Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 344 The Mutation of the Cube

A week ago, Chen Yang and his right hand were still in the "Pyramid" laboratory. Unexpectedly, suddenly, the cube, which had been quiet all this time, suddenly appeared abnormal. A three-dimensional map was shot out of the air, and it turned out to be a Three-dimensional earth.

On this three-dimensional earth, a flashing red dot is marked on it, which looks particularly dazzling and eye-catching. Chen Yang and his right hand were not blind, so they naturally saw the red dot at the first sight.

What is this red dot?

What does this change in the cube mean?

Chen Yang and his right hand, who were already confused about the origin and true purpose of the cube, now seemed even more confused. However, Chen Yang and his right hand could clearly see where the red dot appeared, and there was nothing they didn't understand...

It's just that the place where the red dot is is actually the Antarctic...


Is there anything in this icy purgatory?

Is there something connected to this cube, or is that where the cause of the cube's mutation lies?

In any case, in order to understand the doubts and incomprehensions in Happy, it is imperative to go to Antarctica!

Therefore, through Fross, Chen Yang simply purchased an icebreaker to be used as a means of transportation for this journey to Antarctica. After all, if you go to Antarctica and are trapped by a large area of ​​ice, you can continue to break through the ice with an icebreaker. After making up your mind. Chen Yang quickly made arrangements and organized a group of EMER special emergency task forces to follow, and at the same time let the shadows greatly increase their strength. As well as Putem and Wang Rui acting together.

After sailing on the icebreaker for six days at sea, the icebreaker finally arrived at the Antarctic Circle. It was truly entering the icy purgatory of Antarctica.

As soon as we entered the vicinity of the Antarctic Circle, the temperature dropped sharply. The people on the ship took out the cold-weather clothes they had prepared and did not stop there. Instead, in accordance with Chen Yang's instructions, the icebreaker continued to move forward.

Finished this delicious dinner. Chen Yang took out the cube and thought silently in his mind. Soon, a three-dimensional light image of three-dimensional projection shot out from the cube. Floating in front of Chen Yang, it turned into a beautifully proportioned three-dimensional sphere - the earth.

Judging from the appearance, this three-dimensional earth is almost as realistic as the real thing. On top of the blue and slightly dim sphere, layers of clouds are suspended on the surface of the sphere, which is similar to what Chen Yang has seen in movies before. On Earth, the difference is not big.

On the contrary, the Earth in the movie is probably still an exaggerated scene. But the earth before Chen Yang was a little too real. Grabbing the cube. Chen Yang only had to imagine as he pleased, and then the earth could be zoomed in and out with ease. After his previous tests, this thing was similar to Google Earth, except that the maximum accuracy was about a few hundred meters, and he could barely see clearly. Ground blocks. The specific building can only become a point-like object above.

When the cube that travels to and from different worlds is realized, a virtual projected three-dimensional earth appears. Whether in Chen Yang's eyes or in his right hand's mind, it's not something worth making a fuss about.

What really deserves their attention is the flashing red dot. It is extremely dazzling and attracts attention, and they cannot ignore it deliberately.

"What on earth could it be..."

Chen Yang murmured and kept zooming in on the location of the red dot. Unfortunately, due to accuracy reasons, he could only see a vast snowy scene. As for what abnormal objects there were, he probably couldn't see anything clearly.

"It would be great if we had our own reconnaissance satellite..."

Of course, even if you have your own satellite, unless you deliberately plan to launch the satellite in the Antarctic orbit, it is still impossible to detect the situation on the Antarctic ground.

Still unable to figure out the secret of the cube, Chen Yang sighed, put the cube back in the safe and locked it, then lay on the bed and fell asleep deeply.

Early the next morning, around six o'clock in the morning local Antarctic time, Chen Yang woke up, put on his clothes, opened the door and walked out.

In the corridor outside the door, crew members have already changed to the duty crew position, walking back and forth and getting busy.

When Chen Yang walked to the outer deck of the ship, the scene he saw was all black... The sky and the earth were mixed together, turning into a thick black, and even the stars in the sky were covered. Fluorescent.

The daylight in Antarctica is gradually getting stronger. It's past six o'clock at the moment, and the sky is still not bright. With Chen Yang's eyes, he can only see clearly about ten meters away from the lights on the ship.


Wang Rui pushed open the hatch and huddled his head, wanting to hide his body in his thick thermal clothes. When he saw Chen Yang standing on the edge of the hull, he hesitated for a moment, as if he was afraid of the severe cold outside. But after only hesitating for less than two seconds, he gritted his teeth and walked over from the hatch.

