Wei Ming took Mi Xiaolu and Chen Lan back to the shelter.

When she saw Chen Lan, even Mi Xiaolu couldn't help but show a look of amazement.

This woman is so beautiful!

No, she also has a kind of enchanting charm that makes her, a woman, feel excited and regret why she is not a man.

Even women would think so, hiss, her temptation to men can be imagined.

Alas, there will be another competitor at home, and it is still extremely powerful.

But thinking of Wei Ming's strong endurance, she was relieved.

Chen Lan is so enchanting and charming, Wei Ming should put more effort on her, so that she can certainly be more relaxed.

Moreover, Wei Ming has already taken her back, can she still object?

It is better to take the initiative to show goodwill to Chen Lan, isn't it the same as trying to please Wei Ming?

Thinking of this, she smiled and said to Chen Lan: "Hello, my name is Mi Xiaolu."

Chen Lan just nodded modestly and said: "My name is Chen Lan."

She has lost hope of living now, so naturally she has a mentality of not caring about anything and lying down.

——I don't want to live anymore, how can you threaten me?

Seeing Chen Lan's indifferent expression, Mi Xiaolu naturally lost the idea of ​​warming her face to a cold butt, and just sneered in her heart.

Pretend, let you pretend!

You can still be so arrogant now, but when you go to the shelter and see the beautiful and good environment there, as well as the abundant supplies, you can't be driven away even if you drive them away. At that time, can you still put on such a stinky air?

Humph, I'm waiting for you to call me sister obediently!

The two of them almost parted unhappily after just meeting each other, but now of course they can't go anywhere, they can only follow Wei Ming obediently.

But Wei Ming didn't care.

As long as there is no fighting in the harem, he doesn't care about the open or secret fights.

"Get on."

He got on the motorcycle first, let Mi Xiaolu sit in the back seat, and Chen Lan sat in the front seat.

Mi Xiaolu got on the car immediately, and put her arms around Wei Ming's waist, but Chen Lan hesitated a little, and got on the car reluctantly after 3 seconds.

"Pretentious!" Mi Xiaolu couldn't help but sneered.

You have already followed Wei Ming, what are you still holding back?

Isn't it both a position and a position?

Chen Lan was too lazy to refute her. Anyway, she had no desire to live, so why bother to argue?

"Hold tight." Wei Ming smiled and started the motorcycle suddenly. Boom, the engine made a huge roar, and whoosh, the motorcycle rushed out.


After Wei Ming and the other two left, a group of people came out from the dark.

"Wei Ming will definitely leave between 3am and 5am every day."

"At this time, there are only two evolvers left in the Dragon King Hall."

"This is a good opportunity to take down the Dragon King Hall!"

Several people said that if Wei Ming was here and used the space radar to scan, he would find that they were all evolvers, a total of six.

"Didn't the Dragon King Hall send out 11 evolvers at once before?" someone retorted.

"Hehe, it has been investigated long ago. Among the 11 evolvers, only one is real. The others are all injected with drugs to become evolvers temporarily, which can only last for one day." Jin Ke said lightly.

"But there must be spare drugs in the Dragon King Hall. If we attack like this, others will use the drugs, and we will still be outnumbered." Someone else said.

Jin Ke laughed: "Why don't you change your mindset? Why do you want to attack the Dragon King Palace first? Can't we take advantage of Wei Ming being alone to get rid of him first? The potion is provided by Wei Ming. So, as long as Wei Ming is killed, the Dragon King Palace's evolution potion supply will be cut off. We only need to make a few feints to force them to use the potion. By then, we will be six against two and will win."


The eyes of the remaining five evolvers all lit up. They had indeed been thinking about how to take down the Dragon King Palace before, but they didn't expect to get rid of Wei Ming first.

This is a key figure.

"Moreover, after we take down Wei Ming, maybe we can get the method to make the evolution potion. By then..." Jin Ke's eyes lit up, and his face was full of something called ambition.

Not bad, not bad, the five evolvers also became excited.

Jin Ke pondered and said: "Tomorrow night, I will go to the hotel to find out Wei Ming's background. Even if it is six against one, we will try our best to know ourselves and the enemy."

"Yes!" The other five nodded.

Wei Ming naturally didn’t know that someone had been targeting him.

However, he was not careless at all.

In such a doomsday, riding a motorcycle with a girl is a very eye-catching thing.

But Wei Ming was not afraid.

With the ability he has now, as long as he is not killed instantly, he can recover infinitely!

How can you play every day without some strength?

He deliberately drove the motorcycle very fast. Chen Lan didn’t wear a helmet, and her hair was blown by the wind. She couldn’t open her eyes and had to bury her head in Wei Ming’s arms.


Wei Ming just did this for a while, and didn’t take any further action.

What’s the hurry?

Go back to the shelter and play slowly.

Half an hour later, the motorcycle drove to the shelter.

Wei Ming walked to the first elevator and couldn’t help showing a look of surprise.

Because the number of floors displayed on it became "ERR", it was not that the elevator was really broken, but went to the -2 floor.

As long as you press the down button three times and then the up button three times, the elevator will actually come up, open, and operate normally.

But the problem is... Wei Ming brought the girl out, the elevator should be on the 1st floor. Even if someone happened to come here, they must have lowered the elevator to the -1st floor, and it is impossible to go to the -2nd floor.


"Miao Hewei sent someone again?"

"Even, did he come by himself?"

"Since you came to my door, I will deal with you at the same time."

Wei Ming took out his mobile phone, and here he could connect to the artificial intelligence in the shelter: "Connect the surveillance at the gate to my mobile phone."

"Yes, master."

Then, Wei Ming saw a group of people on the screen.

At least 20 people.

They were led by a man in his 30s. This man was thin, but his eyes gave people a feeling of a venomous snake, as if he would be stared at and attacked at any time if he looked at him, which made people's backs cold.

This is the case when looking at it through the screen, so what about face to face?

"Is this person Miao Hewei?" Wei Ming said to himself.

"Let's find out the situation first."

"Let's go."

Wei Ming took the two women up the stairs and came to the -1 floor.

Space radar.

Instantly, he knew the situation of the 22 people below clearly.

Only one was an evolver.

That should be Miao Hewei.

"Wei Ming——" Mi Xiaolu was a little puzzled. Why didn't Wei Ming take the elevator?

Besides, this couldn't reach the -2 floor.

Wei Ming smiled and walked over to press the elevator.

The enemy's situation has been found out. Miao Hewei's strength is only at the level of Zhao Guofu, so there is no need to be afraid.

Well, you can pretend.

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