Wu left.

But Lahari and his troops did not dare to act rashly, because they did not know what choice the five demons who had escaped would make, whether to take the opportunity to escape or to kill people wantonly.

An Ye yawned, passed by the soldiers, and came to the prison car that had held him before. Although the prison car was destroyed by Wu, the chassis was still intact.

In the shocked eyes of the soldiers, An Ye sat cross-legged on the chassis of the prison car and slowly closed his eyes.

Since An Ye could remember, he had been a slave in the dark"Paradise Tower", working hard day and night in exchange for food that could barely fill his stomach and a few hours of rest time.

Because he would be punished for overtime, An Ye's biggest dream when he was a child was to have a good sleep.

Later, he was bought from the"Paradise Tower" by Brian, and his sleep time was finally extended. But Brian was not a good person, so An Ye spent most of his time learning magic or completing Brian's tasks.

With the collapse of the [Six Demon Generals], he should be able to have a good sleep in the prison of the Council in the future.

A smile appeared on the calm face of the dark night.

The sound of gentle and peaceful breathing was heard.


A soldier expressed his incomprehension of An Ye's behavior, and his colleague next to him covered his mouth and made a gesture to keep quiet.

Although he didn't know why An Ye could sleep peacefully, it was better not to disturb him.

Lahar looked at the prisoners who took the initiative to put on the magic chains with a complicated expression,"Why? Why did you help us?"

He Te'ai sat on the ground. With his tall and slender figure, he could barely look at Lahar at eye level when sitting."We have made too many mistakes. Although those blood debts were forced by Brian, we are still not qualified to ask for forgiveness."

"Why would I help you? Probably... because we want to do so."

An Ye, He Te Ai, Eric, Lisa, and Angel had never done anything that made them happy in the first half of their lives, and now they finally did it.

Lahar was silent, and just called the medical team to treat them.

According to the regulations of the Council, prisoners are only allowed to be treated if they have fatal injuries. And Eric, the most seriously injured of the five prisoners, did not meet the treatment standards.

Lahar's order obviously violated the regulations.

Dolanbart wanted to stop Lahar, but slowly put down his raised hand.

No voice jumped out to oppose Lahar. What's wrong with treating the savior? What's more, although the savior is a prisoner, they chose to plead guilty.

With the sound of wind, trees quickly moved backwards.

Wu had a smile on his face. Although those tools betrayed him, as long as he was still alive, everything could be restarted.

But when he thought of the allied team that defeated him, a gloomy look flashed across Wu's face.

Wait, when I come back, I will definitely return the humiliation I suffered a hundredfold! Especially that ugly man! And those two dragon slayers!

Suddenly, Wu stopped.

A figure blocked Wu's way forward, and it seemed that he had been waiting for a while.

"It's you!" Wu widened his blood-red eyes.

How could that wizard be here, the one who pierced through all the magic balls that provided magic power to Nirvana with one blow, forced himself out of Nirvana, and used magic to make him confess everything?!

Xia Zuo brushed off the dead leaves falling on his shoulders and gave Wu a mocking smile,"From black to white, is this the secret of your [Living Link] seal?"

"It's hilarious."

Wu Xin was filled with shock, he actually knew the sealing magic on my face!

【[Living Link] is a special sealing magic. Its sealing technique can be linked to different creatures. Brian used this magic to link the six demons and sealed the inner personality"Nothing". Brian did not fight back when he was beaten up by a group of people before. In addition to the reason that he could not beat them, he was also trying to suppress the last seal in order to release"Nothing" at a certain time to escape.

Xia Zuo recognized the [Living Link] on Brian's face from the beginning. The reason why he let the supervisory troops take Brian away was because Xia Zuo expected that Brian would definitely take the opportunity to escape.

And this run, whether it is Brian or Nothing, their fate will come to an end.

Encountering a fugitive on the road, accidentally shot him dead.

Not only can he execute the evildoer openly, but he can also gain the gratitude of the Council. It is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone~

And Wu also figured out Xia Zuo's intention at this moment. Because of his identity as a member of the Guild of Light during the day, he concealed the discovery of Brian's [Living Link] magic. When Brian turned into Nothing and escaped, Xia Zuo, who had been waiting for a long time, could kill him.

Wu's face turned ferocious and he stared at Xia Zuo with gritted teeth. Just waiting to die is not something he can do, so he might as well give it a try!

""Eternal Dark Lament!"

Wu jumped high, and the dark magic that could easily penetrate steel poured down from Wu's hands.

Xia Zuo just raised his left hand, and a strong force burst out from his heart and gathered in the palm of Xia Zuo's left hand.

"Dragon blast: darkness."

The dark magic that Wu used with all his strength was swallowed up by the stronger darkness, and it turned into a black dragon and turned its head to pounce on Wu.

【The Dragon Talisman does not have so many fancy abilities, it only has one effect: explosion.

Air, energy, magic... use everything as a guide to destroy everything. This is the Holy Lord's natal talisman.——【

In the silent explosion, the black-skinned Brian reappeared.

"You, you killed Wu!"

Brian was so frightened that he could not speak clearly. He knelt down to Xia Zuo without any moral integrity."Don't, don't, don't kill me."

Xia Zuo looked at Brian with extreme disgust in his heart.

Eric gave up his dignity and life for his friends and knelt down to Xia Zuo.

But Brian, in order to survive, wagged his tail and begged for mercy like a dog.

"How can someone like you change? Hmm?

Xia Zuo walked slowly towards Brian, and every step seemed to be stepping on Brian's heart.

"You won't change, only death will do!"

The words of begging for mercy were stuck in Brian's throat, and everything went dark in front of Brian's eyes. His soul was no longer in this body.

Looking at Brian's soul that was extracted by the [Sheep Talisman], Xia Zuo raised his hand and waved it. The power of the [Dragon Talisman] wrapped around the sinful soul, and a beautiful firework bloomed in the sky.

After doing all this, Xia Zuo did not leave, but said lightly:"The fireworks are over, why don't you come out?"

"How did you find me?"

Qila didn't hide anymore, revealing her camouflaged body.

Xia Zuo sighed,"Brother, you don't think a small tree can block your big body, do you?"

Qila looked back at the tree where she was hiding, and touched her shiny forehead awkwardly.

"So, Jura, it's so late, what do you want to do alone?" Xia Zuo didn't beat around the bush and asked Jura directly.

Jura smiled and didn't avoid Xia Zuo's gaze."Xia Zuo, I am also a 'Holy Ten' after all, so I still recognize some magic."

"As for what I want to do, someone has already taken the lead. It seems that I can only take a walk to digest the food, and then go back to sleep."

It seems that Qiula is not as"straight" as she looks.

Xia Zuo and Qiula smiled knowingly, dragged Brian's body and walked back to the village.

"By the way, Jura, what is that camouflage on you made of? It smells weird."

"Ugh... that... vegetable sauce and peanut butter…"


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