Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 299 Diffusion


A truck came slowly, and the gate made of barbed wire was automatically opened remotely, allowing the truck to drive in and stay in the open space. . ybdu. Professionals in protective suits who had been waiting for a long time arranged to register the people who came off the truck one by one.

These pale, panic-looking people include whites, blacks, old people, and young people. Although they have different ages, genders and occupations, they all have one characteristic - people at potential risk of infection!

According to the latest emergency bill of the White House administration in Washington, as long as they are identified as potentially infected, they must unconditionally obey the isolation measures of the Centers for Disease Control. This bill passed Congress in the shortest time and has been implemented in every state across the country. In order to prevent anyone from resisting and disregarding the law, the National Guard was temporarily mobilized to act as a helper and impose mandatory quarantine measures on those who dared to resist and refused to be quarantined.

Naturally, blood and violence cannot be avoided in the process.

Even last year when people marched to protest against the shooting of African Americans, the authorities dared to directly suppress them with force. However, this epidemic has endangered the security of the United States. The National Guard will be even more unkind to those who dare to disrupt the implementation of the bill. They will hit them with the butt of a rifle. They were polite, and some even dared to shoot and kill those who resisted immediately.

A large number of people who have come into contact, or are likely to come into contact with infected people, are brought into temporary isolation areas in various regions for preliminary isolation.

As soon as everyone comes here, they will first take a blood sample for testing and grade and identity information, and then arrange a separate isolation residence (limited by the large number of people, each quarantined person can only tolerate a small space of several square meters), and wait for 24 hours. laboratory report.

If the report proves that the quarantined person is not in danger, he will be warned and arranged to be sent home. If he is tested for infectious germs, the result will only be sent to a nearby hospital. In the more tightly guarded hospital, waiting for death to come.

"You are breaking the law and I will sue you. Yes, I will ask my lawyer to sue you!"

A neatly dressed man in a suit, perhaps irritated by the staff's attitude. He shouted loudly and shouted angrily at the personnel in protective clothing.

The crowd was in a commotion, even though everyone was spaced apart for safety reasons, which did not affect eye contact and the spread of fear.


There was a crisp sound of bones, and before the man in the suit could yell again, two National Guard soldiers holding guns came over and hit him on the arm with the butt of a gun, causing the man to cover his arm and hit him in pain. Back away.

"You guys. What do you want to do?"

The man groaned in pain and felt a sense of fear towards the two soldiers wearing protective clothing.

Unfortunately, his scolding could not win the sympathy of the two soldiers. They surrounded the man and used their fists and kicks unceremoniously, beating and kicking him. Soon, the angry man was beaten to the ground, and he could only hold his head and cry in pain. Bear.

An office worker who sat in the office all year round was kicked by two soldiers. He would have been almost dying, had the CDC not rushed over. A life may have been lost here.

The crowd in the open space was horrified. Looking at these soldiers, they felt frightened and strange. Are these really the National Guard of the United States?

After cold-bloodedly dealing with those who dared to cause trouble, the two soldiers returned to their original positions, holding automatic rifles and looking at everyone indifferently. If something goes wrong, you should immediately step forward to suppress it.

Conflicts and conflicts continue, and iron-blooded suppression sometimes cannot completely solve the problem, especially for Americans who like to demonstrate. The elements of resistance and violence are hidden in every gun-toting citizen. in the previous hour. The crowd could still reluctantly accept the arrangement under the vigilance of the soldiers, but when a panicked person roared and refused to accept the blood sample collection, shouting that he was an infected person, the fear and anger that the crowd had accumulated suddenly exploded come out.

Not wanting to die, the urge to escape made people desperate to launch riots against the wire fence isolation zone.

Especially after the crowd in the open space rioted, the people who were isolated in the quarantine area also began to rush out. No matter how hard the staff tried to stop and persuade them, no one paid attention.

"Bang bang bang..."

After firing a few shots, several soldiers were overthrown by the crowd and drowned under the feet of the angry crowd.

"stop, stop..."

Dozens of National Guard personnel guarding the gate of the quarantine area looked at the crowd rushing towards them in horror. Their repeated scoldings had little effect. Instead, they were beaten back by shoes and clothes thrown by the crowd.

"Pah chi..."

Seven or eight rounds of tear gas turned into an arc from the air and landed on the crowd, emitting a pungent, tear-jerking white smoke. The crowd was instantly stunned and made to flee by the rubber bullets that followed.

Only then did the National Guard guarding the door relax.

