Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 295 Arrangement

All in all, this matter really needs more attention.

Chen Yang immediately contacted Fang Ye and Feng Li and asked them to pay more attention to this news.

"By the way, how many andexas can the production line produce in a day?"

"Boss, the new production line can produce about 10,000 andexa per day, but it still needs to obtain the final FDA license document before production can begin."

"How are those patients doing?"

Knowing that Chen Yang was asking about the five company employees, Fang Ye said with a wry smile: "Two of them wasted time and died in the dormitory at night. They were not discovered until the next day. The other two were sent to the hospital but failed to be rescued and died. The last one died." After running out of antibiotics, luckily a company manager suggested using them) into the future.”

"How many units were used?"

"Eight hundred thousand units... basically four are needed to complete the treatment."

"Well...if other patients are found, if possible, they will be sent to the laboratory."

"Yes, boss."

Chen Yang thought of another situation, "Don't the US government, um, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, respond to this?"

"Yes, but I guess they don't pay much attention to this superbug."

Fang Ye explained: "Boss, you may not know this very well. Hundreds of thousands of people die from antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections in the United States every year. Even in China, hundreds of thousands of people die every year. They are basically accustomed to this, unless It will be a large-scale epidemic later that will cause them to be highly vigilant."

Chen Yang nodded thoughtfully. Now everything is unknown about this sudden emergence of super bacteria. Where did it come from? What is the mechanism of infection? How contagious is it? Everything has not been laboratory tested or tested. Then nothing is known.

Moreover, the number of superbug infections is increasing every year. It is not surprising that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not pay much attention to it. This is not as noticeable as a new virus. At least preliminary tests show that this super bacteria is just Escherichia coli. Without careful testing later, how could we find that this bacteria has mutated. Also fused with the ndm-1 gene.

This is just like rats. Ordinary people have long been accustomed to rats. Although the harm is not small, who knew that one day, the rat that sneaked in turned out to be a tiger disguised? This is really annoying!

In the next few days, Chen Yang continued his experiments while quietly listening to news from the outside world.

Just as the beginning of a bad thing will never end so easily, the sudden appearance of super bacteria will not just disappear without a trace. On the contrary, after several days of fermentation, the signs of the storm began to be noticed by governments of various countries.

Following the notification issued by the South Korean government a week ago that the Singaporean government discovered a new type of super bacteria on domestic tourists, the latest report in Singapore on January 13 stated that according to a joint inspection team between the Singaporean and Thai governments (actually Basically, they are mainly experts from Singapore). A sample inspection of several local villages in Thailand found traces of new super bacteria in water sources and other places.

Not to mention the local villagers in several villages. Dozens of people have died for this, which has caused panic among people.

If this news did not attract the attention of the world as much as Ebola, just after the 13th, related epidemics broke out in Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, and many places in mainland China. Even the United States, France, the United Kingdom, and Italy have successively reported similar situations.

Based on epidemic reports from various electronic media and electronic discussion groups in various places, as well as official reports from many places, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially issued a new superbug epidemic report and officially named the new superbug ndm-eh. , announced that the epidemic alert level would be raised to Level 4. Relevant government departments of various countries are required to prepare for the epidemic to prevent large-scale human-to-human infections.

However, people still know too little about this epidemic and ndm-eh. After a small number of people are infected with this super bacteria, they will explode and die within a day, but the vast majority of people will do nothing. No, the germs can lie dormant in the body for more than ten days.

During these ten days, these people continued to work and interact with each other, just like normal people.

It is for this reason that the number of infections compiled by various departments is only more than 120, which is not even a fraction of the annual epidemic. If it weren't for the high mortality rate of this superbug, which is incurable, and the fact that it appears in many countries is a bit strange, I'm afraid no one would pay attention to it yet.

Although more people are paying attention to it now, unfortunately, there are definitely not many people and groups that really pay attention to it.

Chen Yang is one of them!

"How about it?"

Standing outside the tempered glass of the laboratory, Chen Yang asked with his hands behind his hands.

Dr. Gordon Freeman on the side was holding a tablet computer and adjusted his glasses. "A total of fifteen people participated in this trial from the 60th to the 75th. The injection time has been 72 hours. Among them, the 61st, Test subject No. 62 became ill 12 hours after injection. Among them, test subject No. 61 was stabilized after using Andexa. Test subject No. 62 was treated with conventional methods and died five hours after the treatment failed."

