Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 370: Stealing (Part 2)

It is indeed quite difficult to escape from there.

Nico thought for a while, staring at the wall in a daze. After an unknown amount of time, he sighed, holding his swollen head and having a headache.

If that method was adopted, it would be very dangerous. He hesitated for a long time and still couldn't make up his mind.

Nico had no choice but to grit his teeth and give up on his recent decision to escape from the warehouse area.

"I... must be calm, calm, don't be afraid, don't be afraid... there will definitely be a chance, there will definitely be a chance."

Nico murmured to himself, got up, changed his clothes, and walked towards the restaurant in the rest area.

Thanks to the strong funds of the Fros Foundation, the restaurants here are also divided into several, each adopting a self-service mode. A variety of dishes are placed in front of the table where the dishes are placed for everyone to choose from.

If you are not satisfied with the dishes, you can also write your requirements on the restaurant's message board. New dishes will be presented within three days at most. Even if you want to eat Italian caviar, there is no problem.

The caviar will be flown in by plane and placed on your table three days later.

Nico randomly selected some dishes, then chose a table to sit down, and slowly started eating with a knife and fork. Rather than tasting the food, Nico actually had no intention of eating. He was thinking about things in his mind and eating mechanically without tasting the delicious food at all.

"Dr. Nico..."

A sudden sound interrupted Nico's contemplation. When he raised his head, he saw a man with burning eyes. She was looking at him while holding the dinner plate.

"Can I sit here?"

Nico glanced around in confusion, and after realizing that there were many tables around him, he said with slight confusion: "Of course."

Pulling out the chair and sitting down, the man stared at Nico's dinner plate, "Lobster, do you like lobster?"

"Yeah. The lobster here is okay." Nico said perfunctorily, not knowing what the man meant.

"Yeah, maybe I should try it too."

The man took a knife, cut off a small piece of beef and put it into his mouth to chew: "Dr. Nico, do you always eat alone?"

"...Excuse me, have we met before?"

Nico said politely. When the man heard what Nico said, he stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Philos. I am a researcher on the first floor."


Nico shook hands with the man who called himself Philos in a daze.

"Dr. Nico, I have wanted to get to know you for a long time, but I never had the chance."

Philos said: "I think we can become friends, very good friends..."

"Sorry, we just met...I mean, who knows what the future will bring?"

Nico couldn't stand the familiarity of Philos.

"Yes, you are right. Who can know what will happen in the future?"

Wary about Nico. Philos didn't take it seriously and ate the steak on the plate leisurely. "Dr. Nico, you want to escape from here, right?"


Nico looked at Philos in shock. He was so shocked that the fork immediately slipped from his hand and suddenly fell directly on the dinner plate.

"You, what are you talking about..."

Nico realized his gaffe and quickly concealed his expression. Trying to regain peace.

"Dr. Nico, you don't have to rush to deny it. I'm not your enemy, I'm your friend."…

Feros whispered: "Actually, I also want to escape from here. My purpose is exactly the same as yours."

"I'm sorry. I don't know what you're talking about."

Nico shook his head and simply ignored Feros and just ate the food on his plate.

"I was indeed right, Dr. Nico, you are really careful." Philos praised instead: "Only when I work with someone like you can I feel completely at ease."

"Sorry, I don't understand what you're talking about."

Nico stood up, stopped eating the lobster on the plate, and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, Dr. Nico, don't you want to leave here? Or are you really planning to keep the experimental items you just went to Area C to keep in your room?"

Two simple words made Nico unable to lift his steps and really walk away. He turned back and stared at Philos, who was resting, and sat down suddenly.

"What do you know?"

"I know a lot of things."

Philos raised his eyebrows: "Including your plan."

"This is impossible, except for me..."

"No one knows, right?" Philos took up Nico's words, spread his hands and said, "But unfortunately, I know about this."

"Okay, what do you want?"

After a long silence, Nico asked with difficulty.

"Dr. Nico, don't worry, I don't need anything."

Feros showed his white teeth: "On the contrary, I will help you escape from here."

