Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 71 The Beautiful Marriage

This is what she wants!

Seeing the eyes of the guests, Sun's face flashed with pride, and suddenly she turned her head and saw Ye Tangcai standing among a group of noble girls, Sun's heart panicked, won't this little bastard come to make trouble again?

Thinking so, Mrs. Sun took the initiative to walk down the steps and went up to meet her: Oh, my aunt came back to add a box for Sister Li! By the way, the mansion has been busy arranging wedding arrangements for the past two days. My sister-in-law can't stand the cold weather. When she came out to help, the old man thought she was pretending to be sick, and was very upset. Later, he asked the doctor to take a look. It turned out that it was really a cold, but everyone misunderstood her. Hehehe! I am too busy today, so I don’t have time to see it Sister-in-law, I wonder if sister-in-law is alright?

This was a warning to Ye Tangcai not to talk nonsense, if Ye Licai's wedding was ruined, even if she couldn't be punished, the old man would hold Wen's grudge.

Ye Tangcai glanced at her coldly: I went to see her before I came here, she is in good spirits! Second Aunt, don't worry.

Second Mrs. Ye, let's come and see the bride. Bao Qi smiled and said.

Oh, please hurry up! Sun smiled so much that his face was almost blooming.

Grandma Chu, let's go see Sister Li! Bao Qi turned her head and said to Ye Tangcai.

Grandma, please come in! Sun was full of pride, she was afraid that Ye Tangcai would not come to see Ye Licai's scenery!

Ye Tangcai's eyes flashed ridicule: Okay!

A group of people walked into the house.

The layout of Ye Licai's boudoir is even more amazing, all the window grilles that can be pasted are covered with double-happiness window grilles, and various red silk lanterns are hanging from the nets, as if she is afraid that others will not know that she is going to get married.

Walking into the bedroom, I saw Ye Licai sitting on the canopy bed, wearing a red embroidered phoenix spreading its wings wedding dress inlaid with beads and emerald greens, with a heavy phoenix crown on her head, shining gold and rubies, and tassels hanging down. rich.

The woman who put on the make-up was invited back from the outside, and her craftsmanship is outstanding, not to mention that Ye Licai is a beauty in the first place, with heavy make-up, paired with this gorgeous phoenix crown and Xiapei, she looks luxurious, dignified and dignified.

The noble ladies or noble ladies who came in to watch were all amazed.

A lady smiled and said: You Ye family really sacrificed their wealth to marry a daughter! The dowry is generous, and the phoenix crown and Xiapei are also very valuable!

Bao Qi said: It's so beautiful, this Fengguanxiapei is much more valuable than Third Grandma Chu's at first glance! It really is different from marrying a concubine of the Zhang family!

These words immediately stepped on Ye Tangcai's feet. First of all, he despised Ye Tangcai's wedding for being less grand than Ye Licai's. Why is Ye Tangcai's eldest daughter's wedding less grand than that of her concubine's daughter?

Because Ye Tang married a concubine! This shows that Ye Tangcai was originally married to a concubine at that time, and there was no such thing as being robbed of marriage by Ye Licai.

Ye Licai, who was sitting on the bed, glanced at Ye Tangcai, her heart fluttering, her red lips pursed into a smile.

Wen Lanya's face turned dark, and she said in a strange way: I'm afraid I spent all my money on this dress and decoration.

Ye Licai and Sun's expressions changed.

Sun stepped forward with a fake smile: Niece Wen's niece is really good at joking, she has a lot of dowry outside!

Ye Tang hooked her lips: Second Aunt is amazing, I don't know how to get it together.

Others can't understand this, but Mrs. Sun understands it. It means that they tried to find a way to pick her things before, but now they took out one hundred and twenty-eight dowry and made the wedding like this The scenery is decent, and it overwhelms her. I don't know where the money came from!

Sun gritted her teeth and sneered: Grandma, you don't know, how much our Boyuan loves Chongli! The Zhang family pays a lot of money! The old man loves his granddaughter too! Naturally, he prepared it.

It means that Ye Licai’s dowry is indeed gone, but Zhang Boyuan likes Ye Licai. So what if she doesn’t have a dowry? I want to marry too!

There is also a part from the old man! Even if their second wife made a big mistake, the old man is still willing to fill in this hole!

Hearing Sun's showing off, Ye Tangcai's eyes flashed ridicule.

She doesn't know how much money the Zhang family has? Although Zhang Zan occupies a high position and is favored by the present, but his foundation is shallow after all, and the food and clothing expenses of his family are not as good as those of a noble family.

Zhang Boyuan's younger sister, Zhang Manman, is not too young. Her marriage is the top priority of the Zhang family, so it is natural to prepare a large dowry. Besides the dowry Zhang Boyuan gave her last time, the marriage of the two brothers and sisters has already emptied the entire Zhang family. It would be a ghost to get another 20,000 taels of dowry for Ye Li!

Not to mention Zhang Boyuan, he just took out the things in his house and sold them cheaply, and then borrowed them from his friends. If he can raise one thousand taels, it is his skill! Can you still buy such a generous dowry upside down? hehe!

As for the old man filling in holes for them? Don't even think about it!

