Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 286: Brewing (3)

At a terminal in Incheon, South Korea, under the command of the staff, a red container was slowly lifted onto a truck, waiting for the truck to leave the port and be transported to a warehouse in the suburbs.

"Then I'll leave first."

Wearing a sky blue hat and stamping out the cigarette butt, the man said casually.

"Be careful along the way... By the way, is the 'goods' inside there okay?"

The man's companion, who was slightly shorter, looked around and spoke in a deliberately lowered voice.

"Don't worry, you threw enough food and water inside before you left. If you can't survive, you can't blame me, right?"

He took out another cigarette and lit it. The man obviously didn't care much about his companion's question.

"You are really cold-blooded."

The companion shook his head, turned and left.

The man stared at his companion's back, sneered, and without saying anything, he got in the car and started the truck, driving the truck away from the port.

After driving smoothly along the road for more than 20 minutes, we gradually moved away from the city and came to an uninhabited suburban wilderness. There was a factory wasteland that had not been completely demolished, which was convenient for the man to do this kind of thing.

Several companions who had been waiting here for a long time saw the truck coming in. They quickly put down the cards in their hands and walked out. They controlled the crane to lift the container to the open space and put it down.

"Okay, okay \u0026amp; Chang \u0026amp; Wind \u0026amp; Literature {www}.{cf}{wx}.{net}, after today's batch of goods is completed, you can go out for another meal."

The man jumped down from the driver's seat, took out a few cigarettes from the cigarette case and handed them to his companions. The man was very proud.

"Brother Yuan Zheng, I want to trouble you to treat me again this time."

The companion took the cigarette and joked casually.

"Haha, it's okay. If you don't spend the money you make, what's the point of making money?"

The man took out the key and threw it to one of his companions. "Zaishi, go and release those 'human snakes'."

"Okay, brother Yuan Zheng,"

Holding the key, Li Zaishi walked to the container amid the laughter of his companions. Prepare to release the humans and snakes inside.

I had done this kind of thing many times before. Every time I opened the container, the stench inside was very unpleasant, so Li Zaishi put on the prepared mask and opened the container.


As soon as the container door opened, the warm winter sun shone in, immediately exposing the dark interior of the container to his eyes.

However, the terrifying scene in front of him made Li Zaishi scream in horror, and he couldn't help but retreat in shock. Sitting on the ground.

"What's wrong?"

The companions who were joking in the distance were attracted by Li Zaishi's horrified scream. They turned around and saw Li Zaishi sitting on the ground, struggling to shrink back, as if he was possessed by an evil spirit.

"That brat."

Jin Yuanzheng, who was called "Brother Yuanzheng" by everyone, flicked the cigarette butt and turned into a perfect arc and fell to the ground. He walked towards the container.

The companions were also surprised and followed Jin Yuanzheng. He couldn't help but scolded: "Zai Shi, you are still so timid, why don't you go home."

They thought someone had died in the container. This had happened several times before. After all, on such a long sea route, more than a dozen people, including women with weak constitutions and diseases, were trapped in the container. His sudden death was not surprising at all. Anyway, the money has been paid in advance. If you die, you will die. You can just find a place to dispose of it. It is too timid to be so panicked.

But this disapproving expression waited until they came to the container door. When he cast his gaze inward, a look of horror suddenly appeared on his face, his mouth opened wide, trembling and unable to speak. There was even a companion who couldn't help it immediately, squatted on the ground and vomited wildly.

This was like a signal. He vomited violently. Jin Yuanzheng and the others couldn't bear it anymore. The feeling of nausea repeatedly hit their brains, and they also imitated that person and started vomiting violently.

This is really no wonder for them. As smugglers, they have been doing this kind of work for more than a day or two. It stands to reason that they have seen no matter how bad the environment and situation is, but the disgusting scenes in the past are nothing compared to today. Worth mentioning.

Inside the international standard container, in the huge environment, more than a dozen dead bodies entangled together emitted bursts of stench. On the ground inside the container, there was a mixture of dirty feces and blood everywhere, covering the surface of the corpses. The impact of that image is unparalleled.

No wonder Li Zaishi was so frightened that he sat down on the ground as soon as he saw it, his face turned pale and he struggled to shrink back.

I have seen dead people, but I have never seen them die so miserably and in such a bad way. It is not only a feeling of disgust, but also a terrifying horror. The two emotions are mixed together, making these old snakeheads also feel frightened.

"How, how could this happen?"

One of the companions finished vomiting, and his face looked ugly in disbelief.

"Yes, how come they are all dead?"

Another companion also expressed his disbelief, "In the past, at most two or three people died... but they didn't die so tragically?"

"Oh shit……"

Jin Yuanzheng cursed in a low voice, "Give me the flashlight."

"Brother Yuan Zheng, what are you going to do?"

The companion was stunned.

"What else can we do? Go in and see what's going on."