"Humph, are you so kind?" Nico didn't believe what this strange man said at all.

"Well, okay, I admit it seems I can't hide this from you."

Philos changed the topic: "Do you have the second layer of evidence in your hands?"

"No..." Nico looked into Philos's eyes and knew that no matter how much he denied it, he would not be able to deceive the man in front of him, so he could only keep his acquiescence.

"I need that piece of evidence in your hand."

Philos said: "The price is to help you escape from here, how about it? What do you think of this condition?"


Nico said: "Why do you want the evidence in my hands? What else do you know?"

"I know a little more than you think."

Philos swallowed a mouthful of beef, "Isn't this a fair deal? You want to leave here, and I want the evidence in your hand. Well, by the way, you should still have some technical information in your hand, right? If You are willing to sell when you get out. I can also help you contact buyers."

"who are you?"

Nico said as low as possible.

"Who am I? Trust me, I'm your friend."

Philos put down his fork, "Okay, I've finished eating. I'll contact you another day."

After saying that, he didn't wait for Nico to come back to his senses. He stood up and left the restaurant.

After sitting there for a while, Nico felt irritated and refused to eat. He went back to his room and drank a few mouthfuls of water and smoked a few cigarettes before lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling helplessly.

How can it be?

He clearly believed that he had no flaws, so why was he exposed? Where did he show his flaws?

This absolutely shouldn't be the case...

And who is that person? Did you deliberately test him? Or could he really help him escape without telling lies?

Thinking about it carefully, if that person was really someone who deliberately tested him, his behavior at that time could be considered an admission. So if you absolutely cannot leave the restaurant, you will be arrested by the security personnel. Why has no one come until now?

So based on this consideration, is that person telling the truth?

After hesitating for a long time, the distraught Nico simply gave up thinking. Anyway, if he had been completely exposed, it would be impossible for him to escape in this environment. In that case, it's better to relax. What to do continue to do.

After a few days of this, Nico found out that nothing happened, and he was relieved. On the other side, he didn't really wait for Philos to find him again, and he didn't even meet him again in the restaurant, as if that conversation was over. It disappeared from sight.

Nico remained vigilant. It was not until the third night, when he returned to his room to rest that a familiar voice shocked him.

"Hi Dr. Nico. We haven't seen each other in a few days."

"It's you!"

Nico turned around and saw Philos standing behind him.

"Won't you invite me in to talk?"

Philos's eyes signaled that there was surveillance on the passage.

"come in."

After not seeing each other for a few days, Nico calmed down and became interested in this mysterious man. After hesitating for a moment, he opened the door and asked Philos to follow him in.

Philos followed him unceremoniously into the door, opened the refrigerator, took out a can of beer and opened it.

"Do you want it?"

"Thank you, I don't need it."

Nico refused the beer in Philos' hand, sat down and asked, "Okay, can we talk?"

"no problem."

After taking a swig of beer, Philos wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and said, "At this time tomorrow, I will have a chance to help you out."


Nico was shocked: "Really?"

"It must be true."

Philos said: "At this time tomorrow, my companion will transport a batch of goods into the warehouse in Area C. At that time, we can sneak out."


Nico felt incredible: "Do you really know where to go from here to Area C?"

"Of course I know."

Feros said helplessly: "The passage you know is just a passage for transporting ordinary experimental products. There is also a passage specially used for transporting large goods such as food."

Nico was startled, "Is there another one?"

"Oh, do you think that just one passage can transport so many supplies every day?"

Philos sneered: "That's not easy. It requires continuous transportation 24 hours a day."

Nico ignored Philos's ridicule. After learning the news, he became more and more convinced that the man in front of him was really ready to help him escape from here.

"Okay, doctor, have a good rest tonight. We'll meet here again at this time tomorrow."

Philos stood up and opened the door, waving goodbye to Nico.

Watching the man walk into the passage and leave, Nico took a deep breath and closed the door. He felt refreshed and clenched his fists in excitement.

This Philos may have another purpose, but as long as he can leave from here, everything is easy to discuss.

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