The one hundred and twenty-eight carrying the dowry, opened six tables, and the things piled on top looked pretty good, maybe others couldn't see it, but Ye Tangcai could see it clearly!

These are all the old things that Ye Licai originally placed in the house! There are also some things in the second house! A few of them are actually on Ye Weicai's antique shelves! It was something she gave Ye Weicai a few years ago!

As for what's under the six sets, and what's in the more than one hundred sealed red boxes, tsk tsk, it's a matter of opinion!

We welcome you! We welcome you! A servant girl's voice suddenly sounded outside.

Ladies, grandmas, and girls, please sit outside the door. Mrs. Sun drove away with a smile.

The people left the house one after another, but they were all standing or sitting on the porch of the yard, waiting to see the wedding.

At this moment, Ye Lingjiao, Ye Weicai, and several girls from the Ye family also came in, and then slammed the gate of Yuli Courtyard, shutting it tightly.

This is stopping the groom from picking up his wife.

At this time, there were bursts of laughter and curses outside the yard, and then Ye Weicai took a list, and asked the people outside to recite poems, to match each other, to drink, and laughed inside and out. Field after field, it was so lively.

Qiuju's eyes turned red with anger behind Ye Tangcai. These originally belonged to her girl. As a result, her girl didn't wait for this lively and joyful wedding ceremony, but only waited for a shabby little sedan chair .

Miss San and Miss Ling are really, they actually help Ye Licai with work. Qiu Ju was very angry.

Hui Ran glared at her: No matter how much trouble we make, we are all members of the Ye family outside, and Miss San and Miss Ling can't help themselves. They are all close relatives. If they don't do this, people outside will definitely feel that the Ye family is not good. And, when the time comes, I don’t know how the old lady will embarrass them! Especially the third girl, who is the concubine of the big house, how dare she not listen.

Qiu Ju curled her lips, even though she said that, she still felt uncomfortable.

At this time, the door was knocked open amidst the laughter of the crowd. First, a round-faced woman wearing red clothes, holding a big wedge fan, and wearing a big red flower on her head stepped in. She was the matchmaker.

Zhang Boyuan followed closely behind. He was wearing a red groom's wedding dress embroidered with gold thread, with big red flowers on his body and a hairpin hat on his head.

Oh, the groom actually came to greet the bride in person! Many people booed.

Welcome to the bride! Welcome to the bride! The matchmaker waved a big fan and led the man into the new house.

Ye Rong also walked into the new house and carried Ye Licai out.

Looking at Ye Licai under the big red head cover, Zhang Boyuan smiled happily.

Everyone kept booing and saying that the groom was so happy, look at the happy smirk on his face!

The jokes about the newcomers kept ringing around, Qiuju and Wen Lanya were disgusting. Escaped from Sister Tang's marriage, but smirked at another woman with all her heart! It's really shocking!

Sister Tang. Ye Lingjiao and Ye Weicai ran over panting, Ye Lingjiao said: Hurry up to the main hall, there is still a farewell etiquette!

Okay. Ye Tangcai nodded.

When the bride bids farewell before she gets married, all close relatives must be present.

Ye Tang took a few people to copy the path to the main hall of the outer courtyard.

Ye Hewen and Miao had already sat on the upper chairs. Wen's, Luo's, Ye Chengde's three brothers, and Ye Yun all arrived, swaying wild goose wings to stand aside. Among them are many offshoots and relatives of the Ye family.

Sister Tang, Sister Wei. Wen Shi beckoned, and Ye Tangcai and Ye Weicai walked over.

Ye Lingjiao stood beside Miao.

Sun and Ye Chengxin also hurried in.

Second Aunt just came, she's waiting for you! Several daughters-in-law of the Ye family around greeted with a smile.

One said: I just saw the appearance of the groom when he received the marriage, tsk tsk, it really hurts my wife.

Another one said: This son-in-law is really a dragon and a phoenix among men. We can't find many people with such looks in the capital.

Listening to these flattery, Sun and Ye Chengxin were overjoyed.

Ye Hewen also had a smile on his face, no matter what happened in front, at least this wedding is really good!

Wen's face darkened, not to mention how uncomfortable he was! This long-faced son-in-law was originally hers! but now...

Mrs. Sun was so pleased that she didn't forget to step on someone's feet a few times. She looked around, looked at Ye Tangcai and said, By the way, why don't you see your nephew and son-in-law? Sister Tang, call him here! They are all from our own family. , don’t stand outside.”

Ye Tangcai said coldly: My husband is busy and can't come today.

Mrs. Sun sneered in her heart, why can't she come if there is something wrong, because she is shameful and embarrassing, right? On the face, he said: Oh, why don't you come? They are all relatives! This is brother-in-law! My sister-in-law's marriage, even if it is a big thing, I have to come! Why don't you come?

Wen's whole body trembled with anger, his face changed, but Sun pretended not to see it: Then I will come back tomorrow to recognize my relatives, I must come! Otherwise, relatives will not be able to recognize each other if they bump into each other on the street.

Ye Tangcai's eyes turned cold: We'll talk about it later.

How can we talk about it when the time comes! We must come! Mrs. Sun insisted, Sister-in-law, don't you think so?

