Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 7 Planning

Jingle Bell……

The alarm clock on his mobile phone woke up Chen Yang, who was sleeping. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the time on his mobile phone, which was 5:20 in the morning.

At this time, even in summer, the sky outside is still dark, and except for some special professionals, most people are still sleeping.

Chen Yang has a special job that requires him to get up early. He opens a noodle shop.

This noodle shop was inherited from Chen Yang's parents. After working hard for half their lives, they earned a small building and a noodle shop, which they now also left to Chen Yang.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, running a noodle shop business should be very difficult compared to going to work, because to do this kind of business, you must get up early and go to bed late, which is many times harder than working for eight hours. But there are exceptions, such as Chen Yang.

Chen Yang, who has no ambitions, has never wanted to be rich and powerful. He just wants peace and a small amount of money to spend. Therefore, when he runs a noodle shop, he usually only does it at two times. One is for breakfast in the morning and the business of a large number of working people. One is a worker who works the night shift at night. Business is very easy to do at these two points of time, and 60 to 70% of a day's business income is concentrated. Because of this, Chen Yang can work relatively easily while also ensuring a certain source of income. Otherwise, he can only rely on rent. I can't save any money either.

After getting up, brushing his teeth, and washing his face, Chen Yang, who had finished everything, was about to go out. He suddenly recalled that he was no longer the same as before. The experience of yesterday was still vivid in his mind. He broke into a cold sweat and looked down at his right hand, which was not surprising. He was frightened. trembling.

Uh, why didn't you say anything? It, it's gone?

Or is everything he experienced just a dream?

He pinched the skin of his right hand. His right hand was rough, strong, and by no means outstanding, and there was no abnormality. Chen Yang was stunned for a while, unable to figure out the situation.


Opening his mouth and then closing it again, Chen Yang fiddled with his ears, thought for a minute, and finally decided to set off as usual.

As usual, Chen Yang locked the door and walked out of the alley, facing the street lights and walking towards another narrow street. On that thirty-year-old street, his noodle shop was located.

His is not the only noodle shop in the narrow street. Along the way, many time-honored breakfast shops have opened their doors. Even two mobile vendors selling fried dough sticks and soy milk have begun to set up tables and chairs.

Opening the rolling shutter door, Chen Yang walked into his small noodle shop. He first took out a broom and swept the garbage on the ground, and then quickly boiled water and kneaded noodles.

Kneading noodles is the basis of making ramen noodles. It is very important. The reason why it is the basis of ramen noodles is that the quality of kneading noodles is related to the production rate of gluten. Only when the noodles are kneaded well, the survival rate of gluten will be the highest and the quality will be the best. Well, the texture in your mouth is not comparable to that of ordinary noodles. This is the charm of ramen. Although special kneading agents have replaced it in recent years, Chen Yang’s father has been in the ramen business for more than ten years. His good reputation relies on his real skills and cannot be replaced by kneading kneading agents.

Chen Yang's craftsmanship is definitely not comparable to that of his father, but after all, he has seen his father knead noodles countless times since he was a child. He can also master ordinary noodle kneading skills. He can naturally knead the noodles easily by rubbing his hands together.

After making peace with the noodles, the next step is to wake up.

The so-called resting time means leaving the mixed dough for a period of time, about twenty minutes in summer. During this time, Chen Yang can rest quietly for a period of time, such as drinking a glass of hot water.

It stands to reason that a cup of hot water can be drunk easily, but if the right hand that is about to take the cup of hot water suddenly uncontrollably turns to pick up the rolling pin next to it, and then taps it on the forehead, I believe that It won't make anyone feel better.

Fortunately, the blow was not serious, and Chen Yang could react immediately and said with dripping sweat: "That, that, distinguished chief, sir... um, are you awake?"

His right hand transformed into that terrifying look, he looked around and asked, "Where is this?"

"Uh, here, this is my noodle shop."

Chen Yang replied with great respect.

"Noodle House?"

His right hand was noncommittal, "I asked you to take the things back and store them carefully?"

"That thing? Well, no problem, absolutely no problem. I put it in the safest and most reliable place at home. No one except me can find it!"

Chen Yang answered quickly.

"What are you doing here?"

