Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 481: Yi Wen, who finally broke through to the level of a god!

"Human! If you intend to anger me, I tell you, you succeeded! You succeeded in angering the great Dracula Mag!


'Earth Dragon' Draculamag felt the burning pain in his cheek, and after being slightly dazed, he howled violently. He is a great dragon, an existence standing at the top of the northern continent Kirtina, how could he be so humiliated by mere human beings? ! Human beings are like ants in his eyes. Dracula Margo, who was so humiliated, felt unbearable!



After Dracula Marge was furious, he stood up his huge body and rushed towards Yin Wen.


Facing the majestic and oppressive 'Earth Dragon' Draculamag, Yin Wen stood in the air without changing his expression. He just slightly raised his left arm, and then swung it violently.

"Can't hide?!"

Draculamag looked at Yin Wen's raised left hand, and suddenly his spirit shook!

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his body was trembling faintly!

Draculamag couldn't remember how long it had been since he felt such a trembling and frightening feeling!

When he faced Yin Wen, he actually felt the powerlessness he felt when he faced Akunologia four hundred years ago! You know, that time was different from now, at that time he was just a little dragon who hadn't grown up yet...

"Haven't I already stood at the apex of the Dragon Clan? Why is there someone more powerful than me in this world? It shouldn't be?!"

Dracula Mag was puzzled, but now was obviously not the time for Dracula Mag to think silently.


Accompanied by a gust of wind, 'Earth Dragon' Draculamag felt his cheeks burn.

Yes, when Yin Wen waved her hand, she made another big mouth! Just the strong wind pressure generated by Yin Wen's waving palm was enough to make Dracula Margo feel a burning pain in his face.


Accompanied by a loud bang, the 16th-level strong force directly pulled Draculamag in the form of a dragon back to his human form! I saw Lord 'Earth Dragon', who was still invincible, staggering and kneeling on the ground, his eyes bloodshot with anger, staring viciously at Yin Wen who was in mid-air.

However, just when Dracula Margo was going to continue to make some moves, he suddenly thought of something and paused slightly.


Draculamag felt the pain on his face, recalled Yin Wen's power so powerful that no one could resist, and gradually calmed down at this time, he looked at Yin Wen with With a bit of scrutiny.

"Aren't you...human! Are you the Dragon Slayer Magister?"

Draculamag recalled the huge power contained in Yin Wen's big fight, narrowed his eyes, and asked Yin Wen.

"Oh? Looks like you've calmed down?"

Yin Wen looked at Dracula Margo who was gradually calming down and smiled lightly. What should I do if the dragon convulses? Just give it a few big fights...


Draculamag saw that Yin Wen didn't intend to answer his question, so he stopped asking Yin Wen, but looked at his good brother "Flame Dragon" Yin Guniya.

"Ingunia answered my question, what is going on?! Who are they?"

Draculamag looked at Ingunya and asked in a cold voice.


Ingunia heard Dracula Mag's inquiry, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his brain kept thinking about Dracula Mag's question.


At the same time, when Ingunia was about to speak, Irene, Selene, and Akunologia all stared at Ingunya with death. The air in the central temple of the Great Labyrinth seems to have condensed.

"This is our boss, Yin Wen Berserion! As you guessed, he is a dragon slayer magister! I told Dracula Mag in advance, I am not threatening you, I am sure and You said, Yin Wen is definitely the most powerful dragon slayer magister in the world, none of them, so I advise you to put away your small thoughts and don't play tricks in front of my elder brother Yin Wen..."

Ingunya's eyeballs rolled wildly for a while, and then he seemed to understand something. He turned into a human, stood in front of Draculamag, and spoke righteously.

"What? Bastard! Ingunia..."

"Isn't this the plan you and I made together? You villain, you actually broke your promise, I, Dracula Margo, and you..."

After Draculamag heard Ingunia's words, he immediately became angry. He barked at Ingunia, and his heart was full of anger. It was obvious that he and Ingunya made the plan together, but now it seemed to be Not that he was alone, apparently he was stabbed in the back by Ingunia.

"shut up!"

Before Dracula Margo could finish speaking, Ingunia stepped forward and came to Dracula Margo, waving his hands with a big mouth.


With a bang...

Draculamag immediately flew into place, and fell heavily on the wall behind him.


At the same time, a mouthful of old blood spat out from Draculamag's mouth.

"You bastard..."

Draculamag glared at Ingunya, he already felt that Ingunya was serious, and this **** was serious about killing him.

"Yin Wen, I don't think there is any need to talk nonsense with Dracula Margo, let's get rid of him quickly!"

