Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 371 Final End (Part 1)

Ye Hewen became angry from embarrassment, so he yelled fiercely to the outside: Liu Er! Liu Er! Where did you die?

Tian Xiang knew that Liu Er was not around to wait on him at this time, and seeing Ye Hewen's anxious look, he was afraid that he would get angry.

Tian Xiang hurriedly turned around and ran out, and soon ran in with Liu Er panting.

Liu Er knelt down on the ground with a plop, and while supporting his crooked soft hat, he gasped and said, Why is the old man looking for the young one?

Go and arrest the elder and send me back to Lizhou! Ye Hewen snorted coldly.

Liu Eryi was stunned, then nodded immediately: Yes.

Then he ran out.

In a gazebo not far from Anning Hall, Ruxue watched Liu Er run out, her face changed, and then hurried back to Sun's yard.

Madam, master, it's not good, the old man wants to send the old man back to his hometown. Ruxue yelled as she walked into the room.

Mrs. Sun and Ye Chengxin were sitting in the living room discussing about Ye Licai. Hearing this, their expressions changed: What? That little bastard Ye Tangcai, this vicious thing, has already harmed Sister Li so much. It's too bad, I still have to be a demon now...

Sun and Ye Chengxin felt aggrieved, they had already lost enough, and they only hoped for Ye Chengde to win the round, but now...

Sun and Ye Chengxin were full of unwillingness.

Ye Chengxin said coldly: Hurry up and find someone to go out and tell Big Brother that Ye Tangcai is going to get him out of the capital and let him run to Chu's house!

Yes. Ruxue agreed, and then ran outside.

Songhua Lane——

Ye Chengde changed into new clothes and took a picture in the mirror.

I saw the man in the mirror wearing a brocade robe with a round neckline and a blessing pattern. Although he was middle-aged, he was still gentle and refined. Since receiving Ye Licai's money, after a period of recuperation, he has regained some of his old style.

Ye Licai bought him a new set of clothes a few days ago, which can be said to have cost a lot of money.

Ye Chengde has also lived an exquisite life that is many times better than before, so his belief in returning to the Ye family is stronger.

No matter what, he must go back!

Bang bang bang— At this moment, there was a hasty knock on the door.

Ye Chengde was startled, then left the room, ran to open the door, and then saw Ruxue's pale face.

Ye Tangcai is going to get you out of the capital, so run to Chu's house quickly. Ruxue said with a pale face while panting, The carriage is parked in the alley opposite, sir, go quickly .”

Ye Chengde's expression changed, and he immediately understood Ye Chengxin's meaning, and then rushed out.

But as soon as he came out of the alley, he saw several menacing men walking towards him, Ye Chengde's expression changed, and he rushed to the street.

Those people were all young servants of the Ye family, and the leader was Liu Er, so they naturally recognized Ye Chengde. Seeing him running away, he quickly chased after him.

Ye Chengde's complexion changed drastically, he turned left and right in the crowd, finally ran to the opposite alley, jumped into the carriage, grabbed the reins and swung it fiercely.

The little carriage rushed out like this, and passed by the street at a high speed, scaring the passers-by on the street, screaming and avoiding to both sides.

Ye Chengde drove the horse desperately, and finally arrived at Changsheng Street in about a quarter of an hour, and stopped in front of the gate of Chu's house.

Ye Chengde threw the whip, then jumped out of the car, rolling and rolling on the street a few times, scaring the surrounding people to scream.

Then he got up again, plopped and sat down in front of the gate of Chu's house, and then cried: It's unreasonable! How could there be such a person, how could there be such a vicious person! I did something wrong, but I have already received the punishment I deserve, and I am kneeling here to apologize to you! You may not accept it, but why do you drive me out of the capital? Do you think you are the emperor? Do you think this capital belongs to your family? ?”

Seeing this, the surrounding people quickly surrounded him and pointed at Ye Chengde in amazement.

Isn't this Ye Chengde? Madam Zhenxihou's father, he knelt here a few days ago.

What's going on? Could it be that Mrs. Zhenxihou wants to drive him out of the capital? This is too cruel. After all, he is his biological father. Even if he doesn't accept his apology and just ignore him, he can't be driven out of the capital. .”