"Test subjects No. 65 and 71 developed symptoms 48 hours after being injected with ndm-eh. Andexa has been used to control the condition. The remaining eleven test subjects now show no abnormalities. ndm-eh is in the incubation period, but in the blood It can be detected analytically.”

"Doctor, what do you think is the longest incubation period of this germ?"

"It's hard to say, but if we look at Escherichia coli, it's not surprising that it can incubate for ten days."


Chen Yang's eyes narrowed into a slit, and thoughts continued in his mind.

According to the original plan, the final FDA approval will be obtained at the end of this month, allowing Andres’ new antibiotic Andexa to be produced and sold on a large scale. Before that, Andres had no way to produce Andexa on a large scale. , let alone going on sale.

And even if everything goes well, the final approval from the FDA is obtained. Getting on the market for sale isn’t an easy task either.

In today's world, whether it is China or other countries, medicine and medical treatment have always been a very sweet cake. I don't know how many forces and oligarchs are staring at this big cake and not allowing others to get involved.

A new company has just been born and wants to take away the cake from major hospitals. Will other forces and oligarchs allow it? Even Obama’s health care reforms

Without going through an ordeal...even in the worst case scenario, Andres would be directly surrounded and sniped, and it would be very likely that he would be stillborn. After all, there is only one Fros, and what Chen Yang has to face are dozens of people and forces of the same level as Fros.

The difficulty can be imagined!

Fortunately, someone gave Chen Yang a pillow when he slept. Just when he was also bored about this matter, a new type of mutated super bacteria suddenly appeared in the world, blowing across the earth like a spring breeze. Opportunities suddenly appear!

"Would you like to add some fuel to the fire?"

After thinking for a moment, Chen Yang gave up the idea. If he really went to add fuel to the fire, then the number of people who died would definitely not be the same as now. It would definitely be beyond the reach of the world and it would be possible if he were not careful. If you fall into it, you will lose more than you gain.

Giving up this evil thought, Chen Yang turned to look at Dr. Gordon Freeman. "Doctor, hurry up and figure out ndm-eh. If you have any needs, just report them to me directly."


The doctor nodded, not politely.


Chen Yang left the laboratory, walked into his office, and contacted Fang Ye.

"You start the production line immediately, speed up the production of andexa, and store everything produced..."

Hearing Chen Yang's instructions. Fang Ye was stunned: "But boss, we haven't obtained the final approval document from the FDA yet."

"Don't worry, we are not planning to put it on the market. Can't we produce it ourselves for fun?"

Chen Yang smiled and answered Fang Ye's question, saying he was rich and willful. If you don’t like what you see, it’s better to have the ability than to waste money! No one can do anything about rich and willful people, not even the US government.

"Okay, boss, I'll make arrangements immediately."

"Wait a minute, how much inventory do you have in Andexa?"

"Well, we previously produced a batch of small-scale trial production, about five thousand pieces."

"Two thousand will be shipped over...the rest will be kept strictly without any mistakes."

Chen Yang tapped the table with the middle finger of his right hand, "Also, how many formal employees do you have now?"

"All those officially recorded add up to a total of 785 people."

"Don't relax the health observation of company employees. If there is any situation, arrange treatment immediately."

What Chen Yang said simply means that once an employee is infected with ndm-eh, treatment will be arranged. This is one of the company's benefits, and Fang Ye certainly has no objection to it.

After arranging a series of tasks, Chen Yang was about to get up and make a cup of coffee when his right hand suddenly woke up.

"Sir, why are you awake?"

"Well, I seemed to have felt something just now."

"What do you feel?"

These incomprehensible words naturally puzzled Chen Yang.

"It's not a pheromone, it's a...according to your human understanding, you can understand it as a sixth sense."

The right hand's words made Chen Yang smile: "Sir Screw, are you sure you have the sixth sense? Okay, this sixth sense, yes, what do you feel?"

"My companion."

This simple sentence made Chen Yang's face suddenly stiffen, and he could no longer maintain his smile: "Sir Screw, I think you are joking, right?"

"Hosting body, when have I ever made a joke on you humans?" said the right hand.

Chen Yang's expression darkened and he showed a solemn expression: "You feel your companion. I mean, is this feeling accurate?"

"The accuracy probability is 90%. In fact, I don't think this is my illusion. My reason tells me that my companion has come to the earth from Mars."

"Already come to Earth?"