Ingunia was covered in scorching flames, and he spoke seriously to Yin Wen.

"Ingunya, I remember you once said that Draculamag is comparable to your own brother, right? Why are you so cruel to your own brother now?"

Selene looked at Ingunia who was about to kill her relatives righteously, narrowed her eyes, and asked.

"Shut up! I don't remember saying anything like that!"

"Besides, it was Dracula Margo who broke his promise first. As a member of the Fairy Tail guild, I absolutely cannot tolerate it. There is a crisis that could endanger our guild..."

Ingunia is majestic, righteous and upright.

If it weren't for everyone at this moment, they all knew what kind of guy Ingunia was, and everyone probably believed his righteous words.

"Dracula Marge, don't hate me. Brothers will keep your kindness in mind. After you die, brothers will keep your soul, so you can go with peace of mind!"

Ingunya looked at Dracula Mag and sighed helplessly. He didn't want to be so cruel to Dracula Mag, but he had no choice but to ask his brother to go on the road for his life!


Draculamag remained silent, he glared at Ingunya, if given another chance, he would never cooperate with the scum in front of him.

"The Bending Fist of the Flame Dragon God!"

The so-called, taking advantage of the dragon's illness to kill the dragon, Ingunia, who wanted to express his determination like Yin Wen and others, directly waved his fist fiercely at Dracula Margo. The whole world was completely burned, and the terrifying power went straight to Dracula Margo's cheek.

"Bastard thing..."

Dracula Margo cursed angrily, but there was nothing he could do. Dracula Margo, who hadn't recovered his full flow, was so weakened after being hit by Yin Wen's two big mouths that reached level 16 Ultimately, if he takes the punch from Ingunia right now, then there is no doubt that Dracula Margo will die directly.


However, at this critical moment, someone stopped Ingunya's fist.


For a moment, both Ingunia and Dracula Margo froze in place.

"Ingunya, what are you in such a hurry for?!"

"Is that how you intend to kill the dragon?"

Yin Wen blocked Yin Gunia's fist with one hand, looked at Yin Gunia with a smile and asked.

"I..." Yin Gunia's eyes twitched, facing Yin Wen who was exuding endless power, he finally put away his power, stepped back quickly, and said with a smile: "How could that be?" I, Ingunia, have a clear conscience, but I just can't see a treacherous villain like Dracula Margo, after all, you, Yin Wen, know that I, Ingunia, are at odds with crime."

"Dracula Margo, you have also seen it. Ingunya is completely unreliable when he wants to kill you!"

"If you want to live, then you have no choice but to rely on me..."

"I'm giving you a chance to confess yourself now. You have to be clear about confession and take it lightly, and resist it with strictness!"

Yin Wen stood in front of Dracula Margo, speaking with a smile.

At this moment, Yin Wen and Yin Guniya are completely in the meaning of singing the red face and the other singing the bad face.

"Hehe, who knows if you and Ingunia are going the same way?"

Dracula Margo is not stupid after living for more than 400 years, he thought for a moment, looked at Yin Wen and asked in a cold voice.

"Whether Yingunya and I are going the same way, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with your current situation, right?"

"After all, if I really want to kill you, you can't seem to stop me."

What Yin Wen said was sincere. He had already proved his strength just now, and it was just a few big fights to defeat Draculamag.

"This is..."

Draculamag frowned, and after thinking for a while, nodded slightly.

"What do you want to ask?"

Dracula Margo looked at Yin Wen and asked.

"What are you planning with Ingunia?"

Yin Wen looked at Dracula Mag and asked.

"Ingunia please me, use my ability to disperse you, and let him kill you all one by one! Then sit on the boss of the Fairy Tail guild! Become the king of the world!"

Draculamag told Yin Wen the truth about his plan with Ingunya.

Yes, in what Ingunia said to Draculamag, becoming the president of the Fairy Tail of the Magisters Guild is equivalent to becoming the world king of the Eslandon world...

Although it seems correct to say so, with the current strength of the Fairy Tail guild, the boss of the Fairy Tail guild is indeed equivalent to the king of the world in Eslandon!

Even counting Edras and Alentia, it is clear that the rights of the Fairy Tail guild master are far greater than the rights of the world king of Eslandon!


Yin Wen heard the words and looked at Dracula Margo behind him.

"That's wrong! I'm talking about defeating you, not killing you."

"Dracula Margo, don't frame me..."

After hearing Yin Wen's words, Ingunia's face changed slightly, and while cold sweat broke out on his forehead, he growled at Dracula Margo.

"It makes no difference..."

