The door was gently closed, Jiang Qiao was taken aback, what did he say?

After thinking about it, is it the sentence that persuaded her to help the weak and help the poor, and care about the world?

But what does it have to do with him?

The quilt is still filled with the fragrance of Bai Yueling's body. I have to say that the feeling of warm and fragrant nephrite in my arms is really good. Although I can't do anything, it is warm to hold, and there is another kind of single dog An indescribable sense of fulfillment.

The only shortcoming is that it would be nice if it was holding Fairy Bai.

After finally getting rid of the charming thoughts in his mind, Jiang Qiao closed his eyes and continued to sleep. During this time, he was unable to sleep every night due to his inner demons, causing severe insomnia.

Not long after Bai Yueling went back to her room and lay down, she opened her eyes. During this time, she kept having similar dreams, dreaming about her master, dreaming about her childhood.

She gave up almost everything for the sake of cultivating immortality. Although all her emotions were suppressed in the deepest part of her heart, Jiang Qiao's face gradually became clearer, and she became more and more similar to her master.

She knew very well that all of this was caused by her inner demons, just because she and Jiang Qiao had been together for too long every day and were too close. It was easy to say that it was unfeeling, heartless, and sexual, but it was impossible to do it no matter what.

Even a great devil in the true sense cannot be without desires and desires.

Fairy Bai sighed silently: Bai Yueling, your Dao heart is really becoming more and more unstable.

Could it be... Is it true that the road is blocked as Jiang Qiao said?

Master died and Dao disappeared, so she also wants to walk on this old road?

Why don't you try to fall in love with a man? She suddenly said softly, one eye was scarlet, the end of the eye was charming, and her tone was full of deep meaning.

Are you... a demon?

Fairy Bai's expression froze, and she drank softly, Speak nonsense, don't try to break my Dao heart!

Afterwards, he made a tactic with both hands, and the few spiritual powers in his body rioted one after another, but in the next second, the spiritual power calmed down instantly.

The Clear Heart Jue handed down by master, you can't even get rid of your emotions, do you think it's useful against me? Bai Yueling smiled casually.

Fairy Bai took a deep breath, the demon understood her thoroughly, so she changed the formula again.

This is the Suppressing Devil Sutra of the Buddhist school. If you could really suppress me, you would have done it long ago, and you will still be as helpless as you are now? The demon said lazily.

Fairy Bai walked up to the mirror, looked at her other half's slightly charming and enchanting face, and said in a deep voice, What exactly do you want to do?

Well, why are you so arrogant? You must know that you and I are one, you are me, and I am you. Isn't what I'm saying right now what you think? Why bother yourself.

It's a bunch of nonsense! Fairy Bai snorted coldly, The demons are the demons in the heart, I am enlightened, and I will kill you sooner or later!

Ah, yes, yes, but, I have joys, sorrows, sorrows, and sorrows, unlike you, who are more like demons?

Bai Yueling picked up an eyebrow pencil and lightly traced her crescent eyebrows: Look, isn't this beautiful?


Fairy Bai shouted loudly, quickly took off the eyebrow pencil with the other hand, and fought with both hands, but her hand was firmly suppressed by the inner demon.

You have occupied this body for too many years. Thousands of years have been enough to prove that Master is wrong, and you are wrong too. The Dao has no heart, but people have love. There is no love, no desire, no desire and no desire. This is not a fairy, nor is it a Tao. The true way is love, love is infinite love.


Bai Yueling smiled: You have been studying the Dao all your life, so you know that the meaning of life lies in reproduction? The truth is right in front of you, but you gave up the most important thing.

What are you trying to say?! Fairy Bai stared at herself in the mirror.

Of course it' old maid of ten thousand years, aren't you ashamed?

Bai Yueling sealed the other hand with one palm, bent down to pick up the eyebrow pencil from the ground, and gently painted a trace of charm on her other eyebrow.

You don't know how to fall in love, do you want me to teach you? The corner of her mouth curled into a smile.

I do not need!

Fairy Bai suddenly calmed down, no matter how bewitched by her inner demons, she still held the Dao heart firmly.

Do you not need it or dare not face it?

Bai Yueling pursed her lips in front of the mirror, looked left and right, she still looked the same as before, but she was no longer so young.

Master didn't dare to admit himself back then, so he got lost in the Dao, died and disappeared. Well, why don't you fall in love with Jiang Qiao quickly? In this way, I will completely master this body, or you can let go of your body and mind, To become one with me, to fill your emotional void?

Hearing that the inner demon tempted her to fall so openly, Fairy Bai didn't panic anymore: Do you believe that I will die with you right now?

Who are you scaring?

Bai Yueling said slowly: Speaking of which, you must have forgotten who Master fell in love with back then. Also, you who have abandoned all emotions, how could you remember these things?

Then, let me review it for you today, and take a good look at it.

She carefully hid the crimson in her eyes, smiled at herself in the mirror, then opened the bedroom door and walked out.

It was just after six o'clock, and Jiang Qiao's parents hadn't woken up yet, but Fu Lu Shou Xi was running around early in the morning.

Bai Yueling knelt down and patted the cat's head, then walked to Jiang Qiao's bedroom, and quietly turned the doorknob.

Stop, this is Jiang Qiao's room, what do you want to do! Fairy Bai asked in fear. She found that she had completely lost control of her body, and could only watch helplessly as the demons in her heart ran amok.

Of course it's to have fun with Jiang Qiao in time~ What's more exciting than watching yourself and others cultivate together? Bai Yueling replied casually.


Bai Yueling quietly pushed open a crack in the door and saw that Jiang Qiao was still sleeping wrapped up, so he didn't go in to disturb him after all.

She sneered in her heart: So you are so afraid, isn't your mind enlightened? To you, your body should be just a dispensable skin.

Even if it's a skin, I hope the skin can be clean!

Since you are chasing after nothing, is there any difference between clean and dirty?

Fairy Bai froze suddenly.

At this moment, Xia Qinghe suddenly opened the bedroom door and came out. She saw her future daughter-in-law standing in front of her son's room sneaking around, and said abruptly, Yue Ling, what are you doing?

Fairy Bai suddenly realized that she had regained control of her body. She froze, and felt an inexplicable illusion that her adultery had been discovered. She turned around, with an embarrassed smile on her face.

Auntie, good morning, I just... I just...

Just to see if that little bastard is awake? Xia Qinghe blinked, and as someone who had been there, she nodded tacitly: I understand, I understand, just pretend that I don't exist, and you can continue.

Fairy Bai blushed up to her ears in an instant, she ran to the balcony in shame, grabbed Fu Lu and moved it vigorously, saying angrily in her heart.

Embarrass me, did you mean it!!!

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