"Is there no other way?" Everyone was very frustrated. Mr. G saw their appearance and asked in confusion: "Why are you so obsessed with 1-162?" 1-162 is the number of nightmare. Everyone was stunned, "This is not a question of persistence or not, it's the kind that is rare, wait?"

Xu Rou felt that something was wrong, "Are we talking about the same thing?"

Du Jiashi stretched out his hand: "Wait a minute, let's start from the beginning. First of all, we are asking whether we can make another contract after the contract fails?"

Mr. G: "No."

Yin Nu tilted her head: "I always feel that something is wrong, but it is right."

Yang Yu twitched his mouth and asked concisely and directly to the point: "Mr. G, can he make other contracts?"

Mr. G nodded: "Of course."

Everyone was relieved, "You should have said it earlier, you scared us to death."

"It's fine if we can make a contract."

"That's great."

"Mr. G, such an important matter You should have said it earlier. "

Mr. G smiled mischievously, "I am a researcher, and I am very rigorous in my research. You asked whether he can make a contract again. My answer is no, because he cannot make a contract with 1-162 again after failing to make a contract with it."

"Of course, as long as he recovers from his injuries and recovers his physical strength and spirit, he can try to make a contract with other weird things, but whether he can succeed depends on his physical fitness and will. "

"We can't provide any help in this regard, but we are the only ones who can use human bodies to make contracts with weird things and borrow their power. "

"Although the number of weirdo masters in the weirdo society is small, compared with other organizations that don't even have a weirdo master, isn't it a great thing?"

Mr. G said so.

What else can they say?

Xu Rou stroked the cold bone umbrella: "Indeed, being able to become a ghost master has put me ahead of most people."

Mr. G: "Send them to the medical room to recuperate. I'll go to work first."

"Sorry to bother you, Mr. G."

"Mr. G, take care."

Du Jiashi and Xu Rou worked together to lift Zhang Lin and Zhao Hun up.

When they were carried out of the corridor and arrived at the lobby at the entrance of the abnormal shelter.

A logistics staff member who saw them came over immediately: "Do you need my help, Master Qiegui."

"We need to carry them to the medical room. Can you tell us where the medical room is?"

The logistics staff member nodded, and then he said to a communicator clipped to his collar: "Emergency notice, there is a Master Qiegui who needs help in the lobby at the entrance of the abnormal shelter. Four logistics staff members are here to take the injured Master Qiegui to the medical room. Report completed."

"Wait, we can..."

Xu Rou and others were stunned. They wanted to refuse his kindness. They could move the people to the medical room, but they needed someone to show them the way. After all, they didn't know where the medical room was.

But the logistics staff acted too quickly. After contacting people, within a minute, a nearby logistics staff ran over with two stretchers.

They skillfully put Zhang Lin and Zhao Hun on the stretchers, lifted them up and ran, just like experienced medical staff.

Maybe there are many injured Qiegui masters, and they have already practiced their skills?

Four logistics personnel sent the people to the medical room.

Another logistics personnel said: "Have the several masters of the contract just ended the contract?"


"Just now, the executive officer Fu Zhang ordered that I take you to find him when I see you come out."

The logistics personnel appeared so timely because he had been waiting for them to come out here.

"Master Fu Zhang?"

Du Jiashi and others were a little surprised. They learned about Fu Zhang's identity from Mr. G. He was the pillar of the executive department, that is, their executive department's immediate boss?

"Okay, take us there."

They followed the logistics personnel through corridors one after another.

The headquarters is very large.

Various corridors are connected in series, and every other place, there will be a closed hatch with a face recognition machine installed on it.

If the verification fails, the hatch cannot be opened.

The logistics staff introduced as they walked: "Your information has been entered into the system after joining the Yiguihui. Most of the Yiguihui's permissions are open to you, and only a few require higher permissions to enter."

"In the Yiguihui

There are many departments and many buildings and facilities, such as the Abnormal Shelter you went to, which is a place dedicated to the containment of weirdness. Generally, after the master of the strangeness has contained the weirdness, he needs to take the weirdness cage to the abnormal shelter and lock the weirdness in the room to complete the entire containment process. "

Everyone walked and listened with relish.

"This is the research institute, where the researchers of the scientific research department work. There are many scientific research equipment and many researched drugs. "

"Some of the researched drugs are very dangerous. If you want to visit, please be careful."

Several researchers wearing light blue lab coats, covering their heads and protective masks ran out.

"Quick, turn on the ventilation equipment!"

"There was an error in the production process of the T1 experimental drug. If it leaks outside, it will be terrible."

"Ahhh my hand, my hand is starting to rot."

"You didn't wear protective clothing properly?"

"I accidentally cut it when I escaped. "

The logistics staff silently led the shocked people away from the institute.

Du Jiashi pointed over there: "Wait, they, don't need to go up to help?"

Yang Yu: "It seems that there is a big problem."

Xu Rou: "The experimental drug leaked, it sounds dangerous."

Yin Nu looked over there with a worried look.

The logistics staff was unmoved, not as anxious as when he saw the two injured Qigui Masters before. He smiled and said: "Please don't worry, they are all experienced researchers, I believe they can handle it."

He was not worried about the researcher who was corroded by the leaked drug, nor did he intend to notify other logistics staff to bring a stretcher.

It was a bit regretful to see them, and the logistics staff dutifully explained their doubts for them: "We do not belong to any department. Usually, other departments have the right to mobilize us to do things, but if Master Qigui Master needs it, we must give priority to serving Master Qigui Master. "

Logistics personnel are like bricks, they can be moved wherever they are needed, but he is now serving the Qigui Master, so the Qigui Master has higher priority than people from other departments.

Other departments can ask other logistics personnel for help, but they have no right to transfer him.

Du Jiashi nodded as if he understood.

I always feel that Qigui Master has a high status in Yiguihui.

He had vaguely noticed this when he was in Yigui Company, and now that he came to the headquarters, this feeling became more obvious.

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