Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 375 Arrangements for evacuation

"Chen, you know that I don't have much time left...and you know the most clearly what I want most. From the very beginning, I have given you everything you need without any objection. I fully support you. I think the price I paid should be able to replace everything I need? A lot of words."

Froese said slowly: "Actually, even if you want to evacuate all personnel to Australia, I have no objection, but where is the thing I need?"

"Mr. Froese, it's already on you."

Chen Yang spread his hands and said helplessly: "Aren't you healthy now? You know that more than two months ago, you were almost lying in bed and never got up."

"Not enough, all this is not enough!"

Froese's face turned ferocious: "Chen, so far, I have paid more than five billion US dollars. Yes, it is more than five billion US dollars, not fifty US dollars! This is not a small sum, But what you are giving me now is far different from what you agreed with me before. What I need is a young body, not the old and weakening body now!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Yang's mouth, as if he was apologizing, and also seemed to be laughing at Fross's gaffe, but in the end he solemnly said: "I will not break the contract. Since we have agreed on this from the beginning, Then the result will not change. I think I have never concealed the progress of the experiment from you, right? Many brain transplant surgeries and human cloning surgeries are currently at the fastest pace, and it is impossible to continue to speed up... It will take another year... With your current body, it is not difficult to persist for one year." "No, you hid it from me!"

Fross was not as old as he appeared at all, and roared loudly: "A few months ago, you used the technology to pull me back from hell. I haven't seen any test data or information until now? I asked Many people say that my current body is extremely abnormal...it is a miracle that should never happen in medicine!"

"Chen, you must have concealed a lot of things from me. Yes, that must be the case. Do you have mature technology in your hands now? But you have been deceiving me?"

The old man's red eyes stared at Chen Yang across the screen. The two were thousands of miles apart, but Chen Yang could clearly feel the anger and impatience in the old man's heart.


Chen Yang was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "You are only half right. I have some unique technologies in my hands. It's not that I don't want to tell you, but these technologies have very huge flaws, and they are not effective in increasing the life span of the human body." It has serious side effects and should never be used except as a last resort."

"To be honest, I can successfully try it on you. Mr. Froese, you have been greatly favored by God. Most people don't have such obvious effects as you." At this point, Chen Yang paused and then said calmly. : "In addition, I can guarantee that no one in this world except me can fulfill your wish, Mr. Froese."

Staring into Fross's eyes, Chen Yang did not give in at all: "I hope Mr. Fross will recognize this and not do anything that will make both of us regretful. Otherwise, I won't be in a hurry if there are any mistakes in the progress of the experiment." . But Mr. Froese... will probably feel a lot of pain, right? Quite a few words."

The naked threats and warnings made Fross so angry that his lips trembled, but as Chen Yang said, in this world, apart from him, there was really no one who could help Fross fulfill his wish.

In view of this "truth", Froese finally said nothing more. With a livid face, he said: "I'll let Em deal with you for the rest. Okay, I'm going to rest."…

It seemed that although Fross did not turn against Chen Yang's verbal threats, he was definitely feeling very uncomfortable. He turned off the display screen and disconnected from Chen Yang.

"This human needs to be dealt with, right? It's a lot of words."

His right hand had been watching from the side, and now he spoke.

"Well, this man is really not willing to be controlled by others. How should I put it? He is indeed a man who has independently built a business empire. He should not be underestimated..."

If it were the former Chen Yang, he probably wouldn't even be qualified to stand in front of Fros.

People of Fros's level are already among the top people in the world. Compared with ordinary people, the gap is wider than the gap between heaven and earth. This is almost an insurmountable distance!

Chen Yang praised, and then changed his words: "But as long as he still has 'desire', he will not act rashly and do stupid things. It is true that people are emotional animals, but for people with that kind of status, emotions Things like this are no longer important, what matters more is mutual interests.”

"Besides, if Fross really wants to do something stupid, then it's just right..."

Chen Yang's voice became so low that it was almost inaudible.

Only his right hand heard Chen Yang's complete words, "Very good, host body, it turns out you did these things while I was asleep."

"It's nothing, just preparing for a rainy day just in case."

