Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 282: Hidden very deep, peerless scriptures


Guan Aoxue's jade hand clenched into a fist, her heart was full of anger, but in the end she could only suffer from this loss.

Few of these women that Yan Chengfeng was looking for were good things, they were all a bunch of charismatic and arrogant people.

"Why didn't Yan Chengfeng fill up all the holes in your body to save you from spraying feces."

Guan Aoxue cursed angrily, and then went back to the cabin to meditate cross-legged and practice meditation.

She didn't want to talk nonsense with this group of coquettish people.

The goddess smiled indifferently and didn't care. She drove the starship and walked slowly into the distance to explore the Longevity Island.

At night, the stars are chaotic.

There is a dazzling scene in this territory. At the end of the coast of the East China Sea, there is a mountain peak, surrounded by purple fairy mist.

The sound of fairy music came from the mountain peak, and the sound was very pleasant.

"That is……"

"That mountain is so mysterious."

Seeing that mountain, countless monks were ecstatic, and that mountain was probably related to Longevity Island.

The monks of the Cangsheng Wan clan did not delay, and quickly drove the starship to the past, and soon came to the top of the mountain.

The area of ​​this mountain is very large, and there are many exotic fruits on it.

However, these creatures have long lost interest in exotic fruits, and all they want is longevity.

"what is that?"

Suddenly, a scroll of scriptures appeared in the sight of all beings.

That volume of scriptures is very terrifying, and the whole body has a bright light flowing, exuding a kind of extreme coercion, it seems to be some kind of supreme scripture.

It lies on the top of the mountain, like a sage's article, making countless strong hearts surging.

"That scroll of scriptures is so terrifying, be sure to grab it into your hands."

Everyone's eyes are deep, and there is a rhythm of greed.

This volume of scriptures is extraordinary and must be obtained.


Some of the strongest have taken action, and they all want to **** that volume of scriptures.

In this volume of scriptures, it is very likely that there are supreme secrets hidden.


A piece of heavy treasure is in the air, and this mountain peak is about to be sunk, and a violent ferocity falls down, and the boundless mountains and rivers are trembling.

"Go away from this seat, this seat is the person of the paradise in the beginning."

The handsome young man stood in the air, his breath was very terrifying, and the wisps of fierceness poured out, as if to tear the boundless stars apart.

The old fairy, the **** of fire, and the king of the black-winged demon are also among them.

They all want to get that volume of scriptures, no matter who is blocking the way ahead, don't think about it.

"This is King Zhou, as well as the king of the Black Winged Demons, the old man Xianmo, the world master of the Great Thousand World, and Lord Vulcan."

"I didn't expect this group of invincibles to appear. It seems that that volume of scriptures is really extraordinary."

"It's a pity! My strength is too weak. In front of these invincibles, I have no ability to fight..."

The monks watching were dumbfounded, their hearts filled with helplessness. The means of these invincibles are extraordinary, and they are not something they can compete with.

They can only choose to retreat, if they continue to stay, they may encounter danger.

Elder Xianmo and his party, they used the identity of Paradise in the beginning of time to act.

However, those creatures who stood in the air and wore black robes did not take it seriously.

"I'm waiting for the Thirteen Guests of the Ancient Immortal Court, so please retreat quickly!"

The thirteen middle-aged men in black robes stood in the air, their auras were terrifying, the energy was surging, and the entire Star Dou was crumbling.

Ferocious cracks are constantly spreading far and wide. This scene makes people can't help laughing and panic in their hearts.

These thirteen people are all in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor, and the thirteen Immortal Emperors went on expedition at the same time, which also proved the terrible power of the ancient immortal court.

No one can compete with this group of people, and they all have invincible means.

"Yan Chengfeng, what is that scripture?"

Guan Aoxue frowned slightly, so many people wanted to get that volume of scriptures.

That volume of scriptures must be terrifying, and perhaps there are secrets of immortality hidden in it.

Longevity is the dream of all beings.

The general trend between this world is also recovering, the world is about to collapse, and the East China Sea is churning for a while.

Feeling a big terrifying energy accumulation, everyone is retreating, and the panic in their hearts is hard to add.

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep, and he said leisurely: "That volume of scriptures has a great origin. It is the Twelve Classics of the Absolute Beginning. Although it is not longevity, it is also something that all living beings can't ask for."

"I didn't expect that there would be traces of the Twelve Classics of the Absolute Beginning here."

Yan Chengfeng was also a little excited, she would definitely not let it go.

"The Twelve Classics of the Beginning."

The pupils of Guan Aoxue and the others shrank, this volume of scriptures is indeed quite terrifying, if it can be obtained, it can be regarded as a big opportunity.

"The people of Ancient Immortal Court seem to be quite rampant recently."

The old man Xianmo looked indifferent and said, "Our allegiance is Emperor Qianmu, are you sure you want to be our enemy?"

"Even if you really have a lot of power, in front of Emperor Qianmu, I am afraid you can only bow your head and bow!"

"Emperor Qianmu, what is that?"

The thirteen guests of the ancient immortal court did not take the threat of the old fairy to heart at all, and said indifferently: "We are going to set the twelve scriptures in the early days, and no one can stop it."


Those creatures did not delay, they immediately took action, ready to **** the Twelve Sutras of the Beginning.

This is the supreme creation, no matter who has the face, it is not very good.

"court death."

The old immortals and demons were also angry, and they took action one after another to fight against the thirteen immortal emperors.


For a time, all kinds of terrifying scenes appeared in this territory, everyone was stunned, and their hearts were terrified.

The cultivators of the ten thousand clans retreated into the distance, and the mountains in the East China Sea were collapsing. After all, it was an invincible **** fighting.

Seeing the scene in this territory, countless creatures were shocked.

"As expected of the Immortal Emperor, we don't know how long it will take us to achieve such strength!"

There are countless inspirations, the heart is full of yearning, and the look of envy emerges on the surface.


At this time, Yan Chengfeng also shot.

The rhythm of the creation chapter caused a terrifying and unparalleled fierceness, that energy burst out, the whole mountains and rivers were in ruins, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

His methods are very domineering and no one can resist.

Especially the original breath, that is what all immortal emperors are afraid of.

Immortal Emperor has been afraid of the primitive since his life, and no one knows why.

If the original secret has not been left behind, maybe someone knows the answer!

It's a pity that the original secret has already fallen from the ruins.

Yan Chengfeng has mastered the original immortal seed, and many people think that he is likely to have the original secret.

As for whether he really has the original secret, no one knows at all, he hides it deeply.

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