Dracula Margo looked disdainful after hearing Ingunia's words. Obviously, for him, no matter what Ingunia said, it would be better to kill Yin Wen and others, or to defeat Yin Wen and others. Well, neither makes much difference.


Yin Wen interrupted the words of Dracula Mag and Ingunya, and signaled Dracula Mag to continue talking.

"He told me that as long as he becomes the boss of that Fairy Tail guild, he will allow me to swallow the entire Northern Continent Kirtina!"

Draculamag continued, telling Yin Wen about his agreement with Ingunia.

"So that's it~"

In this regard, Yin Wen smiled, he believed what Dracula Margo said, this is indeed something that Yin Gunya can drive out.

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense..."

At this moment, Ingunia was sweating profusely, seeing that his plan with Dracula Margo had been leaked.

He had already imagined the painful punishment he would endure in the future.

"Hehe, we'll talk about your matter at that time!" Yin Wen turned around and gave Yin Gunya a look worthy of the other party's savoring, and then continued to speak to Dracula Mag: "Dracula Mag, the earth **** dragon, Now I have a proposal, the first one is that you join Fairy Tail and become a member of our Magisters Guild Fairy Tail, the second choice is that from now on, you will not be allowed to leave the maze you are in!"

"Join Fairy Tail? Don't be kidding, I absolutely don't want to live with humans! I would rather die than..."

After listening to Yin Wen's words, Dracula Margo raised his head and spoke arrogantly.

"Really? Then you go to die!"

After hearing what Dracula Marge said, Yin Wen also smiled and raised her arm at the same time.

"No! Didn't you say there is a second choice?"

Seeing Yin Wen's raised arm, Dracula Margo suddenly panicked, and he shouted nervously.

"I suddenly felt that you are a great dragon after all, I shouldn't humiliate you! This is wrong, so after thinking about it for a long time, I realized that I can only kill you..."

"At the same time, I'm also a little curious, would you really rather die than live with humans?"

Yin Wen smiled kindly after listening to Dracula Mag's question.


Hearing this, Dracula Margo felt like a stick in his throat, and he suddenly regretted his decision.

"Actually, you can try to humiliate me..."

Draculamag spoke weakly.

Yes, a rough guy more than two meters tall, in front of Yin Wen at this moment, like a shy little girl, slumped on the ground, muttering in a low voice! Unknowingly, Draculamag has awakened the female in his heart... cough cough!

"Hehe, just kidding, I'm not a devil after all!"

"Since you don't want to join our Fairy Tail guild, then I won't force you, but from now on, you can't leave this maze. At the same time, unless there are humans like you, you are absolutely not allowed to act like those humans." attack!"

Yin Wen thought for a while, and added a new constraint to the original constraint on Draculamag.

Although this constraint seems a bit redundant, because most people will never run into Draculamag's maze, and those who have nothing to do and insist on running into Draculamag's maze are obviously the kind A lunatic who disregards life and death, since she doesn't care about her own life, Yin Wen has no intention of saving these people, but...

You must know that the magisters of the Fairy Tail Guild and the dragon eaters of Diabolos are still in the maze of Draculamag~

Although Draculamag's current strength is ten to one, but it is definitely not the current Magister of the Fairy Tail Guild, and the dragon eaters of Diabolos, can deal with it...


Draculamag was a little silent at the moment, because he felt that Yin Wen's joke was not very funny.

"Okay, then let's talk about other things."

Yin Wen sat in front of Draculamag and continued to preach.


Dracula asked suspiciously.

"Give me the heart of Ethelia!"

Yin Wen finally mentioned the heart of Esef Selea after going around a lot with Draculamag.


Hearing this, Draculamag narrowed his eyes.

"I see, are you all for that guy's heart?"

Draculamag narrowed his eyes and asked Yin Wen in a cold voice.

At the same time, Draculamag was thinking in his heart, how to negotiate with Yin Wen and others by using Ethelia's heart!

He sees this as an opportunity...

"Stop talking nonsense, take it out quickly!"

While Dracula Mag was thinking, Yin Wen stretched out her hand and slapped Dracula Mag on the head, urging at the same time.

"Eh!? Did I guess wrong?!"

Draculamag looked at Yin Wen's indifference to Esefselia's heart, and was taken aback for a moment. At the same time, he doubted himself. He originally planned to use this heart to pinch Yin Wen, but in the end...

"Hurry up, take it out for me!"

Yin Wen said, and patted Dracula Margo on the shoulder again, urging.

"oh oh…"

Draculamag heard the words, and did not dare to continue to ink, and quickly handed over the heart of Esefsalia to Yin Wen.

