Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 229: The thirteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, walking on thin ice

Guan Aoxue glared at Yan Chengfeng, not wanting to ask any more questions, this guy Yan Chengfeng was not a good thing at first glance.

before. She also often longed to get along with Yan Chengfeng alone.

At this moment, she suddenly understood that some things can only be lived in longing, and this world is really uncomfortable!

Yan Chengfeng often deliberately harassed her and teased her, and she was about to collapse.

Yan Chengfeng didn't delay, he walked to the spirit of wild swamp, his palm fell on the head of the spirit of wild swamp, and he began to steal some secrets.

That is the memory of the soul of the spirit of the desert.

Seeing Yan Chengfeng stealing the soul memory of the spirit of the desert, Guan Aoxue did not stop it, but stayed aside and watched quietly.

In just a moment, Yan Chengfeng completely stole the memory of the soul of the spirit of the desert.

After obtaining the memory of the soul of the spirit of the desert, Yan Chengfeng finally understood why the city of Gusu was dead silent.

"Yan Chengfeng, do you still want this desolate spirit? If you don't want it, then give it to me."

Guan Aoxue wanted this desert spirit, but she needed Yan Chengfeng's approval.

After all, this guy Yan Chengfeng is not a good thing at first glance.

If you and him **** the spirit of wild swamp, maybe you will be revenge again.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "This wild swamp spirit is not very useful, I will take you to explore a better creation."

Having said that, Yan Chengfeng immediately pulled Guan Aoxue away from the place.

Guan Aoxue was a little speechless, no matter how bad that desolate spirit was, it was still better than throwing it away.

Yan Chengfeng took Guan Aoxue and quickly came to the depths of Nanzhanbu Continent. This territory contained extremely terrifying energy, and the wisps of fierce power poured out, as if it could destroy everything.


In the ancient jungle, the cries of some rare and exotic beasts could be faintly heard, and those sounds were also a little scary.

This place is very gloomy, and strange sights can be seen everywhere.

In that piece of ancient jungle, there are pitch-black palaces. These palaces are very ancient and seem to have existed for countless years.

The surroundings are eerie and timid, if they stay here, they will definitely be scared to death.

Yan Chengfeng walked in the front, Guan Aoxue quietly took Yan Chengfeng's palm and followed Yan Chengfeng to the front hall.

On the gate of the hall, there are runes one after another, and these runes have lost their luster.

Yan Chengfeng tore off the rune on the door of the palace, and then pushed open the door that had been sealed for a long time.

In the halls, there are all pitch-black stone tablets, and the scene in each hall is like this.

This place seemed to be a solitary grave in the wilderness, Guan Aoxue was a little worried, and always felt the coolness behind him.

She hugged Yan Chengfeng tightly and said solemnly, "Yan Chengfeng, do you often use this method to take advantage of women?"

This guy is really hateful to bring her to such a place.

This place is very strange, and it seems that there are many unknown secrets hidden.

Yan Chengfeng didn't talk to him. After he passed through the hall, he came to the outside of an ancient thatched cottage.

After arriving here, he did not go inside.

This place is extremely strange. If you set foot there rashly, strange changes may occur.

"You're still here after all."

At this time, a strange voice came from the thatched cottage, and the voice sounded hoarse.

Yan Chengfeng's expression was calm, and he said calmly: "When the time is up, I will naturally come over. I came to this place just to get the things that will destroy those gods, demons, demons and immortals."

"If you don't make me embarrassed, I will also give you some benefits."

The other party didn't waste time with Yan Chengfeng. A black box flew out of the thatched hut and landed in Yan Chengfeng's hands.

After Yan Chengfeng got the black box, he immediately gave the other party some benefits.

After the deal between the two was reached, Yan Chengfeng also left the place.

Guan Aoxue's heart was full of doubts, she always wanted to ask Yan Chengfeng, and got the answer from Yan Chengfeng.

After leaving that strange area, Guan Aoxue asked curiously, "Yan Chengfeng, show me that thing, I'm very curious about it."

Yan Chengfeng looked indifferent and said, "There's nothing to be curious about, just be quiet! I'm going to retreat."

He didn't want Guan Aoxue to know too much, there were some things that Guan Aoxue could not know.

Knowing too much is harmful to Guan Aoxue.

"It's fine if you don't show it."

Guan Aoxue didn't force it either, since Yan Chengfeng didn't want to show it to her, she didn't bother to pursue it.

Yan Chengfeng and Guan Aoxue parted ways.

The matter in Nanzhanbuzhou has been resolved, and she and Yan Chengfeng are ready to leave.

In the vast mountains.

Yan Chengfeng sat cross-legged on top of the lofty mountains. He was like an invincible god. Between his movements, there was a terrifying rhythm, and his divine might was unparalleled in the world.

Feeling that terrifying energy accumulation fluctuation, everything in the world is shaking, and my heart is full of fear, and I don't dare to approach at all.

Yan Chengfeng opened the black box, and what was stored in the box was just a drop of black blood essence.

That drop of black blood essence is very terrifying, and the fierceness contained within is unparalleled in the world.

"This is the original spirit and blood of the barbarian emperor."

Yan Chengfeng didn't think much about it, and immediately swallowed the drop of Yuanshen's blood, and immediately began to refine it.

The vast world is vast, and in this vast world, there are countless equal and equal big clans standing.

Many of these ancient races have a long history and seem to have existed since a long time ago.

In this vast land, there are often great battles.

Among them, the most ferocious battle should be the battlefield of the Hundred Races.

Race wars often occur on the battlefield of hundreds of races, and those races often start wars in order to obtain supreme good fortune.

Sometimes, they even fight for territory.

The fighting among these ethnic groups is the bloodiest. There are invincibles fighting everywhere, and their killings are very terrifying.

Months flies by in a blink of an eye.

During this time, many young powerhouses went to the Hundred Races battlefield.

Those young powerhouses came to the battlefield of the Hundred Races not just for experience, but more to help some races and occupy the territory of other races.

On the battlefield of hundreds of tribes, there are countless invincibles, like crucian carp crossing the river.

On the morning of the 13th day of the twelfth lunar month, snowflakes began to fall in the sky. The air here became denser and cooler, and the temperature became lower and lower.

There is a group of creatures here, they are wearing thin animal skins and are walking on thin ice.

These people are very cautious, for fear of falling into the ice.

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