Fantasy: I Don’t Want To Practice!

Chapter 19: The Young Lotus Has Just Begun To Show Its Tip [Please Support The New Book!]

[Orange production, must be not serious! ]

"Okay, okay! This matter has passed, don't disturb me fishing."

"I won't, I won't, you touch it quickly, I want to prove that it is bigger than my sister's!"

There is stubbornness on Ye Xian'er's delicate little face, this is the rhythm of forcing Ye Feng to commit a crime.

Ye Feng took a deep breath and held back the beastly desire in his heart. This world is too terrible.

He just wanted to fish quietly, but a pair of breasts jumped out at any time. He was so helpless.

"Your brother is not a casual person."

"You are not a human being when you are casual!"

Ye Feng: "..."

This is a small lake, which was built by the Ye family privately, adding a lot of scenery to the Ye family compound.

Before transmigration, Ye Feng's favorite thing to do was fishing. Now discovering this lake is no less than discovering a treasure.

He immediately ran over with a fishing rod and a bucket. He was experienced. If it weren't for Ye Xian'er, the girl, making trouble, everything would still be perfect.

"Hmph! No! If you don't give me a serious evaluation today, I won't let you fish in peace!"

She jumped onto Ye Feng's back, like a monkey, hanging on him, deliberately making trouble.

Caught off guard, Ye Feng felt that his back had been hit by a two-ton horrible impact, and it was still rubbing!

He was so excited that he almost kicked his legs and jumped into the lake.

This girl is simply a devil!

"Okay, okay, I'll give you an evaluation, you hurry down."

Ye Feng surrendered on the spot.

If he continues like this, he might do something unscrupulous.

Seeing Ye Feng's embarrassed look, Ye Xian'er jumped down, her little face full of pride.

"Hurry up and say it!"

Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief, played with the fishing rod in his hand, prepared the bait, threw it far away, and looked at the quiet lake, where a lotus flower was floating, leisurely and silent.

Ye Feng fell into deep thought, then raised the corner of his mouth and said a poetic word.

"The young lotus has just shown its tip."

"You want to die!!!"

Ye Xian'er was furious, and this time she directly threw Ye Feng to the ground from the front!

She pressed on him, and scared Ye Feng so much that he shuddered all over.

"Ah! I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"Hmph! I let you be so arrogant! You are the young lotus, and you have only shown your tip!"


"Brother! Is fishing fun?"

Half an hour later, Ye Xian'er, who had finished making a fuss, lay in Ye Feng's arms, watching Ye Feng sitting and fishing, motionless for an hour, very bored.

"Xian'er, sometimes people do things not just for fun, but perhaps for other deeper meanings."

Ye Feng's eyes showed a wise and deep light, like an old man who saw through the world.

Xian'er looked into Ye Feng's deep eyes and asked curiously.

"Then what is the deep meaning of your fishing?"

"I love fishing alone, unlike ordinary people. It's not the joy of harvest, nor the pleasure of wanting to eat fish. It's just that when I'm fishing, my body is quiet, my heart is quiet, and my life is quiet."

What a pretentious aura!

Ye Xian'er was stunned, tilted her head, thought for a long time, but still couldn't figure it out.

"This is so profound! Brother, can you explain it more simply? Xian'er doesn't understand."

"To put it simply, because fishing... is very cool!"

Ye Feng's mouth showed a meaningful smile.

Ye Xian'er: "..."

Another hour passed in a blink of an eye, Ye Feng was still fishing, but no fish was caught.

"Brother, two hours have passed, and you haven't gained anything. Aren't you bored like this?"

"Fishing is about the state of mind, and it doesn't matter what the harvest is."

Ye Feng's tone is as pretentious as ever.

Ye Xian'er looked contemptuous.

If she hadn't just seen Ye Feng with a lewd smile, casting more than a dozen large nets in the surrounding river, she would have almost believed it.

"If you have that much time, why don't you use it to practice? Brother, you were so powerful the past few days. If you can improve your realm, you will definitely be more powerful than your father!"

Ye Xian'er complained, and then suddenly looked at Ye Feng with hope.

Ye Feng's expression instantly became constipated.

"I refuse to communicate with you."

"Huh! Big lazy bug!"

Ye Feng was sweating in his heart. This girl could talk about practice in everything. He deliberately avoided this topic.

At this time, a loud shout came from a distance, the voice was sad and angry.

"Ye Feng! Get out and die!!!"


Ye Feng looked up, with a confused look on his face, and then turned to ask Ye Xian'er.

"Whose dog is barking?"

"Puchi... Hahaha!"

Ye Xian'er covered her mouth and laughed. Her brother's metaphor was really funny. She shook her head, indicating that she didn't know either.

"It seems to be coming from the door. Brother, did you not pay the last time you went to the bath center? They came to the door."

Ye Feng was sweating. How could this girl even know about the bath center?

And what's the matter with not paying?

Do I look like that kind of person?

"Let's go and take a look."

Ye Feng quickly put away his equipment, picked up the bucket and fishing rod, and ran towards the door. Seeing this, Ye Xian'er hurriedly followed.


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