Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 309 Hope (Part 1)

After sending the shadow away, Chen Yang had another idea.

"Chief Screw, if humans are replaced by animals... yes, what do you think if a variety of other creatures are used as hosts for aphid parasites?"

Chen Yang touched his chin and thought.

"The rest of the creatures?"

The right hand is also somewhat interested in this idea: "You are right, we should find more other creatures for experiments... We just use creatures with lower intelligence than human beings as hosts. Even if the parasitism is successful, the intelligence will definitely not be as good as that of successful humans. , the actual effect is still much less.”

"Well, that's a problem too."

Indeed, there may be animals whose physical fitness far exceeds that of humans, but the intelligence of animals is simply incomparable to humans. In this way, even if a large number of successful experimental materials are produced, the effect will not be enough to meet the truly diverse combat needs in the future. Definitely not strong.

But it’s not a bad idea to give it a try.

In the next few days, Chen Yang not only asked people to collect the animals one by one according to the list, but also paid attention to the situation outside.

this time? top? point? Novel Although the severity of the epidemic is not comparable to the 1918 influenza pandemic in the 20th century, with the advancement of science and technology and the development of society, people's tolerance for diseases is gradually declining.

A few decades ago, a disease that killed dozens or hundreds of people was nothing at all. Even after the Spanish Flu after World War I, which killed tens of millions of people, the level of panic among people around the world was far less than the panic caused by diseases that kill hundreds and thousands of people today. .

This is the development of science and technology, which has made the world more closely connected and made the herd effect more likely to occur.

When people are in a desperate situation and are panicking, they can basically do anything they can think of with their toes. When governments around the world have been unable to solve the epidemic, the uneasiness of the global public has reached a certain point.

European countries are fine. The advanced medical system and isolation measures allowed the government to control the large-scale spread of the epidemic in a short period of time. Even if chaos occurred in a few places, it did not spread to the entire Europe.

However, other places are not so optimistic.

Demonstrations that have broken out many times in the United States have quickly spread to various local and state capitals, with countless people rioting and taking advantage of the opportunity to cause chaos. Especially since there are so many people with guns across the country, a fire incident may detonate into a gun battle.

As of January 20, the New York State statistical report alone pointed out that in less than a week, more than 55 police officers died on the line due to conflicts, 11 National Guard soldiers died, and more than a dozen people were seriously injured by gunshots. Hundreds.

These dangerous situations made the financial giants and century-old plutocrats in the United States feel uneasy and quickly passed temporary bills. Implement a national state of emergency and implement comprehensive repressive measures against rebels in various places.

As for Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East and other places, if too many people die, then they are no longer human beings... Many local governments have been greatly affected and have to use the military to enforce order.

And using the army is sometimes not a very good method, because the army is also composed of humans and can be infected with diseases, such as Thailand and Vietnam. In addition, the Philippines and Indonesia have successively experienced the spread of large-scale infections in the military, which has directly led to the frequent collapse of military establishments.

The death toll continues to rise. Countries have also begun to cooperate to develop symptomatic drugs. At this critical time, Feng Li led a group of people to find local officials.

Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti, who has been extremely busy recently, originally did not plan to receive strange visitors. However, a call from a strange visitor made Garcetti change his attitude.

"What did you say? Do you have medicine that can treat ndm-eh?"

Jaxetti looked at the visitor a few more times with suspicion.

This yellow man. Maybe he's Chinese... Of course, race doesn't matter. What's important is that even the laboratories of world-class companies and government organizations have yet to come up with a definite and feasible drug for this little-known company. How can we come up with drugs to treat ndm-eh?

Although he didn't quite believe what the other party said, Garcetti, who did not give up any possibility, still invited the other party to sit down in the conference room.

"Mr. Mayor, this is our company's clinical trial report on our product. You can take a look..."

Taking out a document that was dozens of pages thick, Feng Li asked his assistant to hold it and hand it to Jaxetti.

The document was concise and clear, and even though Garcetti didn't know much about medicine, he could still clearly see the conclusions of the clinical trial.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell whether this report of yours is true or not...but if it is true, I would like to thank you for your help as a citizen."

Putting down the documents, Garcetti ordered his men to find an expert.

"The mayor's concerns are legitimate."

Feng Li faced it with a smile: "But please don't worry... because this report has been submitted to the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control at the same time. I believe they will come to a conclusion soon."