Jin Yuanzheng's expression was gloomy, with a ferocious expression on his face. Among this group of snake people, there was obviously a very good girl before, but it turned out to be a pity.

"No, Brother Yuan Zheng, it smells too bad in here."

It was so disgusting that the man wanted to get away from the open container immediately.

"You mean... you're not going to clean and clean? Damn it, how are you going to deal with so many people at once?"

Jin Yuanzheng scolded the man severely and asked him to hand over the flashlight, put on a mask, and turned on the flashlight to make the dim environment where the sun could not shine brighter under the light.


The situation was even worse than he imagined. Jin Yuanzheng took just one step inside and didn't dare to go any deeper, otherwise he would have to step on feces with his leather shoes.

The girl he was interested in had her face almost blurred by the filth. She was lying in the deepest part of the container, motionless, and she didn't know if she was breathing.

He hesitated for a moment. After all, Jin Yuanzheng still didn't want to go over to see the situation by himself, but turned his eyes to Li Zaishi who was sitting on the ground.

"Zaishi, get up."

"Brother Yuan Zheng, I, I feel so disgusted."

Li Zaishi reluctantly stood up. But he didn't dare to look inside the container.

"Zai Shi, how can I take you with you in the future if you are so timid? People will laugh at me if I tell you. Come on, take the flashlight. Now I will give you a test. Do you see the girl in the back? Go and see if she is dead. No."

Jin Yuanzheng took Li Zaishi's arm and forced the flashlight into his hand.

"Ah? But, but..."

Li Zaishi quickly shook his head in horror. "Brother Yuan Zheng, I can't do it."

"Where does all this nonsense come from? Just go if you are told."

Jin Yuanzheng pushed Li Zaishi, forcing him to walk in.


After taking a step inside, Li Zaishi stepped on a mixture of feces and urine on the ground.

Jin Yuanzheng quickly exited the container, stood at the door and encouraged him inside, "Come on, Zaishi. You'll be out in a minute."

Li Zaishi swore that he had never smelled such a stench with his nose. It was a hundred times more stench than an uncovered toilet. Smelling such a smell, he felt dizzy. After taking a few steps, he actually felt nauseous and vomited.

"Why is this brat so useless?"

Jin Yuanzheng shook his head, deeply disappointed with Li Zaishi.


Vomited a few times. Li Zaishi finally felt better. His feet were covered with dirt anyway, so he couldn't care less. He took a few steps across the entangled corpses on the ground and came to the innermost place to shine the light of the flashlight on the female corpse.

"Brother Yuan Zheng. She, she doesn't seem to be moving."

"See if you're still breathing." Jin Yuan was directing him outside.

Although the dirt was stuck on the face of the female corpse, Li Zaishi had to admit that the girl's facial features were very delicate. After cleaning, she would definitely be a very beautiful girl. No wonder Jin Yuanzheng was reluctant to part with her.

Hesitantly stretching out his fingers, Li Zaishi tremblingly stretched his fingers to the girl's nostrils. To be honest, he wasn't that afraid of corpses, but the filth inside was so disgusting. It was even scarier than the corpses. Otherwise, Brother Yuan Zheng, who had seen strong winds and waves, would have walked in on his own.

Before his fingers reached the girl's nostrils, at that moment, suddenly, the girl's eyes opened and she stared straight into Li Zaishi's eyes.


Li Zaishi was startled. He jumped three feet high and suddenly fell to the ground. A dog was chewing shit. This was a real dog chewing shit. The ground was full of feces and blood. How could he escape after falling to the ground?


The girl weakly shouted for help. Unfortunately, Li Zaishi, who could not understand Thai, hurriedly stumbled out in a panic, not caring about anything else.

"Are you looking for death?"

He ran out in a panic, and Li Zaishi immediately ran into the arms of Jin Yuanzheng who had no time to dodge, and the two rolled into a ball.

"Brother Yuan Zheng, Brother Yuan Zheng..."

Several companions shouted quickly, wanting to come over and pull him, but unfortunately Li Zaishi was covered in feces and blood, and the stench hit his nose, so he hesitated and did not dare to reach out.

"You brat, you brat, are you going to piss me off to death?"

Pushing Li Zaishi away from him, Jin Yuanzheng was almost mad at this idiot junior. Feeling the filthy stench all over his body, his stomach and intestines started to wriggle again after vomiting.

"What happened to that girl?"

After kicking Li Zaishi, Jin Yuanzheng shouted and asked.

"It seems like he's still alive."

The shock gradually faded, and Li Zaishi finally came to his senses, realizing that he didn't just bump into a corpse, but that the girl might still be alive.

"Go and drag her out of it. Oh, I'm going to be so mad at you, this idiot."

Jin Yuanzheng was furious: "No, I have to take a shower."

"Do you still want to go in?"

Li Zaishi had a bitter look on his face, feeling that he was so unlucky today.

ps: Laoyu sincerely asks for some subscriptions. It doesn’t work anymore, it really doesn’t work anymore.

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