Wen's face froze. Naturally, her son-in-law, a son-in-law from a shabby household, was not as good as Zhang Boyuan, but with so many people around, it was hard for her to respond. If she did, what would she do if she really brought her back and embarrassed Sister Tang?

Before Mrs. Wen could speak, Mrs. Sun said again: Speaking of which, the last time Sister Tang came back, he didn't come here. We elders don't even know if he is round or square! Tomorrow, I will take advantage of Sister Li's return. , so that the niece and son-in-law can recognize him, that's it!

Wen Shi only felt extremely embarrassed, but still didn't dare to answer, just shut up and didn't speak.

The surrounding daughters-in-law looked at this scene, feeling very sad. They thought that the eldest daughter of the concubine's concubine would marry the best in the future, but she didn't want to enter such a family! Still a bastard!

Tsk tsk, no matter how tall you are and how beautiful you are, it's just bad luck!

Ye Tangcai saw that Sun not only succeeded in being a villain, but also belittled her in such a way that her mother was bullied into silence! His eyes became colder and colder.

She looked back at Qiuju from a distance.

Qiuju was startled, and hurried over, Ye Tangcai took two steps back, and whispered something in Qiuju's ear, Qiuju's eyes flashed with excitement, she nodded, and then quietly backed out.

The bride and groom are coming to say goodbye! The matchmaker's voice sounded.

Looking up, I saw the bride and groom walking in surrounded by a group of people.

Ye Licai was carried by Ye Rong. Ye Rong was thirteen years old this year.

The matchmaker put two big thick futons on the ground, Zhang Boyuan knelt down, and Ye Licai also knelt on the futons.

The bride said, thank her parents and ancestors for her kindness in nurturing her! Marry today and obey her husband, keep the rules of women, and be a good daughter-in-law of the Zhang family, so as not to lose the reputation of a daughter of the Ye family. The bride cannot speak, and the matchmaker speaks on her behalf.

Thank you to my parents, grandparents, and grandparents for raising Limei and handing over such a beautiful Limei to me. Zhang Boyuan said with a look of emotion. I will definitely cherish her in the future and treat her well for the rest of my life!

Alright! Get up! Ye Hewen smiled.

Ye Chengde looked at the two people in red wedding gowns, his eyes glistened with tears, and his heart was shaken. Watching them get their wish, it was like seeing that he could be like Tingniang.

After the two got up, Ye Rong reluctantly hummed and carried Ye Licai on his back, and the group went out of the hall.

Looking at this scene, Wen felt indescribably uncomfortable.

The bride and groom were escorted out the door.

Zhang Boyuan got on the horse, and Ye Licai got on the sedan chair. Amidst the booing of the people, they waited for all the dowry to go out before getting out of the sedan chair.

Ye Tangcai, Ye Lingjiao, Bao Qi and other relatives and guests who liked to join in the fun all came out and stood beside the stone lion outside the gate to send off the wedding.

A large group of people gathered around early on to grab money or watch the fun.

The groom is really handsome, Miss Ye Er is really lucky.

Mr. Zhang is also very lucky! Did you see just now, the bride's wedding dress is so precious! I heard that the dowry is a full one hundred and twenty-eight lifts! Tsk tsk, is this marrying a daughter at the expense of one's wealth?

I heard that the family originally prepared sixty-eight lifts, but it was Zhang Jiaai's new daughter-in-law who gave her a bride price of 20,000 taels of silver! This Ye family also really loves their daughter, and bought all the dowry, so there are only one hundred and twenty-eight lifts!

Anyway, whether it's the Zhang family or the Ye family, they all love new wives!

Wow, look, the dowry is out!

The people looked up one by one. I saw one pair after another of servants in red carrying the dowry and walking out the door.

The first three tables were opened, revealing exquisite porcelain vases, magnificent gemstone heads, bright red makeup, flowers, snow and brocade, and other items.

Oh, oh, so beautiful!

Count how many there are! One, two, three... one hundred and twenty-eight!

After counting for a long time, all the dowries were carried out, carried by the servants, and stood neatly in a bright red line, occupying most of the entire street.

Ye Licai in the sedan chair listened to the common people counting the dowry, she was terrified, but at the same time couldn't help being elated.

Zhang Boyuan looked back at the long dowry procession. This is called Shili Hongzhuang! For a moment, I only feel that I have great face and infinite scenery,

When the last dowry was carried to the back, a woman in the room made a gesture, and the matchmaker waved a big wedge fan and shouted: Welcome to the bride! Get up the sedan chair!

There was a local sound, and then a cheerful ceremony and music sounded.

The big red sedan chair was lifted, Zhang Boyuan also reined in the reins, the horse holding the big red flower snorted to Xiang, and the whole long wedding procession began to move forward.

When everyone was lamenting the ten miles of red makeup, the last servant who carried the dowry suddenly slipped, and he rushed forward with the dowry.

The person in front was thrown down, and uncontrollably threw himself at the person in front.

All I heard was thumping, screaming and cursing, and the whole dowry team fell on their backs.

I thought I would drop a lot of treasures, but unexpectedly, a lot of large and small stones rolled out of the big red dowry box, and one of the stones rolled towards the common people, hitting a woman's foot .

Everyone gasped in disbelief when they saw the stones all over their eyes, and their eyes widened!