And why would she do this? The capital city doesn't belong to the Chu family. This capital city belongs to the emperor! No matter what, Ye Chengde is also a citizen of Daqi and a person from the capital city. Why does she just drive people out when she says she wants to drive them out?

How can people live like this! No matter what, the Ye family is still here. If they get sick or something happens, there will still be someone to take care of them.

The people outside were talking lively, Ye Tangcai, who was nestled in Qiongmingxuan reading a book, smiled, and dropped the book in his hand: Let's go, I want to meet him for a while.

She had already found someone to watch him, so why didn't she know that he would run over.

But she wanted to step on him again! what to do? So let him come and make trouble.

The door of Chu's house opened with a creak, and Ye Tangcai walked out.

Qiuju and Huiran followed Ye Tangcai, and when they saw Ye Chengde, their expressions became tense.

Qiu Ju took a step forward, pointed at the people and said fiercely: What are you talking nonsense about? When did my third grandma drive him out?

Ye Tang raised his eyebrows, and swept the crowd with a smile that was not a smile, only to see Liu Er leading a few servants in the crowd, but everyone looked hesitant, didn't arrest anyone, stood there without groaning .

The corners of Ye Tangcai's lips twitched, this Liu Er really deserved to be her grandfather's confidant!

Knowing that Ye Hewen actually hoped that Ye Chengde would stay in his heart, so as to harm her mother and bring her mother home so that he could manipulate her.

Now, although Ye Hewen was forced to listen to her and sent Ye Chengde back to his hometown, Ye Chengde resisted dying, seeing that he seemed to be able to handle her, he stood still and waited for the result.

Ye Tangcai sneered, and pointed to Liu Er: This one seems to be the boy next to my grandfather. He turned to look at Ye Chengde, He is the one who wants to send you out of Beijing. Why do you want me?

Liu Er shook his body, ran out with a smile, and pulled Ye Chengde: Master, what are you doing? Hurry up and leave.

Ye Chengde's face changed, and he roared angrily: You are all in collusion to drive me out of the capital! I won't leave! I won't leave!

The people around looked at each other, but Ye Tangcai smiled and said: It's funny, didn't you want to leave voluntarily? Why did someone force you again? Didn't you kneel outside Ye's house last time and beg for forgiveness?

That's right! The people around heard their curiosity and nodded.

So what? Why do you drive me out of the capital? Ye Chengde's face darkened.

Who said they were going to drive you out of the capital? Ye Tangcai tilted her head, and said, A few days ago, you knelt down and begged for forgiveness. When I came back to my mother's house this morning, my grandfather said, after all, it's my own flesh and blood. The broken bones are attached to the tendons. Since you are a prodigal son, let you go back to your ancestral home and make a good confession. During the Qingming Festival and Chongyang Festival, you will go to the ancestral grave to offer incense and kowtow to the ancestors of our Ye family, so that the ancestors can see your sincerity. Look at your attitude of admitting your mistake.

As soon as these words came out, Ye Chengde's face became stiff: are talking nonsense...

You are so strange? Why do you say that others are talking nonsense? Ye Tangcai said with a puzzled expression, Didn't you ask for this? My grandfather told you to go back to your ancestral home and reflect, didn't you, Liu Er?

Mingyan's eyes swept over Liu Er. Liu Er knew that he couldn't escape, so he quickly nodded with a smile: That's what it means! My lord, why don't you go with us? Do you want to repent and admit your mistakes?

That's right! Qiu Ju chuckled, Could it be that it's really as the outside said, you don't want to admit your mistake, you actually want to go home and be a master?

Ye Chengde's face turns blue and white.

Let's go, my lord! Liu Er said, and asked someone to drag him.

Ahhhh... I won't go! I won't go! Ye Chengde screamed desperately, but he had already been dragged into the carriage.

The common people looked at the carriage leaving in Juechen, and were taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing.

Hahahaha, what's going on?

What else could be going on? It's obvious that the apology is fake, but it's true that he wants to go home and be a uncle.

The family accepted his apology and sent him back to his hometown. He felt that his hometown was poor and not as prosperous as the capital, so he didn't want to!

Bah, do you still apologize for this? I haven't seen such shamelessness before!

The people saw a joke and left happily.

Ye Tangcai snorted coldly, then turned and went back.


However, after Ye Chengde was stuffed into the carriage, Liu Er threw him a small bundle, and then left the capital day and night.