He was right. He and Fang Yebing split up into two groups, one to persuade the mayor of Los Angeles, and the other to submit clinical data, hoping to promote the new antibiotic Andexa in a short time.

"Oh, that's really good."

After receiving the news from Feng Li, Jia Xi became enthusiastic. Not only was his attitude much more polite, but his movements also changed significantly.

In fact, if this antibiotic really has a therapeutic effect, even if it cannot completely cure it, it will play a considerable role in saving the current crisis.

Even though Garcetti can still remain relatively calm now, the scene that happened yesterday scared him to the point of breaking out in a cold sweat.

A large group of demonstrators...perhaps more than 2,000 people, actually attacked the city government building. The riot police who were mobilized and put up riot shields were almost overwhelmed by the crowd.

If Garcetti had not immediately notified the National Guard and drove tanks to drive away the rioters, the situation would have been really dangerous.

Feng Li discussed and talked with Jaxiti here, and things went smoother for Fang Ye on the other side than here.

After the staff of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported the matter, a large number of professors, biomedical scientists, state government officials, federal officials, and people from certain pharmaceutical companies soon came uninvited to a multi-purpose room. In the large conference room, a special meeting took place.

There was no need for Fang Ye to show up. He let the professionals below stand on the podium and control the projector to explain Andexa to hundreds of people. He explained the development and operation process of Andexa in detail, and gave detailed clinical trial report data, etc. content.

These clinical trial data can be proven true and false as long as they are verified. It is basically impossible for anyone to dare to fake it in front of so many people. Therefore, most of the people below believe the authenticity of Andexa.

Surprises and cheers came from the crowd below, many people even cried with joy, and gathered around to ask Fang Ye for andexa.

For these anxious people, it is obvious that someone in their family has been infected with the super bacteria ndm-eh, and their lives are in danger. They had given up too much hope, but they did not expect that they were so happy that a practical treatment drug appeared so quickly. How could it be possible? Not happy.

Some people are happy while others are worried. People from large companies such as Pfizer walked out of the conference room with a gloomy face and said nothing. They took out their mobile phones and notified the top management. It is unknown what actions they will take, but they will definitely not be happy to see therapeutic drugs. The drug actually appeared in the hands of a small company.

Acquisitions, threats, and boycotts are the usual methods of these large companies. Due to their interests and strong power, the smaller companies behind them often have no choice but to succumb.

Originally, Chen Yang was unwilling to go against these large companies, and even planned to share the production rights of authorized Andexa in the early stage. However, the sudden epidemic that affected the world made him change his mind.

Under this special situation, the previous plan of helpless cooperation can be changed. The chaotic situation in the United States means that as long as reliable drugs appear, there is no need to worry about the full support of the White House, and there is no need to go too far. I'm worried about pressure from big companies.

Especially since Chen Yang has set up his headquarters in Australia, there is no need to worry too much about this pressure. Now that countries around the world are in dire straits, there is no need to worry about not being able to sell Andexa. There is no doubt that major companies such as Pfizer and Johnson \u0026 Johnson will boycott It has no effect at all... Maybe even they have to buy them privately. After all, high-level officials are also human beings. Who can guarantee that they will not be infected with ndm-eh?

Once infected without medical treatment, you really can only wait to die.

After the meeting, more than a dozen boxes of Andexa's reserves mobilized by Fang Ye were emptied, with not even a single antibiotic left.

In less than a day, after quickly verifying the therapeutic effect of Andexa with the highest efficiency, the White House received the news and immediately arranged for the commissioner to fly to Los Angeles and arrange for Fang Ye to go to Washington to meet with the President.

On January 22, a press conference held in Washington attracted global attention.

Just yesterday, the 21st, news from Los Angeles in the United States suddenly spread to all parts of the world... It is said that a local pharmaceutical company in the United States (misunderstanding, Andres is actually an overseas offshore company and does not belong to the United States) has a new development of antibiotics that can effectively cure infections caused by superbugs.

This news has not been officially confirmed, but it spread all over the Internet almost instantly.

As long as people hiding at home turn on their computers and surf the Internet, all the major portal websites will have headlines that day - Hope? Or a rumor?

Just when people were speculating and expecting, a press conference was held live in Washington the next day, giving a definite answer. This news was not a rumor, but true! (To be continued...)

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