Fantasy Clock~Dream Ruler~

【SideA】Phantasy Dominator with Memory (2)

At the invitation of that vampire-like youth walking an evolutionary costume ball, I transformed from an ordinary lucid dreamer into a ruler of a "dominator game".

And in the words of that vampire—that is, "come to the real dream world."

Although in my opinion, I just "transformed from a management game player to a competitive game player".

Yes, I am different from those players who regard the Dominator game as life and call it "Domination War".

I simply see it as a game with dreams as a platform.


"You can't guarantee that after a long time of dream travel, you can still distinguish between reality and delusion?"

——The sentence from the young man's mouth is still lingering in his mind.

For example, if thick sores stick to the ear, people can't help scratching, but also retract their fingers because of the feedback tingling pain.


"Hey...if I told you that the purpose of our participation in the domination war is not to win, what would you think?"

Hearing the blond youth's answer, the young man who was the leader immediately lost all his leadership qualities. His pupils constricted, his Adam's apple agitated after swallowing, and the mirror master teased and threateningly tightened an arrow reflecting silver light around his neck.

The leader swallowed dryly with absent-minded eyes, and he stared straight at me, his gaze was a little creepy.

"Please come with me."

The Mirror Master said with a smile, and walked quite a distance across the corpses on the ground. However, as if he suddenly remembered something, he turned around unhurriedly, looked sideways at me and shouted at the same time with a high voice.

"Kid Shinigami, Sakurako and I will take him there first."

"Hmm...Although I told you not to call me 'Black Death' in a joking tone...but if you're going to call me by such a strange nickname, I still want you to call me 'Black Death' again of."

"See you later, little god~"

"Did you listen to me... what the hell is the name of the little god..."

Although I made an X with my arms crossed and tried my best to protest, the mirror master still raised his hand and waved to me indifferently, saying "it doesn't matter". People disappeared from my field of vision.

"Tch...these two guys..."

I gave up the idea of ​​calling them back, let out a sigh of resentment helplessly, then turned around and walked in the opposite direction to them, wandering aimlessly along the street. However, when I took the first step, my left foot stepped on something sticky. I stopped and stood on tiptoe, and the sole of my foot seemed to be stained with blood red.

"Is it the blood left by those people..."

I didn't care about it anymore, and I continued to walk forward.

Few townspeople passed by, and even those who passed by lowered their heads and avoided my gaze and quickly fled.

Are children many years younger than me so scary? Although from my appearance in this world, they can't tell my real age.

"The real dream it?"

I put my hands in my trouser pockets and deliberately turned into a narrow alley. All the trash cans were kicked to the ground by unknown people, and the waste paper packaging bags were scattered on the ground in embarrassment. The bleak smell came to my nostrils.

Regardless of whether this is a real dream world or not, the first thing to be confirmed is that this is a world without rules.

I reversed the gravity around me, used the distorted gravity to straighten a row of trash cans that had been kicked over by someone, and stood them back to their original position. Only then did I walk out of this alley half-gropingly in satisfaction.

In an instant, the narrow alleyscape was suddenly replaced by a strange and poignant streetscape.

Twinkling stars float on the "sea surface" looming, holding up waves one after another. This star sea composed of dot-like stars connects the edge of the sidewalk and extends to a distance that cannot be reached by sight.

The girl in blue hair fluttering in the wind quietly looked at the sea of ​​stars, her left hand went behind her and held the elbow of her right hand, and the heel of her right foot was raised slightly.

The sea breeze that came just in time passed by my heart for a while, as if it could calm down all negative emotions.

I quietly walked behind the girl and tapped her shoulder lightly, she suddenly woke up from her own world, turned around and gave me a slightly hesitant look. Those blue eyes seem to reflect the entire ocean full of bright stars.

However, the first sentence he spoke was——

"Woo... so it's Su Huohuo..."

"How many times have I told you that my name is written like this?"

I was a little speechless and lowered my eyebrows. I jumped my fingers and wrote the three characters "Su Ruoyang" in the air out of thin air. The handwriting was between Xia Yinci and me; I suppressed my impatient tone, and crossed my name with my index finger to remind her of the correct pronunciation.

"That... Su..."

Xia Yinci glanced over these three words with eyes full of water, and pressed against her lower lip, struggling to pronounce the unfamiliar pronunciation. Pronunciation seems a bit difficult.

"Su...Su Huohuo?"

"Which eye did you see that there are two identical characters in my name!"

"But... Su Huoyang sounds strange~"

"Hey, are you just ignoring the word 'nuo'?"

It is said that children of this age should be able to understand the pronunciation of words! Sure enough, it was because Xia Yinci had too little communication with others that this happened?

"Listen well, read these three characters sū, ruò, yáng! It's Su Ruoyang."

I adjusted my breathing and pronounced the pronunciation of these three words one by one on purpose. Xia Yinci looked straight into my eyes and nodded obsessively. The slightly confused look in her eyes made it hard to talk to her loudly.