If a few days ago, people in North America did not dare to go out too much because they were afraid of the epidemic, then a few days later, with the rising number of deaths appearing on the news every day, fear finally broke out.

In September last year, the U.S. government brought back Ebola-infected nurses from Africa. This alone caused an uproar in public opinion across the United States, discussing whether it would have an impact on U.S. security. The entire society was panicked and opposed the government's efforts to bring infected people back into the country. .

One Ebola infected person will make Americans uneasy. So what kind of storm will happen if there are hundreds of thousands of infected people and more than 300,000 quarantined people?

At least ordinary people know the fact that infection means death. This is an incurable disease. Thinking that their husbands or wives would be infected with such a disease and die alone without cure, many people who were quarantined had an accident that hit the isolation zone in Los Angeles the day before yesterday.

In an isolation area, more than a thousand potential infected people were isolated. Because of their loved ones and fear of their future fate, people angrily picked up everything they could find, including bowls, stones, bricks and stones. , forks, etc., rushing toward the isolation zone.

The isolation zone composed of m1a3 main battle tanks, armored vehicles, etc. can even withstand the impact of the crowd inside the isolation zone. However, the soldiers standing in it can only duck and avoid the objects that are thrown at them.

Dozens of rounds of tear gas were fired, and riot weapons such as stun guns and rubber bullets were used in an attempt to suppress the oncoming crowd...

Thick black smoke was rising from everywhere in the huge city of Los Angeles. The crowds protesting against the government's inaction and opaque policies, and the rioters who used the parade as a guise, quickly turned a demonstration in Los Angeles into a protest. A riot spread throughout the city.

Los Angeles is not just a city, this is just one place in the chaos in the United States. Compared with the epidemic in Southeast Asia and other places, the outbreak of the epidemic in places with extremely backward medical systems is even more terrifying. According to WHO statistics, the number of infections in one week exceeds There are more than two million people, and the number of potential infections is unimaginable.

The government's inefficiency in execution, insufficient medical resources, etc. have forced governments in Southeast Asia and other places to be unable to effectively isolate potentially infected people. In the face of people who are fearful of rebellion, they cannot even provide simple comfort and suppression. In the past, the Philippines could still ask for help from the U.S. government. Unfortunately, at this moment, the United States has too much time to take care of itself, and how can it have the energy to take care of the Philippines.

Affected by the widespread impact of the epidemic, global stock markets have suffered heavy losses. Wall Street and other global financial centers have almost been implicated in this, causing countless losses.

However, Bernie and Cass, who were mixed in the crowd at the moment, had no idea about this. They were crowded in the rioting crowd, looking at the police and soldiers blocking the street, and hid in the alley next to them.

"Los Angeles is in complete chaos..."

Bernie whispered.

"Damn, coming here with you is definitely the most unlucky thing in my life!"

Cas grunted: "Come on, let's leave Los Angeles quickly. If this continues, I'm worried that we will also be infected with this germ."

"...No, we can't leave like this, Britney is still in their hands."

"Jesus, Bernie, do you bastard really believe what they say?"

Cass opened his eyes in disbelief and grabbed Bernie's shoulders: "If you go like this, you are definitely throwing yourself into a trap! When did you become so stupid?"

"No, of course I won't go to that place."

Bernie shook his head, revealing the pistol on his waist, causing the two black men who were about to come in with bats to look at each other, and then slowly retreated.

"So are you ready?"

Cass asked, not paying attention to the two black men, lighting a cigarette.

Without directly answering Cass's words, Bernie took out his phone and clicked on Google Maps, selected a target and threw it to Cass.

Looking down, Cass frowned: "Andres? What kind of company is this?"

"I recently found some former friends to investigate some matters of the Frost Group, and found that they have had a very close relationship with this newly opened company in Los Angeles in recent months. Not only have they provided a lot of financial assistance, but also personnel I doubt the contact between them..."

"Do you suspect that Andres has something to do with that?"

Cass threw the phone back to Bernie.

"Although it's just a suspicion, I think it's very possible."

Bernie took back his phone and said, "Are you going?"

"Okay, brother, please give me the best choice."

Spreading his hands helplessly, Cass sighed: "Maybe I have a choice?"

"Let's go."

Patting Cass on the shoulder, Bernie walked deeper into the alley.


Several flames exploded on the street outside the alley. Several black youths who threw homemade Molotov cocktails cheered. When the police looked over, they hid in the crowd with their heads down. (To be continued...)

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