Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 606 Never Choose (Part 2)

Okay. Hui Ran agreed, and had no choice but to turn and leave.

Concubine Lu looked at Huiran's back and snorted softly.

Now that His Royal Highness Prince Liang has become the new emperor, then she... must be a noble concubine at the very last time!

Moreover, if she fights for it, she might be able to become a queen! Concubine Lu became more and more excited as she thought about it.

Liang Wang's mansion was also hung with white lanterns and white flags, but the mansion was full of joy.

Around the end of the day, King Liang finally returned to his residence.

Concubine Lu waited in front of the gate with a group of concubines. When she saw him, she knelt down and saluted: See Your Majesty.

Liang Wang smiled faintly: Reward! He walked quickly inside, but he glanced lightly among them from the corner of his eye, as if he could find Zhao Yingqi there.

Thinking about it, he snorted coldly, and walked in with Chu Yunpan, Shibu Shangshu, Gongbu Shushang, Mr. Zhou, He Pei and others. They still have a lot of things to discuss and do.

Now he is the emperor. But the national funeral must be held first. Because there are many affairs to be done in the court, the coffin is only suspended for seven days, and the enthronement ceremony will be held after the funeral.

During this period, he can live in the palace, but the emperors of all dynasties also moved after the national funeral.

Liang Wang had to wait for the national funeral before moving.

A few people came to the study room, it was a garden, and now it is the best scenery in April, a scene of singing birds and fragrant flowers, the strange fragrance is refreshing.

Liang Wang was in a good mood and said with a smile, Let's sit in the front.

Then he walked to the gazebo in the garden.

Several people followed him, walked into the gazebo, and sat down one by one.

Congratulations, Your Majesty, you have finally been honored as a great treasure. The Ministry of History and the Minister of the Ministry of Industry hurriedly cupped their hands in congratulations. The two have always been Liang Wang's people, this is the merit of Conglong.

Moreover, the situation of King Liang was still so bad at that time, and now he will definitely reward him greatly, and the future will be bright!

Get up, don't be too polite. Liang Wang said lightly. Bring the wine.

The servants outside had already prepared, and quickly served the wine and put it on the table. But everyone didn't dare to sit down, they just stood on one side with their heads down.

King Liang picked up the wine and toasted everyone, and then everyone began to discuss the court situation.

The prince's remnant party is either overt or covert, how to clean it up, etc.

After talking for a while, Chai Xuezhen, Shangshu of the Ministry of History, said: The remnants of Mu Dingqian have been dealt with properly now, but there are still many people in the court who are not convinced. Even relying on Zhenxihou's suppression, it is a little bit obvious. Weak. Besides, Zhenxihou will return to Yingcheng soon, so the emperor should make long-term plans.

King Liang turned his head to look at Chu Yunpan: Chu San, are you really going to Yingcheng? I hope you stay in Beijing and stay by my side.

Your Majesty, you should be called 'Zhen'. The two ministers quickly reminded.

I'm not used to it, let's do it first. Liang Wang said.

The faces of the two senior ministers froze for a moment.

Your Majesty, my dream is to guard one side like my ancestors did. Chu Yunpan said. And the capital really made him breathless.

He wants to go to Yingcheng, where he will be free, and then he can teach Baobao to ride horses and shoot arrows, and so will the children in the future, and he can be trained to be a general of the generation. If it's a girl, you have to teach her how to ride and shoot, so don't let people deceive her.

Liang Wang was very regretful and reluctant, but he looked at Chu Yunpan's handsome and heroic face.

Chu Yunpan looks like Yunxia, ​​but her temperament and personality are more like the queen mother...

Liang Wang smiled slightly: Then you stay in Beijing for a year, and you can set off at this time next year. If your child is a girl, don't just teach her how to lead the army and fight, but also teach her how to be careful and how to guard against it. The people around will not end up like the queen mother.

Surprised, Chu Yunpan quickly agreed: Yes.

If the Marquis of Zhenxi stays in Beijing for a year, all affairs in the court will be much easier. But there will always be people who are not convinced. Chai Xuezhen said, The emperor might as well marry another empress with a noble status to stabilize the court.

As soon as these words came out, the whole pavilion fell silent, looking at King Liang.

After all, everyone knew that King Liang had a concubine, and that was Zhao Yingqi.

But everyone present also knows that this concubine cannot be a concubine, regardless of other things, only her background is considered, so she cannot be a queen.

Then let's marry again. Liang Wang sneered with a flat expression, Hey, do you have a suitable candidate?

Zhong Bing, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, said: How about Miss Liao San? Since she is a descendant, she is the granddaughter of Liao Shoufu.

Mr. Zhou snorted coldly: No. That old man was still obstructing yesterday.

According to Mr. Zhou, who else is better than the Liao family? Zhong Bing said.

Shangguan Xiu's daughter, Shangguan Yun. Mr. Zhou said.

When everyone heard it, they all nodded their heads: Shangguan rhyme can be suppressed!

