Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 313 Brutal Suppression

"Bang bang..."

The number of guns hidden in the United States exceeds hundreds of millions, and almost everyone has a gun at home. This also causes the police in the United States to always be highly nervous when facing suspects. Once the suspect behaves suspiciously, they will not say anything. Said to shoot and kill immediately.

After a week of nervousness, coupled with disappointment at the federal government's inaction, and under the constant riots, everyone's humanity has become increasingly lacking, and there are many people who indulge in sabotage.

Whether it’s for money or one’s own desires, when despair has completely enveloped us, we suddenly see a glimmer of hope, and everyone wants to hold on to that life-saving straw...

On a certain building in the production plant area, Fang Ye stood by the window holding his teacup, stopping to watch the unmeasured crazy crowd in the distance, and sighed.

"What's wrong?"

Feng Li on the side glanced at him, took a sip of water, and put down the document he had just read.

"Old Feng, why are those people below so crazy?" Fang Ye suddenly asked.

"Isn't it obvious?"

Feng Li didn't take it seriously: "If there was no incitement from those monopoly pharmaceutical companies, I would write the name upside down."

"Old Feng, what do you think if you try to negotiate with them?"

After a moment of silence, Fang Ye asked such a question.

"Did you take the wrong medicine?" Feng Li was surprised when he heard this suggestion: "Do you think those monopoly pharmaceutical companies will negotiate well with us?"


Fang Ye nodded. This is like a child holding a lot of money. Will adults negotiate with the child on an equal footing? In the eyes of those monopoly pharmaceutical companies, Andres should be acquired at a low price. If you object, then use all means to get Andexa... Just like the rioting crowd outside now, it would be impossible without the intervention of monopoly pharmaceutical companies and other financial chaebols!

The police never came, and the National Guard was nowhere to be seen. Fang Ye even wondered if there was something intentional on the part of the White House?

This is a cruel society, especially various monopolistic multinational groups. No matter human life, only interests are the most important. Otherwise, India and Africa back then. Nor will tens of thousands of people die because of experimental drugs being put into clinical trials in these places.

Where huge monopoly interests are involved, there is only blood and fire. There is no room for mercy.

Even if Andres now discloses the manufacturing process of Andexa and opens its authorized production to the world for free, will the public be able to get cheap and free drugs?

It would be great if things in this world were so innocent and smooth. I am afraid that driven by such huge interests, certain forces and organizations still dare to hold this interest in their own hands.

Some anti-cancer drugs or special drugs cost only a few dozen yuan, but can be sold for tens of thousands of yuan per unit. In addition to the fact that early development requires huge production costs, it is also what pharmaceutical companies hope to make patients bleed as much as possible.

Otherwise, it is impossible to recover the cost. After making a lot of huge profits, they still license these drugs to third world countries for production at high prices. This is nothing more than squeezing the blood of third world countries in the end.

Fang Ye, who knew this clearly, still couldn't bear it, but he had no choice at first. Secondly, since I’m sitting on the “chair” called Andres, I have to speak up for this “chair”.

"How long can this situation last?"

Feng Li stood up and came to Fang Ye's side. He raised his head and looked out the window into the distance.

"It's hard to say... maybe three hours, maybe five hours."

Fang Ye said: "But don't worry, I just talked with the White House and the National Guard will come as quickly as possible."


"I told them that there are 100,000 doses of Andexa that were originally produced here. They obviously don't want this batch of drugs to be robbed by the mob..."

Shrugging his shoulders, Fang Ye smiled slightly.

"That's good, I don't have to worry anymore."

Although there are several helicopters behind the park and can take off at any time, if the production plant is destroyed, even if they can escape from here, how will they face the boss's anger later?

The two stood quietly by the window, waiting for the White House's commitment to arrive.

They were not disappointed. Perhaps the White House's order was issued very promptly, and more than a thousand troops arrived.

Facing a large number of rioting crowds, including an unknown number of gun-wielding civilians and thugs, this team of armored vehicles and tanks roared forward without even shouting nonsense, and fired tear gas directly at the crowd.

"Dong dong dong..."

One after another, tear gas canisters suddenly drew arcs in the sky and scattered randomly among the crowd, erupting into a burst of pungent and eye-catching choking smoke, which quickly enveloped the crowd in front of the street.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, let's rush together!"

Someone was in the crowd and commanded, and groups of people who lost their minds started shooting at the army with guns in their hands.

