The whole audience was stunned.

This stunning beauty who was bullied by Luo Yue turned out to be Luo Zhongping?

Hiss, is he also an evolver, and his ability is to turn into a beautiful woman?

If he looks like that, even if his real identity is a man, it is not unacceptable!

People who have such thoughts are all shocked. I actually have thoughts about men?

Luo Zhongping burst into tears.

He came to play with women, but he didn't play with women, but he became a woman and was played with.

It's bitter!

Zhou Xuan felt disgusted at first, but immediately frowned, because as long as she associated what happened during this period, she could find too many suspicious points.

It's like... someone is guiding them to discover Luo Yue's true face!

She immediately thought of the invisible man who appeared before.

Could it be "him"?

After this person discovered Luo Yue's secret, he deliberately made a noise to attract them?

But how did Luo Zhongping become a woman?

Can the invisible man also turn men into women?

Or maybe Luo Zhongping actually awakened his ability and turned into a woman uncontrollably?

Uh, this is too much.

"Wow!" Luo Yue vomited.

His face was pale, because he actually gave his son... It was disgusting to think about it.

Liu Peng followed the underground passage to find the way over. After a while, he came out of Luo Yue's office in the headquarters building, which scared a soldier standing guard at the door, because he didn't see anyone going in, so why did Liu Peng come out?

He even found the nine responsible persons here one step earlier.

So, these nine people simply followed the underground passage to the basement.

As soon as they saw Luo Yue, they all rushed over.

"Old Luo, you have been wronged!"

"You are too much. How could you treat the general person in charge like this?"

Some people cared about Luo Yue, and some shouted at everyone.

This shocked and puzzled everyone.

Luo Yue had done such a thing, and you were still defending him?

Taking advantage of the commotion of the crowd, Wei Ming walked over quietly.

With one press, one retraction, and one release, everyone felt a flash before their eyes at most, and they didn't realize that the nine people disappeared one after another for a moment.

But in just such a moment, they all became different.

"How am I-"

"What's going on?"

"Am I crazy?"

Then, they all looked at Luo Yue: "What did you do to us?"

They actually let such a person sit in the position of the general manager!

If they were not possessed by evil spirits, how could they do this?

Luo Yue was confused. Why did these nine people suddenly lose their control?

The Gu worm can instill the idea of ​​loyalty to him into the target, and when the target is close enough, he can even use the Gu worm to make the target commit suicide!

But suddenly, he lost the sense of the nine Gu worms.

If he can't even sense it, how can he talk about control?

How could this happen?

When the Gu worm died, he could indeed cultivate it again, but he could only cultivate one a day. If he wanted to control the nine responsible persons again, it would take a full nine days.

He didn't have so much time!

"Catch him!" The nine leaders pointed at Luo Yue and said at the same time.

Luo Yue could become the general leader because he was unanimously nominated by these nine people, and now these nine people turned against him at the same time, and the power he built immediately fell apart.

The next step was interrogation.

When they learned that the nine leaders were actually controlled by their minds and forced to obey Luo Yue, the senior leaders and evolvers of the entire base were shocked. This ability was too terrible. If it could evolve endlessly, wouldn't it be easy to steal the power of a country?

Under severe interrogation, Luo Yue naturally confessed everything.

His ability allowed him to obtain 10 upper limit Gu worms, and through Gu worms he could control others, but not turn the target into an idiot, but only produce irresistible submission to him, even if the target was asked to die, the target would execute it without hesitation.

This made everyone shudder, and after a very short resolution, Luo Yue was sentenced to death.

——There are many charges, such as controlling others, molesting women, and killing people, and the number is so large that it is enough to be sentenced to death dozens of times.

Wei Ming watched Luo Yue being shot with his own eyes, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

If the Fuxing Base did not kill Luo Yue, he would do it himself!

This person, or such ability, must not be allowed to appear!

"Can I get a bug?"

Wei Ming thought, he switched to the Gu worm template, first made the Gu worm, and controlled others, then, if he switched to another template and then switched back, could he make ten more Gu worms?

If the person controlled previously will not release the control, then he can switch templates continuously, can't he control endlessly?

Let's try it later.

Luo Zhongping and his father are birds of a feather, of course, he was also sentenced to death, but it's a pity that he was shot in the head before he could get rid of the nightmare of being "difficult to deal with". However, this person has also done many evil things, and it is indeed not a pity to die.

Wei Ming couldn't help but sigh. He had only been at the Fuxing Base for less than two days, but he had already taken down the head of the base.

"I'm such a genius!"

Although Luo Yue was dealt with, he certainly couldn't just leave. After he killed Niu Wei and the others, would Fuxing Base just give up?

At most, the head had changed, and the way of doing things had changed.

Therefore, Wei Ming had to know how they were going to resolve this incident.

The other reason is of course Zhou Xuan.

This is the best of the best beauties. Now that Wei Ming has seen it, he has to fight for it to see if he can get this girl.

However, the biggest problem facing the base now is the mysterious invisible man.

You have to say "he" is a bad guy. He helped the base uncover Luo Yue, a conspirator and usurper. Even the recovery of the nine people in charge may be related to him. This is indeed a great contribution to the revival of the base. And it's still a great achievement.

But let's say this person is good... He has never shown up, and the first time he showed up, he wanted to enter the command center!

With such an invisible man with no figure and unknown thoughts lurking in the base, who wouldn't feel at ease?

What if a gun was put to his head while he was sleeping?

Even if they are evolvers, most of them can only be killed instantly.

Therefore, not only did the entire base not relax because Luo Yue was solved, on the contrary, it became even more tense. Teams patrolled and searched back and forth in the base, hoping to find the invisible man and at least communicate with him. !

Wei Ming thought for a while and decided to take advantage of this opportunity.

He used the invisibility plus physical skills template, activated his invisibility ability and came to the command department. After swiping, a piece of paper appeared out of thin air, which read:

"You're looking for me?"

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