Oh man, what did they all see? This is absolutely not true! How could there be such a ridiculous thing in this world?

My feet! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Following the scream of the woman who was hit by the stone, the crowd came back to their senses, and then there was a bang and bursts of laughter.

The relatives and guests standing at the gate of Jing'an Hou's mansion to see off the wedding were also stunned.

The welcoming team in front was also frightened by the voice behind and stopped, even the ceremonies and music stopped.

The crowd burst into laughter:

Hahahaha, what's going on here? Where's the promise of Shili Hongzhuang?

What are ten miles of red makeup? This is ten miles of stones! Someone actually used stones as a dowry? Amazing!

Didn't you say that you were hired with a lot of money? So it was fake?

Didn't the Zhang family value Miss Ye Er? Did the Ye family also give up their wealth to marry a daughter? Why... tsk tsk, except for the three things in the front, the back is full of stones!

The woman who was smashed said bitterly: If you want me to say, isn't it rumored that Ye Er's marriage was snatched back? The groom was originally a brother-in-law, but he hooked up with her brother-in-law and ran away while his sister was getting married! In order to save face, I said something to the outside world that I wrote a wrong post, and I admitted this marriage while pinching my nose.

At first I also thought that the wrong post was just a whitewash, but later I saw that Zhang's family continued their marriage, and said that the next re-employment valued the bride, and said that the red makeup was ten miles away, and he sacrificed his wealth to marry a daughter, and saw that the wedding was bigger than Miss Ye. , so I believed the whitewashing words... I don't want to, tsk tsk, it's all fake.

This old Houye Ye is also a fair and upright person. Second Miss Ye has robbed the eldest girl of her marriage, so she is not willing to give the dowry!

The common people don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, it's as bad as it sounds, Zhang Boyuan is sitting on the horse, just now because of the bride's red make-up, he feels that he has great face and is infinitely beautiful! Now all that was poured out were stones, and I was so angry that I almost fell off my horse.

Zhang Boyuan's face turned green and pale, and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

The matchmaker was also frightened by this incident. Be good, she has been a matchmaker for decades, and she has never encountered anything more embarrassing or funny than this! But she can't laugh, she has to bear it! Because she has professional ethics!

The matchmaker yelled: Ritual music! Don't stop the ritual music, blow it up for me!

Only then did the musician realize that there was a beeping, but he was blowing vigorously and beating the gong, which made the sky-shattering sound. But it couldn't hide the laughter of the crowd.

Let's go! Zhang Boyuan couldn't stand the mocking eyes of others, so he slammed his horsewhip, and the whole wedding party ran forward in embarrassment.

The dowry bearers who fell down behind got up, wondering whether to pick up the stones on the ground and put them back in the box, or not to pick them up.

The team in front had already rushed forward, and it was too late for the servants to pick them up, so they had to carry empty boxes and chase after the welcoming team.

Seeing this embarrassing scene, the people burst into laughter again. The person with a damaged mouth still yelled from behind: Hey, why did you run away? Don't you want this stone dowry?

Ye Licai, who was in the sedan chair, could hear the commotion outside, and with the words of the common people, she already knew what was happening outside.

As soon as her mind was blank, tears fell uncontrollably.

At this moment, the sedan chair swayed and ran forward in a hurry, Ye Licai was swayed from side to side by the top.

She held onto the sedan chair tightly, feeling extremely ashamed!

She originally wanted to walk slowly on this sedan chair road, it would be the most beautiful and precious memory in her life...

But now it has become the shame of her life!

Ye Licai's eyes were red, and she bit her lip hard.

Today's humiliation, she will definitely get it back ten times, twenty times in the future! In the future, she will definitely trample that bitch Ye Tangcai under her feet!

Uh...why stepping on Ye Tangcai to rub? It was the Sun couple who lost the dowry! It was the Sun couple who installed the stones!

But Ye Licai wanted revenge on Ye Tangcai!

Because Ye Licai's brain circuit is like this - no matter how much her parents hate her, she is still her own parents, and if she can't take revenge on her parents, she can only take revenge on others!

It's all because Ye Tangcai robbed her dowry back then, which made her parents gamble! Anyway, it's all Ye Tangcai's fault!

The welcoming team just walked away at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

Ye Tangcai, Ye Lingjiao, Wen Lanya, Bao Qi and other relatives and guests who were still standing at the gate were speechless looking at the rocks that were still in place.

Pfft! It was Wen Lanya who couldn't help laughing first.

Ye Lingjiao wanted to laugh, but held back, and it was so hard to hold back.

You're still talking about ten miles of red makeup, ouch, I'm dying of laughter! Wen Lanya was a big one, covering her belly with laughter, Miss Bao, don't you think so?

Not to mention how ugly Bao Qi's face was, just now she praised Ye Licai in various ways, bragging about how grand the wedding was and how rich the dowry was, in order to humiliate Ye Tangcai.

Unexpectedly, ten miles of red makeup turned into ten miles of stone, which slapped her face.

Bao Qi was so ashamed by Wen Lanya that she was about to shed tears, she turned around and ran to Jing'an Hou's mansion, leaving her behind.

Miss Bao, I'm asking you something, why are you running? Wen Lanya called from behind.

