Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 173 Announcing the Ranking (Part 2)

Uncle Chu glanced at Aunt Fei, mother and son, he knew exactly what they were thinking, they were all here to see a joke.

He just pretended not to know, and looked at Ye Tangcai: In the past few days... where did Sanlang go? No one is there?

Ye Tangcai had already taken a seat next to Jiang Xinxue, and Qiuju stood behind her, leaning into her ear and whispering: Girls, you are all busy with Miss Ling these days, uncle has been sneaking around in our west courtyard. I slipped away no less than ten times.

The corner of Ye Tangcai's mouth twitched, he had sneaked around ten times!

Sanlang's daughter-in-law? Seeing that she didn't answer, Uncle Chu called her again.

Well...he went play. Ye Tangcai made an excuse casually.

Oh... at this time, he is still in the mood to play. Uncle Chu shook his head.

Qin shi burst out laughing, and ridicule flashed in his eyes.

Ye Tangcai said, Well, relax.

That's right, relax. Uncle Chu took a deep breath.

Ye Tangcai was speechless: I'll go back first!

You go. Qin waved her hand.

Go back and let Saburo rest well, don't slip around. Uncle Chu's voice sounded from behind.

Ye Tangcai returned to Xikuayuan, and when passing by Lanzhuju, he saw Chu Yunpan watering the flowers.

Ye Tangcai walked over: Third Master, the list will be released in two days, are you nervous?

Chu Yunpan nodded: Nervous.

Which place can you get in the exam? Ye Tangcai looked at him nervously, You passed more than 30 in the last provincial exam, this time...

In the provincial examination, I deliberately kept my hand. Chu Yunpan said, At that time, your relationship with the Prince's Mansion... The Crown Princess has always wanted to use you as a pawn. If I am too outstanding, the Crown Princess is afraid that you will not take the bait, and may suppress you. I, when the time comes, I will try to secretly do not know how much treachery.

Ah? Ye Tangcai was startled, Then how can you rank in the exam this time?

Mr. Zhou who taught me said, at least the top few. Chu Yunpan said.

Ye Tangcai was very happy to hear that: On the day when the results are released, let's go to Yixiang Courtyard to wait for the news! If you don't go, Uncle will find someone to urge you to go.

Okay. Chu Yunpan turned his head, seeing her looking at him shiningly, his brows and eyes were stained with a smile.

As the release date got closer, even the air in the capital became tense.

The students have been stranded in the capital for a month, especially those from poor families, who are almost exhausted, and under the pressure of all parties, they are waiting for the release of the results and the imperial examination.

So there was a tense atmosphere in the capital.

Finally, on the first day of March, on this warm spring day, the release of the rankings ushered in.

Early this morning, students from various colleges gathered on Jinglong Street.

The release of the list will be posted all over the capital, and every main street in the capital will post a yellow list.

And Jinglong Street is the main street closest to the palace, and the officers and soldiers who came out to post the posters immediately posted on Jinglong Street. Everyone wants to get first-hand information, so a large group of candidates gather there every year.

And if there are families in the capital who participated in the examination, they will also send people to look at it, and then pass the news back.

The Sun family and Ye Chengxin even took Ye Rong with them and went to the Zhang family in a carriage early in the morning. And Ye Hewen went to Songhua Lane quietly.

As usual, Ye Tangcai walked slowly to Yixiang Courtyard to pay her respects. As soon as she entered the door, she saw that almost everyone had arrived, even Chu Feiyang, who had been seldom showing up, was sitting next to Jiang Xinxue.

When the two walked in, they saw Uncle Chu talking: It's time to release the list, so it's just right for us to go now.

Mrs. Qin took a sip of tea lukewarmly: Master, it's not that I said you, why don't you just release the list? What's the hurry? You squeeze, you don't have to squeeze out the injury. There were people killed last time the list was released. A student was squeezed and squeezed, and was trampled to death. Unfortunately, he was hit. Let's just send a servant.

Uncle Chu sighed, and when he turned around and saw Chu Yunpan and his wife coming, his eyes lit up: Sanlang, have you slept well these two days?

Very good. Chu Yunpan nodded, and the husband and wife sat down beside Jiang Xinxue.

After the list is released, tomorrow is the imperial examination, so we need to recharge our batteries. Uncle Chu said.

The Qin family burst out laughing, and a sarcasm flashed in his eyes: How about the palace exam?

Aunt Fei is the most ruthless person, waving a chrysanthemum-patterned round fan: Let's talk about it after we win!

Don't be afraid, third brother, take the exam with me next time. Chu Congke sneered.

Let's talk about it after winning! Chu Yunpan smiled lightly, returning Aunt Fei's words to him.