Over the past week, such incidents have occurred one after another. The National Guard and the rest of the Army have seen it many times. However, there are too many cities in chaos, and the strictly enforced curfew policies in various places are not fully implemented. Faced with this riot of more than tens of thousands of people, , even the National Guard became nervous.

You must know that at the end of November last year, thousands of local people in Ferguson rioted because they refused to accept the verdict of shooting a black youth. For this reason, the governor of Missouri dispatched more than 2,200 National Guard troops to the town to suppress it.

This time compared to last year, the number of people rioting this time was larger and their behavior was more crazy. They were not at the same level at all. If it weren't for the National Guard who came this time, all the personnel were fully armed and equipped with M1A2 tanks, armored vehicles and Heavy weapons, let alone disperse the crowd, it would be difficult not to be counter-expelled by the rioters.

Smoke grenades and tear gas fired one after another, not only failed to disperse the crowd immediately, but seemed to have the opposite effect.

The rioting and crazy crowd threw homemade Molotov cocktails towards the M1A2 tank, and some people drove burning vehicles, squeezing through the crowd and ramming towards it.


The m1a2 was originally used as a protective tool for soldiers and would not be used in general suppression. However, seeing the situation becoming more and more serious, the commander who came here made a prompt decision and ordered the guns to be fired on the approaching cars.

As soon as a shell passed by, the car rushing over hundreds of meters away instantly exploded into a ball of flames, scattering metal fragments and causing heavy casualties to the surrounding rioters who had no time to escape!

Such a terrifying scene, no matter how crazy the person is, can't help but feel fear, and even regain some consciousness, not daring to go through the impact without fear of death.

"All Los Angeles citizens, according to the federal temporary decree, everyone should go home immediately and unconditionally..."

More than dozens of heavy tanks and armored vehicles drove over in a steady stream to suppress them. Several UH-60 general-purpose helicopters flew rapidly from the sky in the distance, spraying tear gas on the crowd gathered further away.

It has to be said that such a serious riot, without the use of resolute and heavy suppression methods, will never be able to suppress tens of thousands of people who are still gathering with just thousands of soldiers.

Once the people in front are not frightened, the casualties behind will be even more severe.

The on-site commander knew this and had orders from above. The current international situation is in chaos, and there is no need to pay too much attention to international public opinion. The United States is not only very ruthless against hostile forces abroad, but also shows no mercy to its domestic people.

What is the state violence machine?

Those who dare to cause trouble and disobedient rioters will be resolutely suppressed and eradicated!

This is the organ of violence in every country!

There was no sympathy or pity. All the National Guard soldiers were wearing body armor and helmets. The soldiers in the front put up riot shields, and the soldiers in the back were all loaded, aiming at the rioting crowd, with indifferent faces, ready to shoot at any time.

The loudspeaker on the armored vehicle was making a loud sound, and was still playing about the federal temporary decree, requiring all people to go home immediately and unconditionally, otherwise it would be illegal.

Unfortunately, there were too many people, and the simple hesitation and confrontation did not last long. With someone unwilling to shoot at the army, a tragic suppression began!

Blood, screams, corpses, and mutilated limbs suddenly erupted like a hellish battlefield. Dozens of people rushing in front were shot and killed almost instantly. The people who came after them continuously, with the large number of guns in their hands, actually caused harm to the National Guard.

"Listen to my command and fire immediately!"

the commander yelled into the radio.


The barrels of several m1a2 vehicles shrank, and the car body jerked back. In a flash of fire, several shells instantly surrounded the street in front of them. The shrapnel and flames generated by the explosion were like landslides and tsunamis that swept through the streets dozens of meters long.

Not only did the surrounding burning vehicle explode into a ball of scrap metal, but even the thugs who were hiding behind and shooting were instantly torn into pieces of flesh.

Such a violent explosion frightened the thugs who were shooting behind them and backed away repeatedly. As soon as they retreated, thousands of people ran back and were suddenly "turned on their backs". Many people screamed and were trampled to death.

"All units, move forward!"

The commander gave the order, and the two leading M1A2s drove at full speed, their tracks swishing on the concrete floor, and they drove towards the rioting crowd.

The tanks and armored vehicles followed closely behind, and the soldiers in the middle, holding their guns vigilantly, followed the tanks cautiously, using the tanks as a cover to protect themselves.

Although the dispersal operation seemed to be going well, there were tens of thousands of people! The streets in front and behind were all crowded, and who knew if something terrible would happen.

In order to prevent another unfavorable situation from happening again, all the soldiers were highly nervous, fearing that they would accidentally be shot coldly and die in unknown circumstances. (To be continued)

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