"This is…"

Yin Wen took the bright red heart from Dracula Marge, frowning.

Yin Wen could feel that there was a lot of knowledge in Draculamag's heart.


After thinking for a while, Yin Wen threw the heart in her hand to Irene.

"Sure enough, this guy doesn't care about this heart at all?"

Dracula Margo sighed helplessly when he saw Yin Wen's action of giving her heart away.

You must know that Esefselia, as the dragon slayer magister of the "Dharma Dragon", all of his power and infinite knowledge are gathered in his heart, that is to say, whoever gets Esefselia Ya's heart, whoever can have the infinite knowledge in that heart...

In the magical world of Eslandon, knowledge represents power.


After Irene took Esefselia's heart from Yin Wen's hand, she immediately showed a smile. She could feel the infinite knowledge in the heart and smiled immediately.

"Detach! Attach..."

Immediately, Irene directly and secretly used separation and attachment magic on Ethelia's heart, attaching the infinite knowledge in the heart to her own mind.

Suddenly, endless wisdom entered Irene's brain...

Irene, like Ethelia, is a dragon slayer magister with wisdom as her power.

In other words, the wisdom in Esefselia's heart can directly enhance Irene's power! This is something no other dragon can do...

"This woman has become even stronger!"

As the wisdom in Esefselia's heart entered Irene's brain, whether it was Selene, or Ingunia, or Akunologia's spirits were shocked, they saw There was a bit of shock in the eyes looking at Irene!

Among them, Selene was the most shocking!

"Maybe I'm no match for this woman."

"Damn it, I didn't expect not only Yin Wen, but even the woman Irene to improve so fast?!"

Selene felt a little urgency in her heart, you know...

Back when she, Selene, was dating Yin Wen, among the Fairy Tail guilds in Nuo Da, the only one who could fight her, Selene, was Irene!

As time goes by, the Magic King Oghast, Ingunil and Ingunia father and son, the black mage Jeref, and the black dragon king Akunologia make a strong appearance. The status of the Tail Guild dropped again and again!

In the blink of an eye, it was no longer the most special existence in the Fairy Tail guild.

Among them, she saw that Yin Wen, who was still a little Douding back then and could only rely on her and Irene, had rapidly improved in strength, and now she has become the strongest Dragon King level...

In addition, now even this woman, Irene, has unknowingly been promoted to a level that she can't match.

"It seems that I have to practice hard!"

For a moment, Selene clenched her fists, she silently bit her pink and thin lips, and decided to train harder from now on, trying to catch up with Yin Wen and Irene as soon as possible!

Although Selene's magic power cultivation has reached the point of nowhere, the domineering and physical skills she learned from Yin Wen still have great potential! Because of these two skills, Selene has never practiced...

"Since the heart of Ethelia has been obtained, we will not bother you Dracula Marg, but I hope you can remember your promise to us, otherwise it will not be as simple as death Something happened, Dracula Margo has reached your level, you should know what I'm talking about..."

Yin Wen smiled and preached to the 'Earth Dragon' Draculamag.


Hearing this, Draculamag tilted his head and didn't speak, but obviously he understood what Yin Wen said.


Regarding this, Yin Wen just smiled lightly, he didn't care about Dracula Marge's attitude at all, because the system had already given Yin Wen a reminder.

The information of 'Earth Dragon' Draculamag has also been corrected to... Thanks to Yin Wen's efforts, she has realized her own shortcomings and chose to seal herself in the maze she created.

"By the way, your maze can't continue to expand. I don't need to say more about this, right?"

Yin Wen looked at the system prompt, nodded in satisfaction, and then reminded Dracula Margo who was slumped on the ground.

"Understood!" Dracula Margo promised Yin Wen silently in her heart: "You've already said it! You don't need to say anything else, I'm so mad..."


Yin Wen just smiled lightly at this.

"Okay! Let's go back and report to Esefsalia!"

Yin Wen looked at Irene, Selene and others beside her, and preached.


Irene nodded slightly, and with a wave of her hand, a huge teleportation channel appeared directly in Draculamag's maze.


Draculamag frowned looking at Irene's teleportation channel. Logically speaking, in his maze, teleportation magic should not be able to be used, but being able to use such a long-distance teleportation magic can only explain one thing, Ai Lin's strength is far above him.


Thinking of this, Draculamag chuckled. First he was killed by Ethelia, and then he met a group of dragon slayers that he couldn't beat. Sure enough, he is the weakest dragon!

"By the way, there is one more thing!"

While Dracula Margo was laughing at himself, Yin Wen seemed to remember something again.

