Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 77: Cornerstone Core (Part 1)

Roll up the black ball with your right hand and throw it upward gently. I don’t know what moves it made, but the ball changed immediately.

It was originally the size of a table tennis ball and could be easily held with one hand, but now it expanded suddenly. In the blink of an eye, it expanded from the size of a table tennis ball to the size of a basketball, and it was still expanding rapidly.

Chen Yang was stunned. He couldn't imagine how such a small thing could become so big in an instant.

What is the principle?

What's even more incredible is that expanding to the size of a basketball is not its limit. It wasn't until the diameter reached one meter that the black ball finally stopped expanding.

So, in the basement, Chen Yang stared blankly at such a huge ball, his head a little dazed.

His right hand split into several tentacles, and he lightly knocked on the ball. The ball split open in an instant, exposing the contents inside.

Chen Yang swore that he had never seen anything so beautiful.

Inside the ball, countless blue light spots are like fireflies in the dark night, converging into tens of thousands or even millions of blue light rivers, constantly wandering back and forth on threads as thin as spider silk.

What a spectacular and beautiful sight this was, Chen Yang was instantly shocked and opened his mouth wide, taking a deep breath as he looked at the scene inside the ball.

Such a beautiful and beautiful thing really has a feeling of miraculous craftsmanship. It does not look like an object that can be born in the human world. The shock it brings to people is unparalleled, so much so that it makes people lose their focus for a moment.

"Screw, screw, sir, what on earth is this?"

Muttering to himself, Chen Yang kept looking at the ball without even moving his eyes.

"This is the core of the foundation stone, one of the most important parts of the civilization of Halojodis."

The right hand praised: "Every time I look at the core of the cornerstone, I have to praise its beauty. It is not in vain that I worked hard and took a huge risk to borrow it from the Haroyodis civilization..."

Chen Yang took his eyes away from the core of the cornerstone with difficulty, placed it on his right hand, and cursed secretly, you shameful thief.

"The Harojodis civilization is a civilized race that I accidentally discovered when I was traveling through the interstellar space using Tiskull..."

"This civilized race is very strange. It obviously has the technological strength for interstellar navigation, but it is all huddled on the mother star. It is not keen on developing space resources and extraterrestrial resources. I was a little curious at the time, so I investigated it, and I found out... …”

"This race has actually vigorously developed virtual reality technology, covering the entire planet and making tens of billions of race individuals indulge in virtual reality."

"Virtual reality technology?"

Chen Yang lost his voice and said, "Is it really virtual reality technology?"

The so-called virtual reality technology is currently involved in many countries and companies on the planet. The purpose is to further develop virtual reality through augmented reality technology. That is, using a helmet or glasses to output signals to deceive people's senses and construct a virtual scene.

But with the current technical means, it is almost impossible to achieve the magic in science fiction movies. Even looking into the future, we will not be able to achieve a 100% magical simulation of reality in thirty, forty, or even hundreds of years.

"Of course it's true... The virtual reality technology is not that high-end. Many civilizations have been able to do this after entering the space era. But no civilization has ever been as crazy as the Haroyodis civilization, dragging the entire race into In the illusory simulated reality, while giving up the progress of the real world..."

The right hand said weirdly: "It can't be said that there is no benefit in doing this. At least in terms of virtual reality technology, the Haroyodis civilization has reached the limit of this universe and reached a 100% simulation level of virtual and real. It is really a crazy and crazy thing. A terrible race.”

"One hundred percent simulation?"

Chen Yang suddenly thought of something, and cold sweat broke out instantly.

"Do you think it's impossible? The Halojodis civilization's research on the consciousness of carbon-based organisms has reached the pinnacle of almost all civilizations. Although the carbon-based organisms in the universe have different DNA and cell structures in each environment, But just like the houses built by you humans, whether they are brick or cement houses, they can be inhabited by people. As long as they are intelligent creatures, the cornerstone core can 'interact' with them. This is the most precious thing about this item. .”

"Unfortunately, this cornerstone core is not a truly valuable and necessary item for many racial civilizations..."

The mood of the right hand fluctuated a bit. It spent a lot of effort to "borrow" part of the core of the cornerstone. In the end, the real value was not as important as it thought. On the contrary, it lost something because of it. Now think about it. , is it worth it or not?

"Can this, this cornerstone core, allow us to enter virtual reality?"

Chen Yang asked carefully.

"It's not just us. As long as there is sufficient energy, this cornerstone core can pull all humans on the earth into virtual reality."

"Can all mankind be pulled in?"

Chen Yang was shocked and immediately thought of the preciousness of this thing.

Although the right hand said that this thing is of little importance to other civilized races, to humans, it is simply an artifact, a huge artifact that can change global politics, economy, culture, communication, conflict, and religion.

It is conceivable that once a virtual reality environment that can include all human beings is born, both politics and economy will undergo earth-shaking and terrifying changes. The impact on mankind is more profound than industrial civilization, and mankind will enter a new era!

Chen Yang was trembling with thoughts, and the more he thought about it, the more horrified he became. As long as he mastered this cornerstone core, the future of mankind would be in his hands. This was no longer a precious item that money could describe.

Making money, business empires, centuries-old families, and national hatred will all be insignificant under this thing, as long as this cornerstone core is utilized...

"Boarding body, I know what you are thinking."

The cold tone of his right hand interrupted Chen Yang's thoughts, "Do you want to use it to control and change your race?"

"Huh? No, I didn't think about it..."

"Perhaps I need to reiterate something, lest greed erodes your stupid brain and makes you even more idiotic than a single cell. The cornerstone core is mine, and its use and how to use it can only be under my supervision. It gives you access, and you have no right to think of it as yours.”

"But this is not just about you stealing... Well, what Chief Screw said is right. I support it with both hands."

Chen Yang said seriously.

When the tentacle approached the back of Chen Yang's head, he squirmed unwillingly because of the change in his sentence, but he still took it back.

"Secondly, it is impossible for you to dream of covering the entire planet with the Cornerstone Core. The larger the Cornerstone Core covers, the more energy it requires. Do you have a nuclear power plant specifically to power the Cornerstone Core?"

"Third, the core of the foundation stone was damaged when it passed through Tiskul, and its bearing capacity cannot meet its design requirements..."

"What, damaged?"

Chen Yang jumped up, as if he had lost something, his face turned blue, his tone was tense, and his eyes revealed unbelievable emotions.

"Yes, this cornerstone core has 5.65 trillion neurons, some of which were affected by the vibration of the space-time transition and were damaged... But it doesn't matter, your training later will replenish it with 'nutrition' to make it Restored.”

Chen Yang couldn't understand what his right hand said. He looked at the core of the cornerstone and asked cautiously: "Sir, what do you mean by recovery? Why don't I understand it well?"

"Close your eyes!"

The right hand ignored Chen Yang's doubts and asked him to close his eyes.

Close your eyes?

Why close your eyes?

Could it be that what he was going to do next was something shameful?

Chen Yang was trembling, and slowly closed his eyes under the threat of his right mouthpart. (Thank you to cai1860, a friend of Tieba. Your concept drawing of weapons and equipment for this book is indeed very good. I really agree with it after reading it today)

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