Ye Lingjiao pinched her.

You! Wen Lanya turned her head and stared at her.

Ye Lingjiao pulled her and said in a low voice: You belittled Ye Licai so much in front of the guests, my father will hate my sister-in-law later!

Wen Lanya was startled before she realized it.

Ye Licai was ashamed, and the Ye family was also ashamed, and she was Wen's natal family, but she made the Ye family ashamed in front of the guests, so Mr. Ye Houye naturally had to blame the Wen family.

Wen Lanya's face was embarrassing, but when she turned around, she saw all the guests either lowered their heads to hide their smiles, or whispered to each other, and then they all walked into the gate and went to the hall.

At this time, Qiuju came out from the crowd, tiptoed back behind Ye Tangcai, and took Ye Tangcai's hand.

A smile flashed across Ye Tangcai's eyes, and she said to Ye Lingjiao and Wen Lanya: Sister-in-law, cousin, let's go back too!

Everyone returned to the living room, but Ye Hewen and Miao were gone, and even Wen and others were gone.

There were still guests in the hall, and they were all whispering about the dowry rolling stone, with mocking expressions on their faces.

Ye Tangcai's eyes flickered slightly. Obviously, someone had come back to report the outside affairs. Ye Hewen didn't have the face to stay here to entertain guests, so he left angrily.

Let's go, let's go back to Anning Hall. Ye Lingjiao said.

In this case, nine times out of ten, it was time to go back to the Anning Hall for lectures.

A few people walked outside the courtyard of Anning Hall, Wen Lanya was an outsider, this was a family scandal, so naturally she couldn't listen to it, so she had to stay in a gazebo not far from Anning Hall.

Ye Tang took a few people into the room of Anning Hall, and heard a burst of angry shouts from inside:

Look at the good deeds you have done, the dowry box has rolled out of stones, and our Ye family's face has been completely lost by you!

Ye Chengxin said: Father, don't you know how much silver we have? What can we do if we don't fill the dowry box with stones?

At the beginning, Mrs. Sun had a big heart and wanted to win more money. Not to mention Ye Licai's dowry and Zhuangzi, she even put in all the money that was going to be held for the wedding. Naturally, she lost everything.

The couple are very busy with their wedding.

Mrs. Sun even went back to her natal family to borrow money, but she was originally a concubine, and she was in charge of her first brother and first wife, so she only borrowed five hundred taels of silver because Ye Licai could not see Ye Licai getting married.

Ye Chengxin also pieced things together, and collected another five or six hundred taels of silver.

Ye Chengde secretly gave two hundred taels, Zhang Boyuan sold everything that could be sold, and borrowed from friends, and made up eight hundred taels, and Sun sold some old clothes and other things.

A total of more than two thousand taels of silver was collected.

With only such a little money, if you hold a wedding and use it as a dowry, it will be so shabby! At that time, I don't know how to be humiliated by people's jokes.

Ye Licai couldn't afford to lose this person the most, saying that if the management is so shabby, it would be better not to manage it!

In the end, the three of them combined, since the dowry is only so small, it would be better to have nothing! They all agreed that the wedding should be held in a beautiful manner, with good wine and gorgeous decorations. As for the phoenix crown and wedding dress, they were ordered before losing the money, and only the remaining balance was paid.

Since the dowry is fake, one hundred and twenty-eight sets of plastics are piled up, which is completely beautiful!

You, you... Ye Hewen pointed to Ye Chengxin, who was at the bottom, so angry that he couldn't speak.

Ye Chengxin was also tortured by the dowry money and silver during this period, and was about to collapse. Seeing that Ye Hewen wanted to scold him, he broke out, leaning his neck and shouting:

We lost all the money! It was our fault! But we also admitted our mistake! Dad knows how much money we have. We made the wedding like this, and Dad felt honored at the beginning! At that time Don't talk! As for what is in the dowry, can't dad guess it?

Ye Hewen was so choked that he couldn't make a sound.

Indeed, he had already guessed it! The dowry box was either empty or useless. At that time, he was still thinking about how smart his second son was! It's all face and face!

But it is impossible for Ye Hewen to admit this kind of thing!

Ye Hewen said angrily: I just thought you were capable enough to come back after earning so much money!

If I have the ability, it will be morning! Ye Chengxin said. Does he really have no idea how much his son weighs?

Ye Hewen was so angry that he almost fell on the couch.

Old Master, I still have to come back tomorrow... Luo Shi covered his mouth lightly with a veil, hiding the smile on his lips, and his tone was full of worry.

Wen's eyes flashed gloating. Shameless deeds, this is called retribution!

Sun's face was hot, and she was very tangled and embarrassed. How much I was looking forward to returning home tomorrow, but now I am so scared.

There was such a big joke in welcoming the relatives, and I don't know how the Zhang family reacted? I must be angry and hate Sister Li to death! Her sister Li, what should I do?

Ye Hewen was so angry that he lost his temper. He stared blankly and sat silently.

Father. At this moment, Ye Lingjiao, Ye Tangcai, Ye Weicai's aunt and nephew came in.

Seeing Ye Tangcai, Sun and Ye Chengxin's expressions changed, not to mention how exciting they were. Just now she was showing off in front of Ye Tangcai! Now there is only bang bang bang...the face is ringing!