"Uh, say!"

Although Dracula Margo was a little impatient, but because of Yin Wen's lust, he could only watch Yin Wen preach.

After all, Yin Wen didn't give him the right not to listen!

"Dracula Margo, some companions from our guild, and some members of the Dragon Eater are currently competing in the maze. You don't need to pay attention to them. They will leave on their own when they are tired from playing~"

Regarding the battle between Fairy Tail and Diablos, Yin Wen greeted Draculamag in advance.


Although Draculamag was impatient, he still nodded.

"Very good~"

Seeing that Dracula Margo understood what he meant, Yin Wen smiled and nodded.

"Then, everyone..."

"It's time for us to retreat~"

Yin Wen said, smiling lightly, and walked into the remote portal.

"Goodbye Draculamag~"

Before leaving, Ingunia greeted Draculamag.


In response, Draculamag roared angrily.


Ingunia looked at the furious Draculamag, and only smiled lightly.

"Get out of here! I don't welcome you here!"

Dracula Margo roared, and he sat depressed in his palace. Right now, his stomach was full of anger, but he had nowhere to vent it.

As for the magisters of the Fairy Tail Guild and the dragon eaters of Diabolos, they are still tossing in the maze at this moment! At this moment, neither Diabolos nor Fairy Tail knew that Esefsalia's heart had been taken away by Yin Wen and the others. Their fight was doomed from the beginning to the end!

Yes, from the very beginning, Yin Wen never thought about letting Diabolos escape from the engulfment of the Fairy Tail guild...

As time goes by, Yin Wen believes that in the near future, the magisters of Diabolos will completely transform into Fairy Tail... Yin Wen believes that as long as you have been a Fairy Tail for a day, you will be a Fairy Tail for the rest of your life!

the other side…

With the opening of the space door, Yin Wen and others directly appeared in the world of Eslandon, the dragon of the magic circle of the original magister guild.

At this moment, among the dragons of the magic circle of the Magisters Guild, Ethelia is a righteous human being, enjoying the good time of afternoon tea boredly! When he saw the portal in the house, he froze in place.

"You guys are back?!"

At this moment, Esefselia, who was sitting drinking tea with the dragon of the magic circle, looked at Yin Wen and the others' return, his eyes were full of surprise. It would take a year and a half, but how long did it take for Yin Wen and the others to come back? !

"Except for the golden dragon Vernes, which exists or does not exist, the other dragons, including the revived Dracula Margo, have all been taken care of by us~"

The first time Yin Wen saw Esefselia, she told the other party about their battle situation.

"You mean... including the water dragon Melkkobia, the earth dragon Draculamag, and the wood dragon Aldolon, all three dragons have been defeated by you?!"

Esefcelia still feels unbelievable at this moment. Although he knows that Yin Wen did not deceive him, he still can't believe that what Yin Wen said is true. After all, this has troubled him for hundreds of years and has not been resolved. Now Yin Wen and others have easily handled the matter, which makes him a little hard to accept.


After a brief shock, Esefsalia let out a long breath of foul air, and at the same time her eyes became moist.

"Yes! With the help of Ingunia, the dragon of fire, Selene, the dragon of moon, Akunologia, the king of black dragon, and Irene, the mother of dragons, we should defeat those dragons!"

Ethelia sighed, even if Aldolon, Melkkobia, and Draculamag appeared together, it would definitely not be Ingunia, Selene, and Akunologia , Irene and Yin Wen's opponent, so it is not difficult for Yin Wen and others to eliminate Shenlong.

"To be precise, we didn't kill all those dragons! The earth dragon Draculamag swore that he would never step out of the maze in this life! The water dragon Melkkobia gave me the power, and then Irene Added human attributes to her, and now the water **** dragon has become an ordinary human being, and the wood **** dragon Aldolon was completely killed by us..."

Yin Wen told Esefselia about the situation of the earth **** dragon, water **** dragon, and wood **** dragon.

"That's enough! The war between humans and dragons has been fought for too long, and it's time to end!"

Esefsalia's expression turned serious. After Irene told him about the world where humans and dragons live in harmony, he thought about it for a long time, and he wanted to destroy the dragons in the world without being extremely extreme. up.

"Then, it's time for you, Esefcelia, to announce it too?!"

Yin Wen looked at Esefseliya's serious expression and asked with a smile.


"Then I hereby announce that the magisters Yinwen Berserion, Irene Berserion, Ingunia, Selene, and Akunologia of the Fairy Tail of the Magisters Guild, the above Five people! Successfully completed the century-old mission and sealed the five dragons that endangered the northern continent Kirtina! Congratulations, everyone, you are the only magister who has completed this mission for more than a hundred years! You will become legends, Recorded in the epic, you are legends!"

