Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 164: Refusal Xiaotao, the Great Elder Pro

Cui Mian and Tantai Xiao looked at each other, and although they were still a little worried, they left with Yan Chengfeng in the end.

Yan Chengfeng walked in front, taking Cui Mian and Tantai Xiao to explore the inheritance of Buddhism.

Tantai Xiao's bloodline is thin and his constitution is weak. Only by using Buddhist inheritance can his bloodline be brought back to his ancestors.

In order to make Cui Mian happy, Yan Chengfeng naturally would not be stingy.

The rivers and mountains are pale, there are cranes chirping in the sky, and the white mist on the mountainside is hazy, like a fairyland on earth.

In front of it is an ancient ruin, with lush vegetation growing, but there are still some places where the vegetation is dead, and the smoke of gunpowder is rising.

"This is…"

Cui Mian was curious, there was no one else in this territory.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "This is the former site of the Buddhist kingdom. If you are lucky, you should be able to find a lot of Buddhist treasures."

"In those days, there was a war in the Buddhist country, forcing the living beings of the Buddhist country to migrate, and this became the old site of the Buddhist country."

"The former site of the Buddhist country."

Cui Mian suddenly realized that she took Tantai Xiao's jade hand and walked towards the ruins.

In the ruins, there are still many abandoned big killers. These big killers have been broken and are no longer useful.

In addition to those abandoned weapons, you can also see many deep pits, and there is no vegetation on the ground. From here, you can also see how terrifying the expedition was.


Suddenly, Cui Mian didn't know what he kicked, and suddenly the sound of drums roared, and a thick Buddha's light shot up into the sky.

That stream of Buddha's light is very terrifying, with endless killing, swallowing mountains and rivers.

Cui Mian's eyes showed joy, she hurriedly pulled the grass away, and found a roulette in the grass.

I don't know what material the roulette is made of, there are many cracks on it, and the surface of the roulette is engraved with runes of various breaths.

Those runes were very terrifying, and wisps of fierceness poured out, as if they were about to break apart the Star Dou.

This is a big killer of Buddhism, and the power of Buddhism contained in it is terrifying.

"This piece of Buddhist roulette is good. Its power is comparable to ancient treasures, and it can be used two or three times."

Yan Chengfeng casually mentioned that Cui Mian's luck was quite good.


Cui Mian snorted coldly, she didn't want to pay attention to Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng didn't care either, and continued to explore fortune.

"Yan Chengfeng, what is this?"

Tantai Xiao found a scroll of scriptures in the grass and hurriedly brought it over, asking Yan Chengfeng to give some pointers.

After all, Yan Chengfeng is well-informed and knows a lot more than them.

She actually didn't quite understand why Cui Mian didn't like Yan Chengfeng.

Anyway, she quite liked it, the kind of love at first sight.

Yan Chengfeng took over that volume of scriptures and said, "This is the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures. If you can find the complete scriptures, you can save all sentient beings."

"However, your Buddhist and Taoist cultivation is not tyrannical. It is quite difficult to achieve this step."

"Do you recognize the words on this? If you don't, I can teach you."

Hearing this, Tantai Xiao's eyes were bright and he said with a smile, "That's great, you teach me quickly!"

Yan Chengfeng taught Tantaixiao to recognize the words in the scriptures, and Tantaixiao also learned very seriously.

However, Cui Mian in the distance was a little unhappy.

She was very depressed and continued to explore fortunes.


Immediately, the sound of drums resounding in the sky, a terrifying aura swept in, the territory was shaking, and the world was about to collapse.

There are strong people in the sky quickly rushing over, and the cultivation of those creatures is terrifying.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a creature from the Cave of Ten Thousand Fires.

Seeing the creatures in Wanhuo Cave, Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, and he didn't know what the creatures in Wanhuo Cave were doing at this time.

The person who came was Yan Xiaotao.

Yan Xiaotao stood in the air and said indifferently, "Yan Chengfeng, I have something to look for you."

Yan Chengfeng glanced at Yan Xiaotao and said, "I thought you were here to beat me with your posture."


Yan Xiaotao snorted coldly and said displeasedly, "Don't follow me, come with me quickly!"

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly, "If you let me go, I'll leave, wouldn't it be very shameful."


Yan Xiaotao was a little annoyed, she knew that Yan Chengfeng did it on purpose.

"You don't have to go, but I'm going to tell you something big, and you'll be very interested."

Yan Xiaotao's eyes sank slightly, and she said, "Are you sure you won't come with me?"

Yan Chengfeng didn't talk to him, he didn't even bother to talk to Yan Xiaotao.

Yan Xiaotao's heart was full of anger, and she was ignored one after another, which made her a little unhappy.

If she could beat Yan Chengfeng, she would definitely take action and teach Yan Chengfeng a lesson.

"I hope you can be as arrogant as always. After you become a bereaved dog, I will definitely visit you."

Yan Xiaotao left angrily, she didn't want to talk nonsense with Yan Chengfeng.

Seeing the creatures in Ten Thousand Fire Cave leave, Yan Chengfeng didn't care.

"She came to find you on purpose, why didn't you follow her?"

Cui Mian asked with some doubts, Yan Xiaotao in the Ten Thousand Fire Cave was not bad, and she came to Yan Chengfeng on purpose, maybe there was something really important.

Yan Chengfeng looked indifferent and said, "What important thing can she have, it's not all those old topics, I'm tired of hearing it."

"Hurry up and explore fortune! It is estimated that there will be trouble soon."

"Trouble is coming?"

With a frosty expression, Cui Mian snorted coldly, "Who made you cause trouble everywhere?"

Yan Chengfeng made enemies everywhere, and it was normal for him to be in trouble.

She continued to search for good fortune. There are many strange good-fortunes on the former site of this Buddhist country.


The scorching sun hangs high.

The air is hot and dry, and everything in the world is a little sluggish.

Suddenly, the world suddenly became dark, and a large cloud of dark clouds came over in the distance. Looking closely, it turned out to be a group of invincibles.

The combat power of these creatures is terrifying, and wisps of fierceness poured out, swallowing mountains and rivers.

Feeling the terrifying energy fluctuations, Cui Mian and Tantai Xiao were a little worried, these people were obviously coming towards Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng made enemies everywhere, and those enemies finally came.

The chariots ran rampant in the sky, and the monks stood in the air.

This time, their main purpose was to punish Yan Chengfeng.

"Yan Chengfeng, you wantonly slaughtered the Celestial Master of the Origin Hall and provoked the authority of the Nine Regions and Nine Regions. This seat advises you to immediately kneel down and lead your neck to be slaughtered."

An old man in a black robe was sitting in a wheelchair. His breath was strong, and his gestures showed an unrivaled tyrannical aura.

This person is the Great Elder on Samsara, and his combat power is extremely terrifying.

The Great Elder looked indifferent and said coldly: "If you dare to resist, then there must be only death waiting for you."

"I hope you learn to be smarter and don't make senseless resistance."

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