Wei Ming asked Yu Chutong and the others to show their competitive spirit. Whoever has the best "eloquence" can go to the Dragon King Palace with him today.

As a result, Lin Wanqiu stood out.

As expected of the Dirty Demon King, his "eloquence" is indeed good, and he successfully "persuaded" Wei Ming.

Of course, Tomoda Ayaka did not participate, otherwise, with the level of this island girl, it is estimated that the charming aunt would have to stand aside.

However, this is a benefit given to his woman. Can the island girl be considered his woman?

Of course not, she is just a toy.

Wei Ming set off with Lin Wanqiu and arrived at the Dragon King Palace in a short while.

Along the way, he used the space radar to search for evolution stones, but found nothing.

What kind of shitty luck is this?


Wei Ming was a little depressed. Why?

Seeing that Wei Ming was unhappy, Lin Wanqiu said, "Let me tell you a joke."

Wei Ming glanced at her and said, "Don't drive with me. I'm not in the mood now."

Lin Wanqiu was just about to say something dirty, and her waist was straightened, but she was beaten back by a sentence. Then she turned her eyes and smiled, "Then I'll tell you a joke?"

"Okay, tell it."

Lin Wanqiu prepared for a while, and then said seriously, "The little earthworm asked his mother where his father was before going to bed, and the earthworm mother said that your father went fishing with someone."

Wei Ming was stunned for a moment, and then shuddered.

It was indeed a joke.

Lin Wanqiu saw that Wei Ming didn't laugh, and hurriedly said, "Then I'll tell you another one! Xiao Ming went to Shaolin Temple to learn Iron Head Kung Fu for ten years, and the skills were perfected, and then he went down the mountain, but he never went home. Why?"

"What do you want to ask?" Wei Ming asked directly. It's a joke, don't use normal people's logic to think about the answer.

"Because I was sucked away by a magnet." Lin Wanqiu laughed so hard that she fell backwards.

Wei Ming's mouth twitched. This was really fucking cold.

The two chatted and laughed along the way. Although Lin Wanqiu's jokes were really cold, she was charming and enchanting. Who would feel impatient to travel with such a big goblin?

Unknowingly, half an hour passed.

The two entered the Dragon King Hall.

Because Lin Wanqiu had been here before, of course there was no need to introduce her again. However, in just ten days, the scale of the Dragon King Hall has expanded again.

The number of younger brothers has more than doubled.

There are even some younger brothers who don't even know Wei Ming. Seeing that everyone respectfully calls Wei Ming "Master Wei" is still confused. Shouldn't there only be Master Zhao, Sister Ke, Sister Zhou and Sister Scarlett in this Dragon King Hall?

Why did another Master Wei come out?

After being introduced by other younger brothers, these people suddenly realized.

It turns out that "Master Wei" is the big boss!

Wei Ming naturally didn't care. He let Lin Wanqiu play by herself. Anyway, the charming aunt is also an evolver now. At the critical moment, he can even transform her into a level 2 physical or freezing type, which is awesome.

In fact, the evolution fruit is just the icing on the cake for Wei Ming. His most awesome trump card is still the alien space!

Can the evolution fruit cultivate a level 2 evolver now?

Of course not.

But Wei Ming can!

This is where he is even more awesome.

Wei Ming found Zhao Guofu, who knew the purpose of his visit and took out the evolution stone as soon as possible.

However, Wei Ming only used the space radar to scan and found that 6 of the 9 evolution stones were fake.

He described the evolution stone as "natural color" and "incredibly solid", so the 6 fake evolution stones were all painted with paint, and what surprised Wei Ming was that the paint was so realistic that it was impossible to tell that it was fake with the naked eye.

Moreover, it was not stone, but alloy, no wonder it was so hard.

Unfortunately, there was nothing to hide in front of Wei Ming.

"Is the person who sold these stones still here?" Wei Ming asked.

"Yes, without your identification, of course it is impossible to redeem." Zhao Guofu smiled.

"Call them all over." Wei Ming said.


Zhao Guofu went there in person, and after a while, he brought two people over, both men in their 20s.

Wei Ming didn't even look at them, and said, "How many stones did you two bring?"



Wei Ming understood that those who brought 3 were naturally real, and those who brought 6 were all fake.

He took out 3 real evolution stones from the bag and said to one person, "Are these the 3 stones you brought?"

The man took a look and said, "Yes, I also drew a mark on them, very small."

Wei Ming smiled, there was indeed a very small mark on them, he put the stones on the scale and weighed them one by one, and the total was 4 jins, a little short.

"Let's say you have 4 jin."

Wei Ming looked at Zhao Guofu and said, "Old Zhao, give him 4 jin in exchange."

Zhao Guofu nodded and waved to the young man, "Come on, I'll take you to get the supplies."

The young man was overjoyed and followed Zhao Guofu.

The other young man was also full of expectations. You know, he brought 6 stones with him, and the weight must be more than 10 jin.

It's a fortune, tomorrow he must take his brothers to the tenth floor to have some fun.

Wei Ming looked at him and said lightly, "Where did you get these stones?"

The young man was actually a little unruly and said, "You don't need to care where I got them from. Anyway, it's what you asked for - you don't want to default on it, do you?"

Wei Ming laughed and rubbed hard on the stone. The camouflage paint was wiped off by him, revealing the white color inside.

"Is this a stone?"

The young man was dumbfounded and jumped up suddenly: "Damn it, no wonder we sold it so cheaply, it turned out to be a fake."

He looked filled with indignation, as if he was even angrier than Wei Ming.

"What's going on?" Wei Ming asked.

The young man was angry at himself, but when Wei Ming drank him up, he said angrily: "I was hanging out with Boss Ma. Ever since the Dragon King Palace issued a reward for finding a certain kind of stone, we have been looking for it. Not long ago, a A man came to our place and offered to transfer these 6 stones to us at a low price. We were greedy, so we did business with him, but we didn’t expect that he would dare to lie to us!”

Wei Ming smiled: "Didn't you ask why he didn't come over to redeem it himself?"

"Asked." The young man looked angry, "The guy said that he was alone, and he was afraid that the Dragon King Palace would take things and break its promise, and our Boss Ma is an evolutionist, and the Dragon King Palace should not take advantage of it. black."

"We thought it made sense, so we believed him."

Wei Ming looked at the young man. When the young man was a little at a loss, he said, "What is your name?"

"Wang Xiaoming." The young man replied.

"Okay, you can go." Wei Ming waved his hand.

Wang Xiaoming agreed, turned around and left.

Wei Ming smiled, switched abilities, became invisible instantly, and followed.

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