What's going on outside? Ye Hewen asked feebly.

Uh... The corners of Ye Lingjiao's lips twitched, Outside people only make jokes about Sister Li and Zhang Boyuan...but they praised Father for being fair and upright and a good grandfather! Father wouldn't want to say that Sister Li stole Sister Tang's marriage The dowry is coming! You are a mirror-like person. Don't worry, have a good reputation!

Ye Hewen covered his eyes and rested his elbows on the kang table.

Such a good reputation, can he not?

And... thinking about it, Ye Hewen's old face immediately flushed red, always feeling that he was being slapped in the face, and felt ashamed in front of Ye Tangcai and Wen's.

Because he not only gave Ye Licai a dowry, but also wanted to give Ye Licai the things that Ye Tangcai had collected.

Now the people gave him such a tall hat that is fair and upright, with a heart like a mirror, and it really hit him with a bang, smashing him to pieces! I don't know how to deal with myself!

Hey, there are quite a few guests out there who haven't left yet, you all go out to greet the rest of the guests! Knowing that Ye Hewen was embarrassed, Miao quickly sent everyone out. As well as Lingjiao'er and Sister Tang, you all go out to see if there are any other young girls and wives who want to entertain you.

The matter has come to this point, it is useless to say more. They were all driven out, so I didn't have to look upset.

When Wen agreed, a group of people rushed out.

Sun and Ye Chengxin ran the fastest and disappeared in a flash.

Wen Shi and Luo Shi looked at Erfang's dejected back, very meaningful.

After walking out of the house, Wen Shi didn't feel that today is such a good weather until now! The spring breeze is warm and sunny, so comfortable!

Sister Tang, the wind blows really comfortably today. Wen shi pulled Ye Tangcai and sighed softly. Sure enough, April is the best month!

With a snort, Ye Tang took Wen's arm and walked out of the courtyard.

Ye Chengde looked at Wen's and Ye Tangcai's complacent expressions, his eyes darkened, and he felt unspeakable resentment and disgust in his heart.

How vicious! Bo Yuan and Sister Li's good wedding has turned into such a mess, and they actually laughed out loud at the misfortune!


After Zhang Boyuan went out to greet the bride, every once in a while, a young man would come back and pass the word, saying where he went and whether he had received the bride.

Mrs. Meng walked into Zhang Hong's study to discuss matters, when she saw the servant reporting the letter to Zhang Hong.

The servant stood at the bottom, spit and said: The scene of the Marquis of Jing'an marrying a daughter is not very grand. The wine is made of Jinquanwan's daughter's red, and the lanterns are written with gold powder. There are lanterns and festoons everywhere. The dowry gift is enough There are one hundred and twenty-eight loads! All the guests who went in boasted!

Zhang Hong was very satisfied, and happened to see Mrs. Meng coming in, so he smiled at Mrs. Meng and said, Look, how grand this wedding is. You, what are you not satisfied with? Don't worry about it too much.

Meng Shi was very reluctant, and still said: What do you care about? At this time, what else can I do?

In order to make her happy, Zhang Hong said to the servant: What else?

The young man spit again, vividly portraying the Ye family's married daughter.

After all, Meng's face softened a little.

Master, no, it's not good! At this time, a square-faced young man in gray clothes rushed in, suddenly saw Mrs. Meng, and stopped his feet: Ma'am.

What's the matter, you're so reckless! Zhang Hong frowned.

What a bad day to call this happy day, it's really unlucky!

Young master went to greet the relatives, the journey was beautiful, one hundred and twenty-eight to carry the dowry, the dowry... He glanced at Zhang Hong timidly: Then suddenly a dowry bearer fell down, and the dowry team rolled into pieces. A bunch of them fell out of the dowry box, and they were all stones!

What? Meng jumped up, her face full of disbelief: One hundred and twenty-eight carrying the dowry... all the stones fell out? Her voice trembled.

No, three of them are real! The servant added.

Meng Shi roared, Is there any difference?

Where did you fall? Did you fall in the house? Zhang Hong asked urgently, holding a glimmer of hope.

If there are few people falling in the house, try to block the mouths of those people, then put the stone back and continue the marriage. Otherwise, their Zhang family really can't afford to lose face!

No... The servant raised his head timidly, Yes, it was the bride who got into the sedan chair and was about to pick up the sedan chair, and fell outside the door... in front of the guests and a group of people!

Meng Shi only felt a darkness in front of her eyes, and her body fell straight backward.

Ma'am! The woman on the side hurriedly supported her.

God... how could it be... Meng Shi didn't really faint, she was so angry!

She originally looked down on this concubine's daughter-in-law, and she is still a lowly person who can elope with men! No way, Ye Licai actually made such a fuss! This face is lost to grandma's house!

You must not let her enter the door! Meng Shi finally exploded!

What are you arguing about? For such a big matter, let's go and ask father for instructions! Zhang Hong flicked his sleeves fiercely and walked out of the study.

Meng Shi only felt weak all over, his face was pale, and even his steps were vain.

Ma'am. The mother-in-law carefully supported Meng Shi.

Zhang Zan, Minister of Dali Temple over there, also received the news, and he immediately withdrew from the banquet and returned to his study.