The Ye family's ancestral home was in Lizhou, and it took more than a month to travel from the capital to Lizhou by land and water.

A month later, Ye Chengde finally returned to his hometown.

The rented house is still in the village, and the yard with four entrances is quite spacious, which was built after the Ye family got rich.

The guard of the ancestral house is the son of Ye's family. Knowing that Ye Chengde committed a crime and was driven back, he doesn't take him seriously, and he is often ridiculed.

What Liu Er meant was, let him have three meals a day, and give him another three hundred Wen a month.

Ye Chengde finally had no worries about food and clothing, but he ate poor soup and wore old clothes. He felt that his quality of life was not as good as that of servants in the capital.

As long as he thinks about the capital city, Ye Tangcai and Wen's family are living a rich and noble life, while his life is not as good as that of pigs and dogs. The huge gap makes him feel extremely painful, uncomfortable, and jealous.

Why did it become like this?

He was obviously the son of the Hou family who was sought after by others, but now he was sent to the countryside, and he was stared at all the time! And this supercilious look was given to him by those reckless men and bumpkins in the village!

He wanted to hit someone, wanted to swear, so he wanted to beat and scold the servants guarding the ancestral house as the master, but instead, he was held down and beaten by those servants.

From then on, these servants stopped treating him as a human being, and they only cared about two meals without oily smell, and they didn't even help him wash or clean his clothes, and they even mocked him.

Ye Chengde was helpless and wanted to escape, but with only three hundred coins a month, I don't know how long it would take to save enough money to return to Beijing! Besides, he was on the road alone, what would he do if he encountered bandits? What if you die on the way? What if he was sent back after returning to the capital?

The more Ye Chengde thought about it, the more desperate he became, so he drank his worries every day.

The three hundred coins were not spent at all, and he squandered them to thirty copper coins in less than half a month.

Ye Chengde thought for a while, then ran to an inferior cellar in the town to find someone to vent.

He walked in the door in a daze, and then was led by the old mother into a small and broken cubicle that could only accommodate a bed.

After a while, the door was pushed open, and a woman dressed in red and green, but so thin that her bones were left, walked in.

Then, the two were startled, their eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost: How could it be you!

The woman in red and green is none other than Yin Tingniang!

When Ye Chengde saw Yin Tingniang, his eyes turned bloodshot: You bitch! Ahhh, I'm going to kill you!

As he spoke, he rushed towards Yin Tingniang.

Aww—— Yin Tingniang cried out in pain when he pinched her.

The cry was so shrill that the old mother and others ran in after a while, and the old mother was shocked: Guest officer, what's wrong with you?

This bitch! Despicable, shameless! Ye Chengde grabbed Yin Tingniang and slapped Yin Tingniang twice.

Yo, it turned out to be a rough one. The old mother laughed, But the guest officer should be gentle, this bitch can hit you any way, but it's too heavy, and it's not good to hurt yourself. Don't break it either. Her hands and feet, otherwise you will lose money! These are my mother's money-making tools!

You bitch! Ye Chengde threw Yin Tingniang to the ground, pulled her hair, and turned to the old mother, Is she from you?

Of course! If it wasn't for our people, would she be here? said the old mother.

Hahaha! You bastard, you actually ended up in this kind of place, and it's the lowest place where even beggars are picked up. Hahaha, I laughed so hard, it's not that I left with some salt merchant Is it? Ye Chengde's eyes flashed madly, almost dying of laughter.

Take your time, I'll go first. After finishing speaking, the old mother closed the door with a bang, and thoughtfully helped drive people away: They are all scattered, aren't they just a heavy-handed person? seen.

After the old mother left, Ye Chengde slapped and beat Yin Tingniang in various ways: You bitch, it was you! If it weren't for you, I would still be the son of the Hou family, and it was you who killed me. Shameless, despicable! You deserve it! You That's the way it should be!

Yin Tingniang was crying in pain, she was beaten to death by him, she felt extremely regretful in her heart.

At the beginning, she thought that Uncle Deng was a rich salt merchant, and she thought that she could continue to be a rich wife. With Mama Chen as the guarantee, she believed it completely. I thought he would be the next Ye Chengde, so I followed him away,

Unexpectedly, after leaving the capital, this uncle Deng showed his true colors.