Esefsalia holds the staff in his hand, facing Yin Wen, facing Irene, facing the dragons Selene and Ingunia that he was hostile to before, and also facing the human beings who fought against the dragon four hundred years ago. Akunologia, the hero, preached loudly.

"Old man, I sincerely thank you for your help here!"

As Esefselia said, she bowed slightly towards Yin Wen and the others to express her gratitude.

"Thank you!"

Yin Wen slightly shook her head at Esefsalia,

At the same time, in his mind, the column about the century-old mission was changed from being implemented to completed!

"Withdraw the reward!"

Yin Wen didn't talk nonsense, and directly extracted the rewards from the system.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the 100-year mission and getting a 100-year mission medal! 】

Immediately, a system notification sounded in Yin Wen's mind.

"Add some to me!"

Yin Wen looked at the system notification sound in her mind, and without any nonsense, she directly added the Centennial Mission Medal she had obtained to her Devil Fruit, Yuyu Fruit!

Immediately, the column of Yin Wen's Yuyu fruit was corrected, from the original level 16, to (Dragon Slayer) Animal Department, Yuyu Fruit, Phantom Beast, Azure Dragon Form: lv17 (+)

That's right, Yin Wen's strength has been directly raised to level seventeen. At this moment, Yin Wen has already moved two levels away from the fifteenth level where the Dragon King is!



Endless power fluctuations were released from Yin Wen's body, and the terrifying sense of oppression made Ingunia, Esefsalia, Selene, and even Akunologia's hearts all shaken by it. a tight.

"What a powerful force!"

"If there are really gods in this world, I'm afraid it's nothing more than that?!"

Esefselia and Yin Gunia and others looked at each other, and at the same time were shocked by the power in Yin Wen's body.

Although Ingunia and others were dubbed dragons and claimed to have the power to rival the true gods, they were not gods after all! But right now, Yin Wen gave them the feeling that she was a real god, like a **** walking in the world! **** among men...

"Yin Wen has become powerful again."

Irene looked at the stronger Yin Wen with extremely gentle eyes.

The stronger Yin Wen is, the more relieved Irene will be, and the happier she will be at the same time.

Because in this case, even if Yin Wen doesn't need her protection, she can still live well...

"Is this the power of the seventeenth level? It feels like one punch can destroy the existence of Shenlong or Dragon King level..."

"Now I can be called the Dragon God, right?"

Feeling the majestic power in her body at this moment, Yin Wen smiled.

Yes, if only in terms of strength, Yin Wen at this moment can call herself a god!

No, even the gods, not every one can reach the level of Yin Wen, and there are even many gods whose power is not as good as the existence of Shenlong or Dragon King. Yin Wen's power at this moment, even if it is placed among the gods, is not enough. It was a powerful wave.


As Yin Wen's dragon slaying magic reached level seventeen, the magic power in his body, the magic power that reached the peak of level fifteen, began to be insufficient again.


Thinking of this, Yin Wen sighed helplessly.

After finally begging him to be a real man with a punch, he became a real man again in the blink of an eye!

"It seems that we still have to find a way to increase the amount of magic power. There is a long way to go!"

Regarding this, Yin Wen expressed emotion again.


After Yin Wen sighed, he turned and looked at Irene and the others. Except for Irene, no matter whether it was Selene or Yingunya, they were all wearing a pair of eyes, as if they were looking at a monster. Looking at Yin Wen.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Feeling the eyes of everyone, Yin Wen raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Yin Wen, you bastard, have you become stronger again?"

After Yin Gunia looked Yin Wen up and down, he couldn't bear it anymore and asked Yin Wen.

"Yeah, it's getting stronger again."

Yin Wen replied truthfully.

After all, the fact that he became stronger could not be hidden even if he wanted to. Everyone should have felt the aura released from his body...

"Don't you **** have no limits?"

Yin Gunia sighed helplessly, and asked Yin Wen.

"Limit? What's that?"

Yin Wen frowned. He has a system, but he never knows what the limit is? !

"Yin Wen, please tell me, how did you become so powerful?"

At this time, Esefcelia couldn't sit still anymore, and asked Yin Wen with a serious look in his eyes.

"My current strength is all obtained by my hard work day and night!"

Yin Wen answered without hesitation after hearing Esefsalia's question.

"Work hard day and night?"

"It seems that Yin Wen, you have put in unimaginable efforts to obtain your current strength!"

