The shadow ability is very strange.

This ability allows the evolver to attack while hiding in the shadow, and the target is not the target's body, but the shadow!

By attacking the target's shadow, the feedback is fed back to the target, achieving the effect of hurting the enemy.

If the target is a level 1 evolver, it's actually okay, anyway, it can't stop a level 3 evolver, but what if it is a level 2 or above evolver?

That would be very depressing.

Because the level 2 evolver has the ability to warn of crises, no matter where the attack comes from, the corresponding part will produce a tingling sensation, as if reminding the evolver where the attack comes from, so that it can better defend.

But what about the shadow ability?

I hit your shadow, not your body at all, so... how do you defend?

The little devil didn't know where the attack came from, he just felt that his head was hit by "eighty" and "eighty" and soon his face was deformed.

Do you know what the disadvantages of the shadow ability are?

Insufficient strength, which will affect the attack power.

——Even if the attack was on a shadow, the method was special, and maybe 1 jin of strength could be used as 2 or 3 jin, but there were still limitations, and the flat-headed man was still a level 3 physical skill type, with thick skin and flesh, high attack and high defense, so it was very difficult to kill him alive.


Wei Ming is now a template of shadow plus physical skill. Although his physical skill is only level 2, how much stronger is he than the real shadow ability user?

50 times?

100 times?

So, when he punched down, the flat-headed man was naturally hit hard. After more than a dozen punches, not only was his face swollen, but he also bled from all seven orifices. If he was not a physical skill type, and had reached level 3, he would have confessed long ago.

"Who! Who is hitting me?" The flat-headed man shouted in Japanese.

Of course, the other little devils also saw something wrong.

Although the flat-headed man seemed crazy at first, jumping and shouting, but no matter how crazy he jumped, his face wouldn't be swollen like a pig's head, and bleeding from all seven orifices, right?


"The person with the ability!"

"The person with the ability is attacking."

"Damn it, where are the people?"

These little devils all shouted in Japanese, each of them was extremely angry. Some impatient people had already used their abilities on the air, and flames and ice and snow flew together for a while, but no one thought that the shadow under the flat-headed man's feet became a blind spot.

If it was the real shadow evolver, it would probably take him more than ten or twenty minutes to beat the flat-headed man to death.

There was no way, just happened to meet such a thick-skinned person, it was normal to spend more time.

However, Wei Ming also had a level 2 physical skill, which made his attack power soar.

In less than 1 minute, the flat-headed man couldn't stand it anymore. Poof, his head kept expanding. When it reached a critical point, it exploded with a poof.

Suddenly, red and white things sprayed, and the nearby little devils didn't expect that they were all sprayed all over their heads and faces.



All these little devils shouted, but their bodies were shaking with fear.

The flat-headed man was the strongest among them, but he died in such a strange way.

He had no power to fight back at all, and was killed by the mysterious attacker.

So, even the captain of level 3 was killed, let alone them?

When they came, they were full of confidence, thinking that there was no one in China, and they could sweep the country with a small team. But in the first battle, they fought at the Fuxing Base, which seemed to be easy to take down, but they had a weird and mysterious evolver, and they turned the tables all of a sudden.

Is it their turn next?

Everyone couldn't help shaking.

Wei Ming was a little sad.

In fact, he just wanted to knock the flat-headed man unconscious, then put him into the different space, transform him into an ordinary person and throw him out, so that he could ask questions later. After all, he was going to the island country, and it was necessary to understand the situation in advance.

But he was too involved and excited just now, and he accidentally killed him.

"I can only blame him for being a little Japanese soldier, so I hit him so hard that I couldn't control myself." Wei Ming said in his heart. "Next one, I will definitely hold back." He jumped in the shadow, came to the shadow of the second little Japanese soldier, and punched him. He and Zhou Xuan had studied it carefully before, and had a deep understanding of the ability of shadows. "Ah!" The second little Japanese soldier also jumped up, and felt a buzzing in his head and a severe pain. He immediately knew that it was the mysterious evolver who was targeting him. He ran quickly, but he had no direction at all. He ran to the root of the wall randomly, thinking that at least you can't hit my back. To his surprise, the attack stopped. Hey, why is this? Wei Ming sighed secretly. It's not that he can't hit the back, but the place where the little Japanese soldier stood had a shadow cast by the wall. He and Zhou Xuan had studied that if a person walks into the shadow area, the target will overlap with other shadows. This will lead to two situations. First, if the target's shadow is bigger, then he will still be in the target's shadow, everything will remain the same, and he can still attack as usual.

Second, if the target's shadow is smaller, such as compared to a wall, the person will definitely be blocked by the wall, and there will be no shadow, then he will automatically enter the shadow of the wall, and then he will not be able to attack the target.

This can also be inferred, what if the target does not have a shadow?

For example, in the absence of light!

Without a shadow, Wei Ming would be forced to jump out of the shadow. After losing the shadow ability, even if he is a level 3 evolver, his combat power is actually not as good as other level 1 evolvers.

The shadow ability is powerful and weird, but it is also very limited. As long as the opponent catches the weakness, he will take you directly to the lightless zone and take you away with one blow.

Now that the little devil has retreated to the shadow of the corner, Wei Ming is forced to squeeze into the shadow of the wall, and naturally he can't attack him.

Alas, he has to make trouble for me.

Wei Ming sighed and "floated" out of the shadow.

Of course, since the shadow ability can't be used, he immediately switched templates.

Level 4 flame plus level 2 physical skills.


Wei Ming took out a chicken leg and started to gnaw it. He swallowed it in a few bites, then took out another one and continued to gnaw.

He has a level 1 evolution difference, so he must make up for it with 5 kilograms of meat.

Seeing Wei Ming appear, Li Song and others all breathed a sigh of relief.

The reinforcements have arrived.

Haha, you little devils, just wait for your death!

Compared to the excitement of Liu Song and others, the little devils were in a panic.

Is it this mysterious man who killed the captain?

This man's ability is too weird. He didn't show up, but he killed their captain. How can it not be frightening?

But they are invaders and have killed a lot of people. Now they surrender...will the other party agree?

We can only fight.


These little devils attacked Wei Ming one after another. Most of them were physical skills. They held samurai swords in their hands and slashed at Wei Ming horizontally and vertically. There were two who were earth control and metal ability users. They did not go directly, but carried out long-range attacks, especially the earth control type, which turned the soil under Wei Ming's feet into mud, causing him to sink immediately.

Wei Ming showed a cruel smile.

You only need to keep one or two people for questioning. There is no need to keep too many.

Boom! A terrifying high temperature emanated from Wei Ming's body and a flash of fire. Wei Ming swung out a 3-meter-long flaming sword and cut all the Japanese soldiers who rushed over in half!

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