"It's not even thirty degrees below zero yet you're so cold..."

Chen Yang laughed dumbly: "If you go to the Northeast, wouldn't you be able to survive?"

"Boss, this is different."

Wang Rui shivered: "The temperature in the northeast may be similar to here, but there is not such a strong cold wind..."

Yes, dry cold is certainly cold, but if in the same low-temperature environment, one is just dry and cold, and the other has constant cold wind, the second one will definitely be unbearable.

"You are so afraid of the cold... We will go to even colder places later, how can you bear it?"


Wang Rui has been thinking about this issue since yesterday. It is obvious that his boss cannot stop here and will definitely continue to go deep into the Antarctic Circle, and maybe even set foot on the Antarctic continent. It is conceivable that just after entering the Antarctic Circle, the temperature has dropped to minus 25 or 6 degrees Celsius. So how cold will such an environment be when going deep into the Antarctic?

Temperatures of minus 40 to 50 degrees Celsius are likely to be sparse and ordinary in a place like that...

Wang Rui couldn't help but shudder when he thought of this situation.

But if he just gave up, wouldn't it make his boss feel like he was a waste?

Well, Wang Rui would rather be cold or frozen than make his boss feel like he is a waste.

"Boss... you don't have to worry about this. In fact, I think this level of weather temperature is not a big problem for me..."

Wang Rui straightened his head, stretched out his warm clothes, and patted his chest to show that Chen Yang didn't need to worry.

"Well, that's good, I hope so."

Chen Yang was noncommittal and stood beside the ship to enjoy the cold morning wind before stepping into the cabin and dining in the canteen on the icebreaker.

As usual, with Chen Yang's strong capital injection, this old icebreaker sprouted up again. Not only was the interior of the dilapidated cabin renovated, but even the food on board was greatly changed.

In this world, although money is not everything, money can also turn decay into magic and do a lot of things that cannot be done without money. All kinds of exquisite food were sent to the ship for free and stored in large quantities for this ocean voyage.

The crew can not only eat delicious steaks every day, but also eat frozen green vegetables and fruits. Even ice cream can be supplied here.

Such a wealthy man bought this icebreaker, which allowed the crew members who were about to be dismissed to stay and sign new work agreements. This greatly increased morale and made Chen Yang, his immediate boss, particularly diligent.

After breakfast, the route was adjusted again. The ice floes floating on the sea gradually increased in large areas. There were layers of large ice floes, and the end could not be seen at a glance. Encountering a large area of ​​ice floes also forced the icebreaker to slow down slightly.

"Sir, I'm afraid we'll have to delay our scheduled arrival time."

In the central control room of the engine room, Captain Ham said regretfully with a cigar in his mouth.

"Is it……"

Chen Yang frowned and stared at the endless ice floes in the distance, understanding what Captain Ham said. With so much ice floes, even the icebreaker itself had to be hindered and slowed down.

"How long will it take to delay?"

Nine days have passed since the mutation occurred in the cube. Chen Yang cannot guarantee when the mutation in the cube will disappear, so seizing the time is the most important thing.

"Well, maybe it will take two to three hours..."

Ham didn't know what Chen Yang wanted to do, but he knew one thing. Even if it didn't delay the arrival of the destination, Chen Yang couldn't accomplish anything.

According to the originally planned time to arrive at the destination, it was already seven o'clock in the local night. It was dark at that time, and nothing could be done until the next day.

So being delayed for a few hours is not a big deal at all.

Perhaps knowing this, Chen Yang frowned and then relaxed, "Captain, in this case, there is no need to rush, just stop at noon and wait for a few hours."


Ham was stunned and looked at Chen Yang in confusion.

"Just follow orders and that's it."

Chen Yang's words forced Ham's puzzled gaze back.

"Yes, sir, as you wish."

Ham, who shrugged his shoulders and signed a series of confidentiality agreements, was not really very curious about what Chen Yang planned to do. Anyway, as long as you pay, who cares what you are doing here, why stop at sea? As long as you give money, nothing is a problem.

Ham, who deeply understood this, had nothing to worry about and immediately nodded in agreement.

After taking care of Ham's side, Chen Yang immediately summoned Wang Rui, Shadow, and Putum to hold a pre-action discussion.

"Is the equipment okay?"

"No problem, boss, I've been watching."

"Okay then, let's start this experimental test at noon."

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