Zhang Zan's thin old face was gloomy, his goatee was slightly raised on his chin, and he was dressed in a brown plain cocoon silk jacket, making him extremely rigid and serious. He was sitting sullenly on the chair behind the desk.

Master. Zhang Hong and Mrs. Meng walked in.

Zhang Zan's sharp eagle eyes swept over the two of them: It's busy outside, what are you doing here?

There was an accident in the wedding reception team. Zhang Hong glanced at Zhang Zan uneasily, and saw Zhang Zan's face was sullen, Father should have received the news, we want to make a correct statement.

What's the point? Is it still possible not to marry now? Zhang Zan snorted, If she is not allowed in, this joke will only get bigger and bigger! Our Zhang family is shameless? And we really don't If you let her in, Bo Yuan doesn't know what kind of trouble will happen. When the trouble becomes serious, even Manman's marriage will be changed!

Mentioning their daughter's marriage, Zhang Hong and Meng shuddered!

The Zhang family can lose face, but there must be no accidents in their daughter's marriage!

Zhang Manman is the daughter of the Zhang family, and she will be seventeen in three months. Her marriage is also settled. It is one of the prince's side concubines to be selected.

Although she was waiting for election, Zhang Zan put in a lot of effort and communicated with the prince and queen, and it was secretly agreed that the position of side concubine would fall on her.

Zhang Hong sighed slightly, now everything is focused on his daughter's marriage.

Thinking of her daughter, Meng's face regained her composure. Her face was as cold as ice, and her eyes were cold: Old master, master, let's go out quickly! It's time for the wedding party to arrive!

Zhang Zan gave Meng Shi an appreciative glance, she was really calm and knowledgeable, she was indeed his chosen daughter-in-law.

The three of them left the study room, only to see a sixteen or seventeen-year-old round-faced girl standing anxiously on the corridor: Grandfather, father, mother...

Don't worry about Manman, the wedding will continue. Meng said.

Zhang Manman's complexion changed, and she stepped forward to hold Meng Shi's arm, while Zhang Zan, Zhang Hong and his son walked in front.

The mother and daughter were one step behind. Zhang Manman's eyes were red and she was full of anger: I hate Ye Licai! She did such a shameful thing... I don't want this kind of sister-in-law! I like sister Tang, Tang My sister is better than her in everything, regardless of appearance, figure, or origin, but my brother is blind!

Okay, don't say this kind of thing anymore. Mrs. Meng became unhappy when she said it, but she still tried her best to stabilize her emotions: When she comes in, she is a family. Not only can I not treat her badly, but I also have to treat her badly. Treat her well, so that outsiders won't read our family's jokes. If you make a fuss again, I'm afraid it will affect your marriage. When she comes back tomorrow, we have to make a good job for her! We don't want to be talked about .”

Zhang Manman looked very ugly, but hummed.

Her mood is very complicated. She wished Ye Licai would not come into her house, but she didn't want another big joke at home!

While Mengshi was walking, her eyes flickered slightly.

Now the son is so jealous of Ye Licai, if she insists on making trouble for Ye Licai, the son will only treat her like a stick to beat a mandarin duck! At that time, I don't know how I will hate her to death.

Whether it was for Zhang Manman or to win over her son's heart, she was able to retreat and advance.

A few people came to the hall, and there was a message from the other side that the welcoming team had returned, and then greeted the newcomers into the door to pay homage.


The Zhang family was paying their respects lively, but the guests of Jing'an Hou Mansion were leaving one after another.

When the last guest stepped out of the gate, the servant hurriedly slammed the gate, closed it tightly, and unbolted the bolt.

The two servants who closed the door were also very helpless.

What crimes did they do in the Jing'an Hou Mansion! Both times, the married daughter wanted to drive the guests out, and locked the door to shrink back and dare not see anyone.

In fact, speaking of it, it was the second room and the second girl who acted as demons. When someone else got married, she snatched the marriage, which made the entire Ye family ashamed! Even getting married by herself made the entire Ye family ashamed! What a mess!

Ye Tangcai was not among the guests.

After leaving the Anning Hall, she was dragged back to the Ronggui Courtyard by the Wen family. Ye Lingjiao said she wanted to drink some tea, so she followed her.

Ye Weicai was so tired that she went back to her yard to lie down.

The three sat down in the small hall of the Rongguiyuan.

Nianqiao served tea and snacks, it was the fragrant Tieguanyin, which Ye Tangcai liked the most.

Seeing Ye Tang drinking tea happily, Wen didn't know how to speak.

But Ye Lingjiao said: Sister Tang, if your husband-in-law doesn't come back with you today, is it because you don't want to bring him?

Wen looked at Ye Tangcai nervously.

Ye Tangcai had expected that they would ask, so she also found an excuse: Yeah, I didn't want him to come.

Wen's and Ye Lingjiao's hearts tightened. Wen's eyes were even more red, and she was about to wipe away tears.

Ye Tangcai said: He is more shy, and Second Aunt is that kind of person. If he really comes, I don't know how he will be ridiculed.

Wen was startled, then sighed slightly, if so, her daughter would only be more embarrassed, it's better not to come.

Then Ye Licai will come back tomorrow, and he won't come? Ye Lingjiao said.