Chen Yang didn't think it was anything. As he said, it was just a back-up plan to prevent some people from doing bad things that were not worthy of praise.

Having decided to evacuate the entire pyramid underground laboratory, Chen Yang did not hesitate and immediately summoned Liu Helan and others, as well as all company executives thousands of miles away, to hold a high-level temporary meeting.

The entire temporary meeting lasted one hour and thirty minutes, and the task progress and personnel arrangements were quickly finalized. It is expected that all Andres Company members will be evacuated within one day.

For the remaining important researchers, Froese will basically not object, so they can also follow the evacuation. It is expected that within two days, they will disperse from various parts of the United States to Australia.

These matters were arranged by the careful Liu Helan, while Wang Rui stayed to destroy all evidence.

"All the evidence?" Wang Rui was stunned when he heard this order.

"Yes, all evidence must be destroyed and removed."

Chen Yang nodded: "In addition, most of the experimental equipment will be packed and taken away in batches if necessary. Those that cannot be taken away will be destroyed centrally."

In fact, data is the most convenient thing to take away, but many heavy experimental equipment cannot be taken away. It requires too much effort before and after, which is very time-consuming.

Anyway, the Australian headquarters has once again raised its requirements in accordance with the standards of the pyramid underground laboratory here, and has achieved a super first-class laboratory and underground base. Not only is the scale larger than here, but the other equipment is not inferior.

Although giving up a lot of things means abandoning equipment worth 7 to 8 billion US dollars, there is a saying that goes well, if you have money, you can be willful. Although US$7.8 billion is a lot, it is not in Chen Yang's eyes now. With Andres's terrifying profit and expenditure, US$7.8 billion is just a fraction.

Just to build the Australian headquarters, a total of US$3.2 billion has been invested so far. If US$7.8 billion is lost, it will be lost, and it can always be earned back.

After the impromptu meeting, the entire underground base became busy early the next morning.

First of all, all the important researchers were evacuated one by one. SUVs drove out of the underground parking lot at lightning speed, taking away the most important twenty or so researchers with authority level B3.

Immediately afterwards, some air-conditioned buses also drove away, carrying many ordinary researchers, some of them headed for Los Angeles, and some of them headed for other cities.

Although the vehicles have different destinations at the moment, they will eventually converge and reach the same goal.

Of course, the most important things during this trip were the cubes and human-shaped concrete stones that Chen Yang valued.

In order to prevent accidents and because alternative life forms such as human-shaped concrete stones are too dangerous, Chen Yang chartered a special plane specifically to transport human-shaped concrete stones.

After a seven-hour flight, a chartered plane slowly took off its wheels and glided to land on the asphalt cement runway of the airport.

In order to reduce exposure and avoid attracting attention, the chartered plane this time was a small passenger plane, and the landing location was not an international airport. Instead, a small private airport was chosen for the landing.

There may not be many Australian rich people who are famous in the world, but some invisible rich people are very powerful and have considerable influence in Australian politics. Andres deliberately interacted with these rich people and gave up some of his interests. After winning the "friendship" of these local forces, there is no need to say any more polite words between "friends" such as borrowing a private airport.

Therefore, the longer Chen Yang stayed abroad, the more he felt that in the capitalist world, having money means getting things done easily!

As soon as the special plane stopped, several luxury cars suddenly drove over and stopped in front of the boarding stairs in front of the special plane.

There is not much pollution in Australia, and the stars are shrouded in the night, which does not affect people's sight even from a distance. Chen Yang walked out of the cabin door, holding a human-shaped concrete stone with one hand, and walked down the boarding ladder step by step.

Rows of strong men in black suits had already stood in front of the car below. As soon as Chen Yang got out, someone respectfully opened the door so that he could easily sit on it.

This astonishingly long luxury car has everything you need including a TV, computer, audio system, refrigerator, and a comfortable sofa for people to lie down on. Sitting in the car immediately gives people a feeling of enjoyment that only an emperor should have. taste.

"Back again..."

Chen Yang was silent, looking out the window and lost in thought. The motorcade had already received Chen Yang and immediately started driving towards the outside of the airport.



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