Chu Congke choked, his heart was pierced instantly, and his face turned blue and white.

When Uncle Chu saw that everyone was making fun of Chu Yunpan, he felt suffocated.

Jiang Xinxue hugged her son with a sneer on her lips.

Third brother. Chu Feiyang looked at Chu Yunpan, his face still expressionless, and said lightly: Don't be nervous, maybe you've hit it.

Qin Shi, Jiang Xinxue, and Aunt Fei's mother and son's faces all collapsed, especially Qin Shi and Jiang Xinxue, who were so upset that they turned their elbows out!

This made Uncle Chu feel better. Although he also had no confidence in Chu Yunpan, there were some things that were hard to say: Anyway... no matter what, let's wait. If you win, it's naturally best. If you don't win...then Wait until next time...afterwards, at least he will still be a Juren.

Uncle Chu's servant, Dafu, has already been sent out, and when Kelou points to Si, Uncle Chu is restless!

It's been two quarters, why haven't you come back? Uncle Chu muttered.

There are so many people watching the list, it's crowded, how can it be so fast. Ye Tangcai said, she was also a little nervous, and glanced at Chu Yunpan.

After another quarter of an hour, Uncle Chu couldn't stay any longer, and Mrs. Qin lowered her head and drank tea slowly.

At this time, Luye called out from outside: Dafu is back!

Hearing these five words, Uncle Chu fell down on the couch. He was so anxious just now that he was shaking his legs, drinking tea, or standing up and walking around. Now he heard that the person really came back, but... ...the whole person fell silent.

Uncle Chu wrinkled a bitter face, because he suddenly felt that this would not hit! Now I don't even have any expectations, I'm discouraged! My heart is cold!

There was a sound of footsteps outside, green leaves were beating against the curtain, and a fat boy hurried in, panting uncontrollably.

Dafu... Uncle Chu called out, and then fell silent. He looked nervous, but more frustrated.

Qin and Jiang Xinxue looked at Uncle Chu mockingly. Aunt Fei knocked on the melon seeds and spewed out a few shells of melon seeds with a bah sound. Chu Congke's eyes swished coldly.

Dafu, what's the matter? Qin put down the teacup slowly.

Win... Dafu took a breath before saying, with a big smile on his face: I got it! The third master got it!

Ah, you got hit? Ye Tangcai giggled happily when she heard this.

Her voice was soft and clear, but now it struck down like a thunderbolt.

The mocking smiles on Qin's and Jiang Xinxue's faces froze, and Aunt Fei jumped up from choking on the melon seed shell, patting her chest repeatedly.

What? You got hit? Uncle Chu jumped up from his chair and rushed over: Dafu, are you serious? Got hit?

Yes! I hit it, I really hit it! Dafu said excitedly.

Only then did Qin and Jiang Xinxue come back to their senses, as if they had been struck by lightning.

Qin couldn't believe it: How is it possible? Her voice was a little sharp.

This is just a bastard, who won the exam, that's already a lot of shit luck, how could he get a Jinshi? How could he, a lowly bastard, be a Jinshi? What about her son? Wouldn't her son be inferior to him? How can this be!

Jiang Xinxue's heart was about to collapse.

She is not as good as Ye Tangcai in everything, even her married husband... She relies on Chu Feiyang being the eldest son, and she is superior to Ye Tangcai. Now, Chu Yunpan, a bastard, has actually become a Jinshi.

Impossible! Aunt Fei screamed, How is it possible? My Erlang didn't win, why should he win?

Your Erlang didn't even win Juren, and still wants to win Jinshi? Ye Tangcai sneered.

Chu Congke was dumbfounded, especially Ye Tang's resentful sentence, which was an incomparable blow!

It's really great. A rare smile appeared on Chu Feiyang's face.

Yes, that's great! God protects! Ancestor protects! Uncle Chu stepped forward excitedly, pulling Chu Yunpan, Good boy... woo woo woo... Our family is finally going to change its look!

The corner of Chu Yunpan's mouth twitched.

Qin and the others hated their fingernails almost to the flesh, how could there be such a shit luck person!

By the way, how did you rank in the test? Ye Tangcai said.

The third master won the prize! Dafu said excitedly.

Ah! Huiyuan! Uncle Chu couldn't believe it.

Qin and the others had another bang in their heads, feeling like they were about to explode! Huiyuan? what is that? How could it be Huiyuan?

If it is a fluke, it is called shit luck, and if it is a Jinshi, it is called shit luck.

That Huiyuan, what is that? That is real strength!