Chen Yang's face changed drastically: "If you can feel it, wouldn't it be near us?"

"No, this is not close-range pheromone sensing, but a type of reception based on short waves."

The right hand explained: "Our race sometimes unconsciously emits what you humans think of as short waves. The information contained in this short wave cannot be understood by humans, but for the same kind of people in our race, we can learn from the information contained in it." In the clip, identify the other party.”

"Having said all that, are you sure where your companion is?"

"The distance from us should be at least three thousand kilometers away."

"Three thousand kilometers?"

This answer made Chen Yang feel relieved. With such a long distance, at least there was no need for a fight now. No. To be precise, this is not a fight, but a life and death struggle, a life and death struggle that can lead to death if you are not careful.

The worst thing is that the right hand's chance of winning against its companion is definitely not good, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as pitiful.

It took a lot of effort to fight the components of his right hand before, and even caused serious injuries to his right hand. If you face a complete right-hand counterpart. So how bad can it get?

Chen Yang, who was in a state of confusion, also thought that according to what his right hand had said before, the weapons possessed by his kind were no less powerful than nuclear weapons. In this way, as long as his kind discovered him and his right hand, they would probably even try to escape. If not, it will be directly destroyed by that weapon.

"You don't have to worry too much."

The right hand seemed to sense Chen Yang's thoughts.

"It is chasing me. It is enjoying the fun of it. It will never use anti-matter weapons to destroy us. There is no fun in that."

"Even if you say so..."

Chen Yang smiled bitterly: "I still don't feel happy."

"Hide, I try to avoid emitting unconscious short waves... That guy senses my short waves and can only roughly confirm the distance and direction. The error may be more than a thousand kilometers. It can't find us easily."

"Still not happy!"

Chen Yang sighed and felt a headache. Why does this kind of trouble always come to him? Can't he have a quiet day?

Sometimes I think about it, the existence of his right hand has undoubtedly brought him a lot of benefits, but the disadvantages are also obvious. He is always dancing with the god of death, and it is not surprising to accidentally rush into the arms of the god of death.

Since ancient times, misfortunes and blessings have depended on each other. Who can really be sure that what they get will definitely be happiness?

There is no way to avoid disaster. Chen Yang is no longer the same person who used to be stunned when something happened. He smiled bitterly and regained his composure. He began to think about the countermeasures and be prepared to deal with it.

"Sir, if we meet your kind first, what are the chances of winning?"


"14%? It's not very low..."

Chen Yang's eyes were bright: "Then I turn on the second overclocking and combine it with your combat power?"


"Third gear overclocking?"


"Wait a minute, why did our winning rate decrease after turning on the third level of overclocking?"

Chen Yang was stunned.

"Boarding body, you only have a few seconds to turn on the third level of overclocking. Once the time passes, your physical energy will be greatly consumed, and our winning rate will be reduced."

The changing tentacles of his right hand rolled up the pen on the table and said, "I don't think those few seconds will have a decisive impact on our victory or defeat."

"Then if... a new type of brain operation is performed like last time, yes, just like that day, if I enter that kind of brain operation mode, our chances of winning should be different?"


The right hand agreed: "After you enter that mode, you will get more powerful computing power than the third gear, and your winning rate will increase to 21%."

"But it's still not enough."


He broke off the pen with his right hand and said, "It's not enough. According to my calculations, we will be killed within the first five minutes of contact with it. The longer we delay, the worse it will be for us. Even if that mode is turned on, Our winning percentage is not high enough either.”

"It's almost a one-fifth chance of winning. In my opinion, it's definitely a gamble."

Chen Yang said seriously: "But of course, I hope that I will never have this kind of gambling opportunity."

"As for what you are thinking, Chief Screw, we do not have to rely entirely on ourselves to fight at critical moments. I think the Earth's weapons are not useless. If they work at critical moments, it may determine the outcome."

He shook his tentacle with his right hand, "It's as good as you said, but what I'm worried about is the final result. Once my kind feels that there is no hope of victory, it may take the last option of suicide, activate anti-matter weapons, and perish directly with us."


Chen Yang wanted to say something, but couldn't. He always felt that the fellow on his right hand was really like a hedgehog.

Originally, against the same kind on the right hand, one's own side's winning rate was very small, but in the end, the other side actually had a decisive killer weapon. If they couldn't defeat their own side, they would both perish. It was simply a rogue.

But they seemed to have nothing to do about this situation. (To be continued...)

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