Ye Tangcai shook her head: I won't come. She looked at Wen with a sorry face, I'm sorry, mother, I've been married for almost three months, and you haven't seen your son-in-law yet.

What's the matter? There's been a lot of things recently, so it's naturally delayed. For this son-in-law, Wen's was very unwilling to accept it.

Although I wanted to see him, but I was afraid of seeing him, and my heart was in a state of turmoil.

Wait...cough... Ye Tangcai wanted to say something, but finally changed her words: It's getting late, I'm going back first.

Then go back! Wen said.

Ye Tangcai resigned, sat in the pony carriage and went out, staggering all the way on the street.

After walking for about two quarters of an hour, I finally returned to Dingguobo Mansion.

Walking into Qiongmingxuan, I saw Chu Yun standing at the bottom of the Chuihua Gate, dressed in snow-green half-worn straight gown, with hair like ink, and covered in a whole body. He was leaning on his body slightly, looking back at her. He was very handsome in that pose.

It looks like a picture of a beautiful woman looking back, with long eyelashes and phoenix eyes, red lips like rosy lips, but her expression is cold and indifferent.

Ye Tangcai was taken aback for a moment, for some reason, she blushed, and after not seeing him for half a month, he seemed a little more handsome.

Ye Tangcai walked up to him: The third master came back so early today!

Chu Yunpan's eyes moved, why did she sound resentful when she said this? But he is not happy now, in a bad mood!

He said, Ye Licai got married today?

Yes! Ye Tangcai nodded.

Chu Yunpan nodded calmly when he saw her, he was in a bad mood! Relatives will not take him back to her mother's house!

I suddenly heard that the Jing'an Marquis Mansion is marrying a daughter outside, and that's when I knew that Ye Licai got married today.

This time, when it comes to Ye Tangcai, she is in a bad mood! She was silent for a while before she said: It's useless for you to be nervous, she's already married. Could it be that if you knew in advance, you still went to snatch the marriage?

The corner of Chu Yunpan's mouth twitched: Who is going to snatch the marriage?

You don't snatch the marriage, why are you asking this? Ye Tangcai curled her lips and lifted her small chin.

Chu Yunpan looked embarrassed: Today is your natal family's wedding. As your husband, I should go back with you.

Ye Tangcai was startled, and looked down at the tip of the shoe: Oh, so it's this. You've been too busy these days, and you don't see anyone every day. And as I said, I'll take care of my own affairs. Don't worry , I'll take care of it.

Hearing this, Chu Yunpan felt very uncomfortable, and said: Tomorrow, she wants to go back home to meet relatives, and I will go with you.

This... Ye Tangcai thought for a while before nodding: Okay.

Hearing her promise, Chu Yunpan's mood turned around a little, with a little smile on his lips: Have you eaten yet?

Eat a little at noon.

It's three o'clock now, and there's still a while before dinner.

Come in and have something to eat. Chu Yunpan said as he walked onto the veranda.

Ye Tangcai followed behind him.

The husband and wife walked into the small hall, and Ye Tangcai's face froze.

I saw a pile of duck cakes piled up on the small dining table!

This duck cake is half the size of a palm and looks like a bright yellow duckling.

Ye Tangcai saw little yellow ducks cocking their tails and staring at her with round eyes, all piled up on the table.

Let's eat. Chu Yunpan handed her a pair of chopsticks.

The corners of Ye Tangcai's mouth twitched, this is Chen Guilou's pastry. Because she asked Qing'er to add food to Chen Guilou every day, and she was a regular customer, the shopkeeper gave her two duck cakes every day.

So there were two duck cakes in almost every meal a while ago.

So, he mistakenly thought that she loved duck cakes, so he set up such a big table?

Why don't you eat? Chu Yunpan looked at her puzzled.

Ye Tangcai looked at him as if asking for credit, and was really embarrassed to tell the fact that she didn't like this thing. I had no choice but to silently pick up one and start eating duck cakes.

After eating four or five, she felt a little full, so she handed him a pair of chopsticks: The third master eats too.

I don't like to eat this stuff. Chu Yunpan said so.

Ye Tangcai was stunned by him.

But he still picked one up, took a bite, and squinted his eyes: Not bad.

He didn't like to eat it before, but now he thinks it tastes good after eating it.

Then the couple ate the duck cake silently.

Ye Tangcai even forgot how many duck cakes she ate. Anyway, she was very full, and Chu Yunpan asked Chu Yunpan to put away the remaining four or five, saying that she would eat them later!

Then Chu Yunpan went back to Lanzhuju.

Ye Tangcai lay on the Arhat's bed, feeling like he was about to eat a duck cake: I don't want to see this thing again in the future.

What about the remaining four fives? Hui Ran smiled, Qiu Ju loves to eat this stuff, let Qiu Ju eat it.

Ye Tangcai choked, for some reason, she didn't want to anymore, and said after a moment of silence: I'll eat later!

The corner of Huiran's mouth twitched, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Ye Tangcai didn't eat dinner, and after dark, he was full after eating the remaining duck cakes.

After sleeping indiscriminately all night, Ye Tangcai got up early the next morning to freshen up. After breakfast with Chu Yunpan, they boarded the car and left.

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