Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 214 Lecture Reading (Part 1)

Thinking of Empress Xiao, Emperor Zhengxuan's gray eyebrows frowned.

His birthday is the fifth day of May, the poisonous moon and poisonous day. Because she was born on such an inauspicious day, her birth mother died of dystocia. The first emperor asked the national teacher to give orders, and the national teacher said it would be fine. But the first emperor still felt that he was ominous.

Moreover, he has many brothers, and his birth mother was not of high birth, so he has been forgotten since then.

A forgotten prince, even with royal blood, has a tragic fate.

All kinds of pouring, blood and tears, forbearance, fear and anxiety in the palace, the emotions of the maids and eunuchs had nowhere to vent, and they vented on him, the unfavored prince.

Before the age of eighteen, his life was gloomy.

Until I meet her!

The heroic general's daughter.

Dressed in a red military uniform, with black long hair tied high behind him, flying wildly along with the galloping horse, the girl in bright clothes and angry horse is holding a silver gun and galloping with a big smile. It's bright.

One is the noble eldest daughter of the Xiao family, and the other is the down-and-out prince. Actually know each other like this.

It can be said that the whole capital was stunned back then. At that time, he was proud of it and felt that being able to marry her was the greatest happiness in his life.

She was two years older than him, and he kept calling her Sister Xiao.

After getting married, he climbed straight up, step by step, until he ascended to the position of the Ninth Five-Year Venerable.

She didn't give birth to his eldest daughter until she was twenty-six, and she didn't even keep her third pregnancy.

Until Liangmei gave birth to his eldest son, their conflicts continued to intensify.

She blamed him for letting the concubine be born before the concubine was born.

In the end, the Xiao family was found out to be collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country. Even if it was his father-in-law's family, how could collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country be tolerated? He immediately had the entire Xiao family be ransacked and beheaded.

Thinking of the love between husband and wife, he only dismissed her as a beauty and dispatched her to Tongzhou to guard the imperial tomb. At that time, she was pregnant with Liang Wang. The eldest princess cried and begged to go together, and he agreed.

For Yunxia, ​​the eldest daughter, he grew up holding her in his palm since childhood.

But when Xiao's family was ransacked and empress Xiao was dispatched to the imperial tomb, ten-year-old Yunxia knelt in front of her indifferent eyes and wanted to follow empress Xiao to the imperial tomb.

Strangely, at that moment, the feelings between father and daughter seemed to disappear in an instant. In front of him, the girl who was once held in his hands has become so hideous.

Seeing Empress Xiao pregnant with the child, she took Yunxia away.

Standing on the tall sky-climbing building, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw their lonely backs leaving.

In an instant, the dense fog that felt stifling and oppressive above his head was pulled away, and the whole sky was bright, high and far away, the eagle slammed into the sky, the vast universe fluttered its wings, and the world was colorful!

At this moment, he felt that he was a real emperor! His glorious emperor's road has just officially begun.

Later, King Liang was born in Tongzhou, and Empress Xiao died of illness.

Five years later, the Xiao family was rehabilitated.

The moment the Xiao family was rehabilitated, his heart...was very unhappy.

But after promulgating the Sin Has Been Edict, looking at the life of the Xiao family and the life of Empress Xiao in it, I cried bitterly. Thinking of that sister Xiao in fresh clothes and an angry horse running towards her with a gun, scenes from the past raced through his mind, and memories swept and tore him apart like a flood. He was filled with guilt and pain, crying so hard that he couldn't help himself.

He immediately ordered someone to bring back the eldest princess and the little prince.

Unfortunately, the two encountered bandits on their way back. The little prince was seriously injured and the eldest princess was missing. Four days later, the princess's body was found. At that time, she had been beheaded to death with random knives, and her face was beyond recognition.

At that time, although he thought of Empress Xiao, he didn't feel much sorrow for the death of his eldest daughter, so he had her buried in the imperial tomb.

For Liang Wang, he felt guilty and painful.

When the Sin Has Been Edict was promulgated, he was in pain and guilt, and he hoped with all his heart that the whole world would forgive him, so that the whole world would think that he was a good emperor who dared to act, and dared to admit his mistakes.

But after a period of time, he wanted the whole world to forget about that copy of Sin has Been Edicted, wishing that it had never existed.

What did he do wrong? No!

It was the person who framed the Xiao family who was wrong.

It is the ignorant and ignorant people in the world who are wrong!

For King Liang, he feels guilty and loves him, and he can't wait to use up everything to make him happy.

But this world belongs to the prince. Only the prince's vein is the cleanest and purest.

However, the king of Liang is from the original spouse, but the prince is also the son of the eldest son, and he is the elder brother. He has already been established as the prince, so naturally the prince is the orthodox.

He knew what King Liang wanted, but only this country could not give him.

This feeling often causes tension and torment in his heart.

Every time he protects the prince, he feels that he owes King Liang a point.

It's the same today, he knew that it was the crown prince who ordered Yao Li, but he shielded the past. Liang Wang was staring like that below, almost furious.

He thought of Sister Xiao's lonely death in the Imperial Tomb, and the good times of the Xiao family, and felt so guilty that he couldn't bear it.

Then he missed Yunxia again.

When Yunxia died on the way back to Beijing, until the body was transported back, when he looked at the unrecognizable corpse, he didn't feel much sorrow in his heart.

But over the years, I miss this daughter more and more. Thinking of her innocent smile when she was a child, and thinking of him being tired or sick, she would read Ksitigarbha Sutra or Book of Filial Piety to him beside his bed.

