Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 36 Third gear overclocking

Energy was continuously provided to the brain. After eating so much chocolate, Chen Yang didn't feel tired at all.

When he came out of the community and walked to the corner of the street, Chen Yang didn't pay attention at all, but the number and location of the vehicles coming and going came into his mind. Even the license plate number cannot escape data collection as long as it is glanced at.

If a person deliberately counts the passing vehicles, he can also count how many vehicles there are.

But if you ask him now, how many people have passed by him along the way? How many trash cans are there? How many street lights are there? How many steps did you take?

Then this person must be stunned and unable to answer a single question even if he racks his brain.

But has he really never seen these things?

No, everything has been seen by him, but these irrelevant information are only remembered momentarily and forgotten in a moment, let alone processed.

Even if you tell this person all the questions in advance, if you have to count so much information and just memorize and calculate it in your mind, you will definitely calculate this and forget about that.

This means that people cannot do two things at once.

Just like a single-core processor, it can only handle problems one by one, but cannot handle problems in parallel like a multi-core processor.

In fact, the human brain is more than just multi-core. A supercomputer composed of thousands of cores cannot compare with the human brain in terms of logical operations and intelligent imagination, and its deep memory is also extremely terrifying.

However, although the core of the human brain is utilized, the frequency is locked to avoid overclocking "heat" damage and insufficient energy supply.

Such a reasonable "valve" in natural evolution has been stepped into the restricted area by the right hand. It is not sure what impact it will have on the human body.

Therefore, the right hand monitored Chen Yang's body and did not dare to relax for a moment.

The experiment was very interesting, and a lot of unexpected data emerged, but obviously the body of the host is more important, just like the "car" for transportation is broken, do we really want it to walk?

Therefore, once something goes wrong with Chen Yang's body, his right hand will immediately stop testing.

Fortunately, after parasitizing Chen Yang, some modifications were made to the host body. The physical quality of the host body far exceeded the standards of the same kind. Otherwise, the right hand would not dare to conduct the "second-speed overclocking" test on the host body's brain. !

After observing for a while, his right hand found that although the body's physical reaction had undergone relatively complex changes, it had not yet reached its limit. It penetrated deeply into Chen Yang's brain and began to continue further experiments.

Chen Yang, who was walking on the street, no longer needed to look at the time on his phone. After checking the time thirty minutes ago, his mind seemed to be counting accurately. He only needed a brief thought to know the past. How many seconds.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening. Chen Yang looked at the road signs and estimated how long it would take for the bus to arrive.

"Boarding body, calculate the shortest route back."

Walk back?

Chen Yang was just confused for a moment, and then he understood that it was his right hand and he needed to continue to test and observe.


As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, Chen Yang instantly calculated the shortest route away from home.

Turn around and walk away without stopping.

At the current walking speed, it is estimated that it will take two hours and thirty-five minutes to reach the destination, plus or minus no more than ten minutes.

As Chen Yang walked, he kept receiving a huge amount of information and calculations in his mind. The information from the ears accounted for 3%, the touch from the skin and the nose accounted for 0.8%, and the remaining information was all occupied by the eyes. .


A gust of night breeze blew through the street, picking up a few plastic bags that had fallen on the ground. In the international metropolis of Donghai, even if the time is late at night, there are bright lights and busy vehicles everywhere.

But just as the breeze blew by, Chen Yang's ears rang, and the world in front of him almost stopped instantly!

Yes, stagnant, everything seems to be frozen. The vehicles no longer move forward, the crowd has stopped, the jogger’s foot is still in the air, and all objects in the entire street are stagnant, like the long river of time. It's generally frozen.

"How about it?"

The voice from the right hand suddenly sounded.


Chen Yang wanted to ask what happened, but when he opened his mouth, he realized that "what's going on" was clearly on his mind, but he couldn't say it.

It seemed like "more than ten seconds" passed before he felt his mouth move.

There was no need for his right hand to explain. Chen Yang understood at this moment that his thinking speed had been increased to an incredible level by his right hand.

When a person observes an image of an object, the eyeballs do not stay still. They usually stay in one place for a few hundred milliseconds to complete the image capture, and then move to another place to capture the image. This movement continues continuously. This movement is called jumping movement.

The visual persistence characteristic of the human eye means that when the image disappears or changes, the image in the brain will not disappear immediately, but will remain for a short period of time.

This short-duration image moves at extremely fast speeds, forming the continuous images we usually see.

At this moment, the stagnant world in front of Chen Yang's eyes is precisely because his thinking has reached its extreme, and the information images seen by his eyes are transmitted to the brain for post-processing through the optic nerve, forming an illusion.

"Time is indeed relative..."

Chen Yang looked at the frozen street in front of him and realized a little bit. Creatures or objects with different running speeds live in different worlds. Just like a sloth that does everything slowly, although it lives in the same world as humans. The same world, but the two have completely different feelings about time.

Maybe, to a sloth, only a moment has passed, but to a human, it feels like several hours have passed. "Time" is not what people usually feel at all, it is just people's illusion.

Although the brain's processing speed has increased to an incredible level, the analog signals transmitted by the human body's nerves are limited in speed processing. As a result, Chen Yang obviously wanted to move his hands and feet. After waiting for a long time, his hands began to receive the signal slowly. To move, let alone the feet, even the signal has not been received.

More than one trillion neuron cells, more than one hundred trillion neural connections, and countless neural instructions were running rapidly in Chen Yang's brain. He seemed to feel something different.

Yes, in this state, the world is different, not only because of the illusion of time, but also because of more and more complex information.

For example, there were a total of seventy-eight vehicles on the streets within a hundred meters to Chen Yang's left. Their trajectories all appeared in Chen Yang's mind, so he immediately knew that the black car twelve meters away The Mercedes will hit a street light ten seconds later.

Ten seconds later, three pedestrians will happen to walk under a street light, and there is a 90% chance that they will be hit by a Mercedes-Benz.

Chen Yang remained unmoved. Although he calculated the future with miraculous skill, he did not experience even the slightest emotional fluctuation.

Just because in this state, he didn't have time to create the foundation needed for his emotions, so how could his emotions fluctuate.


Like the ebb of the sea, Chen Yang retreated from that god-like state. His head suddenly felt dizzy and he almost fell down.

He felt a pity in his right hand. After once again increasing the speed of his brain, less than three or four seconds passed. Not only did Chen Yang's brain almost "melt" due to the high temperature, but even various parts of his body were alerting, and his heart was The violent beating has exceeded 250 times per minute, the blood pressure continues to rise, and a large amount of adrenaline is secreted, causing the right hand to stop the experiment quickly.

If an ordinary person were in that state just now, there is no doubt that they would die to a degree that would shock even forensic doctors.


There was a loud noise of vehicle collision in the distance. After a black Mercedes-Benz hit a street light, it deflected and hit three passing pedestrians. A tragic tragedy suddenly occurred.

(Why do people still collect "The Ring of Darkness"? That book is no longer written. If you like it, you can actually read my other science fiction book "Future Catastrophe", which is also a black science fiction book. I have never read it. You can take a look)

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