Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 185: The first ancestor, Yuanshen, wounded Shi Xuan

"Who disturbed the deep sleep of the ancestor and immediately brought people to the clan hall."

A deep drink sounded, and the creatures of the Frost Immortal Sect were dumbfounded.

They have realized the seriousness of the matter. They have heard of the owner of that voice, but they have never seen it.

That man was the mount of the ancestor of the Frost Ice Sect, and he was a monster outside the realm. It lived for many years.

In Frost Immortal Sect, there has always been a giant, and no one dared to provoke it.

Even if the Frost Immortal Sect has fallen, as long as it is here again, the Frost Immortal Sect can be worry-free for thousands of years.

After a stick of incense.

Yan Chengfeng was taken to the clan hall.

In the clan hall, there are dozens of strong men from the Frost Frost Sect sitting cross-legged. These creatures are all ancient sages with unfathomable backgrounds.

At the end of the clan hall, a dragon-faced human being sat cross-legged, with a dazzling brilliance all over his body.

It is an extraterritorial demon, a descendant of the Zulong Temple.

It is also the mount of the ancestor of the Frost Immortal Sect.

Ancestor Discord's gaze fell on Yan Chengfeng's body, and said indifferently: "The clan hall of Frost Immortal Sect has not been opened for a long time."

"The divine sound of the first ancestor's reincarnation has never sounded. Who are you?"

The divine sound of the reincarnation of the ancestors sounded, which made the disorderly ancestors have to pay attention.

It has to figure out the reason for this.

Yan Chengfeng looked indifferent and said: "After the ancestor of the Frost Immortal Sect was recalled to the clan, he went through endless reincarnations."

"Countless years have passed, the light of the ancestor's reincarnation has dissipated, and the Frost Immortal Sect has not fallen, and the clan no longer exists."

"And I, the incarnation of the primordial spirit of the first ancestor, came to rescue the Frost Ice Sect and repeat the supreme glory of the clan."

"You are the incarnation of the primordial spirit."

At this time, in the clan palace.

An old woman in a Taoist robe looked deep and said coldly, "Young-haired boy, you don't even have long hair, so you dare to swindle in the Frost Immortal Sect."

"Have you ever heard of Lao Shen's name, go back! If you dare to be disrespectful to the ancestor, Lao Shen will make you unable to survive or die."

Yan Chengfeng turned his gaze to the old woman. This ancestor was a veteran of the Frost Bing Sect and an invincible sage.

Her breath was strong, and the world turned upside down at the snap of her fingers.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "I think it's you who is presumptuous! I am the first ancestor. If you are disrespectful to the first ancestor, you will be exempted from the death penalty, and the life crime cannot escape."


Shi Xuan's eyes were clear and he snorted coldly, "Little yellow-haired boy, you are digging your own grave."

"Since you keep saying that you are the ancestor of the clan, let me try it out, how much Taoism do you have?"

Shi Xuan's aura suddenly soared, and the combat power of an invincible sage cannot be underestimated.

Her old palms were spread out like a huge net, and they were quickly suppressed towards Yan Chengfeng.

There is an overbearing law rhythm in her palm, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger.

"God wishes unparalleled."

Yan Chengfeng sat cross-legged, and there were chapters of creation circulating all over his body, like a **** of creation.

The general trend of the entire Frost Immortal Sect recovered in an instant, covering Yan Chengfeng.

He mobilized the general trend in this world, and the fierceness was so terrifying that no one could match it.

Behind him, a hazy figure appeared.

That figure was not Yan Chengfeng, but a beautiful woman.

She is so beautiful, as if the most beautiful words in the world cannot describe her beauty.


"This is the original **** of the ancestors."

At this moment, the ancestors were stunned. It was the mount of the ancestors, and he could clearly feel the aura of the original gods of the ancestors.


Yan Chengfeng suddenly opened his eyes, there was a rhythm of blazing light in his eyes, and the unparalleled fierceness burst out, and Shi Xuan was directly shocked and flew out.

Shi Xuan couldn't stop Yan Chengfeng, she spat out a mouthful of blood, and her face was a little pale.

"You actually have the Yuanshen of the first ancestor, are you really the incarnation of the Yuanshen of the first ancestor."

Shi Xuan couldn't believe it, this was too weird.

Yan Chengfeng looked indifferent. Said: "You should call me the first ancestor, and whoever dares to offend again will be killed without mercy."

At this moment, no one dared to disobey Yan Chengfeng.

Because that original divine law cannot be faked.

Yan Chengfeng must be the ancestor of the clan.

They never imagined that the first ancestor had changed from a woman to a man.

"Ancestor, since you have returned to the Frost Frost Immortal Sect, please give your next instructions."

Ancestor Chaos came out with a very respectful demeanor.

After all, it is the mount of the ancestor, of course, dare not offend.

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep and he said, "You don't need to care about me, I'll take a turn in the Frost Immortal Sect first."

Having said that, Yan Chengfeng took Gan Mei and immediately left the clan hall.

"Since the first ancestor has returned, then Shixuan, you should send a few people to take care of the first ancestor." The disorderly ancestor ordered.

Shi Xuan did not delay, even if he was severely injured, there are still some things to do.

She went to deal with it immediately.

Frost Immortal Sect has countless palaces.

Yan Chengfeng, with Gan Mei, walked between the ancient temples, shuttling back and forth.

"Yan Chengfeng, you are really the incarnation of the primordial spirit of the ancestor of the clan."

Gan Mei came to Yan Chengfeng's side and whispered, "Don't lie, tell me the truth."

Yan Chengfeng looked indifferent and said, "I am the first ancestor, and the first ancestor is me."


Qian Mei frowned slightly and whispered, "The ancestor of the clan was a woman, so you shouldn't have lost all of your abilities!"

She was a little worried, she stretched out her hand and grabbed it without hesitation. When she touched the hard and bad things that harmed women, she was inexplicably relieved.

"It's okay, the bad stuff is still there."

Gan Mei immediately complained: "What are you thinking about in the daytime, isn't it hard to feel uncomfortable?


Yan Chengfeng smiled helplessly, the woman's brain circuit was indeed abnormal.

"The ancestor of the clan has become part of my memory, and I know everything about her."

Yan Chengfeng said something casually.

The ancestor of the clan was swallowed by the spirit of the beginning, and he devoured the spirit of the beginning, and got everything of the spirit of the beginning.

This is why he can mobilize the original **** of the ancestors. He is now equivalent to a big world, including countless small worlds.

He can mobilize the energy aggregates of these small worlds at will.

"Then you come to the Frost Immortal Sect and become the ancestor of the Frost Immortal Sect, what exactly do you want to do?"

Gan Mei stared at Yan Chengfeng, wanting to know what was in his heart.

Yan Chengfeng's behavior was inexplicable, she had to figure it out.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "The clan hides the supreme secret, and I am very curious about it."

Gan Mei felt that Yan Chengfeng was lying, but she didn't care.

Since Yan Chengfeng refused to tell the truth, she was too lazy to continue asking.

The most important thing now is to deal with the changes in Kyushu and Jiuyu.

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