The right hand seemed to just ask casually. After seeing Chen Yang's answer, he stopped delving into it and asked another question instead.

"Do, do what?"

"This, this..."

Chen Yang touched the back of his head with his left hand, because the question from his right hand was too simple. No, it was more boring than simple. He really didn't know how to answer it.

After thinking about it, Chen Yang said cautiously: "In this place, according to us humans, that is making money. The main purpose of making money is to accumulate a kind of credit currency, so that I can exchange it for necessary life needs. …”

"Make money...I need money..."

Before his right hand could finish listening to Chen Yang's explanation, he suddenly said, "A lot of money."

"Need a lot of money? This..."

Chen Yang was a little confused. What did this mean? Aliens also need money?

"Yes, a lot of money. As a host, your host is almost at the bottom of your human group. The resources I want to obtain cannot be obtained in your current state, so you must need A lot of currency.”

Chen Yang was a little embarrassed. Did he seem to be despised by aliens?

However, Chen Yang was immediately excited. It was a good thing that the unknown creature made a request. It was much better than not telling him anything before. As the saying goes, there is a flaw when there is a demand. After this unknown creature made a request, he couldn't Taking advantage of the opportunity to get into power, um, no, it's flattery, um, it's not, it's an opportunity to get information.

So, Chen Yang opened his mouth and was ready to offer his advice. He felt that he must be possessed by Zhuge Liang at this moment!

He even touched his chin with his left hand, although it was not an ethereal beard, but it was still a bit bearded. A charming and confident smile appeared on his face, and he slowly spoke: "The villain has something I don't know whether to say or not. …”

"Ah...fuck, wait a minute..."

As soon as he finished saying something that should or shouldn't be said, Chen Yang slapped him with his right hand, causing Chen Yang's proud face to become swollen.

This, this is wrong with what is said on TV. Instead of saying "Corporal Lixian" at this time, it must at least say "please speak", right? Why are you still hitting me? Sure enough, the barbarians outside the earth are incomprehensible.

With a sad face, Chen Yang quickly said: "Actually, sir, you may not understand the situation on Earth when you first arrive. In fact, you don't have to be so polite at all. People on Earth are very cowardly. They are greedy for life and afraid of death. They are shameless and obscene. As long as you show your The true ability is to kill everyone without money at all. Many people will cry and give you what you want. When you dominate the earth, what resources do you want? Isn’t it easy to get it? Of course, if you don’t want to Dealing with this bunch of fools like humans, I am a villain but I am willing to do the work for myself..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he received another slap on the left cheek.


"Do you think I can still use force to suppress all of you humans in my current state?"

After saying this coldly with his right hand, he slapped Chen Yang again: "Next time I speak without going through your head, the punishment will be doubled."

Chen Yang covered his face with his left hand and had to admit in his heart that being slapped in the face really hurt! At the same time, an unparalleled anger emerged in my heart - Damn, my father has never hit me since I was a child, but you, a mere alien, dare to hit me...ah!

Chen Yang screamed again, forgetting that his right hand could sense his emotions.

Human beings are the most capable creatures. Chen Yang swallowed his tears and blood and said with a flattering smile: "Actually, there is no need to be angry, sir. I still have a few good ideas to offer..."

"When it comes to making money, in today's world, although there are many ways to make money quickly, of course smuggling, drug trafficking, and bank robbery are the fastest ways to make money. Among them, judging from the current conditions, smuggling and drug trafficking are not good for us. It’s unrealistic, so I highly recommend robbing banks.”

At this point, Chen Yang looked around, as if to prevent the walls from having ears, and lowered his voice and said: "Sir, according to my long-term observation, the bank on Zhishui Street is very easy to succeed in terms of traffic and defense. As long as we... …hey-hey!"

Chen Yang hated that bank because he had been ignored by the staff of that bank before. Now he would be a gentleman if he didn't take revenge.

"Robbing a bank? No, it must not attract the attention of human society at this time."

The right hand rejected Chen Yang's proposal.

Chen Yang was not discouraged and came up with another plan. (I need everyone’s recommendation. Please come to Qidian.com to recommend it. The author is asking for votes without moral integrity. Thank you everyone!)

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