Hearing this, Esefsalia sighed with emotion. Sure enough, there are no geniuses in this world. Geniuses are just people who make continuous efforts.

"That's right!"

Yin Wen nodded vigorously after listening to Esefselia's words. Who knows how much effort he has put in to obtain his current strength? !

Thinking of this, Yin Wen opened her system panel to check where she still has gaps and how many mission medals she needs to continue adding points...

Genius needs hard work, but you don't need to be forced!

"By the way, Esefselia, return this thing to you!"

Just when Ethelia looked at Yin Wen with emotion, Irene seemed to think of something, and threw the heart of Ethelia she got from Dracula Mag to Ethelia Fuselia.

"Huh? This is...my heart?"

Esefcelia looked at the ancient thing that was thrown from Irene's hands, and a trace of disbelief flashed in her eyes.

But as Ethelia remembered, after Yin Wen and the others had used force to convince Draculamag, he suddenly realized!

Yes, since Draculamag has surrendered, his heart will naturally become the trophy of Yin Wen and others!

"Thank you, Teacher Erin!"

Ethelia was excited. He held the heart in his hand, bowed to Irene, and then activated the fusion magic?


I saw the heart in Esefselia's hand lit up for a while, and then it completely merged with his body!

"This is!"

After Esefselia fused his heart, his expression flashed with disbelief, and his brain roared.

"What's wrong?"

Yin Wen and the others were taken aback when they saw Esefselia's shocked expression, and then asked.

"I...I still haven't remembered the knowledge I had forgotten!"

Esefcelia looked at the shocked crowd and smiled awkwardly.


Yin Wen and the others were speechless after hearing the words.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the dragons have been sealed, whether you remember the past or forget the past, it will not affect anything."

Yin Wen looked at Esefsalia and spoke softly.

"That's true..."

Hearing this, Esefcelia scratched the back of her head and smiled awkwardly.

Although I have forgotten all the knowledge, but fortunately my heart has returned, and after spending another hundred years, I can always learn all the forgotten knowledge, although it will take a long time...

"Since that's the case, the matter of the Northern Continent Kirtina has come to an end! Next..."

Yin Wen ignored Esefselia who was making a fuss, but thought about other things.

Meanwhile, the Alchemists Guild Golden Owl.

"It's troublesome now!"

Ethelia's disciple, the builder of Eslandon's world Athena, or the awakener, Duke Barbaroa's forehead was covered with beads of anxious sweat at this moment.

"President, what happened?"

Behind Duke Barbaroa are the members of the Golden Owl, among which the two beauties with **** figures and dresses are the most powerful. All the S-level magisters in the Tail Guild didn't give in much. If the two of them were not alchemists but magisters, Misaki might not be the number one female magister in Kirtina mainland.

"Things are in trouble! Something happened to Athena!"

Duke Barbaroa looked at the two beauties behind him and spoke helplessly.

"An accident happened to Athena? This is really an accident! Do you need us two sisters to rescue Athena?"

After hearing Duke Barbaroa's words, the two beauties were taken aback for a moment, and then asked Duke Barbaroa.

"No! This matter is not something you can solve! Because the man who attacked Athena...is the legendary black mage Jeff Dragneel!"

Duke Barbaroa watched helplessly as the two beauties behind him preached.

Looking at the entire world of Eslandon, the only person that Jeref can't defeat is the black dragon king Akunologia who is almost completely immune to magic! But Akunologia is the only one that Jeff can't beat. After all, other dragons or dragon kings in this world are not completely immune to magic. Facing an immortal black mage, no matter who they are, they will be defeated. Come down!

To put it bluntly, if Zeref wants to, he can complete the hundred-year task by himself with some time. After all, Zeref will not die, but the dragon will die...

"The black mage cursed by the **** Anxelam?!"

The appearance was somewhat similar. The two beauties were startled after hearing Duke Barbaroa's words. Obviously, they knew Jeff's strength in their hearts.

"So President, how do we deal with Athena's matter? With the strength of our two sisters, we are not sure about dealing with that monster. To put it bluntly, it is an existence that is more difficult to deal with than Shenlong..."

These two beauties are exactly the number two of the Golden Owls that Orgast had investigated, the Signor sisters. At this moment, after the two sisters looked at each other, they turned to Duke Barr, the president of the Alchemist Golden Owl Guild. Baloa asked softly.

