Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 323 Killer

If Chen Yang wants to kill someone, it is estimated that no one on this planet can really stop him. Not to mention that these two female killers left their backs to him and exposed their flaws. Even if the two of them didn't run away and aimed their guns directly at him, he could still sit firmly in the hot spring and kill each other instantly without moving his body at all.

It's not on the same species level at all. No matter how powerful the killer is, in Chen Yang's eyes, he's not much different from a chicken.

After the two blond women escaped, Chen Yang slowly stood up from the hot spring, put on his clothes and walked out of the hall.

It took a minute for the two women to run away to nowhere. Chen Yang walked out of the corridor, but seemed to be able to see the traces of the two of them, and quickly arrived at the hotel's underground parking lot.


When they arrived at the underground parking lot, they saw a black SUV rushing over, the door slid down, and a submachine gun stretched out.

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of afterimages were shattered by a long shuttle bullet. Chen Yang looked calm, with his hands behind his back. He simply stepped across a distance of tens of meters out of thin air. He suddenly had the illusion of shrinking to an inch, and he caught up with him all of a sudden. The SUV drove away.

Reaching out, Chen Yang grabbed the rear seat door of the SUV and pulled it casually. The extremely hard door immediately separated from the body with a harsh "click" sound, and was thrown out while spinning.


The flying car door drew an arc in mid-air and directly smashed the front window of a truck.

Then. As if the car was not moving, Chen Yang bent down like an ordinary passenger getting on the car. He stretched his legs and actually sat on it.

The "sister" who looked at all this in shock looked extremely shocked, and her dull eyes clearly told others that she had lost her normal thinking due to the shock.

Yes, killers are also human beings, not the supermen in movies who can fly into the sky and into the earth. In fact, except for some killing skills. There is not much difference between them and ordinary people.

Because of this, as an ordinary human being, it was natural for her to look dull when she saw such a horrific and unbelievable scene.

"Aren't you here to serve me? Just leave without saying hello. Isn't it a bit rude?"

As if he didn't see the dull look in his "sister's" eyes, Chen Yang sat in the back seat and asked questions calmly, without any anger at being assassinated in his tone.


After stepping on the brake, the SUV stopped immediately. The "sister" sitting in the driving position stared at Chen Yang with a cold sweat, holding a pistol in her hand, and the black muzzle of the gun was already pointed at Chen Yang's forehead. But he didn't dare to pull the trigger.

Yes, somehow, she had pointed the gun at Chen Yang's forehead. The distance between the two sides was no more than 20 centimeters. At this distance, she only needed to gently pull the trigger to complete the target mission with one bullet.

But she couldn't pull the trigger.

She only felt her whole body shaking and shaking, and she was even more frightened than when she faced those people in the slums when she was a child. It's like sitting next to a lion. Even if the lion is sleeping with its eyes closed, people can't help but feel scared. Uncontrollable fear!

Shoot! Shoot!

She has never hated her own weakness so much, why should she be afraid? Why tremble?

As long as the trigger is pulled, the target can be shot, yes, that must be the case, as long as the trigger is pulled, everything is over!

She was roaring loudly in her heart, but after all, she still didn't dare to pull the trigger immediately.

The extremely trembling arms revealed her inner weakness and helplessness at this moment.

"You are not qualified enough to be a killer."

Chen Yang was very disappointed and disappointed with the legendary killer. This was the first time he had encountered a killer in reality. How could he be so helpless?

But if you think about it carefully, even if you assassinate Kennedy, the killer only took one more look at Mr. President in the crowd, then raised his gun and shot him. How come there were so many battles and 300 rounds, and the plot was magnificent...

"You, you... let us go, and I will tell you what you want to know."

The blond woman holding the gun took a deep breath, barely suppressed the fear in her heart, and stammered.

"If I don't let you go, can you tell if it's different?"

When Chen Yang said this, his heart suddenly moved and his face changed slightly.

Oops, although it is not a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain, it is very likely that it was done simultaneously, so Zhang Xinrou, who lives upstairs, is in danger!

"Did you have any accomplices who went up together?"

Chen Yang's face darkened, and the atmosphere in the car suddenly changed. It was as if a big bell was ringing. The woman with the gun could no longer hold the pistol, and her hand dropped.

It was definitely not that the blonde woman had poor mental qualities. She had completed more than a dozen missions and had long lost her fear of killing people. But even so, the keen sixth sense that comes from humans was frantically warning her that this person was in great danger. Even scarier than a gathering of hundreds of cobras! It’s ten times more terrifying!

The stiff body was unable to move, and her mouth was slightly open, but no sound came out. A smell of urine came from the woman's lower body, and Chen Yang was so frightened that she became incontinent.