But in the end, she didn't have the slightest meaning to read my name correctly.

Every time I taught Xia Yinci how to say my name seriously, although Xia Yinci always listened carefully, she would forget all about it the next day, and in the end she still didn’t notice it. Call me "Su Huohuo".

I'm almost used to this strange title. In the end, did I compromise...


Heaving a sigh of relief, I took a step forward and came in front of her, and Xia Yinci's figure in my vision passed by.

For some reason, the refreshing sea breeze blows my ears dry.

"By the way, how are you doing now?"

"Hmm... what are you talking about?"

I turned sideways slightly, and my eyes quickly passed over her little hands gently pinching the hem of her skirt, and then moved up to Xia Yinci's slightly hesitant pupils.

"Of course it's dominance..."

Xia Yinci's cheeks seemed to be puffed up, and she clenched the hem of her skirt tightly.

When the hand was released, the twisted folds of the skirt could be clearly seen. I couldn't help frowning, and said deliberately lightly.

"If this continues... there will be times when I won't be able to protect you."

"You don't need to tell me...I'm working hard~"

"I hope that's the case." I echoed softly, and my gaze stayed on the sea of ​​stars in the distance again.

"Dreamers who cannot use their control ability can only be slaughtered here like ordinary townspeople."

Having said that. The reason why Xia Yinci appeared here was not some unreasonable coincidence. Including that I will meet her here, it is also because when I passed by Xia Yinci's house in the evening, I hinted to her "meet at night", so she came here early in the morning to wait for me, and after I dealt with the matter over there, come to her.

And I was looking for her and worried about her situation because I should be Xia Yinci's "senior" on a certain level...

In other words, Xia Yinci shouldn't have appeared in this world in the first place. It was me who broke this natural "shouldn't". She appeared here because I brought her to this "dream world". But that was not my intention.

But I have to admit - Xia Yinci's involvement is not a development I don't want to see.

I've probably been waiting for someone to get involved with me.

It's just that the last person implicated happened to be Xia Yinci.


Thoughts were abruptly and rudely interrupted by a rushing sound--like the comical sound of a balloon scurrying around with air leaking from the bottom.

There was a faint feeling of uneasiness in my heart. I instinctively raised my eyes to look up, and the signal flares across the air dragged their tails of red smoke.

"Have you been found..."

I muttered something softly, and immediately took Xia Yinci's hand and turned towards the entrance of the alley. However, the moment I turned sideways, a crisp silver light stabbed straight at my forehead. At this moment, I stretched out my index finger and quickly turned to the ground, and the gravity pulled the flying silver light down several meters to the ground in an instant.

Taking advantage of the gap, I tried to contact Lin Yu again to tell him the situation on my side...but there seemed to be something blocking the signal from being sent out, so I couldn't help but smacked my lips irritably. It must be a Dominator with relevant dominance ability interfering around here.

Although the gravity was quickly adjusted downward, there was no other sound except the sharp sound of scraping the ground, and Xia Yinci's exclamation under the influence of the abnormal gravity. From this, I can basically tell that the person who attacked me is not nearby.

The rulers of Clock No. 1 are still under the control of Mirror Master and the others. In this way, it is very likely that the one who troubles us is the Dream Stealer...or maybe Baitu Mei's camp. What's more, the leader of Clock No. 1 just said that Thief Dream King was involved with Baitu Mei, and it's possible that the two forces would attack together.

I restored the gravity of the abnormal movement, and once again grabbed Xia Yinci's hand, who hadn't figured out the situation, and moved her legs. The support underneath became lighter and lighter, and the body immediately rose into the air with the rising field of vision, and the silver light almost connected in a curve from the beginning to the end approached us quickly one after another.

As long as Xia Yinci is near me, there is no way to manipulate gravity, so she will also be implicated. Although they know each other's names with people like Baitu Mei and Dream Stealer, they have never fought head-on. After all, no one can figure out the real strength of the opponent. So I didn't expect to be raided.

The corner of my mouth glanced down unnaturally, I gritted my teeth and quickly turned around, grabbing the silver light closest to me. The next second after leaving a tingling pain on my palm, I found the right position and squeezed the hilt of the sword tightly. I raised my arm and knocked out the next silver light.

Holding Xia Yinci's hand inadvertently increased a bit of strength, and the sword in my hand bounced off a flying sword light, and at the same time, I used my strength to kick back the severely corroded iron railing, thinking of glass shattering head-on With the sound, I dragged Xia Yinci into the window.

There was no room to stay at all, I ran towards the door on the floor, the sound of the sword light whistling past followed me closely, it hit the other side of the partition the moment I bent sideways, and I mobilized my feet quickly go downstairs. It wasn't until Xia Yinci stopped in exhaustion that I stopped and turned around.

"How is this going?"

Xia Yinci asked me tremblingly while panting shallowly. I let go of my left hand gripping the hilt, blood still oozing from the wound in my hand.

"Of course I was targeted..." I shrugged my shoulders pretending to be relaxed, but complained in my heart about the fact that I couldn't communicate with Lin Yu and the others.