"Hehe! Among the countless worlds I have observed, there is an old saying in one of the worlds, which is called Thirty Years in the East and Thirty Years in the West, Don't bully the young and poor! Although we now use the black mage Jeff There is no way, but the future is uncertain! Besides, our original plan started nearly ten years later! There is no rush, no rush... Let's see what Jeff is going to do with Athena! "

Duke Barbaroa had his hands behind his back, looking inscrutable. While he was persuading the Signore sisters behind him, he was also persuading himself, but how much was true and how much was false Yes, probably only Duke Barbaroya knows about it, right? !

"At the age of President Duke, you can't be called a teenager, right? So don't bully the middle-aged and poor, right?"

One of the Signore sisters, the sister with the bangs, Rousseau Signore asked Duke Barbaroia.

"Um, isn't that where you're paying attention to?"

In this regard, Duke Barbaroya was a little speechless.

"No, no, at the age of the president, it's not appropriate to use middle age. You should use Mo to bully the old and the poor!"

At this time, the older sister, Anne Signor, interrupted her sister's words and interjected.


For a moment, Duke Barbaroa didn't know what to say.

"Athena, don't worry! One day I will take you back from the evil Zeref! One day..."

In this regard, Duke Barbaroya can only cheer himself up secretly.

Perhaps, Duke Barbaroya himself did not think that this flash is a lifetime!

You can already fast-forward to Tomb Raider's Tears.

Just in Kirtina, the Northern Continent, the Five Divine Dragons were sealed again, and it was the strongest weapon of the Golden Owl of the Alchemist Guild. Athena, the special weapon against divine dragons, disappeared, and the White Magic Sect was forced to disband. The busy Northern Continent The moment when the Magic Council of Peru was in a hurry and there was a severe shortage of manpower.

A major event that shocked the entire continent is also taking place in the Yinshujiaer continent at this moment!

One of the most powerful countries in the Yinshugal continent, a permanent neutral country, and the king of the Fiore Kingdom, Thomas e. Fiore announced that he will hold the first Demon Fighting Demonstration at the end of June to the beginning of July this year!

Because it is the reason for the first magic fight, Thomas e. Fiore will not only convene powerful magisters from all over the continent, but also invite the magic council and monsters who are ranked among the top ten magicians. Ladies and gentlemen, seat guests to participate in this conference!

Moreover, Thomas e. Fiore announced that the winner of the Demon Fighting Great Martial Arts Demonstration will be awarded the title of the second strongest magister guild in Yinshujiaer mainland! With the announcement of Thomas e. Fiore, the entire Yinshugal continent fell into a boil...

At the same time, a doubt arose in the hearts of all the magisters in the entire continent, that is, why the winner of the Demon Fighting Grand Martial Arts Show could only be awarded the title of the second strongest magister guild in Yin Xiujiaer, not Yin Xiu What about the title of the strongest magisters' guild in Gaal continent? !

This is a question that confuses the magisters of the entire continent...

However, no matter what, the magisters in the entire Yinshujiaer continent were all shocked! Everyone is in a frenzy...

"Is it the second strongest magister's guild in Yinshujiaer mainland?"

"No matter what! This is a moment that is enough to make our guild famous in the mainland! Everyone ~www.NovelMTL.com~ The champion is waving to us!"

In the countless magister guilds, the magisters roared like chicken blood.

At the same time, Yinshugal Continent, Kingdom of Fiore, Crocas, Capital of Hundred Flowers, in the royal palace...

On the high throne, the old Thomas, who is the king of Fiore Kingdom, is looking at the brochure in his hand boredly, what should I say? Because the Fairy Tail guild is currently training in the North Continent, there is no main force from the Fairy Tail guild participating in this year's competition. Not going to participate in this year's Demon Fighting Grand Performance, which made old Thomas feel a little boring about the Magic Fighting Great Performing Arts that he has been thinking about for so many years...

Without the participation of the Fairy Tail guild, the level would not be much higher...

"Your Majesty, may I ask why the winner of the Demon Fighting Grand Martial Arts Show can only be awarded the title of the second strongest guild in the Insugar Continent? May I ask which guild is the strongest?"

Under the throne, the first minister of the throne looked at the old Thomas on the throne with some puzzlement and asked.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? The largest magister's guild in Yinshugal mainland, of course it's... Fairy Tail!"

Old Thomas really didn't expect that there are people in this world who would ask such stupid questions!

In this regard, old Thomas stood up, pointed his **** at the other party, and took off his **** king pants, revealing his snow-white buttocks, and the buttocks branded on his buttocks, which symbolizes the Magister Guild goblin. Badge of the tail!


In this regard, no matter whether it was the minister of the kingdom, the general, or the head of the knights of the kingdom, they were all attracted by old Thomas's butt, and their eyes widened because of it.

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