and watching TV for a while, just when Yuan Zhengming was about to go to the ICU for a visit, a nurse rushed in with a pale face and trembling lips: "Yuan, Doctor Yuan. He's dead, he's dead..."

"What happened? Tell me clearly."

Yuan Zhengming felt nervous.

"The patient who had diarrhea and vomiting before died..."

"how come?"

He was fine before, why did he suddenly die? Are you kidding me? You didn't even have time to notify yourself?

Yuan Zhengming was shaken and pushed away the nurse with one hand. He ran towards the ICU without caring about his own image. It attracted many strange looks from patients along the way.

The ICU was upstairs, and Yuan Zhengming didn't even have time to wait for the elevator. I ran to the intensive care unit in one breath, put on an isolation gown and hurried in.

Liu Ye, who was on duty inside, looked extremely ugly compared to the restless nurses. When he saw Yuan Zhengming coming over, his mouth opened. In the end, no words came out of the mask.

The bed on No. 5 was almost a mess. The whole bed was covered with brown vomit. There was also stool mixed with blood flowing beside the bed and on the floor. The patient just lay on the bed. He was motionless, with a sharp expression of pain still remaining on his face, as if he was still telling something to the people around him.

"how so?"

Yuan Zhengming turned around and asked.

"It should be acute renal failure and intestinal perforation bleeding, and there may be abdominal effusion..."

In fact, Liu Ye didn't need to explain, Yuan Zhengming also understood that if such severe acute diarrhea and vomiting were not stopped, death would be very likely in severe cases. But it is very rare for someone to die so quickly and suddenly that there is no time for rescue.

"Why didn't you inform me of the situation?"

Yuan Zhengming was furious and stared at Liu Ye as if he was about to devour him. Liu Ye was so shocked that he couldn't help but take a step back.

"Dr. Yuan, you can't blame me."

Liu Ye explained awkwardly: "After switching to a variety of antibiotics, the patient's condition improved, but suddenly he started vomiting and diarrhea again. Before I could inform you, he..."

"So fast?"

It was impossible for Liu Ye to lie about this. After all, there were three or four nurses watching, so Yuan Zhengming was just shocked by this sudden situation.

"how so?"

This was the third time Yuan Zhengming muttered to himself. He stared at the deceased and ordered: "Notify the dean and relevant leaders immediately... By the way, didn't the patient's family ask you to contact them? They haven't come yet?"

"The patient's family members live in Yichang, and it may take some time before they can come here. The patient should be a migrant worker here."

"Don't tell the family members about the situation yet. Let's wait until they come to the hospital."

You can imagine how much trouble this kind of thing would cause. Yuan Zhengming only felt his head hurt.

"Also, the patient's blood, vomitus, and feces should be isolated, cultured and identified immediately. There may be something wrong with our previous tests."

After giving Liu Ye a series of instructions, Yuan Zhengming stared at the helpless nurse and frowned, "What are you still doing there? Why don't you disinfect and clean it quickly?"


Yuan Zhengming is very dissatisfied with these young nurses who have just graduated from school. He feels that the quality and ability of these current nurses are far behind those of the previous nurses.

But what can be done about this? In such a big era, individuals are powerless to change.

Thinking of this, Yuan Zhengming glanced at the deceased lying on the hospital bed again, and the faint uneasiness in his heart somehow became stronger.

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