"But it's never been like this before..."

Xia Yinci's eyes revealed a hint of evasion.

"Are you blaming me for pulling you into this world?"

Burning my meager patience to the limit, I questioned Xia Yinci almost tonelessly.

that time. It was Xia Yinci staying at my house. Tired of playing, we fell asleep together unconsciously. It was because of this that the dreams of the two of us intertwined, she ran into the gap between the dreams, and I also hurried there when I realized this.

There was indeed an option to send her out then. But I ended up not doing that.

"'s just the first time I've encountered such a thing..."

"So the guy who has been planning for a long time has finally acted..." I responded with a slightly bad tone. "The problem to think about now is that those people may still be outside. If I'm with you, I can't use my control ability, so I can only act separately..."

The words were still half on my lips, and the sound of the wall being smashed behind me interrupted my words inappropriately. I hurriedly hugged Xia Yinci, stepped on the ground with my feet and kicked towards my side, getting a little closer to the rusted iron gate. At the same time, I can vaguely feel a sticky touch between the raised heel and the ground.

I couldn't help being stunned for half a second, and the next moment I stood firm, I raised my heels, and saw a sticky smear of blood under my feet.

Suddenly, when the mirror master took away the leader of Clock No. 1, the leader's empty eyes quickly flashed through his mind.

"I see.. No wonder you can't get rid of it like a fly."

The scene outside the building can be seen through the broken hole in the wall, and the man in military uniform with a saber ring around his waist stares at me coldly. While I stretched out my hand to pull Xia Yinci behind me, I looked back at him not to be outdone.

Immediately afterwards, I moved my thumb to draw a hint signal on Xia Yinci's hand, indicating that she was ready to escape at any time.

Being targeted by this guy must be because the leader did something to me just now. Maybe my location along the way has been tracked by them.

It's kind of weird when you think about it a little bit. Why did the leader of Clock No. 1 know about the relationship between King Thief of Dreams and Baitu Mei? Only this guy has made some kind of connection with the Dream Thief without our knowledge, or even the knowledge of his companions.

It is not difficult for people to understand that the leader who begged us for mercy like that would do such a thing.

"Aren't you the only one... The King of Pirates of Dreams didn't come in person."

For some reason, the saberman frowned slightly, but he answered in a stern tone.

"To deal with you...the king doesn't need to do it himself!"

"Oh you underestimate someone with the title of 'Black Death' like that?"

As soon as the words fell, I immediately clasped Xia Yinci's palm, and quickly tapped my fingers with the other hand to promote the expansion of my mind.

The original rusty iron door behind it disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by a door that seemed to have just been painted with black paint.

The corners of his mouth curled up as if he had succeeded. I took a sharp step back and immediately took Xia Yinci with me and rushed to the other side of the door.

However, at the very moment when the strong light from the other side was about to turn into the scene of my dream world——

some corner of the world. On the dominator clock, which symbolizes the number three clock, my dominator number flashed a strange red light, and the faster the frequency, the faster my heartbeat was several times—this fact came to my heart clearly.

This kind of perception, which is called premonition or hallucination in reality, is the perception of what actually happened in dreams. It is just the perception organ of the suspected sixth sense that overrides the five senses.

"The number of rulers largely indicates the status of the individual."

For some reason, Lin Yu's previous warning rang in his ears.

"If the number shows something like a warning, it means that the Dominator is in danger—it can be the Dominator's life or death, or it may be a negative change of something important to him that affects the Dominator."

In this moment I do realize. The "sudden change" in Lin Yu's mouth took place in my dream world.

Because the man standing in the distance showed a strange smile. And he and the saber ring around his waist rushed towards me at high speed. Just a few seconds later, the world gate leading to the two worlds was smashed to pieces by the saber, smashing wooden strips torn with sharp thorns.

"This kind of thing...!"

The scene in my field of vision was suddenly invaded by darkness. In a blink of an eye, my upper body leaned forward violently, and I suddenly realized that I sat up from the bed. The wet bangs brushed the skin around the eye sockets from time to time, making it itchy and irritating.

Under the crazily accelerating heartbeat, I stretched out my hand to stick to my eye socket, and my overly awake brain felt dizzy enough to cause nausea.

——What my mother called the "subconscious mind" should have realized that I was in danger, so I was awakened by instinct and self-protection.

I am still on the verge of understanding and not being able to understand what happened in the dream in the last second.

The only thing that is clearly understood is - if you return to the dreamland now, you might encounter something.

Maybe my world has already been taken over by that saberman... According to Lin Yu, that is also a means of killing the ruler: Some rulers think that the dream of dominating others is completely in line with the term "dominant", thinking that this It is the way the dream madman expects.

Regardless of whether the saber man is also a supporter of this statement, how to get rid of that situation is the question I should think about. However, continuing to stay in reality will not change anything, let alone find a countermeasure.

That is to say, I have no other choice but to return to the dream state again.

If so...

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