Shangguan Xiu is the commander of the Imperial Guard Army, and now the entire Imperial Guard Army has lost its power, and the Jingzhong Guards have all been taken over by the Jingwei. Shangguan Xiuyin was the late emperor's confidant, so he would not be entrusted with important positions.

But Shangguanxiu lost power, but the Shangguan family did not!

The Shangguan family in Tingzhou was the founding family, and it has a long history for hundreds of years. The Shangguan family has produced six chief assistants and seven ministers. It can be regarded as the number one scholarly family in Daqi.

That's right, that is the scholarly family!

But Shangguanxiu is an outlier. Instead of taking the road of scientific research, he wants to take the road of martial arts. Finally, he became the commander of the Praetorian Guard. Although to Shangguan's family, that's really funny. But becoming the commander of the Imperial Guard is also capable, so the Shangguan family still supports him.

In Shangguanxiu's generation, because there were not many men, no one became a civil servant.

Now Shangguan Xiu has fallen, but the prestige of the Shangguan family is still there.

Shangguan's family is not only a scholarly and well-known family, but Mr. Shangguan is a generation of literary giants with disciples all over the world. Even Liao Shoufu was his disciple. If you marry her, you will be able to stabilize the court. Mr. Zhou said.

Chai Xuezhen and others nodded repeatedly: Yes.

Just her! Liang Wang slenderly turned the white jade wine glass with his slender fingers, This king has always favored her, and she is also her.

Then Princess Liang... He Pei frowned lightly.

King Liang paused while turning the cup, and the white jade cup lightly rested on the table, making a crisp sound, and sneered: Throw away useless things!

Chai Xuezhen, Zhong Bing and others were startled.

What is that? Make her a concubine, or what? Just one throw away, how to deal with it?

When they raised their heads, they saw that King Liang had stood up and strode out: Let's all go away!

Yes. Everyone cupped their hands, got out of the gazebo and walked out.

The whole garden suddenly returned to calm.

The fragrance of flowers is clear and elegant, and the small bridge and running water in the distance are tinkling continuously, and the scenery is excellent.

Not far from the gazebo, there was a stream. Zhao Yingqi was sitting by the stream, holding a turtle shell in his hand, and gently soaking in the water.

Spring is warm, but the water is freezing cold.

Make her little face pale, or pale because of illness.

The tortoise shell in her hand soaked for a while, then she took it back, gently wiped it with the hem of her skirt, wiped it, but shed tears.

I had already guessed that this would be the result... Everything was expected, so why are you still crying?

She knew it from an early age.

He didn't let her learn anything, didn't let her improve, that's because he never chose her! Don't need her!


If she is lost, he will look for her. I would come home and have dinner with her every night. Even if he runs away, he will take her with him...

The little bit of warmth in the cold made her think that he didn't hate herself that much, and in the end, wouldn't he throw herself away?

Just treat her like a kitten, can you keep her by your side?


He already said it!

When he was in Shazhou, he said—I promised well now, but I threw it away! Who cares about this kind of junk, just wait!

She waited, and it really was...

Since he left yesterday, no servant girl or mother-in-law paid attention to her anymore, in fact, they didn't even bring her food.

Zhao Yingqi felt uncomfortable, tears fell one by one.

She stood up, her lower abdomen was still hurting, as if there was blood sliding down.

It takes several days to bleed each time, and she is used to it.

Moreover, there is nothing to take care of this body that is as tattered as a dishcloth and full of holes, so let it be like this...

Uh, it hurts... I want to see Sister Tang... She was thrown away by him, will she still hug herself?


After leaving Prince Liang's Mansion, Chu Yunpan returned to Zhenxihou's Mansion.

Ye Tangcai picked him up again outside the Chuihua Gate, and smiled when she saw him: Master.

Chu Yunpan stepped forward and touched her little face distressedly: Don't wait for me here next time, it's windy.

The spring breeze is warm now, and the scenery here is also good. Ye Tangcai took his hand, And, I like to wait for you nearby.

Chu Yunpan felt sweet in his heart, touched her head and praised her: You are so good!

By the way, when will you be enthroned? Ye Tang asked.

Seven days later, the time has been chosen. While the departments are busy with the national funeral, they are also busy with the grand ceremony. Chu Yunpan supported her waist and stepped into the hanging flower gate.

Did you just come back from Prince Liang's Mansion? Ye Tang asked.


Then have you seen Yingqi?

No way. Chu Yunpan shook his head, She is a female relative, how can I, a foreigner, see her.

Then... Ye Tangcai looked at him nervously: Who will be the queen?

Chu Yunpan looked back at her, and sighed slightly: I know, you like her very much, but the queen that King Liang prefers has never been her.

Ye Tangcai froze on the spot.

Don't be unhappy. Chu Yunpan pinched her little face.

Ye Tangcai was a little listless, and she also guessed that it wasn't Zhao Yingqi!

Because Liang Wang has been preventing Zhao Yingqi from growing up, not because of protection or anything else, but from the bottom of his heart, he never chose Zhao Yingqi.

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