Pheromones exist in every animal. Human beings' sixth sense of danger actually comes from the induction of pheromones from other species, which leads to potential reactions and changes in physiological phenomena.

Chen Yang became angry, and his body involuntarily secreted hundreds of baker's worth of androdiene pheromone, which immediately stimulated the blond woman's vomeronasal organ potential response, causing her to become incontinent directly due to psychological stress.

Too lazy to talk nonsense with these two women, Chen Yang stretched out his hands to grab the two women. Chen Yang left the SUV and strode out. He carried the two women faster than Bolt, running at full strength, and did not wait for a gust of wind. Lift, direct access to emergency stairs

Rushed forward.

The tenth floor! Chen Yang only spent less than ten seconds!

Including the time lost down there, it should only be one and a half minutes!

The reaction was already extremely fast, but unfortunately Chen Yang was still a step late and kicked the door open. Zhang Xinrou was nowhere to be seen in the luxurious suite.

Although it was a pity not to see anyone, Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

The absence of anyone means that the person is still alive, which is a good thing. Otherwise, if it is like what he did just now, it is hard to say that he will only see a female corpse.

The temperature of the bathroom was already freezing, and the caretaker woman who took care of Zhang Xinrou fainted and lost consciousness.

The TV was still on, not turned off.

The refrigerator... where the caretaker woman fell to the ground, Chen Yang reached out and touched the inside of the refrigerator, knowing that it should not have lasted more than two minutes.


With his eyes closed, the second overclocking speed was already on, and various traces left behind appeared in Chen Yang's mind like a revolving door.

Without any further hesitation, Chen Yang flicked his fingers to stun the two women in his hands, then quickly went out and followed the traces left behind. The hotel is crowded with people and the flow is frequent. If the time exceeds one minute, Chen Yang must turn on the second overclocking to sense. If it exceeds three minutes, the smell and the heat left by the body will disappear... After all, he is not a dog.

Freight elevator?

The trace stopped in front of the freight elevator. Chen Yang looked at the rapidly descending elevator and suddenly smiled.

Then his face turned cold, and he stretched out his hands to grab the closed safety door, and forcefully separated it from both sides, revealing a deep, dark hole.


The sound of the elevator running was especially loud after the safety door opened. Chen Yang looked down and jumped out without hesitation.


The earth-shattering sound almost stopped the descending elevator from running. Chen Yang jumped down from the entire seventh or eighth floor and landed with his feet on the top of the elevator. The elevator was shaken and the creaking sound was frightening. Trembling!

Since it landed on the top of the elevator, things would be easier to handle. Chen Yang tore open the maintenance door on the top of the elevator with one hand and stuck his head out.

Inside the elevator, which is less than a few square meters, two Western white men were stunned and confused, as if they were still wondering what was wrong with the elevator. And the two of them caught the unconscious girl in their hands. Who else could it be if it wasn't Zhang Xinrou?

Caught up!

Chen Yang had no expression on his face and jumped down from the gap at the top.


There was another vibration, and Chen Yang landed firmly inside the elevator, but compared to the previous vibration, this time it was much lighter.


The sudden appearance of Chen Yang made the two white men dumbfounded. They looked at Chen Yang standing there in disbelief, as if they were wondering if they were dazzled?


The elevator descended with difficulty, but it finally completed its mission and reached the -1 floor.

The elevator door slowly opened to both sides, and two black figures were thrown out. Chen Yang walked out with Zhang Xinrou in his arms.

This time he was negligent. Chen Yang kept thinking that since his identity was not exposed, there should be no danger... plus he was not afraid of any danger, so he didn't take much precautions due to his negligence.

As it turned out, the danger really didn't exist for him, but if he was taking a girl with him without much protection, then negligence would be negligence.

Fortunately, he reacted in time and rescued the girl at the last moment. Otherwise, Zhang Xinrou would have been abducted by unknown forces, and Chen Yang would also have had a hard time.

The two white men were knocked unconscious casually. Chen Yang held the girl in his right hand and casually carried the two fainted men in his left hand. He returned to the elevator, went upstairs and entered the suite.

The series of things that happened just now only lasted a few minutes, and it was almost like a moment of trance. But Chen Yang has already arrested four people - four guys who don't know whether to live or die.

It seems that I have to play the role of interrogator again!

Chen Yang sent Zhang Xinrou to another room to settle down, then threw the unconscious caretaker woman into the bathroom, and then walked over to wake up the two unconscious blond women.

The method of waking him up was naturally not easy. He just poured a bottle of cold water on his head and he woke up naturally. (To be continued)

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