Thinking of this, Qin Shi only felt her head go black for a while, and then looked at Chu Yunpan with hatred. It turned out that the bastard she had been neglecting had been hiding all the time! Hidden so deep! What does he want to do? He must want to grab Dalang's position as the heir!

Well, well, very well! This little bastard, little beast! It turns out that he has been hiding it all the time, pretending not to fight or grab it all day long, but in fact he has long been thinking about Da Lang's position as the eldest son.

When Chu Congke heard the word Huiyuan, he just sat there motionless.

Aunt Bai's eyes were shining brightly, looking at Chu Yunpan. This home is about to change!

Chu Yunpan raised his eyebrows when he heard the word Huiyuan, Huiyuan, yes. Tomorrow's palace exam, work hard, and let her have a good time.

Let's go, Saburo, let's go to worship our ancestors. Oh, yes, go to see your grandmother. You must tell your grandmother such important news. Uncle Chu said, pulling Chu Yunpan out.

Ye Tangcai smiled and followed them to the ancestral hall.

Uncle Chu dragged Chu Yun into the house, and then his mouth twitched, because he saw several tablets fell to the ground!

Oh, the wind is so strong. Uncle Xuan quickly picked up the tablet.

At this time, another gust of wind blew in, and a tablet on it fell down with a snap, knocking Uncle Chu almost to the ground.

The corner of Chu Yunpan's mouth twitched, well, the ancestor was very upset!

Apparently, Uncle Chu also felt that the ancestors were very unhappy to see their dignified family of generals and heroes for generations, and now they have abandoned martial arts and followed literature, so they left after paying homage, not daring to see Mrs. Mei.

Uncle Chu patted him on the shoulder and said, I'll see you again when I get the ranking tomorrow.


Not only the Chu family got the news, but also the Zhang family and Songhua Lane.

Zhang Zan, Zhang Hong, Meng Shi, and Zhang Boyuan were waiting anxiously. Zhang Manman sat on the side indifferently. Ye Licai caressed her big belly. She was ten months old and was about to give birth.

Why don't you come? Mrs. Sun walked back and forth anxiously.

Ye Chengxin was sitting on the chair, Ye Rong was biting the fruit while sucking the snot that was about to come out again.

At this time, the boy ran in, his face was livid: Master...

What's the matter? Seeing his face like this, Mrs. Sun's heart was pounding, and she had a bad feeling.

Master failed the ranking. The servant said with tears.

What did you say? Sun's voice was sharp, Have you looked carefully?

Did you see clearly? Zhang Boyuan stood up with a livid face. He felt that he answered every question very well, so how could he fail?

I've searched carefully, and it's really not there. The boy looked bitterly, and looked at Zhang Boyuan timidly, And, I'm not the only one who went to see the list, and Shanzi and the others watched it together. The four of us, eight One-eyed! What can go wrong! How about calling them in...

Said and ran out without a fuss.

Zhang Boyuan slumped down on the chair with a dull expression.

Hmph! Zhang Zan, who was sitting at the top, snorted coldly, turned and left.

Zhang Manman's eyes flashed ridicule, and he took a sip of tea lightly.

It's okay, I'll take the test next time. Meng immediately comforted him, You are still young, and now it's just a practice session.

Yes, let's take the exam next time! Zhang Hong nodded, It's a good thing if you fail the exam. Because you are not hot enough, if you barely pass, you are just a fellow Jinshi. Why don't you go back and prepare well, and get the exam next time? Higher and better ranking.

Yeah. Zhang Boyuan took a few deep breaths and adjusted himself, Father is right, how many people can win at once. Even if they win, they may not be able to get a good ranking.

At this time, the boy ran in again, bringing along the three boys who were watching the list together.

Sun asked again unwillingly: Is there really no one? Have you seen it clearly?

The little servant timidly said: Going back to my wife, there are four of us, eight eyes, we are not mistaken.

Only then did Mrs. Sun believe it, sat down on the chair, and said to Zhang Boyuan, Work harder next time. This time it's just for practice.

Ye Licai felt blocked when she heard that Zhang Boyuan had failed. She held her belly, her face was extremely ugly, but she was thinking about something else.

Zhang Boyuan didn't win, so what about Chu Yunpan?

You must not hit it either! Absolutely not!

If Zhang Boyuan misses, but Chu Yunpan wins, where will her face be put? Ye Tang will definitely be ridiculed to death by this little bastard! She doesn't have to be a human anymore!

Ye Licai opened her small mouth, wanting to ask, but she didn't have the courage to ask.

Ye Rong, who was sitting next to her, sucked back two barrels of snot and said, I heard that the eldest brother-in-law is also gone, did the eldest brother-in-law get hit?

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