Thinking of this, Emperor Zhengxuan became dizzy, with a look of grief on his face.

Your Majesty, would you... want to take a break? Cai Jie asked with a worried expression.

Emperor Zhengxuan nodded, and Cai Jie hurriedly supported him, instead of going back to the palace, he helped him to the inner room in the side of the imperial study.

There was a long couch covered with golden embroidered dragon pattern pillows.

Emperor Zhengxuan lay on it, thought for a while and said, Where is the number one scholar?

It's in the Imperial Academy. Cai Jie said.

Call him over and read to me. Emperor Zhengxuan said.

Yes. Cai Jie agreed and went out.

Hanlin Academy——

In the office, Chu Yunpan was revising the history of the country, while Chen Zhiheng and Zhao Fanxu were also busy with their work. Bi Zhangyuan was sitting behind the desk above, writing a booklet.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and Cai Jie came in. When Bi Zhangyuan saw the corner of Cai Jie's clothes, he jumped up and greeted him with a smile: Oh, isn't this Eunuch Cai?

Master Bi. Eunuch Cai called out with a smile, The emperor wants someone to study.

This... this kind of thing can be passed on to your subordinates, why don't you come here in person. Bi Zhangyuan looked surprised and flattered: Elder-in-law, please.

Bi Zhangyuan compared his hands, but he wanted to call Eunuch Cai out.

Eunuch Cai was taken aback for a moment, and walked out because he couldn't save him face.

Chen Zhiheng and Zhao Fanxu in the room couldn't help frowning, Zhao Fanxu's face turned dark, and he said in a low voice: The emperor asked someone to read the scriptures and history, but Bi Zhangyuan actually called the father-in-law out, what does this mean?

Needless to say, it must be that person! He is the grandson-in-law of the Chief Assistant. Chen Zhiheng said angrily.

Bi Zhangyuan took Eunuch Cai out, and went to the office on the other side: That Chu editor is a top-notch lecturer...

This... Cai Jie remembered. Several times the emperor asked someone to give lectures, and the little eunuch went to the Hanlin Academy to invite someone, and it seemed that the person he invited was the fourth Chuanlu.

Cai Jie stopped in his tracks: But the emperor said that he wants the number one scholar.

Bi Zhangyuan's face froze for a moment, and he was instantly embarrassed: that's how it is! It was unnecessary for me. The number one scholar is also very good, but Chu's editor is more thorough in lectures and readings, so I proposed to let him go. Quickly round up the matter.

Cai Jie felt a little sympathetic for Chu Yun, and said, Master Bi, let's go back there!

Okay. Bi Zhangyuan quickly agreed.

The two walked back together, and then walked into the office where the three of Chu Yunpan were.

Cai Jie was silent. Bi Zhangyuan's old face froze, so he could only smile and say: Chu Xiuzhuan, you can follow Eunuch Cai to the upper study to give the emperor a lecture!

Zhao Fanxu and Chen Zhiheng were stunned, and then there was mockery in their eyes, they heard what Cai Jie and Bi Zhangyuan were saying when they walked out.

Chu Yunpan sneered, then put the pen on the small blue and white porcelain pen stand, and stood up: Yes.

Chu Xiuzhuan, please. Cai Jie bowed and made a gesture of please.

My father-in-law.

Chu Yunpan left with Cai Jie.

Bi Zhangyuan's old face flushed red. That editor Chu is the future grandson-in-law of Shoufu, whoever doesn't come forward to sell it, let him have any good opportunity first. Unexpectedly, Eunuch Cai would come over in person, and even asked for the number one scholar.

Chu Yunpan followed Cai Jie, left the Imperial Academy, and went up the corridor.

After walking for about half a quarter of an hour, I finally arrived at the upper study.

In the inner room, Emperor Zhengxuan was lying on a sandalwood couch carved with dragon patterns, and opened his eyes when he heard a noise outside. Then I saw Cai Jie leading a slender figure walking over.

Your Majesty, Chu Xiuzhuan is here. Cai Jie bowed forward.

My humble servant sees the emperor. Chu Yunpan quickly saluted.

Emperor Zhengxuan saw him in a light green official robe from a distance, and in a vague way, he could see that he was elegant and handsome, with a dull expression on his face: Come forward.

Chu Yunpan bowed his head and took two steps forward, half a foot away from Emperor Zhengxuan.

Come forward again. Emperor Zhengxuan said.

Chu Yunpan walked to the bedside: Your Majesty.

Emperor Zhengxuan was struggling to get up, and Chu Yunpan hurried to help him. Cai Jie also hurried forward to help, took a bright yellow soft pillow and put it behind him, letting him sit on the head of the bed.

Emperor Zhengxuan took a deep breath: Sit down! Cai Jie, move a block over here.

Yes. Cai Jie turned around and went to move it himself. After a while, a round chair with drum legs was brought over and placed beside Emperor Zhengxuan's bedside: Chu Xiuzhuan, please sit down.

Chu Yunpan was startled, Thank you, Your Majesty. Then he sat down.

It was the first time that Emperor Zhengxuan looked at him so closely. I saw him with slender eyebrows and long eyes, the tips of his eyes slightly raised, drawing out a gorgeous and seductive graceful arc, and his face was clear and beautiful. Sitting there like this, he looked more and more like his daughter.

What book does the emperor want to read? Chu Yunpan asked.

Emperor Zhengxuan came to his senses, thought for a while and said, Let's go to the Book of Filial Piety!

Yes. Chu Yunpan nodded.

Cai Jie went to the study and brought a copy of Book of Filial Piety.

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