It turned out that he was not a salt merchant and had no money, but a liar.

At that time, she was beaten up by Uncle Deng and tied up in the carriage. Uncle Deng also robbed her of her baggage.

At this time, an unexpected person ran over, it was Chen Ma!

Chen Ma opened her bag and saw gold hairpins, bracelets, jade pendants and other things inside.

And the three hundred or so taels that Yin Tingniang saved from doing business during that time were as much as six or seven hundred taels.

Chen Ma and Uncle Deng stared at each other with bright eyes, and Chen Ma picked up a jasper bracelet with excellent water quality: I just said, this watch has the habit of storing food. When I was driven out from Ye's house, how could it be possible that I didn't leave anything behind? .”

Sure enough, he was Yin Tingniang's confidant for six years, and he knew Yin Tingniang's habits and temperament clearly.

At that time, after Yin Tingniang and Ye Chengde drove out from Ye's house, Ye Chengde's jade pendants and other things were used to press money, and some of her own jewelry and Xu Rui's things were all secretly hidden, even if Ye Chengde Even if you eat bran pharynx, you are reluctant to take it out.

Now roll it up and take it away, thinking that I can live a good life. She never thought that all her belongings would fall into the hands of these former cronies who plotted against her.

Hehehe, all the money I spent on her has come back now, and I have made a lot of money. Uncle Deng said with a smile. However, it's still you, an old bastard, who actually let me hook her up.

Hey, it's not easy. Chen Ma laughed, I've been with her for six years, and I don't know what she knows. As long as you learn how to treat her like Ye Chengde before, she thinks I am fascinated by another one, tsk tsk.

Fascinated again? Bah! Uncle Deng spat at her, I've seen a lot of virtuous women like you, sir! It's just that you are a blind cat and a dead mouse, and you just happened to meet a fool like Ye Chengde. Do you really think that all the men outside are as brain-twitching as Ye Chengde?

After hearing these words, Yin Tingniang's self-esteem was greatly hit, she was ashamed and hated at the same time, wishing to bite them to death.

But before killing them, the two of them were already going to kill her!

It didn't count that they robbed her of money, but they actually sold her and Xu Rui to a low-grade cellar.

The cellar was originally not far from the capital, but somehow the cellar couldn't continue, and they sold and sold them, and finally came to Lizhou.

Yin Tingniang hated her to death, but she was powerless to resist, and she couldn't escape even if she wanted to. She could only live in hell every day, suffering from inhuman abuse and torture.

The people who come here are all not human! It's something inferior to animals.

And all of them are poor ghosts, ugly men, and even dirty and smelly beggars. She should be the wife of a rich family, but now...

Thinking about it, Yin Tingniang shed tears of pain.

She thought this was the most humiliating thing, but how could she expect to meet Ye Chengde here! In front of Ye Chengde, whom she had taunted before, she appeared in front of him with such a face, this was the most humiliating for her!

Yin Tingniang wanted to die, and she regretted it.

I recommend my friend Canghai Taihua's new article The Rebirth of the Concubine Xiao: The Prosperous Marriage. This article is also called The Prince Can't Sleep.

She, wearing a war robe, is an all-powerful handsome; he, wearing a mask, is a king who kills like a demon.

In the game of meeting the opponent, you will have a confidant in life, and you will die without regret.

A love that is evenly matched, you will be hired by the country, and I will marry you in the prosperous age!

What does it have to do with me if I live a new life and the world rises and falls?

Feng Chengluan just wants to get married and have children seriously, and spoil her beauty to the sky.

So Miss Feng San woke up from the hangover, and the first thing she did was to run to the enemy camp and confess her love frantically: Ai Ran, I love you, I want to marry you!

A few days later, the two countries made peace, and the great battle ended. The Feng family's army returned to the court, and the third lady successfully kidnapped Beichen's embalmer, named Lan Ran.

Since then...

She points out the country and plans to rule the world, but in his eyes, she is a brainless nympho, a husband-seeking madman.

He decisively wins thousands of miles, kills and punishes his heart, but in her eyes, he is a harmless and humble gentleman.

In the troubled times, the flames are everywhere, and the Demon King and Feng Shuai join hands.

Stop war with war, stop killing with killing, and unite the world, this is the kingly way!

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